Acinetobacter isolates from different activated sludge processes: characteristics and neural network identification

Acinetobacter isolates from different activated sludge processes: characteristics and neural network identification

FEMS Microbiology Ecology 23 (1997) 217^227 isolates from di¡erent activated sludge processes: characteristics and neural network identi¢cation Acin...

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FEMS Microbiology Ecology 23 (1997) 217^227

isolates from di¡erent activated sludge processes: characteristics and neural network identi¢cation


Michael H. Kim a , Oliver J. Hao a *, Nam S. Wang ;

a b


Department of Civil Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Received 5 March 1997; revised 18 April 1997; accepted 18 April 1997


species were isolated from various full-scale activated sludge processes based on their abilities to transform an BD413 trp E27 auxotroph. Approximately half of the Acinetobacter isolates (149 out of 282 isolates) were able to accumulate polyphosphate, and some used L-hydroxybutyrate as a sole carbon and energy source. Additionally, most of the Acinetobacter isolates were unable to reduce nitrate. These characteristics of Acinetobacter species are desirable for microorganisms responsible for enhanced phosphorus removal in different activated sludge processes. The backpropagation neural network technique was further applied to assign the isolates to distinct Acinetobacter genospecies based on their phenotypic characteristics. In particular, Acinetobacter johnsonii was consistently the major genospecies from different samples obtained from the enhanced phosphorus removal processes or the conventional plant without biological phosphorus removal. Acinetobacter

Acinetobacter calcoaceticus

Keywords :

reduction ;

Activated sludge process; Neural network; Enhanced phosphorus removal; Polyphosphate; Poly-L-hydroxybutyrate; Nitrate Acinetobacter

1. Introduction

Most wastewater treatment plants are required to remove phosphorus (P) because of its role in eutrophication. The biological means for P removal provides a cost-e¡ective alternative to chemical precipitation methods. The conventional activated sludge (AS) process can be easily modi¢ed to remove P along with organics when an anaerobic stress is imposed on the process [1]. AS microorganisms exposed to alternating anaerobic/aerobic conditions ex* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (301) 405-1961; Fax: +1 (301) 405-2585; E-mail: [email protected]

hibit enhanced P removal capability far greater than the normal microbial growth requirements by storing ortho-P as intracellular polyphosphate (PP) under aerobic conditions [2,3]. The stored PP is then hydrolyzed to yield the energy necessary for formation of carbon reserve polymers, e.g. poly-L-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), under the imposed anaerobic conditions. Among AS bacteria, Acinetobacter species have been believed to be responsible for enhanced biological P removal [4,5]. They are strictly aerobic, Gramnegative, non-motile, catalase-positive, and oxidasenegative; they grow well on short chain fatty acids (e.g. acetate), but not on simple carbohydrates (e.g.

0168-6496 / 97 / $17.00 ß 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII S 0 1 6 8 - 6 4 9 6 ( 9 7 ) 0 0 0 2 5 - 1

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Fuhs and Chen [6] ¢rst suggested that




phenotypic test results as an input was used to assign









species use incomplete oxidation products, such as


acetate and ethanol generated by facultative anae-

tion groups [17]. Thus, the extent of the distribution


of di¡erent







Subsequently, under carbon-limiting aerobic condi-



isolates to DNA/DNA hybridiza-


genospecies in various en-

vironmental conditions could be examined.

cells exhibit a competitive edge

A neural network can correctly capture seemingly

over other aerobic heterotrophs and proliferate in

complex input and output patterns by mimicking the







backpropagation neural network that learns and ap-

are present in alternating anaerobic/aerobic AS proc-

proximates input and output patterns by examples

esses [6^10]. However, other PP-accumulating bacte-

has been applied to speech synthesis and recognition,

ria may also play a role in enhanced P removal proc-

visual pattern recognition, analysis of sonar signals,

esses [9^12].

