Brain Research, 609 (1993) 231-236 © 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 0006-8993/93/$06.00
BRES 18744
Acrylamide induces immediate-early gene expression in rat brain H. E n d o a, M.I. S a b r i b, J . M . S t e p h e n s c, P . H . P e k a l a c a n d S. K i t t u r a a Gerontology Research Center, Laboratory of Biological Chemistry, Baltimore, MD (USA), b Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR (USA) and c Department of Biochemistry, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC (USA) (Accepted 17 November 1992)
Key words: Acrylamide; c-los; c-jun; mRNA; Chemical injury; Neurotoxicity
Northern blot analysis was used to study the effects of acrylamide, a potent neurotoxin, on the induction of c-los and c-jun mRNA in rat brain. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (10-12 weeks old) treated with acrylamide as a single dose (100 mg/kg, i.p.) or via drinking water (0.03% w/v) for 4 weeks, were used to study acute and chronic effects on immediate-early gene expression, respectively. Acute administration of acrylamide caused a statistically significant increase in the expression of c-fos (approx. 37%) and c-jun (approx. 17%) mRNA in rat brain. By contrast, the level of c-los mRNA in chronic acrylamide treatment was not altered significantly, but the expression of c-jun mRNA was increased almost 100% as compared to control. These data show that the neurotoxin acrylamide induces immediate-early gene expression in the brain. The effects appear to be related to the route of administration, dose and duration of acrylamide treatment.
c-fos mRNA in the ipsi- and contralateral hippocam-
The proto-oncogenes, c-fos and c-jun, and the respective proteins (Fos and Jun) are rapidly and transiently expressed in response to external stimuli in many ceils types, including neurons 32. Recent studies have shown that c-los mRNA and protein are induced in neurons and glia following brain injury 9'1°'42, hypoxia-ischemia and seizures 19 and activation of Nmethyl-D-aspartate receptor 1. c-fos has been proposed to function as a 'third messenger' molecule in the signal transduction system 32. Fos and Jun proteins are induced by neurotrophic factors, neurotransmitters, depolarizing conditions and agents that cause a voltage-gated calcium influx in PC12 cells 32. c-los is also induced in CNS neurons of intact animals by pharmacological, electrical, surgical, and physiological stimuli u. The level of c-los mRNA and corresponding protein induction is known to increase transiently in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus after generalized seizures 31. Intrahippocampal injection of the mast cell-degranulating peptide, a bee venom component acting on the K ÷ channel, causes the expression of
pus without generating convulsions 4t. Preproenkephalin gene is known to be regulated by Fos and Jun proteins; levels of preproenkephalin mRNA were increased 1-2 h post-seizure, subsequent to the rise in Fos and Jun 47. Fos immunohistochemistry provides a cellular method to label polysynaptically activated neurons and thereby map functional pathways 38. Alterations in the structure and expression of proteins involved in signal transmission are known to be associated with experimental and human cancer 2°. The response of proto-oncogenes to xenobiotics that compromise neuronal integrity is uninvestigated. Acrylamide neurotoxicity is a suitable animal model to study the expression of these genes because responses to systemic exposure of this neurotoxin are characterized and experimentally reproducible 4,13,15,34,39,48-5°. Acute exposure leads to encephalopathy 22. Repeated intoxication with smaller doses of acylamide causes an ataxic syndrome in humans 14, neuronal loss 3'5 and distal axonal degeneration 34,48-5°. Chronically treated rodents lose microtubule-associated proteins (MAP1 and MAP2) and show dendritic changes in hippocampal
Correspondence: M.I. Sabri, Center for Research on Occupational and Environmental Toxicology (L606), Oregon Health Sciences University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR, USA. Fax: (1) (503) 494-4278.
232 and extrapyramidal areas ~'7. Chronic exposure also causes retrograde degeneration of long and large-diameter axons in gracile tracts and peripheral nerves, with associated sensory loss and motor weakness 39'49'50. While it is commonly suggested that axonal neuropathy results from a direct action of acrylamide on elements required for intracellular transport 2"3°'36'37'45"46,the possibility of a toxic effect on the neuronal perikaryon has been rarely investigated. This communication reports that acrylamide alters the expression of the immediate-early genes c-los and c-jun in rat brain. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Acute acrylamide treatment Sprague-Dawley rats (Charles River, Wilmington, MA) were treated with a single i.p. injection of either saline (control) or acrylamide (100 mg/kg). Rats were sacrificed by decapitation after 6 h, the brains excised, frozen on dry-ice and kept at - 80°C until used for RNA isolation. A time of 6 h was chosen for acute study since acrylamide causes optimum inhibition of fast retrograde axonal transport at this time 3°. Cerebral cortex from 5 acrylamide-treated and 3 saline-treated control rats were used for total RNA extraction.
