BrbhographrcSectron envtronmental impacts of transport Investment (Appleyard, Hdls, King) Beyond this verttable who’s who, It IS also becoming something of a tradttton for the pubhshed conference proceedmgs to reflect somethmg of the camaraderie of the mternattonal clique of spectahsts Here there is a clever ptece of verse by way of prologue, and a closmg not-so-irreverent view of the meeting From the final paragraph of the latter “Obvtously the pubhshed proceedmgs of the conference wdl be m wade demand, and the orgamsers are relying on their selectton as Book of the Month to meet the Conference defictt Film rtghts are still to be negotiated ”
The Devil Wagon in God’s Country: the Automobile and Social Change in Rural America, 1893-1929, Michael L
Berger. Shoe String Press, P 0 Box 4327, Hamden, CT 06514. U S A, 1979. pp 269, $17 50 Drawing on autobtographtes. remmlscences, biographies, contemporary rural soctologtcal studtes, government legtslatton and reports, popular and trade pertodtcals and works of fiction, the author describes, analyses and synthestses observattons of how the motor car eased the lonehness and tsolatton of farm famthes. afforded better access to leisure acttvtttes, helped both to strengthen and weaken rehgtous ties, enabled the consohdatton of schools, libraries and medical services
Htghway Traffic Analysis and Design, R J Salter, Mac-
Millan Press, 4 Little Essex Street, London WCZR 3LF. England, 1978, pp 378, f 12 00 This edition, a revtsed version of the original pubhcatton released m 1974, covers traffic analysts and predtctton, analysts and design for highway traffic and traffic signal control Particular topics dtscussed mclude landuse/transport surveys and modellmg, network capacities, speed and time headway dtstrtbuttons, queuemg theory, traffic flows at priority mtersecttons and traffic signal control
Highway Beauttflcatiotr the Environmental Movement’s Greatest Failure, Charles F Floyd and Peter J Shedd,
Westvtew Press, 5500 Central Avenue, Boulder, CO 80301, U S A, 1979, pp 181, $16 75 The Highway Beauttficatton Act of 1965 has been meffecttve owing to unforeseen loopholes, absence of national standards and many amendments Btllboardmg along interstate and primary htghways has shown little sign of abating, and this study comes at a cructal time when outdoor adverttsmg mterests are about to succeed m changmg the 1965 Act mto the Btllboard Protectton and Compensatton Act The authors advance spectfic proposals for effectively restrtctmg bdlboard clutter Under specific revtew are the outdoor adverttsmg bustness, the law of aesthetic controls, the faded 1958 and 1965 Acts, Act tmplementatton and alternattve methods of conveying motorist mformation
Accessibility. the Rural Challenge, Malcolm J Moseley,
Methuen, 11 New Fetter Lane, London EC4P 4EE, England, 1979, pp 204, f3 95 This pubhcatton summartses and makes more readdy available maternal that first appeared m a two-part report (see Transportatton Research, 13A. 288-289 (1979)) dealmg with the nature, measurement and allevtatton of the rural remoteness problem m an age of shrmkmg ruralurban public passenger transport The text provides a useful overvtew of the concept of accesstbthty and proceeds to consrder pohcy opttons for provtdmg better rural-urban mtegratton, largely m the Brtttsh context
Managing Transport: Management of Transport Systems to Improve the Urban Environment, 0 E C D , 2, rue
Andre Pascal, 75775 Parts, Cedex 16, France, and 1750 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW , Washmgton, DC 20006. U S A, 1979. pp 299, $16 00 In the context of slower urbamzatton m OECD member countrtes, substantial inherited fixed capital investment and increased public parttctpatton m dectstons related to life quality, attention turns to managing extstmg transport infrastructure and services more efficiently and equttably After two mtroductory chapters, which also contam overall summanes, thts book reviews transport management pohctes and experience m 12 cmes, focussmg on tmplementatton, local impacts and relattonshtp to national environmental, energy, employment, financial and urban policies The cities mcluded are Besancon, Brussels, Geneva, Gothenburg, Gronmgen, London, Madison, Nagoya, Nottmgham. Ottawa, Parts and Smgapore
Interstate: Express Highway Politics, 1941-1956, Mark H Rose, The Regents Press of Kansas, 366 Watson Ltbrary, Lawrence, KA 66045, U S A, 1979, pp 169, $14 00
Highway development and transport pohcy making 1s examined from the perspecttve of the vartous sectional Interests mvolved, mcludmg engmeers, truckers, auto club executives and urban and national pohttcal leaders, many of whom compromised then differences and united behind a program of accelerated highway constructton
New Transport Systems m the World, (Edtted by Yoshto Tsukto and Brtan Richards), Process. Archttecture, number 9, Eastvtew Edtttons, P 0 Box 783, Westfield, NJ 07091, U S A, 1979, pp 164, $19 95 An intensively illustrated work using examples to review pedestrian schemes, gradual advances m the technology