medical diagnosis, and learning in process control


systems. a























systems [20]. However, the use of neural networks

lated from other sources (e.g. soils and water) and

for identi¢cation of microorganisms is rather limited.

shown to be phenotypically and genotypically heter-

For example, only two case studies of identi¢cation

ogeneous [13]. The identi¢cation of the



using a neural network approach for

genus is often based on the results of simple bio-

species [21] and marine bacteria [22] have been re-

chemical tests, e.g. API test kit (4, 5), despite the

ported. In the present study, a non-linear learning

fact that the transformation assay for


is well established [14]. The earliest attempts to classify


into di¡erent species were based






was used to identify

carbon substrates [13,15] that showed two or four














16S rRNA sequence similarity map [18] have also been used to classify di¡erent Furthermore,










genospecies, and the trained neural network

on the numerical taxonomy on the use of di¡erent



highly variable phenotypic characteristics of





isolates at geno-




genospecies were characterized for PP accu-






utilization for their possible role in enhanced P removal processes.


the analysis of a particular biomarker such as respiratory quinone [12], diaminopropane [10], fatty acid

2. Materials and methods

and soluble proteins [19] pro¢les, have been used for identi¢cation Among







Acinetobacter. tests

2.1. AS samples


the most simple and rapid method for isolated cul-

Samples were obtained from two biological P re-

tures. In particular, the 28 phenotypic characteristics



correlated with DNA/DNA hybridization data [17]



provide a comprehensive classi¢cation scheme and


facilitate identi¢cation of di¡erent

Acinetobacter gen-





the in













1b) are designed for e¡ective P removal by the imposed anaerobic conditions. However, the Phostrip



process does not involve nitri¢cation and denitri¢ca-

genospecies present in the `man-made' AS

tion, whereas nitri¢cation/denitri¢cation is achieved

To better understand the diversity of di¡erent





species were isolated from

in the A O process by recycling the nitri¢ed e¥uent

various biological P removal and conventional AS

through anoxic zones (without oxygen, but with ni-

processes. The identi¢cation at the genus level was

trate). The AS samples were also obtained from a


conventional plant (Fig. 1c) without biological P re-

BD413 trp E27 auxotroph [14]. Subse-

moval at the Blue Plains wastewater treatment plant


based on their abilities to transform an


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Fig. 1. Source of AS samples from di¡erent AS processes.

in Washington, DC. The locations of samples from

Na2 B4 O7 W10H2 O.

di¡erent zones are shown in Fig. 1.

(ADM ; basal medium supplemented with 2 g of





Na acetate per liter) was used for isolation.


1 Sludge samples were initially diluted (10 ) in a 3 M phosphate bu¡er solution (pH = 7.2) and 10

2.2. Isolation procedure


claving) contained the following ingredients per liter :

mixed in a high speed blender for 20 min. The 2 8 blended sludge was further diluted (10 ^10 ),

A basal medium (pH adjusted to 7.4 before auto-



1 g of (NH4 )2 SO4 , 2 g KH2 PO4 , 0.8 g MgSO4 W7H2 O,

plated on ADM agar, and incubated at 20³C for

10 ml of the stock mineral solution, and 1 ml of trace

7 days. Random isolates from plates were picked

metal solution. The stock mineral solution contained

for further tests. Additionally, for each aerobic zone

(per liter) 20 g nitriloacetic acid, 14.6 g KOH, 6.6 g

sample from the three AS processes, 10 ml of each

CaCl2 W2H2 O, 0.0186 g (NH4 )8 Mo7 O24 W4H2 O, and 0.2

blended sludge sample was further ¢ltered through a

g FeSO4 W7H2 O. The trace metal solution contained

Whatman No. 2 ¢lter. The biomass on each ¢lter



paper was washed 10 times with 1 ml phosphate buf-


fer solution and transferred into a test tube. The bio-

MnSO4 W4H2 O, 0.04 g CuSO4 W5H2 O, and 0.018 g

mass was sonicated (Bransonic Model 350) at a



ZnSO4 W7H2 O,

g 0.5



FeSO4 W7H2 O,




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Fig. 2. Structure of backpropagation neural network.

