Active solar water heating systems

Active solar water heating systems

Active solar water heating systems 9 J. Gong, K. Sumathy North Dakota State University, Fargo, United States 9.1 History The usage of solar water...

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Active solar water heating systems


J. Gong, K. Sumathy North Dakota State University, Fargo, United States



The usage of solar water heaters dates back to 200 BC when Romans used this concept to heat their public baths. The transformation of solar water heating (SWH) from hypothesis to a prototype took place in the year 1767 when Swiss naturalist De Saussure introduced the concept of SWH by trapping the heat within two glass panes. However, the first commercially available SWH, called Climax, was introduced by Clarence Kemp in 1891 [2]. Climax was an integrated system in which the metal tank served the purpose of collector and storage tank. Inspired by Kemp’s initial work, by the end of 19th century several researchers started to focus their studies on improving the efficiency and durability of SWH. William Bailey (1909) introduced a new form of an SWH system in which the solar collector and the storage tank are separated from each other. This model utilized the thermosyphon principle for the first time in the history of SWH to circulate the water between collector and the storage tank [3]. Although such passive SWH systems are less expensive because of the simplicity, active SWHs are widely used at present and proven to be most cost-effective, especially in cold climates. Until the 1930s hot water for domestic purposes was produced using coal-fired boilers. In the second half of the 20th century, many countries such as Israel, Japan, China, Australia, South Africa, India, and Greece started experimenting with SWH and developed their own indigenous SWH systems. Between 1960 and 1980 Japan had approximately 1.5 million active SWH system installations whereas Israel had approximately 2.5 million SWH system installations. In the next few decades, the growing awareness among people regarding the pollution and health hazards posed by the use of conventional energy resources supplemented by the change in government’s policy in response to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change helped the active SWH market to attain remarkable growth. Currently active SWH has been spread all over the world. In recent years, the prominence for SWH has increased, mainly because of the rising costs of fossil fuels. By the end of 2012, a total of 384.7 million square meters of collector area was in operation across the world, corresponding to an installed capacity of 269.3 GWth [4] reported by the International Energy Agency (IEA). The vast majority of the total capacity in operation has been installed in China (180.4 GWth) and Europe (42.8 GWth), which together account for 83% of the total installed capacity. The remaining installed capacity was shared between the United States and Canada (17.2 GWth); Asia excluding China (10.3 GWth); Latin America (7.4 GWth); Australia and New Zealand Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

(5.4 GWth); the Middle Eastern/North African countries Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia (4.9 GWth); and the sub-Sahara African countries Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe (1.0 GWth). The share of the total installed capacity is detailed in Fig. 9.1. The data show that the total number of water-based active solar thermal systems in operation was approximately 78 million in the year 2012. Among these 78 million SWH systems, 8% are accounted for by swimming pool heating, 78% for domestic hot water heating, and 9% exclusively for large-scale applications.


Overview of technologies for active solar water heating systems

Although solar water heating systems (SWHS) have been in use for centuries, with today’s technological advances, SWH technologies can be operated efficiently and affordably in any climate. Depending on the heating needs the systems are specifically designed for various climatic and geographical areas of the country. Several types of basic components are listed here: 1. Collector: Flat-plate collector (FPC), evacuated tube, parabolic dish/concentrating collectors 2. Heat transfer fluid (HTF): Air, water, glycol/water mixtures (ethylene and propylene glycol are antifreezes), hydrocarbon oils, silicones, refrigerant/phase change fluids 3. HX design: Coil-in-tank, shell-and-tube, tube-in-tube 4. Controls: Differential controller, photovoltaic (PV) powered controller 5. Auxiliary heating: Gas, electric 6. Storage tank: One-tank system with back-up heating element, two-tank system (in which solar hot water storage is connected to a conventional gas or electric water heater)

Europe 15.9%

China 67.0%

Sub-Sahara African: Asia excluding China: Latin America: Europe: MENA region:

Others 17.1%


USA / Canada


Asia excl. China


Latin America


Australia / New Zealand


MENA region


Sub-Sahara African

Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay EU 28, Albania, Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland, Russia, Turkey Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia

Figure 9.1 Share of the total installed capacity in operation (glazed and unglazed and air collectors) by economic region at the end of 2012 [5].

Active solar water heating systems


SWHS can be broadly categorized into five major types [6]: (1) direct circulation systems, (2) indirect water heating systems, (3) drain-back systems, (4) air systems, and (5) pool heaters.


