A Treatise on Orthopaedic Surgery

A Treatise on Orthopaedic Surgery

land. 8~0. Cloth. $8.50. Pp. 1069; Phils., \\-. B. Saunders Co., 1927. 186 iIlus. The appearance of a new book on bacteriology challenges attention,...

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land. 8~0. Cloth. $8.50. Pp. 1069; Phils., \\-. B. Saunders Co., 1927.

186 iIlus.

The appearance of a new book on bacteriology challenges attention, when so many good textbooks on the subject exist. Ford’s work displays evidence of the greatest industry. Part one is an historicnf presentation and a discussion of tflc morphology, staining ant1 \-itaf :Ic’tivitics of bacteria and methods of ~-il;ll a discussion of classification inftctiori, foIlo\vin:. Bactcriofogy,” Part W-0, on ” Systematic pro\-ides an exhausti\-e study of individual orgnnisms, n.ith esceIfent colorec1 iIfustrations. The cIassification oE Schizomycetcs founcf in the table of contents might have been reprintetf in tfie tcut, to ndv:tntage. It is unf0rtunat.e that there are so few references to papers appearing after 1920, and that the references in the section on diphtheria fai1 to mention the esccflent monograph published fq the British Research Council in 1920. Part three is a veq- good presentation of the distribution of bactcrin, and incfudcs some rcfw-cnccs to the m0re recent fiterature. Part four, on inf’ection, gi\-es the orthodox prcsentation of’ this topic. TIE bacteriophage has :I brief cflaptcr, but there is no mention of Bronfenbrener’s or Schwartzman’s work. ‘I’hc spirochetes and infectious microorgnnismx of undetermined such as character, Rickettsi:t, are taken up in the final chapters. l‘hca rwent epoch-making work of Nogucfli anti his colfabor:~tors is not included, which, holvever, is only a commentary on the difEcufty 0T making entireI>- up-to-dntc any testbook in ;L discipline advancing as rapidly as bacteriology. Tflis vofume will prove hefpfu1 in lnboratorics, to puJ)Iic health workers, and to practicing ph> sicians ancf surgeons. TIE Iattcr are constantly engaged in the practical controf of I)actcriaI growth in the human body. ‘I ‘he pubfishers ma \. bc proud of a book which is \veIf printed and has ilfustrations rivaffing those in the Iwst German texts.

By Richarcf C. Cabot, Prof. of hIed., IIarvnrd Univ. Ed. g. Cloth. $5. 81-0. Pp. 536; 6 pf., 279 iffus. N. Y. \liIliam \$‘ood 8: Co., 1927.


In this edition of Cabot’s excellent ancf pop&r book the chapters on the bIood, tubercufosis and cnrdiot_ascuIar diseases have been rev &cl.

OF THE DISEASES OF THE 11.~~:. For Stucfents and General Practitioners. i By Charfes H. nlay, M.D., Director and Visiting Surg., Eye Service, BefIevue I Iospital, X. \r-., 1916 to 1926; Consulting Ophth:~fmoJoyist to nlt. Sinai, French, and Italian I lospit&, N. Y., ancf to nlonmoutfl Memori:\l 1 Iospitaf; etc. Ed. 12. 8vo. Cloth. $4. Pp. 445; 374. illus. inclutfing 73 coIored figs. Ne!v J’orT\: \rt’ilfi:m~ i\Tootf and Co., 1927.