Data were normalized to ~-actin mRNA. ¢¢-actin, an ubiquitous protein, was used as an internal control since total levels of this abundant protein were not unaltered by acrylamide. The following probes were used for these studies: (t) c-los; a l.(l-kb Pstl fragment of pfos-1 (ATCC, Rockville, MD)S; (2)c-jun; a 1.8-kb EcoRl/HindIII fragment (obtained from Dr. W.W. Lamph, The Salk Institute, San Diego)28; (3) /3-actin; 0.7-kb TaqI-Mcol cDNA fragment (Oncor, Gaithersberg, MD). RESULTS
Acute acrylamide treatment Autoradiograms of Northerns from control and acrylamide-treated samples hybridized with radiolabeled cDNA probes for c-fos, c-jun, and /3-actin are shown in (Fig. 1). Fig. 2 illustrates that the amount of c-fos mRNA (2.2 kb) was significantly increased (approx. 37%) following acrylamide treatment. The values of c-fos in acrylamide-treated (196.7 + 28.4) and control (143.2 + 9.0) samples were plotted as percent of /3-actin mRNA (Fig. 2). The values for/3-actin mRNA in acrylamide-treated (45.7 + 6.3) and control (45.8 + 0.5) samples show no significant difference in the expression of/3-actin message.
Chronic acrylamide treatment Rats were given 0.03% (w/v) acrylamide in drinking water for 4 weeks when all animals developed hind-limb weakness. Control and acrylamide-treated animals were decapitated, the brains excised, frozen on dry-ice and kept in -80°C until used for RNA extraction. Cerebral cortex from 4 acrylamide-treated and 3 saline-treated control rats were used for RNA extraction.
RNA extraction and Northern blot analysis Brain tissues were homogenized with RNAzol B reagent (Cinna/Biotex, Friendswood, TX) (2 ml/100 mg). Homogenates were treated with 10% (v/v) chloroform, centrifuged at 12,000 × g for 15 min in a microfuge and the aqueous phase transferred to a fresh tube. An equal volume of 2-isopropanol was added, the mixture centrifuged at 12,000× g for 15 min whereupon a white-yellow pellet of RNA at the bottom of tube was obtained. The supernatant was removed, the RNA pellet washed with 75% ethanol by vortexing, and the material centrifuged for 8 rain at 7,500x g. Finally, the pellet was dissolved in diethyl pyrocarbonate-treated water. The concentration of RNA was determined spectrophotometrically by the absorbance at 260 nm. Ten micrograms of total RNA were denatured in formaldehyde and fractioned on 1% agarose gel. Size-fractionated RNA was transferred to a Nytran (Schleicher and Schuell, Keene, NH) membrane by capillary blotting and heated at 80°C. Filters were prehybridized at 46°C for 4 h in 50% (v/v) formamide containing 4 x SSC (150 mM sodium chloride, 15 mM sodium citrate), 1% SDS, 0.1% each of bovine serum albumin, polyvinylpyrrolidone, and Ficoll, 50 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.4, and 100 tzg of yeast tRNA/ml of 0.5 mg/ml sodium pyrophosphate. Hybridization was carried out overnight in prehybridization solution containing 0.02% each of bovine serum albumin, polyvinylpyrrolidone and Ficoll, and either the c-los, c-jun, or /3-actin cDNA probe (1 × 107 cpm/ml) 4°. All cDNA probes were labeled with [32p] dATP (300 Ci/mmol) by random priming as described by Feinburg and Volgelstein12. After hybridization, the filters were washed in 0.1 x SSC, 0.1% SDS for 1 h at 65°C with constant agitation and then subjected to autoradiography using Kodak XAR-5 film in Dupont Cronex cassettes with intensifying screens for various periods at -80°C to ensure linear film response. The autoradiograms were developed and analyzed by a scanning laser densitometer. Differences in absorbance were quantified by Student's t-test. The same filters were stripped and reused for hybridization with other probes.
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Fig. 1. Autoradiograms of RNA blot hybridized with 32p-labeled cDNA probes for c-los and c-jun and /3-actin from the cerebral cortex of acute acrylamide-treated (AC) and saline-treated control (CT) rats. Ten/zg of total RNA was loaded in each lane.
233 c-foe mRNA in acute acrylamide treatment
3oo 200 C-fos 100 ¸
=erylamldetreated rats
Fig. 2. Levels of c-los m R N A in acute acrylamide-treated and saline-treated control rats. Levels of the gene are expressed as a percent of /3-actin mRNA. Level of c-los mRNA in acrylamide treatment was significantly different from that in control ( P < 0.05). The amount of/3-actin m R N A in acrylamide-treated sample was not significantly different from controls.
Acute acrylamide treatment also significantly increased (approx. 17%) the induction of c-jun mRNA (2.7 kb and 3.2 kb) compared to control. The values of c-jun mRNA expressed as percent of/3-actin mRNA in acrylamide-treated and control samples were 74.6 + 10.9 and 63.7 + 0.1, respectively (Fig. 3).