power output of approximately 26 J/s for 100 s to break up the sludge £ocs [23]. The sonicated samples were further diluted, and plated onto ADM plates with or without 2U1034 M DCCD (N,NP-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, an ATPase inhibitor). The additional treatments to aerobic sludge samples were performed to enhance the isolation of Acinetobacter from sludge £ocs and to evaluate any alternative ATP generation from the stored PP. Initially, the colonies were examined microscopically on a wet mount for motility; colonies showing £agellum motility were discarded. Cells were further characterized by Gram-staining, and only Gram-negative isolates were transferred to ADM plates for further puri¢cation. After 2 days of incubation at 30³C, purity was con¢rmed microscopically.

Na3 citrateW2H2 O, and heating at 65³C for 2 h. A small amount of auxotroph, cultured overnight in the ADM broth supplemented with 100 mg/l of Ltryptophan, was mixed with approximately 0.1 ml of each crude DNA solution in a spot (ca. 1 cm diameter) on an ADM agar plate supplemented with 50 mg/l of L-tryptophan. The non-DNA added auxotroph and the DNA solution alone (without cells) were also spread on the same plate as control. After incubation at 30³C for 2 days, colonies from DNA and non-DNA treated sample were streaked onto ADM agar plate without L-tryptophan supplement and incubated at 30³C for 2 days. Only transformants exhibiting growth on ADM without L-tryptophan supplement were positively identi¢ed as Acinetobacter.

2.3. DNA transformation assay

2.4. Biochemical characterization

The colony transformation method using the competent strain BD413 trp E27 obtained from Dr. R. Bayly (Monash University, Victoria, Australia) was performed as described by Juni [14]. A crude DNA was extracted by adding a loopful culture of each isolate in a solution consisting of 0.05% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 0.15 M NaCl, and 0.015 M

For each Acinetobacter isolate, the 28 physiological, biochemical and nutritional tests (Table 1) were performed as described by Bouvet and Grimont [17]. 2.5. PP accumulation and nitrate reduction

The accumulation of PP in each isolate was tested

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with the ADM broth in which the concentrations of the original P and carbon source were increased to 100 mg/l P and 5.67 g/l NaAc, respectively [24]. Each isolate was stained with a modi¢ed Neisser method [25]. The capability of isolates to reduce nitrate (to nitrite) and denitrify (to N2 ) was tested with tryptocasein soy broth, supplemented with 0.17% agar and 0.1 g KNO3 /l [26]. The concentration of nitrite was monitored spectrometrically at 540 nm. For those isolates with only nitrate reduction capabilities, nitrite accumulated in the medium. However, isolates that could denitrify accumulated nitrite initially; nitrite then disappeared due to further reduction to N2 . 2.6. PHB metabolism

The key enzyme, L-hydroxybutyrate (L-HB) dehydrogenase, is common to the pathways of both L-HB utilization and PHB synthesis in all organisms capable of PHB metabolism [27]. Therefore, the result of L-HB utilization tests was used as an indicator for PHB metabolism for those isolates exhibiting PP accumulation. 2.7. Backpropagation neural network

The backpropagation neural network consisted of input (i neurons), hidden (j neurons), and output (k neurons) layers with a bias at the input and hidden layers (Fig. 2). Adjacent layers are interconnected by weighted branches, i.e. weight matrices ji and kj for input to hidden and hidden to output layers, respectively, where subscripts denote weights associated with ith neuron of the input layer to jth neuron of the hidden layer and jth neuron of the hidden layer to kth neuron of the output layer. In the forward propagation mode, a set of input data ( vector) is presented to neurons in the input layer which simply transmit the input values to the hidden layer, and, subsequently, each neuron in the hidden and output layers except the bias unit calculates its activation (c) as a function of the weighted sum (z) of its input as follows: 1 …1† c…z† ˆ 1 ‡ e3z V





