Waf. Sci. Tech. Vol. 39. No. 12. pp. 133-140.1999 10 1999
Publishedby ElsevierScienceLtd on behalfof the IAWQ Printedin Great Britain.All rightsreserved 0273-1223/99 $20.00 + 0.00
PII: S0273-1223(99)00328-5
A STORM WATER RETROFIT PLAN FOR THE MIMICO CREEK WATERSHED J. Y. Li* and D. Banting** • Department ofCivil Engineering. Ryerson Polytechnic University. 350 Victoria St., Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5B 2K3 •• School ofApplied Geography. Ryerson Polytechnic University. 350 Victoria St., Toronto. Ontario. Canada M5B 2K3
ABSTRACT Storm water quality management in urbanized areas remains a challenge to Canadian municipalities as the funding and planning mechanisms are not well defined. In order to provide assistance to urbanized municipalities in the Great Lakes areas, the Great Lakes 2000 Cleanup Fund and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment commissioned the authors to develop a Geographic Information System planning tool for storm water quality management in urbanized areas. The planning tool comprises five steps: (I) definition of storm water retrofit goals and objectives; (2) identification of appropriate retrofit storm water management practices; (3) formulation of storm water retrofit strategies; (4) evaluation of strategies with respect to retrofit goals and objectives; and (5) selection of storm water retrofit strategies. A case study of the fully urbanized Mirnico Creek watershed in the City of Toronto is used to demonstrate the application of the planning tool. © 1999 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of the IA WQ. All rights reserved
KEYWORDS Storm water; water quality management; geographic information system; retrofit strategy INTRODUCTION Municipalities can play an important role in managing storm water quality in urbanized areas. However, they have to address the following physical and financial constraints in urbanized areas: • • • • •
lack of space and funding integration with existing infrastructure and drainage paths lack of proven technologies available for retrofit applications lack of an appropriate planning strategy safety and liability issues
One of the many challenges that municipalities must face in particular, is the lack of a storm water quality management planning tool for urbanized areas. The Geographic Information System (GIS) planning tool presented in this paper will allow municipal planners and engineers to identify appropriate retrofit storm water management practices (RSWMPs), estimate the potential cumulative effectiveness and costs of RSWMPs, develop and evaluate alternative storm water retrofit strategies, and select the preferred strategy for short and long term implementation.
"' The GIS planning tool is developed in the context of a rational decision making process.
It begins with the definition of environmental and economic goals and objectives for storm water quality management, which is then followed by the identification of appropriate RSWMPs in the study area. Alternative management strategies are then formulated in accordance with a preferred hierarchy of RSWMPs which emphasizes the use of source and drainage system controls before downstream centralized facilities are considered. Using a spreadsheet model, the alternative strategies are evaluated with respect to their achievement of environmental and economic objectives. The preferred strategy is then selected based upon the achievement of storm water management objectives, the cost-effectiveness of RSWMPs, and the opportunities to implement them in conjunction with municipal capital works and maintenance programs.
GIS is technology that enables digital processing of geographically-distributed data. The tedious task of extracting data from conventional paper maps and data tables is replaced by manipulation and analysis of spatial themes via interactive graphics and database management. Since the implementation of the RSWMP planning tool (Li et al., 1997b) involves these types of tasks, this research was initiated to investigate the usefulness of GIS. Specifically, the intention has been to evaluate the role of GIS in developing a planning tool for effective and appropriately-located RSWMP abatement measures that could be implemented in an urban municipality. THE MIMICO CREEK WATERSHED STORMWATER RETROFIT PLAN A case study of the fully urbanized Mimico Creek watershed in the City of Toronto is used as a demonstration of the planning tool. This creek drains an area of 40 square kilometres in the former City of Etobicoke along the western edge of Toronto, and encompasses a spectrum of urban land uses. Selection of a study site committed the project to working with the host municipality and its data and informationtechnology resources. Etobicoke had previously demonstrated a willingness to participate in stormwater pollution abatement research and was regarded as a typical urban environment in that it has digital geographic records of its municipal infrastructure. Issues associated with conversion and compilation of data records and liaising with municipal officials, in a GIS environment analogous to the situation in many other municipalities, was seen to broaden the applicability of the tool that was developed. During the period of this study the new City of Toronto was created, combining six former local municipalities and the former Metropolitan Toronto into a single entity. Formerly-disparate responsibilities (such as differentiated Metro and local roads) became consolidated, however, this process had not yet affected the GIS data records used in this study. Etobicoke's digital geographic data records serve the needs of the Works, Planning and Parks