Direct (open-loop) solar water heating

Open-loop systems use pumps to circulate water through collectors and operate at standard line pressure. These systems are suitable for single-application domestic hot water supply and are appropriate in areas that do not freeze for long periods and do not have hard or acidic water. They are simple to design and operate and the least expensive to install among all active systems. No HX is required, which allows efficient heat transfer directly to the water. Water used as the working fluid is heated within the collector to the temperature range of 50e60 C. These systems are also simple to add capacity and integrate with existing systems if there is an increase in the hot water demand. In general, direct SWHS produces the highest operating performance because there are no nighttime heat losses from hot water stored on the roof as in a passive system nor is any efficiency lost through a heat exchange process as in a closed-loop system. However, some stored heat can be lost when the system recirculates. Direct systems are not feasible to operate in freezing conditions because it leads to pipe damage. The primary freeze protection needs electricity or battery backup. For instance, a variable capacity direct expansion solar-assisted heat pump system can be used for domestic water heating purposes. As shown in Fig. 9.2, a bare solar collector can be used as the source (as an evaporator) for the heat pump system. The coefficient of performance of such systems can be enhanced extensively by lowering the speed of the compressor when the ambient temperatures were higher [7]. Hence, such systems perform better in summer compared with winter. A drain-down system is one modification of the direct circulation. When there is no danger of freezing, this open loop is used where collectors are filled with domestic water under supply pressure. Once the system is filled, a differential controller operates 4

Thermostatic expansion valve

Water tank

Hot water

Solar radiation

Refrigerant loop



2 Compressor

Figure 9.2 Direct expansion solar-assisted heat pump system.

Cold water inlet


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

a pump to move water from the tank through collectors. A drain-down valve provides the freeze protection function. While the drain-down valve is activated by the controller, it will isolate the collector inlet and outlet from the tank. It simultaneously opens a valve that allows water in the collector to drain away. A vacuum breaker is always installed at the top of the collectors to allow air to enter the collectors at the top so that water can drain out the bottom.


Indirect (closed-loop) solar water heating

Closed-loop active systems pump HTFs such as a mixture of glycol and water antifreeze through collectors. HXs are utilized to transfer the heat from the fluid to the water stored in the tanks. Pumps circulate a nontoxic, nonfreezing HTF through the collectors and HX. These systems are popular in cold climates because of excellent freeze protection. However, the antifreeze must be recharged on a 3- to 5-year basis depending on antifreeze quality and system temperatures. The system is generally more complicated than an open-loop system because either a tank with a heat exchange coil or an external HX is required. Because an HX is required the collector loop will run at slightly higher temperature than an open-loop system. The collector loop also needs to be pressurized (8e12 psi). These close-looped systems use two circulation loops to aid heating: (1) the closedcollector loop and (2) the open storage tank loop. The working fluid is circulated within the closed collector loop to gain the heat and pass the heat through an HX to the potable water that flows in an open loop to the storage tank. In the closed loop several different types of working fluids can be used, such as air, water, glycol/water mixtures, hydrocarbon oils, and refrigerants/phase change fluids. In addition, the HX can be either an internal system or external system. In an internal system (Fig. 9.3) an

Collector / evaporator

Hot water

Water tank

Valve Condenser Thermostatic expansion valve (TEV)

Filter-dryer Sight glass

Cold water inlet Accumulator


Figure 9.3 Schematic diagram of indirect water heating presented by Kuang et al. [8].

Active solar water heating systems


HX is placed inside of the water storage tank whereas in an external system the HX is placed outside of the storage tank. These systems are suitable for single and multiple SWH application systems.


Drain-back systems

Drain-back systems are modified indirect systems that are completely nonpressurized and use pumps to circulate water through the collectors. Because the water in the collector loop drains into a reservoir tank when the pumps are off, this is a good system for colder climates. In addition, it allows the systems to turn off when the water in the storage tank becomes too hot. The drain-back tank has to be appropriately sized so that all of the water in the collector and lines can drain down into it when the pumps turn off. The water in the system is separate from the domestic water; therefore it needs an HX to transfer the heat from the collected water to the domestic water. Because water is used as HTF, it never needs to be changed like pressurized antifreeze systems. Most plumbing codes do not require double-wall HXs for drain-back systems using distilled water. The system is simple and has no check valves, no air vents, no pressure gauges, and no expansion tanks. However, these drain-back systems use larger piping (3/4-in. copper pipe) and insulation, leading to a higher components cost compared with an active open direct loop SWHS for residential water heating.


