2008 National Nurse Practitioner Summit and Leadership Confer ence Barbara Safriet, JD, Keynote Speaker The American College of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP)
dees focused on legislative activity in the 110th
held its 15th National NP Summit and Leadership
Congress affecting NPs and strategies for improving
Conference on February 7-10, 2008, in Washington,
the practice environment in their home states.
DC. The NP Summit included a briefing on legislative
Among the issues discussed were in-depth policy
issues currently affecting nurse practitioner (NP) prac-
examination of issues surrounding the convenient
tice by ACNP’s government relations consultants
care (retail clinics) industry, pay for performance,
from Drinker Biddle Reath before the NP attendees
“medical homes,” the campaign for direct-to-con-
visited their Members of Congress on Capitol Hill.
sumer (DTC) provider-neutral language, a review of
Barbara Safriet, JD, LLM, former associate dean,
recent NP malpractice cases, the update of the
Yale University School of Law, and author and lec-
National Council of State Boards of Nursing
turer on advanced practice nurses’ regulatory status,
(NCSBN) Vision Paper, as well as the doctor of nurs-
health care workforce, licensure, and practice, was
ing practice (DNP). Stay tuned for further summaries
the keynote speaker at the Summit. Summit atten-
on issues debated at the Summit.
ACNP’s PAC Successful at Clinical Conference Conference. And to all of you who “forgot” your
a successful “Project Funway” at the clinical confer-
checkbooks or did not have a credit card handy, we
ence in San Antonio, Texas. A contest was held to
would like to remind you that we still need your PAC
create a new PAC logo. After a competitive vote, the
contributions! (ACNP members should mail checks to
winning design was selected. The winning logo was
ACNP PAC, PO Box 77673, Washington, DC 20013).
revealed at the National NP Summit in a grand unveil-
We are happy to receive checks and credit card
ing. Stay tuned for a roll-out of several tasteful items
pledges any time. Remember, 2008 is a big year for
for purchase with the PAC’s outstanding new logo.
voters and for the ACNP PAC. Donate early and
Federal guidelines require that PAC donors be mem-
donate often! Our motto is, “Just say YES!”
bers of ACNP. From Nan and MJ: “We thank all those generous
Nanette Alexander and MJ Henderson
PAC donors who helped us raise $5,980 at the Clinical
ACNP PAC Cochairs
Now Available: AHRQ’s Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses Patient Safety and Quality: an Evidence-based
in the field review the literature on a variety of
Handbook for Nurses, edited by Ronda G. Hughes,
aspects of patient safety and quality, such as evi-
PhD, MHS, RN, and published by the Agency for
dence-based practice and health services research;
Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), is now
patient-centered care, family care-giving and preven-
available at no cost to all health care professionals.
tion; safety, including medication management, error
You can obtain your copy from AHRQ Publications
reporting and disclosure, and personal safety for nurs-
Clearinghouse. Call (800) 358-9295 and order AHRQ
es; quality improvement, including improving surgical
publication No. 07-0015 (available in print, on CD,
outcomes, medication reconciliation, and prevention
or for download to your own computer; see
or management of hospital acquired infections; elec-
tronic health records, computerized patient order
AHRQ and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
entry, and technology to support high-reliability nurse
have partnered to prepare this comprehensive hand-
documentation. Eileen O’Grady, PhD, NP, wrote the
book for nurses on patient safety and quality. Experts
chapter addressing nurse practitioner issues.
The ACNP’s Political Action Committee (PAC) hosted
2008 Advanced Public Policy Institute for Health Professionals ACNP is hosting its second 5-day Advanced Public
expectations or pay-for-performance and quality initia-
Policy Institute (APPI) for Health Professionals on
tives, effect of retail clinic evolution on health policy, and
March 10-14, 2008. The APPI is designed for an inter-
advanced telecommunications and health information
disciplinary audience of health professionals —
technology questions. In addition to the opportunity for
advanced practice nurses, physical therapists, occu-
face-to-face interactions during the Institute, the sched-
pational therapists, physician assistants, and others
ule will feature both large- and small-group sessions
who are focused on the public policy dimension of
with Washington insiders. Another highlight of this
health care delivery.
experience is that attendees learn to navigate
Institute attendees will learn more about the nuts and
Washington, DC, and meet and observe policy makers
bolts of health issues in Congress and the administra-
at work. Visit www.acnpweb.org for conference regis-
tion, behind-the-scenes policy debates and outcomes,
tration, program, and housing information.