Departments, primarily in terms of mapping. The records are spatially separated (tiled) but thematically aggregated into map series such as Topography (Series 1- trees, buildings, fences, rail lines), Utilities (Series 2 • catch basins, manholes, poles, lights), Contours (Series 3 - lines and spot elevations),) Lot Lines (Series 4 and PIX 1), and Streets (PIX 11 - two-sided roads). The geographic coordinates of the points and linear vectors representing features have been standardized, in units of the three-degree Universal Transverse Mercator projection (3 UTM) , based on the 1927 North American Datum (NAD27). All Works Department records had been created and stored using the Bentley Microstation GIS. Attribute records were not extensive except for roads which had been stored as standard database (dbf) files, but had not been linked to digital geographic representations of their locations. Some additional records were only available as hard copy (paper maps of land use, parks, soils and 13 "key maps" of sewersheds) at different scales, to different standards and for diverse purposes. Part of the Mimico Creek basin crosses the Etobicoke boundary with a neighbouring municipality (the City of Mississauga) where the data standards are not the same as in Etobicoke or the new City of Toronto. This was not the ideal situation for geographic analysis, however, it is regarded as typical of municipal records and watershed-based planning, and therefore appropriate for realistically developing the planning tool to be targeted to other Ontario municipalities. 0
Due to the extensive data conversions and anticipated polygon analyses, Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) products (Arc/Info and ArcView) were selected as the GIS for this project. Other software products may serve these purposes, however this was the GIS platform of choice. These packages have
Storm water retrofit plan
Particularly strong capabilities for the geographic data processing tasks involved in this project: for reprojecting data to a common standard, for assessing data integrity, for aggregating polygon features such as sewersheds, soils and land use etc, for isolating geographic features based on their attributes or by overlaying different thematic layers, for ensuring the fidelity of the synthesized features, and for the ease of data extraction for engineering evaluations. The ESRI data structure is complex but permits both the interactive processing of geographic and attribute data (ArcView) and the high-order spatial data analysis (ArclInfo) required for this project. Unlike map-based systems, the ESRI data model enables themes of data (called coverages) to be isolated, and treated as a unit. Roads for instance would be isolated as one Coverage, sewersheds as another and outfalls as a third. Logical connectivity (topology) between features is built into the coverages, enabling a high degree of fidelity with the reality of these types of features on the ground. The initial tasks involved isolation of the available Microstation (.dgn) records from municipal files and supplementing these with data digitised specifically for this project (also using Etobicoke's Microstation software, and Etobicoke's standard projection and datum). These map-sheet files were clipped to the limits of the Mimico Creek watershed, then exported and converted to feature-based and topologically-structured Are/Info coverages. Most themes required joining into single coverages (e.g. combining of Etobicoke and Mississauga data, merging of the 13 Storm Key Plans, etc). Tables of feature attributes were subsequently linked to these GIS files. The specific data coverages used in this study included: • • • • • • • • • • • •
sewersheds - heads-up digitised from Storm Key Plans, keyed-in runoff-coefficient attribute outfalls - 106 points heads-up digitised from Storm Key Plans, attribute fields keyed in roads - PIX 11 heads-up digitised, sewershed-delimited topologically-structured centre-lines; linking of "roads" in the attribute database to road segments watercourses- Series I (Topography) heads-up digitised, topologically-structured open spaces - heads-up digitised, topologically-structured; attributes keyed in utilities easements - Series I and 2, topologically-structured ; attributes keyed in buildings - Series I (Topography), topologically-structured polygons soils - scanned then topologically-structured, texture attribute keyed in elevation - conversion of approximately 40 000 spot elevations land use - heads-up digitised, topologically-structured lots (PIX 1) converted to topologically-structured downspout areas heads-up digitised, topologically-structured
The analytical capability of GIS comes at the cost of the efforts required to assure data fidelity and consistency (Banting, 1992). The exercise of data conversion, compilation, topological structuring and integrity checking represents a significant up-front set of endeavours . The benefit, however is that GIS represents the Mimico Creek basin stormwater management system, enabling evaluation of the alternative RSWMP scenarios for meeting the retrofit goals and objectives. Step 1 • Definition of storm water retrofit goals and objectives In the Mimico Creek watershed, the environmental and economic goals of storm water quality management were defined as follows: •
Environmental goals • to rehabilitate and enhance the existing hydrologic cycle; and • to rehabilitate and improve the existing runoff quality. Economic goals • to integrate the storm water quality management strategy with municipal capital works and maintenance programs ; and • to minimize the cost of storm water quality management in urbanized areas.