Air systems

In an indirect water heating system, air can be used as working fluid to avoid extreme temperatures such as overheating in summer or freezing in winter. A fan is used to circulate air through the tubes and the concentric air-to-water HX that delivers this heat to water in the horizontal storage tank. The advantages of this system are that it is noncorrosive and requires less maintenance. In addition, it can be used in very low temperature conditions. However, the SWH system that uses air as a working fluid generally requires a large area because of the air handling unit. A typical arrangement of a solar air heating system along with a pebble bed storage unit is illustrated in Fig. 9.4. Air is passed through the collector duct, where it gets heated up and rejects the heat to the water with the help of an HX. Fans and dampers are incorporated to aid the system operation. This system can supply hot water up to 80 C. One of the main drawbacks for this system is low heating capacity, and the formation of leaks over years could lead to a gradual reduction in performance. The solar-assisted heat pump/heat pipe technology for residence water heating has been developed for more than half a century. In terms of high costs, inflexible applications, and unreliable operation, the air-to-water heat pumps and other heat pumps for water heating are not yet competitive. Another way to affect residential water heating is to use a photovoltaic thermal (PVT) system. Most PVT systems are unglazed and use air or water to cool down the cells and use the heat for water heating. Most studies show significant increased performance for these combined systems [9,10].


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

Auxiliary unit to house

Fan unit Heat exchanger

Damper P

Main supply

Preheat tank

Water heater Return air from house

Figure 9.4 Schematic diagram of standard air system configuration [11].


Pool heaters

These systems are not used for heating domestic water. Pool collectors are usually made up of many parallel poly pipes sitting on a roof near the pool. The pool water is first pumped through the filter before being circulated through a circulation pump. The controller operates a valve to divert and pump the pool water through the collector. When not operating, the collector water drains back into the pool. These systems are exclusively used for swimming pool heating and more commonly used in warm climate zones.


Economics and energy efficiency of active solar water heating systems

The technoeconomic evaluations play an important role in establishing a strong market strategy for SWHS and persuading necessary information for energy policy decisions. A comprehensive nomograph has been developed to determine the potential number of households who can use water heating systems in any given country [12]. Factors such as the availability of shadow-free sunshine hours, space availability, practical awareness of system operation, cost of the SWHS, financial constraints, and motivation play a role in the establishment of water heating systems in the residential buildings. A simple framework for financial evaluation of SWHS has also been developed [12] that takes into account the net present value of the system, the benefit-to-cost ratio, the internal rate of return, and the payback period. On the basis of a thorough investigation, the study reported that the operation and maintenance cost of the system as well as capacity utilization play as key factors in the penetration of this solar water technology in the domestic market. A generic framework can be used to provide accurate information about the SWHS required for any specific area, and policy-makers could henceforth use this as a tool to track and promote SWHS nationwide [13].

Active solar water heating systems


Another simple method to evaluate the effectiveness of SWHS is to assess the energy savings through SWH integrated buildings. A study has reported that the current technical potential of SWH in the United States is estimated to be approximately 1 quad (1.055  1018 J) of primary energy savings per year [14]. To more effectively implement the cost-benefit analysis, the concept of number of effective solar days and effective solar radiation (ESR) is used instead of using the total annual solar radiation parameter because it may overestimate the amount of energy benefits [15]. For instance, in different geographical regions of Taiwan this model estimated the ratios of ESR to total annual solar radiation to be in the range of 82e89% and the payback periods from 6 to 15 years. The popular f-chart method [16] and the demographic data for a target region can also be used to assess the estimated power savings due to the installation of domestic SWH systems. Financial profits can be estimated using economic indices, and the profit potential of the manufacturing may be estimated by comparing all of the economic costs and benefits regarding SWH. These costs include material and labor costs as well as taxes. The market prices of an SWH product generally depend on the size of the system, its brand name, and the place of purchase. A comparison of cost and typical characteristics of SWH systems used by the US and China markets is presented in Table 9.1.

