BIOL PSYCHIATRY 1990;27:41A-179A
Panic, Anxiety, and Other Disorders
serotonin re-uptake inhibitors such as fluoxetine makes it possible to study the role of serotonin L,~ the etiology of affective and behavioral dyscontrol in BPD. In this preliminary medication trial, 5 patients with BPD were treated openly with 20-40 mg of fluoxetine for 8 weeks, with weekly ratings of symptoms. All patients had a history of multiple suicide attempts and exhibited prominent symptoms of depression, impulsivity, and suicidality. Large, statistically significant decreases in depression were note~ on the Beck Depression Inventory (A = 15.0 points, t = 2.60, p = 0.032), and the Hamilton Depression Scale. Suicidality, as measured on the Hamilton Depression Scale, dropped sharply from a baseline level of 2.2 (moderate to seven:) to a final level of 0.2 (minim~) (t = 3.!6, p < 0.05). Evaluation of impulsivity on the Ward Scale demonstrated a large, significantdecrease (A = 10.2, t = 4.51,p "- 0.002). These findings suggest promise for fluoxetine in the ~eatment of the depressive and impulsive symptoms of patients with BPD. Large, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies v.~th serotonergic agents are warranted in BPD patients.
PANIC DISORDER Suzanne Fontaine, M.D. (by invitation), Alfonso Ontiveros, M.D. (by invitation), R6jean Fontaine, M.D., Robert Elie, M.D., Ph.D. (by invitation), Guy Breton, M.D. (by i:~vitation) Louis H. Lafontaine Hospital, University of Montreal, Montreal, Q~wbecHIN 3M5, Canada. Several recent studies have shown neurophysiological abnormah¢ies in panic disorders (PD). The aim of this study is to assess the neurovascular changes in PD patients by use of trans-cranial Doppler (TCD). 30 patients with PD (DSM-III-R) and 25 controls were included in this study, all between 20 and 40 years old and fight handed. TCD stl~dies ~vere performed with a Transpect TCD (Medasonic). The middle cerebral arterial (MCA) flow was recorded bilaterally by the, transtemporal window during sodium lactate infusion (at baseline, and every 3 rain). Patients who presented a panic attack (21 of 30, 70%) showed more rapid accelerations (p < 0.05) as compared to controls. Furthermore, blood flow differences were observed on the rig~t side in patients sensitive to lactate as compal~d with patients who did not panic and controls (p < 0.05), Our results suggest that local cerebrovasculat, autoregulation abnormalities occurred during panic attacks. This could explain the blood flow change..~ in PD previously reported and, possibly, neuroanatomical changes found with MRI.
DISORDER: A PLACEBO-CONTROLLED STUDY Millie Lum, M.Sc. Pharm. (by invitation): R6jean Fontaine, M.D., Robert Elie, M.D., Ph.D. (by invitation), Alfonso Ontiveros, M.D. (by invitation) Louis H. Lafontaine Hospital, Un:iversity of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec HIN 3M5, Canada. s
Divalproex sodium (DS) and c)onazepam (CZ) arc both antiepileptic drugs which enhance GABAergic ~ransmission. CZ is an accepted antipanic drug and recent open trials showed that DS has antipanic properties in panic disorder (PD). In :his placebo-controlled study, the antipanic effect of DS was assessed in a doubleblind, placel~o-controlled stt),ly with a 2 × 2 crossover design. Twelve consecutive outpatients with PD (DSM-III-R) underwent a 7 day ~lacebo (P) washout and were then randomly assigned to 2 treatments of 6 weeks: to ~gi.n, DS versus P and then crossed to the alternative treatment of P vetsu..; DS. Baseline and weekly ratings of PD index HAM-A, CGI, and SCL-90 were performed. Variance analysis of the endpoint vaiues showed a significant (D < 0.05) imDrovement with DS as compared with P on CGI severity and improvement, length and intensity of panic attacks, psychic and somatic HAM-A scores. DS plasma