This quite rcmarkabfe IittIe work, I\-hicll has been tflrough eleven editions nncf many- rcprintings here, as we11 as numerous foreign editions -British, Spanish, French, Italian. German, Dutch, Japanese and Chinese-continues to hold its popuInrity as a manual for stucfents and general practitioners. In spite of its numerous ren.ritings and abundance of plain and colored illustrations, the author has succeetfcd in keeping the volume down to sni:~fI size. This edition, for exampIe, has the same number of pages as the eleventh, despite revision. The modernity of the text m:Ikes Figures 21, 34 and 35 look incongruous; the)- ilIustr:ltc ifIumina&n of the eye by gaslight! A TIEAT~SE OS ORTHOP.cpt. of Labor, etc. Ed. 8. 8~0. Cloth. $9. Pp. 1061; 95-c engravings. PIliIn. L,c:I & iYc4,igcr, I 927. &%itman is a keen obscr\-er and :t11 imprcssive teacher ant1 the many who, as students, hve interns or clinic visitors, assistants. fistencd to him nncf seen flim work, hue Icarned much from a master. In addition, fw has



of Sorgcry



ticuJarly of this with the first, shows strikingJy how this speciaIty has developed in the operative field and aJso in the field of helio- and physiotherapy, and hon- much it has grown into traumatic and reconstructive surgery, the treatment of a11 the inflammatory and neoplastic diseases of bone, of fractures, of dislocations-in short, what may well be termed “skeletal surgery!‘: as contrasted with the surgery of deformltres onIy. In the rather recentI\- added chapter on “ColJateraJ Orthopaedic Surgery,” fractures are deaJt with onJy briefly, except the author’s abduction treatment of fracture of the neck of the femur and his reconstruction operation. In the seventh edition there was no heading over the text immediateJy following the paragraphs on “centra1 fracture of the acetabuJum,” and that running titJe ran on severa pages devoted to other subjects. This curious typographic oversight was not corrected in this edition. Aside from the space aJIotted to hip, as contrasted with other fractures (a disproportion pardonabJe because the author describes his own methods), the allotment of text and illustrations to the topics discussed in this work is in accordance with their importance and their incidence in orthopedic practice and, especialJy, in the practice of the author. This edition is about seventv pages Jarger than the preceding and contains much new matter. Thus, five pages are given to the description and iJJustration of Finney and Hughson’s operation for torticoJIis.

BOOKS RECEIVED FISTULA OF THE Axus AND RECTUM. By Charles John Drueck, M.D., P.A.C.S., Professor of Rectal Diseases, Post-Graduate Hospital and Riedical School, Chicago. 8vo. Cloth. Pp. 318; 66 ilIus. Phila. F. A. Davis Co., 1927. SURGICAL DISEASES OF THE GALL.BLADDER, LIVER AND PANCREAS AND THEIR TREATMENT. By Moses Bchrend, A.M., M.D., F.A.c.s., Attending Surgeon to the Jewish and Mt. Sinai and Northern Liberties HospitaIs; ConsuIting Surgeon to the Hebrew Orphans Home, the Jewish Maternity Hospital, and Jewish Seaside Home, Atlantic City; Instructor in Anatomy in the Jefferson Medical College. 8~0. Cloth. Pp. 278; IOI illus. PhiIa. F. A. Davis Co., 1927. THE SCIENCE AND PKACTICE or; SURGERY. By W. H. C. Romanis, M.A., M.B., M.CH., Cantab., F.R.C.S. (Eng.), F.R.S. (Edin.); Senior Surgeon in Charge of Outpatients and Teacher of PracticaI Surgery, St. Thomas’ Hospital; Surgeon to City of London HospltaI for Diseases of the Chest; Examiner in Surgery to Univ. Cambridge, etc.; and PhiIip H.

IMitchiner, hl.D., %~.s. Surgeon in Charge of Operative Surgery and St. Thomas’ IIospitaI; Pp. 1750; 666 illus. N. Y

(Land.), I;.R.c.s. (Eng.) ; Out-patients, Teacher of Demonstrator of Anatomy, etc. z vol. Svo. Cloth. $12. \ViIIiam Wood 8 Co., 1927.

