Ninth JADCI abstracts
and p22-phox, which compose cytochrome 2-4 weeks, numerous macrophages were b558 in the membrane and cytosolic p47- and induced from the graft bed of the host towards
p67-phox and a small molecular GTP binding donor tissue in both auto- and allografts. The protein, Rac. Any defect in the four "phox" cell debris of donor tissue was phagocytosed by proteins causes CGD. More than 200 CGD patients have been found in Japan and the incidence was calculated to be 4 -5 in one million births. Lesions in the subunits of the cytochrome account for about 83 % of the cases and the majority of defects were found in gp91-phox, which is inherited in an X-linked fashion. Defects in other phox proteins account for 5~10%. We and others performed genetic analysis of many CGD patients, and recently we developed a drug-selectable bicistronic vector which would give higher therapeutic benefit on gene therapy of CGD patients. A complete understanding of the mechanisms of phagocyte disorders at the functional, protein and gem levels should contribute to our knowledge about primary defense mechanisms against microbial infections.
the macrophages. About 8 weeks after transplantation, muscle fibers began to regenerate in the autografts, but not in the allografts. Mucous cells regenerated within 4 months only in the autograft, while in the allograft no significant regeneration of them was observed and many macrophages which phagocytosed the cell debris of the graft were observed in the connective tissue even 20 weeks after transplantation. These results show that an allorecognition system is present in mollusca as in other invertebrates such as echinodermata, annelida and that an protochordata and allograft is chronically rejected for a long term. A2. A n t i m i c r o b i a l s u b s t a n c e s found in the s k i n and body-surface area o f Dolabella auricularia. Ryosuke Iijima, Akira S a t o h , Jun K i s u g i and Masatoshi Yamazaki. Faculty of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Teikyo University, Sagamiko-machi, Tsukui-gun, (A) Recognition, A n t i m i c r o b i a l 199-01, Elements and Immuno-cytes in Kanagawa, Japan. The body-surface of an animal is important spot for rejection of Mollusca infectious microorganisms. Exoskeleton, A1. CHRONIC REJECTION OF skin, scale and mucus are the most elementary A L L O G R A F T S F R O M THE SKIN OF participants of self-defense mechanisms. THE TERRESTRIAL S L U G , Antimicrobial factors existing/induced near the INCILARIA FR UHSTORFERI. bodysurface are effective in killing severe K e i i c h i r o Y a m a g u c h i , E m i k o F u r u t a * microorganisms and preventing and Hiroaki N a k a m u r a * * . The Laboratory infectious disease. The sea hare, Dolabella of Medical Sciences and *Department of auricularia is a marine shell-less gastropod Anatomy, Dokkyo University School of from which four cytotoxic proteins Medicine, Mibu, Tochigi, 321-02, Japan and dolabellanins A, C, P and E, were previously **Department of Biology, Tokyo Dental found. These dolabellanins are glycoproteins, College, Masago, Mihama, Chiba, 261, Japan. with molecular weights higher than other It has been reported that allorecognition is invertebrate self-defense factors: tachypresins, present in some invertebrate species, but it has insect defensins secropins and sarcotoxius. We not been confirmed in molluscs. Thus, we recently isolated another type of cytotoxic orthotopically transplanted dorsal skin from the factor, dolabellanins B1, B2 and B3 from the terrestrial slug, lncilaria fruhstorferi, and skin and body surface area of sea hares. Among continued to observe the grafts and their beds the three new factors, dolabellanin B2 and B3 light and electron microscopically until 20 are the small molecules which showed weeks after transplantation. During the initial antimicrobial activity. In this meeting, we