BOOK NOTICES A SHO~T PHARMACEUTICALCHEMISTRY. Inorganic and Organic, by I. V. Stanley Stanislaus, M.S., Phar.D., Professor of Pharmacy and Organic Chemistry and Dean of the School of Pharmacy at the Medico-Chirurgica1 College of Philadelphia, and Charles H. Kimberly, B.S., (in Pharmacy) Ph.D., Professor of applied Chemistry in the School of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. Second Edition. Philada. D. Blakiston's Son & Company. Limp cloth, 5 x 7 inches, ix + 6IO pages. The text has been prepared from lectures and laboratory notes particularly intended for students of Pharmacy and the aim has been to present a systematic course in the subject with this object in view. In revising the work for second edition, progress in the science during the period of eleven years that have elapsed since its first appearance has been borne in mind and the original matter fully revised. Both Inorganic and Organic Chemistry are covered, condensed as far as possible by the omission of non-essentials, by. reason of the limited time available to the study of Chemistry in a course m Pharmacy. The book is conveniently arranged for quick reference and should well fulfil its intended object. L.E.P. AlqNUAIRE pour l'an I9o9 publi~ par Le Bureau des Longitudes, avec des Notices Scientifique. 4 x 6 inches, paper cover ; iv + 940 pages ; price fr. 5oc. Paris, Gauthier-Villars, Quai des Grands-Augustins, 55. Adhering to their usual custom of presenting each year papers on special subjects by authors of note, the publishers, this year, in addition to the standard data and tables relating to astronomy, physics, chemistry and engineering, include papers on Variable Stars by G. Bigourdan and on Motions and Deformations of the Earth's Crust by Ch. Lallemand. The work is a national standard and the data contained may be accepted as thoroughly reliable. L.E.P. T ~ . PRESENT STATUS OF MILITARY AERONAUTICS. By George O. Squier, Ph.D., Major Signal Corps, U. S. Army. iv q-71 pages, 6 x 9 inches, paper covers. 23 full page illustrations, diagrams, and tables. Reprinted from The Journal of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Many of the important advances made in the act of transportation have received their first impetus and much of their subsequent development through the necessities and exacting requirements of military service. The presentation of the first paper reviewing the subject as a legitimate hi'anch of engineering before the National Society of Mechanical Engineering by a military, technologist is, therefore, an occasion of undoubted significance. The most modern and successful derigible and afiroplane apparatus evolved both in this country and abroad are described in considerable detail along with the general considerations involved in both forms of apparatus. In an appendix are given the recent Government specifications for heavierthan-air flying machines and dirigible balloons in accordance with which were built the several forms of airship tested at Fort Meyer, Va., a short time ago. The appendix concludes with a sixteen-page bibliography and a list of a~ronautical societies at home and abroad. The student of afirodynamics seeking reliable information upon the latest advances in the art will find the paper true to its title. L.E.P. 238