Comparison of costs and other general characteristics of solar water heating market between United States and China [17]

Table 9.1


US market

China market

Typical installed cost (domestic, 2e4 people)



Most common technology

Indirect (with pump)

Thermosyphon (no pump)

Tank capacity

80 gal

30w50 gal

Collector sizes

w50 ft

Back-up system

Conventional electric/gas

Electric heating element


Highest, SRCC certified

Low, many not certified and shorter system life

Typical installation

Collectors on pitched roof, indoor tank, complex design, building not designed for SWH, limited SWH experience, high labor costs

Collectors and tank on the roof (flat or pitched type roof), simple system, experienced installers, low labor costs

Market volume

30,000 installations/year

6,000,000 installations/year


SRCC, Solar Rating & Certification Corporation; SWH, solar water heating.

w20 ft2


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

To obtain technoeconomically feasible standardized water heating systems, it is also important to evaluate the viability of the chosen SWH system design. Such studies will serve as one of the promotional measures in deploying them further in the market. The performance of a typical SWH system can be evaluated by various performance parameters such as heat gain, temperature increase, and collector/overall efficiency (Table 9.2). SWH performance can also be evaluated by the use of energy factorsd similar to the efficiency rating used for conventional electrical/gas-operated water heaters (Table 9.2). The solar water heater’s energy efficiency can also be measured based on the solar energy factor (SEF) and solar fraction (SF). The SEF is defined as the energy delivered by the system divided by the electrical or gas energy put into the system. The higher the number, the more energy efficient. SEFs generally range from 1.0 to 11. The SF refers to the portion of the total conventional hot water heating load (delivered energy and tank standby losses). The higher the SF, the greater the solar contribution to water heating, which reduces the energy required by the backup water heater. The SF varies from 0 to 1.0. Typical solar factors are 0.5e0.75. Hence, it is desirable to have higher SEF and SF values for a given SWH system. However, it is essential to choose an SWH system not just based on these factors, but it is also important to consider the size and overall cost of the system. As such, the SWH systems are cost-competitive with electric water heaters, they can be cost-competitive with natural gas-fired water heaters, and they have a design life of approximately 20e25 years (Table 9.3) [18].


Performance improvement of basic solar water heating components

Although SWH is considered to be a matured technology, to make SWH more competitive and effective, research is currently focused on improving the main components such as the collector, HX, and storage tank. In addition, different working fluids have been attempted to improve the system efficiency and make the system functional under different operating conditions. Significant studies on the design modifications are reported in the respective subsections.

Solar thermal collectors

The key component of an SWHS is the solar thermal collector, which can be viewed as an HX that collects heat by absorbing sunlight and transferring it to a fluid flowing through the collector. The efficiency of an SWH system mainly depends on the effectiveness of the collector, which in turn is influenced by the collector type and its size. Thus most work has been concentrated in improving the performance of the collectordmore specifically the absorber plate design and glazing material. The most common solar collectors used for the purpose of water heating are FPCs, evacuated-tube collectors (ETCs), and concentrating collectors. The collector for a particular type of SWHS can be selected based on the heating requirements and the location.

Active solar water heating systems

Table 9.2


Solar water heater performance based on collector type Working fluid

Water temperature (8C)

Collector efficiency (%)

FPC direct circulation




• High-performance collector • Limited to low-temperature applications

FPC indirect circulation




• Suitable to cold regions • Possible for drain-back system (protects from freezing/overheating)

ETC direct circulation




• Can be used in different climatic zone • Difficult to maintain vacuum environment

ETC indirect circulation




• Noncorrosive • No freezing issues

Heat pipe indirect circulation




• Can be used year-round in the cold climate • Can be easily combined with existing pipeline

CPC direct circulation (V-trough absorber)




• High thermal stratification and stability • High labor and material cost

Fresnel lens direct circulation




• Concentration is affected through reflection • Lens can be prepared by biopolymer materials • Relatively inexpensive

Parabolic trough direct circulation




• 220% more efficient than FPC • Single axis tracking • Large-scale industrial application

Paraboloidal dish indirect circulation

Molten salt



• Requires dual-axis tracking; not recommended for domestic water heating • Suitable for power generation • Manufacturing/maintenance costs are high



FPC, flat-plate collector; ETC, evacuated-tube collector; CPC, compound parabolic concentrator.