As there has been no comprehensive watershed plan developed for this watershed, no numerical storm water control targets were set for the analysis. The purpose of this case study was to determine the achievable
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control targets and their associated costs. The environmental and economic goals were then defined by the following objectives: • • •
to reduce the existing runoff volume; to reduce the existing total suspended solids loading; and to use cost-effective RSWMPs.
Step 2 - Identification of appropriate RSWMPs A number of RSWMPs have been tested or proposed in the Greater Toronto Areas: downspout disconnection (MOEE, 1994), oil/grit separators (MOEE, 1994), storm water exfiltration systems (Li et al., 1997a), swales and ditches (Li et al., 1998), retrofit quantity ponds, storm water quality ponds (MOEE, 1994), and off-shore flow balancing systems (Aquafor, 1994).
In order to identify the feasible RSWMPs in the study area. a two-step evaluation procedure has been developed for each RSWMP (Li, 1996). The first step comprises the most critical screening questions which determine the physical suitability of the RSWMPs for the area of investigation (watershed). All of these criteria must be satisfied without exception in order to progress to the second step, in which secondary questions further examine the suitability of the RSWMPs and identify specific sites where all of the criteria are met. In the second, step criteria can be satisfied either with or without implementation of engineering measures designed to remedy the associated environmental impacts. If there are then further negative environmental impacts associated with the engineering measures, the RSWMP is not considered suitable for the study area. Li et al. (1997a) describe the conditions under which various RSWMPs are considered feasible. Downspout disconnection for lot level runoff disposal is considered potentially effective if slope gradients are gentle, soils are permeable, the groundwater table is deep, and there is open space available on individual lots. For oil/grit separators to be contemplated as an RSWMP option, the land use should be commercial or industrial; for cost effectiveness existing or proposed storm sewers should have construction impending. Storm water exfiltration systems can be considered for local roads in residential areas where the soil is permeable. Swales and ditches (Li et al., 1998) may replace storm sewers where there is sufficient right of way and maintenance of existing swales and ditches can be considered to be a stormwater quality measure. Retrofit of storm water quantity ponds is only feasible where they currently exist, where there is sufficient space to accommodate the water quality function, where public awareness can be assured and where access for maintenance can be provided. No quantity ponds were found in the study area so this option was eliminated from further consideration. New storm water quality ponds require open space, with sufficient area off-line to capture the first flush of runoff events. Concerns regarding compatibility with adjacent lands are similar to those of retrofit ponds. An off-shore flow balancing system (Aquafor, 1994) requires specific environmental conditions in the receiving waters of the watershed. A sheltered embayment devoid of significant aquatic ecosystem function is required. The downstream position and other concerns eliminated this option from further consideration for Mimico Creek. To identify suitable RSWMPs, values for each of the screening criteria were derived through GIS processing of the thematic coverages. Figure 1 illustrates the screening procedure of downspout disconnection. Prominent among these processing tasks were the "query by attribute", "overlay", and "calculator" functions. Query by attribute selects records from a thematic coverage based on specified value ranges for a set of attributes, for instance all polygons with a residential land use. Overlay combines two topologicallystructured coverages, merging the features of each into new features. Overlay of buildings onto lots creates a new coverage with built and open portions distinguished on a lot by lot basis. Attributes of the original coverages are also joined. Calculator functions permit aggregation, measurement and export of derived values, so that for each RSWMP, the number oflots, drainage areas or length of roads that are suitable for its use are identified and measured.
Storm water retrofit plan
Area o f buil din gs, by lot
Land .Use
Area of bu ild ings, by lot , in resident ial areas
Area o f build ings, by lot, in resid ent ial areas, on sa ndy so ils
Sewersheds where: Bulldlngrl.ot Area Ratio > 0.5, Land Use is residential, Soil is sa nd y EXPORT E~PORT FIEL DS: Loti for D~WD.pout Disconnection . Roof Area for Downspout Disconnection Land Area for Downspout Disconnection
Figure I. GIS data processing for downspout disconnection.
