Vol . 11, No. 3
Gra in Boundaries in Semiconductors; Thin Films and Interfaces; Scientific Bas is for Nuclear Waste Management; Metastable Materials Formation by Ion Implantat ion; Rapidly Solidified Metastable Materials; Materials Processing Research in the Reduced Gravity Environment of Space; Application of Synchrotron Radiation to Materials Science; Microscopy and Chemical Analysis of Segregation and Clustering in Crystalline Solids; Polymers as Electronic Materials; Solid State Transducers; In Situ Composites; and Magnetic and Optical Materials for Information Storage. AC1 AWARDS ROBERT E. PHILLEO has been awarded the Arthur R. Anderson Award for the advancement of knowledge of concrete as a construction material. Philleo, a past president and Honorary Member of ACI, is chief, Concrete Branch, Engineering Division, Office of the U.S. Army Chief of Engineers, Washington, DC. He was cited for his "distinguished achievements in furthering a better understanding of the structure and properties of concrete." Prior to joinin the Corps of Engineers in 1958, he was a research engineer at the Research and !e velopment Laboratories, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois. A recognized authority on the mechanics of construction materials for civil works projects, he has authored numerous technical papers on the subject. GUNNAR M. IDORN of Denmark has been elected to honorary membership in the American Concrete Institute. He joins the list of 98 who have received honorary membership, the Institute's highest award, since it was established in 1926. Dr.. Idorn has been a member of AC1 for over 25 years and was elected a Fellow of the Institute in 1975. The citation presented to Dr. Idorn recognizes his "great contribution to technology, engineering, scientific pursuits, and encouragement of education, research, development, and international liaison in the fields of concrete, concrete construction and concrete-making materials." Now the principal of the firm, G.M. Idorn Consult Aps., Naerum, Denmark, which he founded in 1979, Dr. Idorn is best known for his concrete technology studies and building research conducted at the Danish National Building Research Institute and the Concrete He later served as director of Aalborg PortResearch Laboratory, Karlstrup. land's Research and Develooment Department and for many Years was a lecturer in materials technology at the Danish' Academy of Engineers.Both honors were conferred Feb. 12 at ACI’s Texas.
Annual Convention in Dallas,
REPORT International Symposium on FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH IN CREEP AND SHRINKAGE OF CONCRETE, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, September, 1980. An international symposium devoted to fundamental research problems in creep and shrinkage of concrete was held during September 15-17, 1980, at the laboratory of Structural Materials of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. The symposium, chaired jointly by Profs. F.H. Wittmann of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Z.P. Bazant of Northwestern University, was co-sponsored by these two institutions and by the U.S. National Science Foundation. The conference gathered researchers in material science and mechanics of materials as well as structural engineers and numerical analysts confronted with problems of creep and shrinkage in concrete. The principal objective of the