Table 9.3

Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

Comparison of water heaters [18]

Best climates

Expected energy savings over equipment lifetime

Expected lifetime

Major advantages



Up to $500

8e10 years

Lowest initial cost

Demand (tankless) using gas or electricity



Up to $1800

20 years

Unlimited supply of hot water

Heat pump



Up to $900

10 years

Most efficient electric fuel option

Solar with electric backup



Up to $2200

25 years

Largest energy saving using a renewable energy source

Energy saving vs. minimum standards (%)

Highefficiency storage tank (oil, gas, electric)

Highefficiency water heater type

(compared with electric resistance)

Flat-plate collector The FPC is most widely used in SWHS because of its low initial cost and capability of absorbing direct and diffuse radiation. One of the commonly used designs in FPCs is the parallel-tube collector layout. Although this design is widely used, some of the disadvantages are nonuniform temperature distribution over the absorbed plate surface, unequal distribution of the working fluid through the collector risers, and the increase in the collector’s heat loss caused by the higher temperature of the absorber plate in low flow rate conditions. To overcome these issues a serpentine-tube collector was introduced. This design was typically used to compensate for low flow rate conditions; the design enables the total mass flow rate to pass through the tube, increasing the heat transfer coefficient [19]. It was found that the serpentine geometry showed better thermal performance than the parallel one. In an attempt to further improve the thermal performance of a

Active solar water heating systems


parallel-tube collector, two parallel-tube collectors were connected in parallel and this system was compared to a serpentine-tube collector having an equivalent exposed area [19]. It was found that the efficiency was approximately 6% more than a serpentine-tube collector and 10% more than a single parallel-tube collector under similar ambient conditions. Other geometric designs [20,21] include a finand-tube collector, in which fluid is circulated through a corrugated channel that is in direct contact with the absorbing surface. In an FPC the absorber plays an important role in absorbing the solar radiation and conducting heat to the HTF. The absorber is available in different profiles, among which the parabolic profile is the most efficient [22]. Other profiles include the rectangular profile [23] and recto-trapezoidal profile [24]. These absorber plates are usually made of highly conductive metals such as copper or aluminum. However, corrosion is somewhat of a concern. In recent years there has been an upswing in the usage of polymer-based FPCs because of their noncorrosive nature, light weight, and ease of manufacturability. Polymer-based collectors are flexible to accommodate the expansion of tubes/passages under freezing conditions; hence water can be used as an HTF in polymer-based collectors with any antifreeze. Moreover, the fabrication cost for producing polymer components is less compared with metallic components. For example, the cost of a nylon-based absorber is approximately 0.8 times the cost of a copper-based absorber [25]. Although polymer collectors are resistant to corrosion, they do have several limitations, such as low thermal conductivity and they can be used only for moderate temperature applications. To overcome these limitations, to a certain extent, an extruded parallel-plate absorber design has been proposed [26]. It is one of the most promising designs, which comprises a pair of parallel plates with water flowing between the two plates. The gap between the plates can be varied from a few millimeters to a few centimeters according to the design parameters.

Evacuated-tube collector Compared with FPCs, ETCs have better performance in producing high temperatures. ETCs minimize the heat losses due to convection and radiation [27]. Hence ETCs have proven to be a natural fit for colder regions although they are expensive. One of the important design factors for the glass ETC is the shape of the absorber tube [28]. Different absorber tube designs exist, such as finned tube, a U-tube welded inside of a circular fin, and a U-tube welded on a copper plate or placed within a rectangular duct. Among these four designs a U-tube welded inside of a circular fin is shown to have the best performance. Apart from the previously listed designs, a double glass tubular absorber is found to be more efficient, which could absorb radiation from all directions. The inner tube is selectively coated to further maximize the solar absorption. Compared with conventional FPCs, the efficiency of ETCs ranges between 70% and 80%. As such, the difference in efficiency could become more pronounced when operated in colder regions. For domestic water heating, heat pipe ETCs and U-tube glass ETCs are the two most widely used because of their simple structure and tolerance to high-pressure conditions.


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

Concentrating collector FPCs and ETCs are widely used in solar thermal applications, mainly to provide low to intermediate temperatures (20e120 C). However, to attain temperatures above this range, concentrators such as parabolic collectors, paraboloidal collectors, or Fresnel reflectors have to be used to maximize the incident radiation to result in high temperatures. For instance, compound parabolic concentrators are nonimaging concentrators, having the ability to reflect most of the incident radiation to the absorber, attaining temperatures on the order of 150e200 C with a reasonable efficiency. The concentrators are often used to provide industrial process heating or cooling such as air conditioning.

