The initial effect of the roentgen therapy was observed to be the coughing up of large amounts of thick mucus. Improvement general]) occurred within two or three weeks. Excellent results were obt,ained in 39 per cent, and good results in 40 per cent. It was not)ed that radiation therapy was of value in those asthmatic patients who showed infcction either of the bronchi or the nasal sinuses. There was little cffcc~i ol’ t,his type of treatment in those who were free from infeclioll.
Cardiovascular Bowcock,
Allergy. Davison, IL AI.? Thoroughman. H. : South. X. J. 36: 560, 1943.
.T. (‘., and
In fifteen cases presented, the authors claim that cardiac symptoms were of allergic origin. These patients had either tachycardia or paroxysmal tachycardia, and in one of these there were attacks alternating between auricular paroxysmal tachycardia, auricular fibrillation, and auricular flutter. The majority showed no evidence of organic cal*disc disease. All of the patients had other accepted manifestations 01 at,opy, such as asthma, hay fever, and urt.icaria. In some the cardiac symptoms could be precipit,ated experimentally by the ingestion of the suspected food. In others, the patient refused to try such an experiment. 111 seven of these cases, the cardiac sympt,oms have been controlled by dietary regulation. In two, the symptoms have not, been relieved. The remaining six have either discontinued treatment, are still in cluesCon, or have lost contact with the authors.
Acquired Goldman,
Hypersensitivity Id., and MeNary,
to the Chlorinated R. : Arch. Dermat.
& Syph. 48: 15, 194X
In an individual known to be sensitive to mustard agent, the application of a t.richlorotriethylamine hydrochloride to t,he skin caused slight disturbances. Ten days later, the application of the free amine caused a local react,ion and a papulovesicular reaction about the healed areas, which had been affected hy the hydrochloride. Subsequently there was a severe eczematons reaction on the entire forearm.
The Production Dermat.
of Bullae in the Skin of the Duck.
Goldman, 1,. : -4~11.
& Syph. 48: 161, 1943.
In the search for an experimental animal t,he skin of which reacts to various irritants with the production of bullae, the author investigated the chicken, the owl, and the duck. The plucked skin of the duck The int radermal injection of was found to be the most satisfactory. saline solution resulted immediat,ely in the production of a large bullous