X 0 X


Wji xi


Vkj cj






In a learning mode, sets of training examples consisting of n input and output vector pairs ( and ) are repeatedly presented to the network. Each neuron in the output layer predicts a single real number, based on the input ( ) and current weight values of ji and kj . The objective is to iteratively search for sets of weights ( ji and kj ) that minimize the sum of squared errors (J) between the predictions ( ) and the desired outputs ( ) over all n training examples: n 2 …yp 3dp † …3† minw v J ˆ x












In the backpropagation mode, the weights ji and are updated after presentation of each sample in proportion to the gradient of the error between the prediction and actual values at the rth iteration step as: …4† vr Vkj ˆ R…drk 3yrk †y2rk …13yrk † and 2 vr Wji ˆ R…13drk †drk Nrk Vkj …5† W


X k

where Nrk is further de¢ned as …6† Nrk ˆ …drk 3yrk †yrk …13yrk † In Eqs. 4 and 5, R is a learning parameter that has a value less than 1 which decreases as the training proceeds. Detailed information about neural network fundamentals as well as implementation can be found in Baughman and Liu [28]. 3. Results

3.1. Training of a neural network

Genospecies group 1^12 that had been genotypically and phenotypically characterized by Bouvet

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Table 1 Phenotypic characteristics of Acinetobacter genospecies [17] Characteristic Positive strains of each genospeciesa (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8/9 10 11 12 this studyb (8) (121) (15) (23) (17) (3) (23) (34) (4) (4) (3) (162) Growth at 44³C 3 + 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Growth at 41³C 3 + + 3 90 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 Growth at 37³C + + + + + + 3 + + + + 20 Gelatin hydrolysis 3 3 3 96 3 + 3 3 3 3 3 7 Hemolysis 3 3 3 + 3 + 3 3 3 3 3 8 Q-Glutamyltransferase + 99 + 4 3 66 3 3 3 3 3 10 Citrate (Simmons) + + + 91 82 + + 3 + + 3 39 Glucose oxidation + 95 + 52 3 66 3 6 + 3 33 2 L-Xylosidase 3 95 + 52 3 66 3 6 3 3 3 2 Utilization of: DL-Lactate + + + 3 + 3 + + + + + 44 Glutarate + + + 3 3 3 3 3 + + + 15 L-Phenylalanine + 87 66 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 + 6 Phenylacetate + 87 66 3 3 3 3 94 25 50 + 3 Malonate + 98 87 3 3 3 13 3 3 3 + 5 L-Histidine + 98 87 96 + + 3 3 + + 3 25 Azelate + 90 + 3 3 3 3 + 50 25 + 8 D-Malate 3 98 + 96 + 66 22 76 + + 3 4 L-Aspartate + + + 64 40 66 61 3 + 75 3 37 L-Leucine 38 97 94 96 11 + 3 3 3 3 + 10 Histamine 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 + 75 3 7 L-Tyrosine + + + 5 60 66 70 3 + 75 + 23 L-Alanine + 95 94 3 3 3 3 3 + + 3 19 Ethanol + + + 96 + + + 97 + + + 99 2,3-Butanediol + + + 3 3 3 35 3 + + + 26 trans-Aconitate + 99 + 52 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 L-Arginine + 98 + 96 95 + 35 3 3 3 + 28 L-Ornithine + 93 + 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 3 10 DL-4-Aminobutyrate + + + + 88 3 35 40 + + + 23 a + = 100% positive; 3 = 100% negative. The number in parentheses indicates the number of each respective genospecies tested. b For 162 isolates identi¢ed as genospecies 7 in this study.

and Grimont [17] were used for training of the neural network. Additional groups of Acinetobacter genospecies, described by Tjernberg and Ursing [29], were not consolidated for the neural network identi¢cation, since only a few phenotypic properties of these additional genotypes were investigated. Among genospecies 1^12, species 8 and 9 have been grouped together in this study since they could not be distinguished from their phenotypic characters [17]. Additionally, because genospecies 1^3 share similar phenotypes [19,30], these genospecies have also been grouped as one to yield a total of nine groups out of 12 genospecies for training of the network.

