Acid Recycling System Pure Cycle Environmental Palmer, Mass. Pure
%sco Inc. Woodbridge,
will typically 70 to 90% of the metal contaminants. By hard-plumbing a system to an operating acid bath, which is considered in-process recycling, the bath life can be extended indefinitely. All systems are modularized and contain the necessary membrane stacks, pumps, tanks, filters, and control instrumentation, with all components preplumbed and prewired onto durable. noncorrosive frames.
The ROMEM LP Series membrane systems, offered jver a wide range of capacity for the reclamation of acids, netals, and salts along with water purification and recy:ling, uses a patented, modular hydraulic manifold design :hat minimizes plumbing, maximizes space efficiency, md provides for simplified operation and maintenance. The LP Series employs state-of-the-art thin-film compos.te membranes that offer exceptional performance by providing, on average, divalent anion rejection rates of 95 to 39% with typical recovery ratios of 80% or more.
Circle 120 on the reader service card
Circle 121 on the reader service card
Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems Technologies