indicate that, both in weak rocks such as l~hyllite and even in old loess soils, shotcrete and rockbolts can be used to support the surrourding mass and thus ensure their stability. 831128 ABATEMARCO TUNNEL, CALABRIA, ITALY Rot~,~1, L; Siciliano, G In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Brighton, 7-11 June 1982, P183-188. Publ London: IMM, 1982 A case study of the Abatemarco Tunnel, Italy. A shielded tunnel boring machine was used to cope with difficult ground conditions: a layer of metamorphosed dolomite embedded in argillaceous rock, permeated by water in artesian conditions, and badly fractured. Other methods used to control water inflow were grouting ard drainage holes. 831129 ANALYSIS OF C O N V ~ E N C F B~41ND THE ~ACE OF A TUNNEL Panet, M; Guenot, A In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Brighton, 7-ii June 1982, P197-204. ~ b l London: IMM, 1982 Monitoring the progressive closure of tunnels has been shown to be useful in stability analysis. To analyse these measurements axi-symmetric finite-element models have been used with several grourd strength characteristics. From the nmnerical models the authors have been able to derive a function that gives tunnel closure in terms of the distance to the face, x. The same equation can be used to predict the final plastic radius and the final convergence of a tunnel ~n non-viscous ground from s~ne initial measurements. It can be used also to gain a better understanding of tunnels in grounds with time-dependent ;roperties. The method is illustrated with an example from the FreJus tunnel. Auth. 831130 'JElq~OUTH AND FORTLA~ LONG SEA OUTFALL TUNNEL Roberts, D G M; Flint, G R In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Brighton, V-ll June 1982, P265-270. Publ London: D~_', 1982 A case study of a long sea ou~fa/_l tunnel constructed as part of a new drainage system for the Weymouth and Portland area, UK. Tunnelling through strata of Sandafoot Grit and Kimmeridge clay are described. Dewatering and compressed air techniques were used to stabilise the grourd. For the Kimmeridge clay it was decided to use a full-face tunnelling machine and to const~uct a concrete lining with unbolted segments incorporating the wedge-block system. Difficulties arose when the clay showed signs of swelling, blockiness, and fissuring. It was iecided to cease turmelling with the wedge-block system and to divert the turmel. 831131 APPLICATION OF HORIZOh~fAL GROUND FREEZING IN TUNNEL CONSTRUCTION - TWO C;~F RECORDS Lake, L :4; Ncrie, E H In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Brighton, 7-11 June 1982, I>283-289. Publ London: IMM, 1982 The successful application of horizontal ground freezing with different refrigerants for the construction of two quite different tunnelling projects is described. The first case r---lares to tunnelling through a buried valley fur the metro
in Helsinki and the second is concerned with a tun~*lling operation designed to Join existing tunnels beneath the River Mersey amd the Manchester Ship Canal and install a steel pressure lining. Both pro.lects involved wcrking in v~riable and potentially hazardous water-bearing soils. 831132 WEDGE-BLOCK TUNNEL FOR OXFORD'S WAIN SEWER Watts, I L; Northfield, J B; Palfrey, L F In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium, Brighton, 7-11 June 1982, i=291-301. Publ London: IMM, 1982 A case study of a tunnel forming part of the new Oxford sewer scheme which was to be lined using the wedge-block system. The effec ÷ on the tunnelling system of the variation in the Oxford Clay, encountered at the start of the drive, and the steps taken to overcome problems due to swelling of the clay are discussed. Tunnelling machine performance is discussed with reference to the difficulties encountered.
Power plants See also: 831126 QUEBEC 831133 ROCK ENGINk~ING: iA GRANDE C O ~ , Murphy, D K; Levay, J J Geotach Emgng Div ASCE, V108, NG~, Aug 1982, PlOb~9-1055 A case study of the La Grande Complex hydroelectric IX~wer development, Quebec, CaDgd~. Confidence in the strength and erosion resisting l~opertles of the ~recambrian granitic and metamorphic rocks of the region has led to some innovative design solutions, such as the use of rock ledges to support cranes. Controlled blasting techniques have been used at the site to obtain smooth, stable excavation surfaces. The general al~roach to rock suppcrt has been the use of grouted rock bolts and wire mesh in critical areas, such as tunnel portals, with shutcrete applied in areas of weak rock. 83113k TUNN~TING AND ROCK SUPPORT WORK AT JUE~AN HYDRO POWER PLANT, SWEDEN Carlsson, A; Fredriksson, S; O!sson, T In: Tunnelling 82, Proceedings of the 3rd International symposium, Brighton, 7-11 June 1982, P65-72. Publ London: IMM, 1982 A study of tunnel drivimg, tunnel suppurt amd geological conditions at an underground pumped storage power plant in Sweden is reported. Support work consisted of rockbolting, shotcreting and in situ casting of concrete arches, and the installation of this slowed down tunnelling work. ~ne 3 major geological factcrs causimg operation81 disturbances were: high rock stresses, groundwater inflow and poor rock.
ln-situ stresses and stress around underground openings See also: 831207, 831251 831135 ROCK BUR~?TING FKENCMEN~ !N A SUPERFICIAL ROCK MASS IN SOUTHERN CENTRAL SWEDEN
Carlssom, A; Olsson, T Rock Mech, VlS, N2, Aug 1962, P09-110