high (for example, 1:lOOO) but had no effect when t,he concentration was low (for example, 1: l,OOO,OOO). The addition of histamine to the sensitized tissue did not inhibit the subsequent production by the addition of the specific antigen of the typical metabolism reaction (again only one animal used in this experiment). Tests by this technique of isolated slices of human skin revealed that in erythema induratum the whole skin shows the characteristic metabolism reaction to tuberculin, while in erythema nodosum of tuberculous origin only the skin from the affected areas reacted, the normal skin showing either a weak reaction or none at all. The skin from cases of sarcoid of Boeck sometimes showed a reaction like the skin from patients with erythema induratum (2 cases), sometimes a negative reaction (3 cases), and sometimes a peculiar delayed reaction (4 cases). The results of the metabolism reaction in these diseases corresponded closely with the results of the tuberculin test. In various forms of syphilis a comparison of the in vice and in vitro luetin test showed good agreement between the two, except that in secondary syphilis the metabolism reaction was strongly positive while the skin test in vice was either weakly positive or negative. Studies by this technique of a few cases of lymphopathia venerea, fungus infections, urticaria, atopic dermatitis, drug eruptions, and contact dermatitis are also reported. For details of these interesting experiments the original must be consulted. Except in the instances of tuberculosis and syphilis the number of cases studied is not large enough to permit the drawing of definite conclusions. The skin used in the metabolism test, removed from the subject by means of a Thiersch knife, consists almost entirely of epidermis, but small bits of eutis from the tops of the papillary bodies adhere to it. The author believes that his experiments do not prove which tissue (epithelium or cutis) is the site in which the reaction is released. However, it is quite certain that the metabolism reaction takes place principally in the epithelium. These experiments furnish evidence that epithelium and cutis form a ‘Lfunctional unit ” in allergic reactions. Most important is the fact that the metabolism reaction offers for the first time a quantitative in vitro procedure for the study of allergic diseases.
Imuno’logy IJIYDEK
Active Sensitization & Ued 36. 340 A..).
of 1937
The author studied the production of active anaphylaxis in white mice. He found that repeated sensitizing injections increased the degree of anaphylactic sensitivity. Sensitization was produced equally well with horse serum and egg white by the intravenous or the intraperitoneal route. It was demonstrated as early as the ninth day and persisted for at least forty days. The highest percentage of anaphylactic deaths occurred among those mice sensitized by four intraperitoneal injections at five day intervals, and shocked by the intravenous route. Treatment. Jones, 1937.
of L.
In previous ears of rabbits of, which they
Serum R., and
Serving Fleisher,
to Remove Its Serum Sickness-Causing M. S.: Proc. Sot. Exper. Biol. & Med.
communications, the authors reported a reaction appearing subsequent to the injection of whole horse serum or fractions considered analogous to serum sickness in human beings.
Activity. 32: 621,
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