Pergamon lnternat~onal Prmted ,n Great Bntain
Vol 3. No. 1. pp 44 48, 1981 Information
of Articles Included
in This Issue
Slima J. Analysis by means of a gravitational model of international the period 1967-1978. World Patent information 3(l), 2-8.
flows of patent applications
A gravitation model similar to that used for the simulation of international trade flows was constructed for international flows of patent applications and these flows were estimated on a log-linear basis over a period of several years in respect of a number of countries. In modified versions of this model, various potentials which could significantly affect the numbers of ‘active’ and ‘passive’ patent applications beyond national frontiers were used in the gravitation model at a national level. GNP-related elasticity of flow of patent applications was shown to be far greater than 1 both in the patent filing countries and in the receiving countries. As anticipated, the distance-related elasticities were lower than in the case of international trade in physical products but nevertheless highly significant. With regard to the basic model, preferences ofvarying strength for patenting beyond national interpreted. The estimates produced by the model for 1967, 1971 and 1975-78 permitted correlations studied.
frontiers analysis
were quantified and of the trend in the
As a supplement to the analysis of the total number of patent applications an analysis was made, for the year 1977, of the preferences of the various countries in respect of patent filing in 31 IPC technical units.
Hill, M. W. Access in Britain
to patent
and information.
World Patent Information
3(l), 9-12. The British Library recently issued a consultative paper inviting comment on the need for collections of patent literature and points of access to patent information outside London. As a result of the replies received, only seven centres are now supplied with patent documents, six of those on a more extensive basis than previously, while nineteen other libraries provide means of identifying required documents.
Ellis, E. D. Canadian patent patent data base PATDAT.
data base. The philosophy, construction World Patent Information 3(l), 13-18.
and uses of the Canadian
PATDAT comprises the following data elements : the normal bibliographic data, the patentee type, the patent type, the SIC ofManufacture, the SICofUse, thegeneral utility and theconsumer utilityoftheobject ofthepatents. PATDATconsistsof two sections: a sample section spanning the years 1972 to 1977 containing all patents: granted to patentees who were granted ten or more patents in that year, granted to Canadian residents naming a Canadian resident as inventor, and an ongoing
section covering
all patents
in Canada
from 1978 onwards.
The paper provides also statistical data for 1978 and 1979 about the ownership of Canadian patents and for the period of 1972 to 1979 about the number of patents with Canadian inventors, broken down according to the SIC of use.
Basberg, B. L. Patents innovations and technological 1880-1968. World Patent Information 3(l), 19-22.
in Norwegian
Taking whaling as an example the article analyses the problems of validity that arise when patent statistics are used as an indicator of technological change in a particular industry. The results show that in this industry the patent statistics are a reliable indicator of technological development.
Renker, H. Progress report on the establishment of a patent information centre (Informationszentrum Patente) in the Federal Republic of Germany. World Patent Information 3(l), 23-25. The author describes the structure of the sectorial information centre for patent information (12 17) which is being established in the Federal Republic of Germany as central information service under the responsibiliry of the German Patent Office. The local patent information services will be incorporated in the system. Details are further given on the work of the user’s working party 17, which since April 1980 has taken part in the planning of the information centre by the German Patent Office.