Heat transfer fluid

HTF plays a very significant role in indirect (closed-loop) SWH. HTF acts as a medium for transporting heat that is collected by the solar collectors to the actual water that is required to be heated up with the help of an HX. The selection of an HTF for an SWHS depends on several factors, which include thermodynamic and heat transfer properties of HTF as well as the location. For the successful operation of such a solar water heater, careful selection of the working fluid is essential. The selected fluid must have most of the desirable properties from the viewpoint of thermodynamics and heat transfer, such as coefficient of expansion, viscosity, specific heat, freezing point, boiling point, and flash point. Air and water have been commonly used as HTFs in SWHS. Air has certain advantages compared with water, such as its noncorrosive nature and it is not prone to boiling/freezing. However, because of its very low heat capacity, it could only be utilized for low-temperature applications and not for domestic water heating purposes. On the other hand, water’s high specific heat, low viscosity, nontoxicity, and less expensive features have positioned water to be the most popular working fluid in SWHS. However, its corrosive nature (especially at high temperatures) as well as freezing and scaling issues pose a challenge in collector tubing and plumbing. To overcome the relatively high freezing point of water, a glycol additive is used along with water to act as an antifreeze [29]. In indirect (closed-loop) SWH systems, chlorofluorocarbon refrigerants are more commonly used as HTFs because of their stability, nonflammability, low toxicity, noncorrosiveness, and low freezing point. Specific examples include R-11, R-12, R-13, R-113, R-114, and R-115 Natural fluids have been considered as long-term HTFs because they are halogen-free, environmentally benign, and have very low or near-zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and global warming potential (GWP) [30]. Typical natural HTFs include propane (R-290), butane (R-600), isobutane (R-600a), propylene (R-600), ammonia (R-717), and carbon dioxide (CO2; R-744). Research on CO2 has gained momentum with an objective to investigate the possibility of using CO2 in a heat pump SWHS and particularly evaluate the performance when operated under transcritical conditions [31e33]. CO2 is a promising natural fluid because it is nonflammable, noncorrosive, and nontoxic, and it has a low critical point (31.1 C at 73.7 bar). A CO2 heat pump water heater may produce hot water temperature up to 90 C without any operational problems, and the primary energy consumption can be reduced by more than 75% compared with electrical systems.

Active solar water heating systems


Storage tank

The storage tank is yet another essential component of the SWH system. It also plays a major role in dictating the system performance. Storage tanks are generally constructed using steel, concrete, plastic, or fiberglass to store hot water [33]. Steel tanks are most commonly used because they are easy to install in the required sizes and are generally free of corrosion [27]. One major problem experienced with the storage tank is the heat losses due to the mixing of hot and cold water. To minimize the mixing and aid thermal stratification, several designs of storage tanks have been proposed. Thermal stratification can be attained by using inlet stratifiers combined with low-flow operation in the solar collector loop. Flexible fabric piping is generally used as an inlet pipe to affect stratification because they can expand or contract, equalizing the pressure in the pipe. There are several different fabric pipes, including Nylon, filament polyester, spun polyester, and acrylic [34]. Compared with the conventional nonflexible inlet stratifiers, the two fabric layered stratifier with a spacing of 10 mm enhances the thermal stratification. To further enhance stratification, different inlet designs of the storage tank exist. The effect of 12 different obstacles on the thermal stratification in a cylindrical storage tank has been tested by predicting the temperature distribution within the tank [35]. Fig. 9.5 shows the 12 different obstacle geometries analyzed in the study. Results had shown that placing an obstacle in the tank provided better thermal stratification compared with the case with no obstacle. In addition, the obstacles 7, 8, and 11, which had a gap in the center, resulted in better thermal stratification than those that had a gap near the tank wall. The study had concluded that, in terms of hot water supply, obstacle 11 provided the best thermal stratification in the tank. Thermal stratification can also be improved by incorporating baffle plates within the tank. Baffle plates help in guiding the fluid flow and effectively decrease the impingement of the fluid. Diverse baffle plate designs include hemispherical baffle plates, large flat baffle plates, and raw pipes, and they were tested at different discharge flow rates. It was found that the conical baffle plates followed by the flat baffle plates resulted in


2 α














Figure 9.5 Obstacles geometries and their assembly in the tank [35].


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

the best performance because they progressively increased the flow rate in the tank within the space between the tank walls.