One thousand training data points, equally distributed among the regrouped nine genospecies, were randomly generated based on the percent positive reaction values (Table 1); e.g. each genospecies 7 training strain independently has 61% probability of being positive for L-aspartate, and so on. Each of 28 unit characters (numerical value of 1 for positive and 0 for negative) was used as the input to the network. Initially, 10^100 hidden neurons were investigated and the optimum number of hidden neurons yielding the lowest overall error (J) of the training set was determined to be 15. Approximately 30 000 iterations with 15 hidden neurons were subsequently used to train the network. The number of

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the output layer consisted of nine neurons, representing each one of the nine genospecies. 3.2. Neural network performance evaluation

Phenotypic data of Acinetobacter genospecies from Baumann et al. [13] and Morton and Barrett [31], as discussed and assigned to genospecies 1^12 by Bouvet and Grimont [17], were used to test the trained network. Independent testing data are necessary to validate the prediction by the trained network, prior to identi¢cation of the isolates to the genospecies level. However, only 21 or 18 out of 28 tests employed by Bouvet and Grimont [17] were characterized by Baumann et al. [13] or Morton and Barrett [31], respectively. Therefore, the remaining input data were obtained from the Bouvet and Grimont percent positive reaction values (Table 1), similar to procedures used in the training of the network. Ninety-nine strains out of a total of 104 were correctly predicted by the trained network with an average activation value above 80% (Table 2). The prediction was based on the highest neuron activation level at the output layer; if any particular testing set exhibited its highest activation level below 0.5, the isolate was designated as non-identi¢ed. Each of the nine genospecies groups with the exception of species 10 and 12 was represented in the test strains and correctly predicted by the trained network. Hence, the backpropagation network is clearly able to assign the strains into di¡erent DNA/ DNA hybridization groups based on their phenotypes.

Table 3 Distribution of Acinetobacter genospecies isolateda Genospecies 1^3 4 5 6 7 8/9 10 11 12 Non-identi¢ed 2 1 15 4 PAER PDCCD 1 4 3 12 2 PF‡S 5 15 1 PANA 3 7 10 1 1 AAER 3 1 15 1 AF‡S 6 2 ADCCD 2 7 12 2 1 AANA 4 1 19 1 1 2 1 AANO 2 1 24 1 3 1 6 1 2 17 9 1 2 BAER BF‡S 4 2 1 4 5 2 1 1 BDCCD 1 5 12 3 3 Total 20 13 16 24 162 24 3 9 3 8 a P = Phostrip process; A = A2 O process; B = Blue Plains conventional activated sludge process. Subscripts denote: AER = aerobic, ANA =anaerobic, ANO = anoxic, F+S = ¢ltered and sonicated aerobic sample, DCCD = F+S sample with 2U1034 M of DCCD. 3.3. Acinetobacter species

Two di¡erent types of activated sludges exhibiting biological P removal (Phostrip and A2 O) and the conventional AS without biological P removal were evaluated for the presence of Acinetobacter species. Despite di¡erent types of samples and locations, 83^ 95% of randomly picked colonies (22^40 colonies per plate) were typically identi¢ed as Acinetobacter species through DNA transformation of BD413 trp E27 auxotroph. The dilution plates used ranged from 1033 to 1036 , due to di¡erent concentrations of vol-

Table 2 Evaluation results of the trained networksa Genospecies Number of Number of correctly Averaged activation for the tested strains predicted strains correctly predicted strains 1^3 54 54 0.96 4 7 7 0.99 5 3 3 0.88 6 3 3 0.81 7 19 16 0.88 8/9 13 12 0.80 11 5 4 0.95 Total 104 99 a The data used for evaluation are from Baumann et al. [13] and Morton and Barrett [31].

