A survey of physicians' attitudes and practices in the drug testing of adolescents

A survey of physicians' attitudes and practices in the drug testing of adolescents

JOUSNAL OF ADOLESCENT HEALTH Vol. 12, No. 2 ABSTRAm 170 Abstracts Read by Title Ody at the khtwal. Mtieting of The Socieiv March Eel for Adoles...

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Abstracts Read by Title Ody at the khtwal. Mtieting of The


March Eel





“A %JWey Of Phye1ci.e.’ Accic~~o. .nd i’r.ccic.e ti1 the Drag heCiao of Adol..cr.c.“. Carry bl8m.n. Y.C.. Joha L. Puu. 11.0.. Dept. of P.di.tric. .r,d Ccc. :a: Cllnlo.1 Ethic., Luc71rr.n Cm. Hcn$. ..d W. Group. P.rk Ride.. IL.

A PILOTSTUDY ONMOLESCENT SEXUAL BEHAVIOR ANDAIDSKNONLEDGE. Vtncenr R. Mason, N.D., Dept. of Ped!@Wics,OivWon of AdoIescenrHedlclne,Unlver,rty of Yarhlngtonl Serttll,Wash. The purposeor thisstudy1s Lo describeAM knorledpc, ssxciel behrvior, bnd #oar relstionshlos/lnfluenWs from the perbectiveof out-of-h- adoles, self-described es hearosexurl WM. TwmY out-Of-h#*edolO6Cent msleS (70X)or blsexurl/homoseruol (305).wera rendomlyselectedfrome runewJy ihelbr fn s tijoia~~poll~in r;ir to plrtlcitito in e plld. dS-mlnW. stywumd Interview.The Mervlew focuwd on six domains0: interest: 11) Arsertioninvenlor, (21 AIOS knowlodge(ASMRF.= attihida md BSCOPCEm behrvlor),(3) Sexus ?nd cnndd use with- fmflfRr VS. Uehf0il~er sexz prectite url prtnerr (RISK).(4)nOsl c-n mesons for not u3n9 c0ndr.u.(5) Beliefsreletedto srxuelprsclices on s rsngefrom "rlweyssefe'to “nmr srW (BELIEFS). md (6) Pmnt-peer reletionshlps. EzWrtsons we msde bssedon sexuelorlentetlon usingone-my ANOVA and mens comwlson. Only threewear sl,~atd s~arf.tfcel sfgnit!:xa heWam the tw groUPa: P-ve1ur Howsexui.l neterosexur1 (Mees/std. dev.) !Ums/std. dev.) .0094 14.52/1.01 .05lM .oMa

5.w2.47 6.19/1.76


Nuse resultssuggestthat eltltudes (ASCORE)relatedt. lIl!Sknaled9e were saleswere aon lftelyLO use bettorin the Mousesee group. tfebiwseaual mndoa when engbyinpin sexualintercwrse(RISK). whilehwsexuel Wlcs knewmm aheutwhich sexual practfces were rafer (BELIEF:). Sfnce this is a pilot Srudv, snra capariwns are nee6ed hetwaen thesetwo groups in addition





fn the general



of HIV



d-mated m urbm populationa. The Sontinol Hompital Summillancrm Oroup(SHBB) reportad a 4* rate uonq 96-44 y.0. innu aity fualtm (cm 5 Northaamt map&ala. Our study vaa undutakan to datumina tlm provalonca oi HIV ammq urban adalwoento pre~ioumly duonatrattd to have hiqb ratea or Sam. A Qohorc or Ds? amalLy active mm0 adoImaenta atturdinp an urban olinio hr routim gyne~lag~o cara batuaan 1996-1999 wemanon uo1y mreumd roar widancm or nXv by s&ISA with oonlimat Pon by Uamtom bLot. Patla8ta wara batwan izbm aqaa or la-11 (1~19)t 438 blaok, 439 lIi6penie, arc 149 UhitWothu. Thu lw ror rirmt ooitu~-ls.6, 8aan mubar of lirotiu muuai


P.r..t. r.qu.‘t

tha ciami IntarnDImcm fn ?hm

practicam r... &iariI bicaab.



chaI rveymy ~U~~CIC



Amm7oN OF FPJ7wf I7mn7ooR?IccR77cY VIRUS WV) IW aRmAux AcmvR 7mm7l rmkm AwLIBm. Anne T. 77owi. I.D.. Waltar 0. Rownteld, X.D., 7lalwo D. cay1e. M.D., 7I.P.W.. Charlem A. SchabJe. U.S., Flebmrt D. Rurk, 1.0.. Dopt or Pd. nontaticm IWd Ctr/Mbart Qoll Had, Bronx, NY and HIV/AIM Div. CRC, Altan$a. GA.


