ORGANIZATION NEWS-AAPM&R Board Approves Academy Web Site, MS0 Concept Establishment of an Academy site on the World Wide Web and a proposal to offer business/practice services to Academy members were among the items considered by the Board of Governors on March 2324 in Chicago. The Board also received recommendations from various Academy committees and agencies, and discussed several issuesof importance to members. The Internet on the Web is quickly becoming the standard communication medium for individuals, companies, and organizations. For example, Web sites that offer services to members and the public have been established by the Association of Academic Physiatrists, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine. The Academy’s Internet presence will provide a low-cost way to reach the membership, faster and easier access by members to AAPM&R information, and an opportunity to educate professionals and the public about physiatric services.The Web site will be produced and maintained on a separate server at the Academy national office to ensure maximum control, access,and security. The AAPM&R Information Systems Task Force will help determine what information will be available at the Academy site. The Board also received a report on the telephone survey of randomly selected members that was designed to determine the level of interest in having the Academy provide business/practice services similar to those offered by a Management Services Organization (MSO). Survey results indicate that a signlicant number of members are interested in these services,particularly in coding and billing assistance, contracting help, and marketing. Although the Board concluded that it would be too costly to start an independent full-service MS0 at this time, it authorized a plan to offer specific products and services through the Academy’s new for-profit subsidiary, AAPM&R Resources,Inc. The national office will seek qualified vendors with whom the Academy can contract to offer services such as managed care contract review. The subsidiary will also work with consultants to develop marketing tools and resources that can be used by members at the local level. In other actions, the Board: l Designated the Marriott Orlando World Center as the site for the 2002
AAPM8cR Annual Assembly, No- ignation in a formal and professional manner may encourage eligible nonmembers IO vember 21-24, in Orlando, FL. l Approved the development and distri- join the Academy. Members with questions or concerns bution later this year of a comprehenabout the Fellowship designation should sive membership survey. l Streamlined the membership applica- contact Barbara A. Bogel, the Academy’s tion process to reduce the amount of membership coordinator, at (312) 464time and paperwork involved for pro- 9700. spective members. A junior associate membership category was also created Dr. Harvey Resigns for persons who do not qualify for rcsfrom Board of Governors ident or associate membership. l Adopted a “Position Paper on PostRichard F. Harvey, MD, resigned his poAcute Bundling” that addressesissues sition as President-Elect of the Academy related to prospective payment syseffective March 20, 1996. Dr. Harvey cited tems for rehabilitation. expanded job responsibilities as the priThe Board will meet again August I lmary factor in his decision to resign. In I2 in Chicago. addition to serving as executive vice president of Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital and Clinics, Wheaton. IL, Dr. Harvey reAcademy Fellows Urged to cently accepted a position on the Beard of Use “FAAPM&R” or the Wheaton Franciscan System, an inte“FAAPMR” After Names grated health care system that spans three states and encompassesmore than I4 hosThe Board of Governors has approved pitals and several large groups of physicians. the use of “FAAPM&R” or “FAAPMR” by Academy members who have earned “Because of this addition to my present “Fellow” status through certification by responsibilities, I find that I cannot give the the American Board of PM&R. time that I feel is needed to serve as presiThe Board approved a recommendation dent of the Academy in a manner of which I could be proud and that would properly from the Membership Committee that Academy Fellows include one or the other serve our specialty,” Dr. Harvey said in a letter to Academy President Randall L. of the letter designations on their professional letterheads, businesscards, and other Braddom, MD. appropriate documents. In accordance with the AAPM&R ByIn its recommendation, the Committee laws, James R. Swenson, MD, who has suggested that adding the designation after been Vice President. succeeds to the vaa Fellow’s name and degree is a mechacated office of President-Elect. At its nism for establishing a favorable public March meeting, the AAPM&R Board of perception of the specialty of physiatry. Governors appointed Barry S. Smith, MD, According to the Committee, the designato complete the unexpired portion of the tion “may help advertise that our specialty Vice President’s term. The Board also ininvolves specific certification and credenstructed the Nominating Committee to intialing which could be helpful in our relaclude nominations for both President-Elect tions with patients, other health care proand Vice President in the slate of candifessionals, and managed care groups.” dates it will present at the Business Meeting during the 1996 Annual Assembly in “Using the professional fellowship designation is not a trite attempt to gain legitiChicago. macy or a cheap window dressing,” said “Dick has contributed so much to our Dennis A. Ice, MD, who is on the Memberspecialty over the years,” Dr. Braddom reship Committee. “Professional designaflected. “We will miss his leadership, but tions provide a positive reinforcement in I know that he will continue to do great the medical marketplace during a time things for PM&R in a slightly different when physiatry faces stormy seas. Manrole.” aged care groups and the general public Dr. Harvey also resigned from the Editoare looking for reinforcement and will be rial Board of the Archives of Physical Medinfluenced by such measures.” icine and Rehabilitation. Jeffrey R. BasAchieving Fellowship status after years ford, MD, Rochester, MN, was appointed of work and study gives a physiatrist a to fill the unexpired portion of Dr. Harvey’s sense of pride and accomplishment, the term as an Academy representative on the committee noted, and using the Fellow des- Editorial Board. Arch
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