MINOR SURGEKY. By Arthur E. HertzIer, RI.D., F.A.c.s., Chief Surgeon, Halstead HospitaI; and Victor E. Chesky, A.B., ILI.D., T;.A.C.S., Chief Resident Surgeon, HaIstead Hospitaf. 8vo. Cloth. $10. Pp. 568; 438 iIIus. St. Louis: C. V. nlosby Co., 1927. EMERGENCIES OF A GENERAL PRACTICE. By the late Nathan CIark Morse, A.B., nm., F.A.C.S. Revised and Rewritten by Amos Watson Cofcord, ~I.D., Surgeon, Carnegie StecI Co.; Surgeon, PennsyIvanix Railroad System; etc. Ed. 2. 8vo. Cloth. $10. Pp. 541; 311 illus. St. Louis: C. V. Rlosby Co., 1927. CHIRURC;ISCHE R~~NTGENOLOGIE. Ein Grundriss der Anwendung der Riintgenstrahlen in dcr Chirurgie mit einem Anhang Radiumtherapie. By Dr. Hans Kurtzahn; Privntdozent fiir Chirurgie, Chirurpische Universitats-Klinik, Kiinigsbcrg. 8vo. Mk. 10.20. Paper. Pp. 216; I IO iIIus. Berlin: Urban B Schwarzenberg, 1927. IXDIKATIONEN FOR DIE OPERATIVE BEHANDL.UNG DER FRAUENKRANKIZEITEN. Bv Dr. \%‘aIther Benthin; a.o. Professor an der AIbertus-Universt6t und Ieitender Arzt der Abteilung fiir Geburtshilfe und Frauenkrankheiten des stgdtjischcn Krankenhauses zu Kiinigsberg i.Pr. 8vo. Mk. 10.20. Paper. Pp. 226. BerIin: Urban & Schwatzenberg, 1927. SURGERY-,ITS PRINCIPLES AUD PRACTICE FOR STUDEXX AND PRACTITIONERS. By Astley Paston Cooper Ashhurst, A.u., XD., F.A.c.s., Professor of CIinicaI Surgery in the University of PennsyIvania; Surgeon to the EDiscoDaI HosoitaI and to the PhiIadeIphia Orthoped’ic Iiospital ‘and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases; Colonel, Medical Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Ed. 3. 8vo. Cloth. $10. Pp. I 179; 15 coIored plates and 1046 ifIus. Phifa. Lea & Febiger, 192;. MA,Y.UALor; SURCERV (Rose and Carless). For Students and Practitioners. By Albert CarIess, C.&E., x~.B., American Hon. FcIIow. hf.s. (Land.). , F.R.C.S.. College of Surgeons; Emeritus Professor of Surgery, King’s CoIfege, London; and Consulting Surgeon, King’s CoIIege HospitaI, etc.; and CeciI P. G. WakeIev, F.R.C.S. (Enn.), F.R.S.(Edin.); Erasmus Ro&I Coffege of Surgeons of Wilson Lecturer, England; Assistant Surgeon, King’s CoIIege Hospitxf; Lecturer in Surgery, King’s College Hospital Medical SchooI; Assistant Surgeon, Belgrave I los&x1 for ChiIdren and West End IIosnitaf i’or Nervous Diseases, etc. Ed. 12. 8vo. C&h. $11. Pp. 1544; 639 iIfus. N. Y. WiIfiam U’ood & Co., 1927. NASAL NEUROLOGY, HEADACHES AND EYE DISORDERS. By Greenfield Sfuder, ZI.D., F.A.C.S., Cfinicaf Professor and Director of the Department of RhinoInryngoIogy, Washington University SchooI of Medicine, St. Louis. 8vo. Cloth. $I 1.50. Pp. 428; 167 iI1u.s. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Co., 1927. GOXOCOCCAL INFECTION IX TIME IZIALE. Bv Abraham L. m’olbarst, \%.D.,Urologist and Director-of Urologic CIinics. Beth IsraeI HosoitaI: Consulting Urologist, Manh&n State Central IsIip State Hospitaf, IIospitaI, and Jewish Rlcmorial flospitnl, etc. Xvo.