Dr.11 and alcobl urea and chmical daomdonc. .r. co-o ohenoa.~ lo .dol--‘sa&. How prk.r9 cm. phyeici... &old .ppro.eh th. di;ena.i‘of chrlo... d.p.nd.a,.a in rdol..cencr 1. di.puc.d, eap.ci.11~ vh.. drue ce.cicm vithmt tallion the .dol&c.nt. & det.%no prim.ry &r; phya!ci.n.’ .ttitud.. cov.rd ..d wrdfw drw c.sttne of .dol..o.nc.. Y. ui1.d . scruccurcd, pretated. qUI.cioM.iro m;ily . cm. vigas.x. co is00 fmily pr~FritioD.c., .ad .ir-:ooecp .Vo. eurroocdW,e Th. sob?..er. VW. ..krt.d ..ndomly f-, 1i.c ch.c ioc1.d.a “X of Illiaola phy‘iCurIe. A ‘eeoed ui1i.e .od .t.ci.cical so.ly.1. u.1.y .?L’ .‘. ..poot.d. D.C. VW bo m.1ya.d co .n.oaV: 1) Hoi. often do priurry oh.. p”-.lcl.m r.pctt ordsziee drug for .dole.e.ocel 2) Hnu oftsa ate taILI c ‘sr.d vichrrut the .dole.cmc’. kooul.de. .nd c..S.St? 3) WUC m.dk.1 )iDo~lda* +a phyeic1.m b.v. on ch. clio~cel ;flic?ey .nd .ecur.oy of true L.‘tIne in .dol,.ceace7 ..d 0 tlor do p~w.kl... .ppro.chtbc sthic.1 i..we of coafid.nti.licy, truth-t.lliok .od ao.t.1 caapmoibility for ~dolweeuc~ecieace7 Inforrurion dcr1v.d from vhotbrr chore ie pr...otly . o.n.o.our OL “.r.nd.l:d of c.c.” r.1ev.a. co drve carPioe n.d OIly..doc .ppio.oh.. io d1r~oo.i. uod cr..tBpiric‘lly U.&d Ci.-s..iJQ Of ?chie.l

238had baen pregnant. Nopatiant





infmtmd with HIV. TUB mum cotart had hiqh prwakwa rates Of ponorrrhu (38) and Chlamydia (l&69), and a rata Of himaR ~p~lo~virum (3stb auqgaeing ligniiicant axpoaurm to 8TR. Tht. mbauhcool HXVamnq thaao patiantm who wrm clauly axpaaad to m pzwida8 lvidanca that thair current xdwk Car HIV nay not im am kiqh a8 prwio~mly thought. The MS0 wrvoy difbnd r.- cur cohort in that the fomr Lncluded oldu who uara km irwmtiurta 4~3wtpatimtm and who may have bad other =bractarbtiu plaomng thu at greatar risk for wfv. stilz, Our rmdts provida mothar insight into t71a t11Vproblaa in adolumnts. G&WI thm l+'*Ilhaal that CM rink oL UIV in this mation MUld incXW& vi*h additional •x~~wra. thau findtW Pb-ida f’Xthar iZQatUS fcI? pra%‘ant:VC Ytra‘@c)ia!# iOr hiqh r:is* qronpm or youth vho am not aa yat info&ad.

WOLBCeKT MUEOLXC SIWOID USE. Eva Il. Komoromki. %D. Fep.rtm‘nc of Psdi.trio.. and V‘qkn I. Rlok‘rt. P‘y.D Univ.r.icy of Arkuu.. far Hedie& Seimcmr .nd hrkmw.. Cbi1dr.n’. Ha.oit.1. Lircl~ Rack. Arkmu... R.C.nc r.porc. 1nJic.t. chat 5.11c of 1~1s hl@ rehool .dol..c.nc. r....rch ch.L .unmy.d b.vv o..d .n.bolic .c.roid. (.S) . sl.v.rth m.d. m.1. .dola.~.ncs In chr.. goutham school di.wi&. feud th.C ll.li .dmtce.d co lu’ u... To d‘~.rmin. If 1norr.r.d Wdl. .It‘nci.n .boucAs h.. m.d. .n imp.c~on .dol..c.ne.’ .tcicud... b.1i.b. .nd u..e. P.tt.r... cheae ..m. thi.. .chool di‘tricca Y.I. rs-sxuin.d . In .ddirAon. i-y..r lnC.W.1 u.ing an ..t.bli.h.d .olf r.wrc D‘..ur.. MIUur.. of body lug. .nd rink-o.king bah.viol wee al.0 employed. lR9.o q..“ur.. w.r. e1v.n co 1.601 whore 662 ~1.. and 798 fU.1‘. (~1-1532) co&t.d ch... in.ccw.r,i.. R..ulC. f.lmd th.C 7.78of .lw.ach 8r.d. ~1.. .nd 1.5~of .l.v.nch yr.0. f.m.1.. r.port.d As u... Av9r.p ‘8. of W. w.. 16.8 y..L. vbll. .&s of d.but .v.r‘@d lb.8 y.‘re. A. .rp..t.d. th. ujoriry of m.1. u..r‘ p.rbip.md in lPorCl .nd h.d b.ct.r knovl.d@ of ch. .ff.cC. of AS (p < 0.05). 0th.r Sr... th.t ~iff.r.nt1.t.d us.cS from ncnwara lacluded fi.k-c&in6 beh.vlor (p < 0.002). upp.r body ..%.f.oclon (b C 0.01). w.clo .cr.n.# inc.r..t Y.. chat ch. iP < 0.01). and sirs (p < 0.05). Of p.rcicu1.r inbx of rooio.conomic oc.cu did not ditfor.nt1.t. U.E. from nunware lllth r...rd co .nd balisf.. YI.~. v.r. mom lilulv (P > 0.05). tb b.1i.v. ch.r bI,=h;ohoal .nd ~011.~. ath1.t.. ior. o.in,~ AS (71 < 0.001) .“d ch... .g.nc. .hould b. .bl. co br u..d .c .ll l.v.1. of *port. (p < 3.001). U9.r. ..r. al.0 10.. llkoly .c.c. eh.c As .o. . focn of dru,, u....,. (p < 0.001) ‘nd l... lik‘ly co VieI) A9 ‘. h.raful co th.ir ovar.11 h..ltc (p < 0.05). our &c. oum..L ch.c th. r.c. of As u.. by .dol..c.ac. h&r.m.in.d .c.bl. .v.n viih incr....d madi. .tc.nrion of ch. d.crib--c.I off.ctr uld pcrultl.. of us..




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