Downspout disconnection. For the downspout disconnection RSWMP, Li et al. (1997a) indicate that the roof to lot area ratio be less than 0.5, the land use residential, and the soil sandy. Using Arc/Info, the buildings were overlaid on lots, preserving each coverage's "polygon area" attribute. (Arc/Info automatically determines the area of polygon features and stores this as an attribute field.) For lots with multiple buildings the calculator function summed buildings within the lot and posted this sum to the attribute table. A new field was then created indicating the ratio of building area to lot size. Lots were then overlaid onto land use and soils polygons, as well as onto sewersheds. The resulting coverage consisted of 830 polygons, each with the required attribute fields -- building to lot area. land use and soil texture. as well as a link to the sewershed coverage. The ArcView query function then isolated the 69 sewersheds which met all of the prescribed criteria, and generated an export table summarizing drainage area, roof area and the number of lots in the area identified as suitable for downspout disconnection.
J. Y. U and D. BANTING
Oil/grit separator. This RSWMP is suitable in commercial and industrial areas, where a storm sewer is present. Among the attributes of roads is a classification field which identifies the presence of storm sewers. Pre-processing had redefined road features as the segment contained within an individual sewershed. Aggregation of all road segments within sewersheds enabled use of the calculator function to proportionalise the sewershed areas suitable and unsuitable for separator treatment. Overlay of sewersheds with land use isolated commercial and industrial areas. For each sewershed, the commercial and industrial drainage areas suitable for oil/grit separators were calculated and tabulated. Exfiltration systems . Identification of areas in which storm water exfiltration systems can be considered suitable was based on a series of overlays and queries. The ArcView query function was initially used to isolate from the roads database, those segments requiring reconstruction in the next 5 years (·poor roads"), then constraints regarding width (2 or fewer lanes), land use (in residential areas), and soil (sand) were imposed. Then overlay and the calculator function enabled creation of export tables of sewershed-based summaries. These were comprised of the length of suitable roads and the proportionalised suitable areas where exfiltration systems could be considered. New quality pond. Sites at storm-sewer outfalls were targeted for the construction of a new stormwater quality pond. Suitable sites were regarded as those where the outfall diameter was over 600mm, and the drainage area exceeded 5 hectares. Each of the outfalls had been linked to its sewersheds via an attribute field created during data capture. By aggregating sewersheds using the calculator function, total drainage area was determined and used as the basis of an ArcView query. Subsequent querying by the diameter criterion isolated 60 of the 106 outfalls. These were plotted over the open space and utilities easements coverages. By zooming to the areas immediately adjacent to each selected outfall site, details of sites were inspected for incompatible conditions - lOO-year flood line restrictions, proximity to open space uses such as recreation facilities (e.g. tennis courts, picnic areas), naturalised areas and wildlife habitat, and to potentially conflicting neighbouring lands (e.g. provincial highways, residential areas). Seven sites were identified for further on-site evaluations. For each of these sites, Arc/Info overlay and the ArcView query function enabled determination of residential, commercial and industrial areas served by each pond.
Other RSWMPs cited above were found to be infeasible for this watershed and no further investigation was conduction. Step 3 - Formulation of alternative storm water retrofit strategies The alternative storm water quality management strategies for the Mimico watershed were formulated by combining various mixes of appropriate RSWMPs in accordance with a preferred hierarchy of RSWMPs. This hierarchy emphasizes the use of source and drainage system controls before downstream water quality ponds. Alternative strategies also reflect, the experience and knowledge ofthe RSWMPs, and both short and long-term implementation constraints. Based on these principles, alternative storm water retrofit strategies were selected as indicated in Table I. It is noted that runoff quality control strategies have already included runoff volume control strategies. StSl4 - Evaluation of alternative retrofit strategies Alternative storm water quality management strategies were evaluated with respect to their achievement of environmental and economic objectives. Analytical probabilistic models (Li et al., 1997b) and a multiefficiency model (Weatherbe, 1995) were selected for this study because the required data and the level of accuracy are suitable for the preliminary planning of RSWMPs. Using derived probability theory, the analytical probabilistic models transform long-term rainfall statistics (e.g., average rainfall event volume, duration, inter-event time, and average annual number of rainfall event) into runoff statistics (e.g., average runoff event volume and the average annual runoff volume) in an urbanized catchment. Assuming a constant concentration of total suspended solids, the average annual suspended solid loadings from an urbanized catchment can be determined. The multi-efficiency model assumes the cumulative control performance of RSWMPs can be determined in a manner similar to the cumulative treatment efficiency of a series of treatment systems. The analytical and multi-efficiency models have been coded into a RSWMP analysis spreadsheet and were used to evaluate alternative storm water retrofit strategies. The cost-
