A simple method for measuring the energy of electrons in an accelerator beam. (USSR)

A simple method for measuring the energy of electrons in an accelerator beam. (USSR)

Classified abstracts 241 l-2425 between titanium electrodes pressure of 5 ‘.. IO-” torr. V S Bulygin et al, Z/I Teklr placed in a glass dcvicc s...

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241 l-2425

between titanium electrodes pressure of 5 ‘.. IO-” torr. V S Bulygin et al, Z/I Teklr


in a glass dcvicc


at a


45 (41, 1975, 892-897

(irr R~~winrr). 32

2411. second

On the emission


of high-current


of nano-

accelerators. (USSR) Emission characteristics of the planar vacuum diodes with plane and multi-emitter cold cathodes arc investigated. The residual prcssurc is 2 :.: IOeJ torr. The diodes arc used in nanosecond electron accelerators. The higher current and rate of current growth of multiemitter cathodes are cxplaincd by the higher formation rate of the plasma emission surface due to filed enhancement on macroemitters. I Z Gleyzer et al, Z/I Tekh Fi;. 45 (6), 1975. 1332-1333 (irr Rmsia~r). 31

2412. emission

Investigation cold cathode

A relation is found cathode and the secondary emission I M 1330-l

Vigdorchik 33 1 (i~r


the masimum heating pon’er in magnetron diodes. (USSR)

experimentally between Langmuir current in cold cathodes. and


P Timofeev,




the flow of energy to the magnetron diodes with Teklz


45 (6).



of intensive




(USSR) A nanosecond electron accclcrator to I McV at a current of 5 kA is described. The clcctron gun consists of a licld emission vacuum diode and is placed in a cylindric metal shield. An electron beam of 3 kA with a diameter of4cm and emittancc of 2 10v3 rad m is obtained. The duration of the llat portion of the clcctron pulse is in excess 01 30 nscc. The voltage pulse generator is described. V S Pak et al, Rep oJ‘Scie~/ Rcs Im /or N:~chwr P~I.Ix, Elawo~r u~rd AU/O/~, No 4. Tomsk Polytech Inst 1974. 66-69 (i/z R~rssimz).




to 1 Me\‘,




of electrons

S kA.



2413. Experimental verification pressure and outgassing flow

of the method in electro-vacuum

for determination devices. (USSR)

32 of

The differential method for determination of pressure and outgassing flow in electro-vacuum devices during their evacuation has been experimentally verified. It is shown that the results obtained with the aid of the differential method agree well with those obtained with the aid of the capillary method. V A Akopyan and N N Gonzhalov, Rep of Moscow Emrgy Iml, No 192, 1974, 115-I I8 (in Russian). 2414. To the problem of measurement in a pumped electro-vacuum device.

of pressure



32 flow

(USSR) A method for determination of pressure and outgassing Row in an electro-vacuum device during its evacuation is described. The method uses only one vacuum gauge and can be used at the utilization of arbitrary types of pumps. V A Akopyan, Rep of Mosco~c~ Energy Imt, No 192, 1974, 113-l I5 (in Russian). 2415. vacuum.

33 (USSR) Expcrimcnts on the transport of an clcctron beam ol’ I3 kA. clcctron energy of 500 kcV. pulse duration of 30 IISCC and beam diamctcr 01 4 cm through a metal tube with Icngth of4 111 and diamctcr of IO cm arc described. The depcndences of the total beam energy on prcssurc in the range of IO-’ to IO-’ torr arc mcusurcd. Espcriments on the transport of an electron bcum of 50 kA. electron cncrgy of I .4 Mcv, pulse duration of 100 nsec and beam diameter of4 to 6 cm through ;I metal chamber with dimensions of 50 50 20 cm are also described. A G Zhcrlitsyn ct al, Rep o/‘Scicwf Res /fr.sf /hr N~clmr P/I~Y, E/CCIW/I arrd AUIOUI, No 4, Tomsk Polytech Inst 1974. 3943 (i/r R~r.v.vimr). 2418.