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Number of misidenti¢ed strains 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 4

Number of nonidenti¢ed strains 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1


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atile suspended solids (980^3350 mg/l of biomass concentration). No direct comparison could be made about the number of Acinetobacter species isolated from ¢ltered sludge £oc and their respective unsonicated aerobic samples, nor from di¡erent sources. Overall, the percentage of Acinetobacter species in each sample was comparable to other studies, ranging between 40 and 90% [7,8,11]. A total of 282 isolates of Acinetobacter species were assigned to distinct genospecies based on their 28 phenotypic test results through the prediction of the trained network (Table 3). At least one of each nine genospecies groups was isolated from AS samples. However, a signi¢cant portion of samples including those of conventional AS samples (57%, or 162 out of total 282 Acinetobacter isolates) was identi¢ed as genospecies 7 (Acinetobacter johnsonii), with an average activation level of 0.71. This value is slightly lower than 0.8 obtained from the testing data of Baumann et al [13] and Morton and Barrett [31]. The average positive reaction values for each test of 162 isolates assigned to genospecies 7 are shown in the last column in Table 1 for comparison. 3.4. PP accumulation, L-HB utilization and nitrate reduction

Overall, approximately half of the isolates (139 out of 282 isolates) accumulated PP to a varying degree (Table 4). For the isolates from the conventional AS samples, only 19% (average value out of 10^34%) showed PP accumulation, as compared to much higher percentages of AS samples from the biological P removal plant. Furthermore, out of 71 isolates that accumulated PP with 50% stained area or greater, 22 isolates could use L-HB as a sole source of carbon and energy, indicating the capability for both PP and PHB metabolism. However, no particular trend of the isolates for PP or PHB metabolism was apparent in di¡erent AS samples, nor in di¡erent genospecies groups of Acinetobacter. Only 35 out of 282 isolates (12%) were able to reduce nitrate to nitrite; of these eight could further reduce nitrite to nitrogen gas. No distinct trend was evident for the source of the denitrifying isolates; some denitrifying isolates were obtained from the conventional AS plant.

Table 4 Results of PP accumulation and L-HB utilization tests Sample ID PP accumulationa +++ ++ + 3 % L-HBb utilization PAER 0 3 10 9 59 0 PF‡S 0 2 14 5 76 0 PDCCD 0 6 11 5 77 0 PANA 2 10 7 3 85 2 AAER 2 3 5 10 50 2 AF‡S 2 5 0 1 88 2 ADCCD 7 6 4 7 71 7 AANA 3 3 3 20 31 3 AANO 5 4 4 19 41 4 1 4 8 25 34 1 BAER BF‡S 0 1 1 18 10 0 BDCCD 1 1 1 21 13 1 a PP accumulation level based on % of cell surfaces stained with methylene blue. +++ = 75% or greater; ++ = 50%; +=25% or less; 3 = none. b Only the isolates that showed 50% PP accumulation or greater were tested for L-HB utilization. 4. Discussion

The delineation of di¡erent DNA groups among members of Acinetobacter by Bouvet and Grimont [17], later con¢rmed by an independent study [29], allows identi¢cation at the species level. The correlation between DNA groups and their phenotypes is invaluable in providing a simple and rapid identi¢cation [19,30]. In this study, the backpropagation neural network was evaluated for the identi¢cation of Acinetobacter genospecies, and the results were promising. Gerner-Smidt et al. [30] reported that 80% of Acinetobacter genospecies were correctly predicted at the 80% con¢dence level with the maximum likelihood method based on the same 28 phenotypic data; and the percentage correctly predicted decreased with a higher con¢dence level. In the present study, more than 95% of the 104 tested strains were correctly identi¢ed by the trained neural network with the activation level greater than 0.80 (Table 2). However, the comparison of the positive reactions of 28 tests for genospecies 7 between our data and others (Table 1) demonstrates a possibility of the misidenti¢cation either at training or at actual testing stages, suggesting that the neural technique is not perfect. Also, problems exist for genospecies 8 and 9 and genospecies 1, 2, and 3 although the group 1, 2 and 3 may be resolved by a further re¢nement of