Storm water retrofit plan
effectiveness of RSWMPs was also investigated by comparing the marginal costs of quantity and quality controls. In the Mimico watershed, the descending order of cost-effectiveness is: (1) downspout disconnection; (2) water quality ponds; (3) storm water exfiltration systems; and (4) oil/grit separators. Table 1. Alternative stormwater retrofit strategies Strategy
Implementation Horizon (year)
% Downspout disconnection
Runoff volume control strategies Sla 20 1-5 S2a 50 6-15 S3a 100 16-25 Runoff quality control strategies SIb 20 1-5 S2b 50 6-15 S3b 100 16-25
% Oil/grit separators
% Retrofit exfiltration systems on existing poor roads
% Retrofit exfiltration systems on future poor roads
# of new water quality ponds
0 0 0
0 100 100
0 10 20
0 0 0
0 20 30
0 100 100
0 10 20
2 4 7
Step 5 • Selection of a retrofit strategy The maximum runoff volume reduction and solids loading reduction that can be achieved in the Mimico watershed are about 14% (Strategy S3a) and 18% (Strategy S3b) and the associated costs are $7.8 million and $10 million respectively over the next 25 years. These strategies assume: • • • • •
All the appropriate areas for downspout disconnection will be completed in 25 years; Thirty percent of appropriate areas for oil/grit separation application will be installed in 25 years; All the appropriate roads which are in poor condition now will be retrofitted with exfiltration systems in 25 years. Twenty percent of the appropriate roads which are in good condition now but will deteriorate in the next 25 years will be retrofitted with exfiltration systems. Seven potential water quality ponds will be constructed in the next 25 years as capital projects or redevelopment water quality controls .
If the existing swales and ditches in the watershed are assumed to contribute to the overall runoff volume and solids loading reduction, the maximum runoff volume and solids loading reduction that can be achieved in the watershed can be increased to about 17% and 33% respectively . Thus, maintenance of existing swales and ditches may be an effective stormwater management measure. Operational controls such as improved street sweeping practices and increased catch basin sump maintenance and sewer flushing are also recommended to complement the selected strategy and improved the solids loading reduction. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The GIS planning tool provides a systematic methodology for municipalities to develop storm water quality management strategies in urbanized watersheds. It allows municipal planners and engineers to develop numerical control objectives and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of alternative management strategies. Though GIS enables digital processing of geographically-distributed data, its value for standardising data compilation is preferred to the assembly of paper maps. The value of GIS was clearly demonstrated in the repetition of processing tasks such as the querying, overlaying and calculation of summary data for each RSWMP. The use of GIS was not intended to automate the processes of site selection and evaluation of alternatives, but to foster the evaluation of various scenarios for retrofitting the stormwater management system. Additional scenarios have been suggested by the case study and will be the subject of continuing research initiatives. With continued refinement of the tool, a higher degree of integration of the engineering and geographic analyses could be achieved, further streamlining the identification, evaluation and selection functions.
J. Y. Ll and D. BANTING
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research study was initiated and funded by Environment Canada, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, and the City of Toronto. Throughout the course of the study, the Study Steering Committee members provided excellent guidance, advice, and data to the Study Team. REFERENCES Adams, B. J. and Bontje, J. B. (1983).
Microcomputer applications of analytical models for urban drainage design, Proc.,
EmergingComputerTechniques for Storm waterand Flood Management, ASCE Specialty Conference, 101-122. Aquafor Beech Ltd. (1994). Environmental Study Report Brimley Road Drainage Area - WaterQuality Enhancement Strategy. Report prepared for the City of Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. Banting, D. (1992). Data quality management in GIS. The Operational Geographer 10(4), 22-26. Banting, D. (1995). A classification of GIS processing functions. Cartouche 20,10-12. Li, J., Tran, 1., Henry, D. and Liang, W. (1997a). Development and evaluation of the City of Etobicoke exfiltration system. Proceedings of The Operational WaterManagement Conference. Copenhagen, Denmark, 407-413. Li, J., Weatherbe, D., Mack-Mumford, D. and D'Andrea, M. (1997b). A screening tool for stormwater quality management in urbanized areas: the City of Scarborough Case Study. WaterQualityResearch JournalofCanada, 32(1), 37-52. Li, J., Orland, R. and Hogenbirk, T. (1998). Alternative drainage system. Canadian JournalofCivilEngineering, 25(2), 26-39. Ministry of Environment and Energy (1994). Storm water Management Practices Planningand Design Manual, Queen's Printer of Ontario, Ontario, Canada. Weatherbe, D. G. (1995). Laurel Creek analysis - phosphorus, Report prepared for the Grand River Conservation Authority, Ontario, Canada.