New CE Opportunity for Nurse Practitioners!
With the goal of offering timely and relevant continu-
To facilitate record keeping and CE management,
ing education (CE) for nurse practitioners in a con-
NPs are asked to register by creating an easy-to-
venient, easily accessible environment, ACNP’s
remember login ID and password. This allows the NP
Online Learning Center features a variety of pertinent
to take a break and resume his or her CE session at
clinical educational programs. Each 1-hour CE ses-
any point. The site includes complete instructions
sion features an audio presentation (with PowerPoint
and frequently asked questions. Visit ACNP’s CE
slides) initially presented at the 2007 National Clinical
Online Learning Center to view a list of available ses-
sions and descriptions at www.acnpweb.org.
Latest ACNP Legislative Tracking Chart Now Available (Members Only) The ACNP Legislative Tracking Chart summarizes leg-
stituents would be helped by passage of the legisla-
islation in the 110th Congress that affects NPs and
tion carry a powerful message.
their ability to provide patient care services, and the
It is particularly important to tell the Members of
health care delivery system. Visit www.acnpweb.org
Congress about your own individual clinical practice set-
for “Members Only” to view the chart.
ting and what types of patients you see every day. You
Please review the list of bills and check whether
might even invite the Member of Congress to spend a
your Members of Congress are signed on as co-spon-
day with you in your clinic to talk to some of the citizens
sors of the ACNP-supported bills. If not, please con-
who are their constituents. If he or she agrees, you can
tact them to let them know which bills you and your
set up a “Talk to Your Member of Congress” table in the
professional NP organization are supporting, urging
waiting room and let the health care providers talk either
them to support the bills that are important to you.
as a group or one on one about their issues and needs
Patient care scenarios that show how patients/con-
from the health care system.
2008 Public Policy Agenda Annually, the participants of the National NP
With every potential action that comes before ACNP, we ask, “Does this issue match or fit with our
necessary changes. This key ACNP statement guides
Public Policy Agenda?” By asking this question, we
and directs ACNP’s government relations consult-
conserve our time, energy, and resources to be
ants, the board of directors, the staff, and all state,
directed to the most appropriate areas. A printable
national, and group affiliates of ACNP on where to
copy of the agenda is readily available under the
focus their energies for legislative issues in 2008.
Policy/Advocacy tab at www.acnpweb.org.
Legislative Issues of 110th Congress That Affect NPs The 110th Congress has been busy, starting out quick-
primary health care services to vulnerable popula-
ly in January 2007, with the introduction of several
tions living in underserved communities around the
pieces of health-related legislation affecting NPs.
nation and would reduce the level of health dispari-
ACNP works closely with other national nursing organ-
ties experienced by vulnerable populations. ACNP
izations’ government relations staff, Capitol Hill staff,
supports this bill and is alerting the membership to
and our government relations consultants in deter-
contact their Senators to urge them to sign on as
mining whether or not to support an issue.
cosponsors at this time.
Improving Access to Workers Compensation for
Home Health Care Access Protection Act of 2007
Injured Federal Workers Act of 2007 (S.1796) was
(S 2181) was introduced on October 17, 2007, by
introduced July 17, 2007, by Senators Kennedy (D-
Senator Collins (R-ME) with Senators Robert Casey
MA), Isakson (R-GA), and Collins (R-ME) and in the
(R-PA), Christopher Bond ((R-MO), Maria Cantwell
House by Representatives Phil Hare (D-IL) and Mark
(D-WA), and Jack Reed (D-RI) as cosponsors. On
Souder (R-IN). This bill would amend the Federal
November 8, 2007, Rep. James McGovern (D-MA)
Employee’s Compensation Act (FECA) to recognize
introduced HR 3865 as the House Companion bill.
physician assistants and advanced practice nurses as
This bill would have the secretary of HHS convene a
covered providers.
