Editorial A Significant Contributor to Neurosurgery
Although I never had the privilege of knowing Dr. Forest Chester Barber personally, there are very few neurosurgeons in this country or abroad who have not heard of the Midas Rex instruments and the Midas Rex Institute. When my longtime friend William McKinney told me that Dr. Barber had died, I asked Dr. McKinney to write for Surgical Neurology something that would be of help in acquainting neurosurgeons with the life of Dr. Barber, who has in fact contributed a great deal to neurosurgery,
as Dr. McKinney's fine article makes clear. With this in mind we are presenting this as part of the historical record of neurosurgery, since Dr. Barber in truth has made a significant contribution to the development and progress of neurosurgery.
EBEN ALEXANDER, JR., M.D. Winston-Salem, North Carolina