ABO Certification: A worthy goal Dale B. Wade
A : s orthodontists we have spent many years studying human growth and ...
A : s orthodontists we have spent many years studying human growth and know that factors such as age, sex, race, facial and body type all affect the amount and direction of growth and development. The growth and development of your orthodontic practice is also affected by many factors. Dr. Jim Hilgers often starts his lectures by depicting the growth and development of an orthodontist. He shows the growth curve and factors that often make up the life style of the "typical" orthodontist. His humorous sequence of events does sh~w that we all mature along with our practices. !Having worthy goals helps make a practice grow and develop in a positive direction. One such goal for all Orthodontists is to become certified by the Americari Board of Orthodontists. The obvious goal is the achievement of Board certification, but the in:depth self-evaluation that goes into the years of preparation for that certification proves to be very beneficial. Obviously not all cases can be completed to Board standards, but that should not stop us from the pursuit of excellence in our treatment. To not have excellence as a goal may allow an increased range of acceptable standards. A frequently-stated opinion of boarded orthodontists is: "I look at my orthodontic cases much more critically now than I did before and I have really grown from the whole process." This voluntary effort in continuing education is unique in that it combines earlier classroom work and conventional continuing education with the clinical world of patient care. The pursuit of Board certification often sets the stage for a good record-keeping system of patient treatment and is a natural extension of one's desire to be a "continuous student." The effort spent in preparing for certification is usually very informative. One should take time and enjoy the preparation. It is a tremendous continuing education course and will give a great deal of insight into the strengths and weaknesses of one's .
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Reprinted with permission from the Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists.
work. Most individuals benefit a great deal from the whole experience. Two changes to note are: First, giving the Phase II examination just prior to AAO meeting will continue on a trial basis for the next three years. It was felt that many new graduates and U.S. trained orthodontists practicing in other countries would like to take the ABO written examination in conjunction with attending the AAO Annual Session, This arrangement would help reduce expenses. Second, a Prospective Board Applicant (PBA) shall be a candidate who is, at the time of the Phase II written examination, within four (4) months of the anticipated receipt of a certificate in orthodontics from an advanced specialty program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the ADA. This individual must fulfill all of the requirements of the ABO to be a Board applicant except for the certificate of graduation. The PBA is permitted to take the Phase II examination. When a PBA receives the academic certificate of completion, he/she will become a qualified Board Applicant (Phase I) and will receive the results of the Phase II examination. Board applicants should also be aware that two of the required cases may be obtained from their residency cases. A signed affidavit is necessary affirming that the majority of the professional judgment and treatment involved was provided by the candidate during their residency. It is beneficial to examine the ABO cases exhibited at constituent and national meetings. A study club may be formed, or one may want to meet periodically with others who are interested in taking the Board examination. If you have a concern or question, feel free to call me at (614) 488-2858 or the executive office in St. Louis at (314) 432-6130, FAX (314) 432-8170. Certified Diplomates of the ABO are increasing in number and interest in certification is rising. As our professional lives continue to grow and develop, let us always keep worthy goals in front of us. ABO certification is certainly a worthy goal for orthodontists.