Technical Advisory Group to advise the secretary on
Nurse-Managed Health Clinic Investment Act of
differences in real changes in case mix and changes
2007 (S 2112), was introduced on September 27,
in coding or classification of different units of service
2007, by Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI), with Senators
applying to home care patients.
Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Daniel Akaka (D-HI) as cosponsors. The clinics would offer comprehensive
Summits review the Public Policy Agenda and make
To obtain the full language of any bill go to the Thomas website at www.thomas.gov. 147
Authorization Versus Appropriation:
How Decisions of Government Funds Are Made and Monies Divided Robert Waters, JD, Drinker Biddle Reath LLP
nursing shortage crisis and lack of funding for nursing
Congress exercises its power of federal spending
education programs. In 2001, the nursing community
through authorizing and appropriating money to
decided more needed to be done to address the nurs-
different programs. The process consists of 2 sepa-
ing shortage so they started working with Members
rate steps: first, the enactment of an authorization
of Congress, and in December 2001 the “Nurse
measure to create or to continue an agency or pro-
Reinvestment Act” was introduced in the House of
gram; second, an appropriation measure needs to
Representatives and the Senate. The House bill went
pass to provide funds for the authorized agency or
to its assigned authorizing committee, the House
program. Authorization legislation grants legal author-
Energy and Commerce Committee, and the Senate
ity for federal programs and activities to exist and
bill went directly to the Senate floor. By the July 2002
to authorize subsequent appropriations to fund them.
the Nurse Reinvestment Act was sent to the White
Authorization measures are under the jurisdiction of
House and the president signed the measure into law
the designated House and Senate committees,
on August 1, 2002.
whereas the House and Senate Appropriations
The work of the nursing community paid off, and
Committees have jurisdiction over appropriations
additional programs addressing nurses’ needs were
measures. The authorization bills provide a legal struc-
authorized by Congress. Every year since 2002, the
ture for a program
nursing community has worked hard to see that these
An appropriation bill grants the actual amount
programs are actually funded. As a result of these
approved by an authorization bill for the federal fund-
efforts, resources have been appropriated in each of
ing of all agencies, departments, and programs. All
the Labor, Health and Human Services-Education
appropriations bills must be passed by both houses
Appropriations (LHHS) bills from fiscal year 2003 to
of Congress and signed by the president by the begin-
fiscal year 2008 to support federal nursing develop-
ning of the fiscal year. In recent years, Congress
ment programs.
has missed this deadline, resulting in the use of a
For fiscal year 2008, Congress has provided $169.7
Congressional Resolution to extend funding for pro-
million, but as of the writing of this article the bill has
grams at the current year level until the appropriations
been vetoed by the president. Next year the Nurse
bills for the next year are finalized. Programs such
Reinvestment Act will need to be reauthorized and, of
as Medicare and Medicaid are considered mandatory
course, appropriated again. Your help will be needed
spending and therefore do not go through the normal
to encourage your Congressional representatives to
authorization and appropriations process.
continue their support of important nursing education
A real example of this process is shown through the nursing community’s efforts in addressing the
ACNP website to take action!
Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI), also known as Pay-for-Performance (P4P) NPs are among the eligible professionals who are
all NPs to participate in PQRI to show NP quality and
able to participate in the new quality reporting initia-
effectiveness of care. See the CMS website
tive launched by the Centers for Medicare and
http://cms.hhs.gov/pqri for full details.
Medicaid Services (CMS) on March 19, 2007. ACNP
1555-4155/08/$ see front matter © 2008 American College of Nurse Practitioners doi:10.1016/j.nurpra.2007.12.009
Immediate Past President Susan Apold encourages 148
and workforce programs, so stayed tuned to the