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the training procedures. Nonetheless, based on the

stance, Lo ë tter and van der Merwe [36] have shown a

ability to handle variable phenotypic input data,

positive correlation between

identi¢cation of microbial species by the neural net-

phosphotransacetylase activities and P removal e¤-

work approach may provide an alternative means to


currently used clustering or other taxonomical meth-





isolates (247 out of 282) were

ods. Moreover, other phenotypic data such as mem-

unable to reduce nitrate to nitrite. These results

brane protein and fatty acid pro¢les can also be used

agree with Juni [37] in that most members of the

as input data for neural networks. For example,


methyl-esters of intracellular fatty acids have been

This property is another desirable characteristic of

successfully used as input data for a neural network

microorganisms responsible for enhanced P removal.

to assign di¡erent marine bacteria [22].

The presence of nitrate in anaerobic zones has been

As compared to the data of Baumann et al. [13]


shown to adversely a¡ect P release and PHB accu-

that mainly consisted of genospecies complex 1^3


from soil isolates, genospecies 7 was shown to be




in general do not reduce nitrate.



Acinetobacter metabolized



denitri¢ers, chain


they acids

species from AS samples

with nitrate respiration, and not stored them as

in this study as also reported by others [24,32]. The

PHB. Further, the higher redox environment posed

signi¢cant number of


species in all

by the presence of nitrate may inhibit either P release

sludge samples further shows that they are pervasive

or fermentation activities of other facultative anae-

under various environmental conditions. However,












isolates was




In conclusion, the wide occurrence and physiological characteristics of


species (PP and

samples of biological P removal processes. In other

PHB accumulation and inability to reduce nitrate) in


conventional or modi¢ed AS plants clearly indicate

words, the ability to accumulate PP by

Acinetobacter species exhibit desirable character-

species might be enhanced by the imposed anaerobic



istics for enhanced biological P removal. Also, the



did not signi¢cantly decrease the num-

Acinetobacter species, particularly Acinetobacter johnsonii, under varied environmental

ber of isolates from the ¢ltered-biomass samples. Be-

conditions suggests that P removing capability can

cause DCCD inhibits ATPase that would otherwise

be obtained by imposing alternating anaerobic/aero-

generate ATP by respiration, the results indicate a

bic conditions. However, roles of other PP-accumu-

possible existence of an alternative mode of metabol-

lating bacteria, e¡ects of facultative anaerobes, and

The use of 2



ic energy generation in

M DCCD in the isolation of


pervasiveness of

[33]. For exam-

environmental conditions such as organic loadings


and pH on the eco-physiology of enhanced P remov-

strain 210A has been demonstrated [34],

ing bacterial species under strict anaerobic condi-

and the occurrence of high PP :AMP phosphotrans-

tions warrant further investigation. Finally, the use


of a neural network approach for identifying bacte-

ple, ATP production from PP in cell extracts of


ferase activities among other PP-accumulating


isolates also reported [19].

rial species appears promising.

The propensity for both PP and PHB metabolism was widespread among the


isolates ;

the ability of accumulating PP and PHB, however,


was not con¢ned to some unique genospecies as reported in this study and others [35]. Both PP and

The BD413 trp E27 auxotroph provided by Dr.

PHB metabolisms are critical for microorganisms re-

R.C. Bayly of Monash University, Victoria, Austral-

sponsible for biological P removal in AS processes

ia and useful discussions on neural network tech-

since the role of PP hydrolysis is to provide energy

niques with Dr. Ming He are gratefully acknowl-

necessary for the uptake of short fatty acids to ac-

edged. The support from the NSF BES-9625183 is

cumulate PHB under anaerobic conditions. For in-


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