MOLECULES AND MENTAL HEALTH. Edited by F. -4. Gibbs, J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 189, not indexed. Price $4.75.
This slim book records the proceedings of two conferences sponsored by the Brain Research Foundation. The first part deals with certain chemicals and their relation to brain function and behavior, and contains mostly old stuff that has received wide attention elsewhere (ceruloplasmin, “taraxein,” ergot hallucinogens, tryptophan metabolism in schizophrenics, and acetylcholine effects on behavior). The most interesting material in this section is Elmadjian’s data on the excretion and metabolism of epinephrine and norepinephrine in man, and the effects thereon of exertion, excitement, hostility, etc. The second section deals with a rare epileptic variant seen in pediatric practice and called hypsaryhthmia [sic]. It is apparently. amenable to AC’I‘H and cortisone treatment (or was con sidered so in March, 1958). This book will be of little interest to most physicians, although collectors of typographical errors may enjoy the following from page 14: “Our oxidation curves, like his, were superimpossible.” (Or was this a value judgment?) Louis Lasagna
Bristol, .A SYNOPSIS OF SKIN DISEASES. By Bethel Solomons, Jr., MA., M.D., F.K.C.P.I. 19.59, John Wright & Sons Ltd. Pp. 293, indexed. Price $6.75. The Williams Pu it’ilkins Co., Baltimore, exclusive LT. S. agents. This is a small volume which is designed to be an index of dermatology. An attempt is made to sketch the various disorders of the skin with emphasis on etiology, basic descriptive features, differential diagnosis, and therapy. Since it is written in stacatto fashion, a great deal of information is packed into a small size. The reviewer personally approves of this style as one of the basic forms for a textbook. All readers may not agree with the recommended forms of therapy, but most of the facts are well presented. I believe that this book will be useful to many people practicing, tearhirrg, or studying dermatology. Ernest \V. Smith