Chronic acrylamide treatment Fig. 4 shows autoradiograms of Northerns hybridized with radiolabeled c-fos, c-jun, and /3-actin cDNA probes. The level of c-fos mRNA in acrylamide-treated rats was not altered significantly compared to controls (Fig. 5). The values for c-fos mRNA in acrylamide-treated and control rats were 146.7 + 24.9 and 183.7 ___19.9, respectively (Fig. 5).
Fig. 4. Autoradiograms of RNA blot hybridized with 32P-labeled cDNA probes for c-fos and c-jun and ,8-actin from the cerebral cortex of chronic acrylamide-treated (AC) and saline-treated control (CT) rats. T e n / z g of total RNA was loaded in each lane.
By contrast, the level of c-jun mRNA in chronic acrylamide treatment (131.7 + 14.4) was significantly increased (100%) compared to control (65.9 + 11.7)
c-foe mRNA In chronic acrylamide treatment
c-jun mRNA in acute acrylamide treatment
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Fig. 3. Levels of c-jun m R N A in acute acrylamide-treated and saline-treated control rats. Levels of the gene are expressed as a percent of fl-actin mRNA. Level of c-jun m R N A in acrylamide treatment was significantly increased compared to control ( P < 0.05). The amount of/3-actin m R N A in acrylamide-treated sample was not significantly different from controls.
s©rylamldotreated rats
Fig. 5. Levels of c-los m R N A in chronic acrylamide-treated and saline-treated control rats. Levels are expressed as a percent of /3-actin mRNA. Level of c-los m R N A in acrylamide-treated sample was not significantly different from that in control. The amount of fl-actin m R N A in acrylamide-treated sample was not significantly different from controls.
c-jun mRNA in chronic ecrylamide treatment
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iii ul .IL ecrylamldetreated rats
Fig. 6. Levels of c-jun mRNA in chronic acr/lamide-treated and saline-treated control rats. Levels of c-jun are expressed as a percent of fl-actin mRNA. Level of c-jun mRNA in acrylamide-treated sample was significantly different from that in control (P < 0.05). The amount of fl-actin mRNA in acry]amide-treated samples was not significantly different from controls.
(Fig. 6). The values of/3-actin m R N A in chronic acrylamide-treated and control samples were 55.7 _+ 4.8 and 47.0 _+ 6.6, respectively, and are not significantly different from each other. DISCUSSION The results of this study show that systemic treatment with acrylamide induces immediate-early gene expression in rat brain. While the level of both c-los and c-jun m R N A was increased significantly following acute acrylamide treatment, only c-jun m R N A was elevated significantly following chronic acrylamide treatment. Increased mRNA could be the result of increased immediate-early gene transcription through the activation of a signal transduction system. Biochemical changes such as increased concentrations of NAD + in whole brain 25, elevated levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in the striatum, septal area, and thalamus 35 and/3-glucuronidase activity have been reported in acrylamide-treated animals 5. Differential effects of acrylamide, given as a single injection or repeated doses, have been observed previously ~6'17. While a single injection of acrylamide produces a modest retardation of the slow axonal transport of neurofilaments, chronic acrylamide treatment causes blockade of neurofilaments, reduced axonal caliber in proximal axons, and distal axonal degeneration ~6'17. The induction of c-jun and not of c-fos after chronic treatment with acrylamide is very interesting in the light of previous studies showing selective induction of c-jun mRNA and Jun proteins in dorsal root ganglion neurons after sciatic nerve transection, crush or blockade of axonal transport with colchicine or
vinblastine 24'2~'43. These reports suggest that c-jun may play an important role in neuronal response to chemical and traumatic injury. c-los activation in neuronal cells occurs within minutes of growth factor stimulation and precedes the activation of c-myc 1~'27"33. The induction of c-fos is transient and disappears 30 min after stimulation 44. It is therefore not surprising that c-los induction is not seen following chronic acrylamide treatment. Reasons for a differential effect of acute and chronic acrylamide on the induction of immediate-early genes in rat brain is not immediately clear. However, these results should be compared with findings in ischemic animals where c-los expression was dramatically elevated 72 h post ischemic injury in the CA1 region. It was speculated that c-fos participates in the long-term alteration of cellular function in individual regions of the hippocampus following neuronal injury, and may also be involved in regeneration of nerve cell processes z6. It has been suggested that c-los plays a role in the maintenance of long-term changes by increasing synaptic activity 23. Since c-los and c-jun are thought to control physiological processes of cell growth and differentiation 21, their m R N A might be activated by acrylamide-induced pathophysiological changes. It appears therefore that acrylamide may affect neuronal signal transduction and that activation of immediate-early genes may be related to a compensatory mechanism to overcome acrylamide toxicity. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that the expression of immediate-early genes (c-fos and c-jun) is up-regulated in the CNS following acrylamide treatment. While acute acrylamide administration induces both c-los and c-jun, chronic acrylamide treatment induces only c-jun. The results of this study suggest that IEGs may play important roles in neuronal responses to chemical injury.
Acknowledgements. We would like to acknowledge Mrs. Charlotte Adler for support with photography. Supported in part by NIH Grant NS 19611.
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