32 in

(USSR) Microdischarges on dielectric surfaces of barium titanate, titanium dioxide and fluoroplastic in a vacuum of lo-’ torr are investigated. It is found that formation of microdischarges is determined by local field intensities in the gap. E N Abdullin and S P Bugaev, Izo VUZ Fiz, No 2, 1975, 132-134 (hz Rltssimz). 32 2416. Measurements of the electron work function of graphite electrode surface. (Poland) A method for indirect measurement of electron work function of

various surfaces at high temperatures and conditions of magnetohydrodynamic generator operation is described. The results of measurement of work function of graphite electrode are presented. E Mitkowski, Porzziury Aulom Kotzlr, No 3, 1974, 107-108 (in Polish).

to 600


20 AR.


A nanosecond accelerator of electrons to 600 keV at a current of 70 kA is constructed. The electron gun consists of a field emssion vacuum diode with a plane insulator with 500 mm diameter. The charging generator, charging inductivity, coaxial double forming line and commutalor are dcscribcd. A C Zherlitsyn et al, Rep of Scie~zl Res Itrsl o/‘Ndear P/IJ:s, Elw/rotr ad A~~rom, No 4, Tomsk Polytech lnst 1974. 63-66 (in Rttssimr). 2421. election

Experiments on beam traversing

acceleration of a gas. (USSR)





33 an

Experiments are carried out on acceleration of deuterons and protons by passing a high-current, I5 kA, electron beam through a gas at pressures ranging from 5 .’ IO-” to I torr. At electron energy of 700 keV and pulse length 50 nsec the maximum energy of the accelerated deutcrons and ions exceeded 2 MeV. The total number of accelerated particles per pulse was 10” at a hydrogen or deuterium pressure of 1.2 ‘i IO-’ torr. A A Kolomenskiy et al, Z/I Eksper Teor FL-, 68 (I ), 1975, 51-54 (in Russian). 33

(USSR) A pulsed ion source is described which is intended for time-of-flight spectrometry of fast neutrons. The average ion current to a target is 5 to 240 PA in the periodic mode and I20 PA in the mode with pesudo-random modulation. The pulse duration is 4 nsec. V B Anufiienko et al, Rep of Plzys-Etrergy Ifur, Moscow 1974, 57-69 (i/z Russiurz).






2423. A simple method for accelerator beam. (USSR)






of electrons

33 in an

A simple method is described for measuring the energy of electrons in an accelerator beam in the range of 2 lo 10 MeV. The method is based on the measurement of partial absorption of the beam in an aluminium foil with known thickness. The dependence of the electron absorption coefficient on the electron energy is presented for various thicknesses of the aluminium foil. A P Balashov, Prib Tek/z Eksper, No I, 1974, 27-28 (ijz Rzfssiatz). 33

33. NUCLEONICS 2417. TREK with the aid

equipment of “Tonus”.




of relativistic


33 rings

(USSR) To verify new methods of trapping and formation of relativistic electron rings, the equipment TREK for final energy of 18 MeV has been constructed. It is proposed to use gas focusing with the aid of ionised gas which should allow to increase the pressure in the chamber to 10s5 torr. An injector Tonus with injection energy of 1.5 MeV at a beam current of 2.6 kA is used. A N Didenko, Rep of Scienl Res Znsf for Nuclear Phys, Electrorz md Aurom, No 4, Tomsk Polytech Inst 1974, 35-37 (in Russia/z). 44

(USSR) A pulse electron accelerator with pulse current up to 10 kA and pulse length 30 nsec is described. The energy of electrons in the beam can be continuously varied from 200 to 550 keV. A vacuum diode operated in the mode of explosive electron emission is used as an electron gun. The accelerator is intended for investigation of electron beam interaction with plasma. Yu F Bondar et al, Prib Tekh Eksper, No 1, 1974, 25-27 (itz Russian). 2424.








33 secondary


in a gas counter.

It is shown experimentally that when gases with lower excitation

the counting and ionisation


plateau is the wider potentials are used.