Heat exchangers

HXs are widely used in indirect SWH systems because they could use a freezeresistant fluid in the collector to facilitate the freeze protection technique and to separate potable water from working fluid in the collector. HXs are basically classified into internal HXs and external HXs. Internal HXs generally include immersed coil tube HXs [36], finned tube HXs, and plain tube HXs [37], out of which the plain tube HX is easier to design and install. However, the main disadvantage of an internal HX is the formation of scales, which greatly deteriorates its efficiency. The most common type of external HX is the shell and tube HX [38]. In this type, the hot and cold fluids transfer heat based on a cross-flow method. External HXs have higher heat transfer capacity and are well insulated when compared with internal HXs. In addition, it is possible to heat multiple storage tanks at a given time. However, the external HXs are expensive compared with internal HXs. A few other HXs exist that are not that popular; however, research has been performed on load-side immersed HXs [39] and mantle HXs [40e43] in which hot working fluid flows through the annulus around the cylindrical storage tank, where it rejects the heat. It helps in providing a large heat transfer area for a given volume of collector fluid flow in the mantle. This makes the mantle HX one of the most efficient and simplest ways of facilitating high HX effectiveness in promoting thermal stratification. One of the prominent advantages of this design is that the hot water tank and the HX are combined into one unit [44].


Applications of active solar water heating systems: case study

Active SWH technology encompasses a wide range of applications such as water heating, space-heating/cooling, and air conditioning in the residential (low temperature), commercial (medium temperature), and industrial (high temperature) sectors. Some of the basic components such as solar collectors and storage tanks remain in principle the same for most types of solar thermal applications.


Domestic hot water

Solar domestic hot water heating technology is mature and commercially available in many countries. Domestic uses of hot water include cooking, cleaning, bathing, and space-heating. Typical systems used for single-family homes in North America have hot water storage with volumes of approximately 300 L and a collector area between 4 and 6 m2, and they can supply 60e90% of the annual hot water demand depending on the type of collector and local climatic conditions [45]. An energy-efficient household might use less than half of that amount.

Active solar water heating systems




In contrast to SWH, solar space-heating requires significantly larger solar collector areas. They require a 20- to 40-m2 collector area, and the volume of the hot water store is in the range of 2e4 m3. Solar space-heating systems are usually combined with water heating, and they are sized to accommodate both uses. For example, radiant floor heating is an ideal home heating system. Solar-heated liquid circulates through pipes embedded in a thin concrete slab floor, which then radiates heat to the room. The slab is typically furnished with tile. Radiant slab systems take longer to heat the home than other types of heat distribution systems. However, once they are operating, they provide a consistent level of heat. This technology shows great promise for further market success.


Space cooling

Solar cooling/air conditioning of buildings is an attractive idea because the cooling loads and availability of solar radiation are in phase. In addition, the combination of solar cooling and heating (Fig. 9.6) greatly improves the use factors of collectors compared with heating alone [46]. Solar air conditioning can be accomplished by three types of systems: absorption cycles, adsorption (desiccant) cycles, and solar mechanical processes. Solar thermal cooling is an important market in countries and regions with high cooling demands.


Pool heating

Solar pool heating is the most widely used application of an active SWHS. These systems are commonly configured as drain-back systems where the water drains into the pool when the water pump is switched off. Compared with conventional natural gas Pressure relief valve



rc ol

le ct


Domestic hot water tank

To building hot water system

Thermal storage

Preheat tank

Auxiliary heater

Heat exchanger



From cold water supply

Figure 9.6 Schematic diagram of combined space and water heating system [46].


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

and electric heaters, SWHS for swimming pools are cost-competitive and costeffective because swimming pools require a low-temperature heat source, which a relatively small solar collector can easily provide. A simple rule of thumb for the required panel area needed is 50% of the pool’s surface area [47].


Commercial applications

Typical commercial applications include space-heating/cooling and water heating. Building types that are particularly well suited include apartment buildings, government facilities, hotels, resorts, etc. SWHS are ideal because the load demand usually complements the peak operation of the solar system. In addition, they can dramatically reduce water heating expenses while also promoting business sustainability. SWH systems can offset most heating costs for up to 25 years or longer with little maintenance. The more hot water a system has to produce, the more cost-effective it becomes. Large systems must be properly designed and installed.


Industrial applications

Although popularly used to meet the domestic hot water supply, SWHS are also utilized to serve the hot water demand in the industrial sector. The relatively modest temperatures that can be achieved using solar heating technologies (ie, temperatures below 180 C) are potentially useful for many processes in the agriculture and industry sectors (including in the food, beverage, tobacco, textile, and chemical industries). In particular, cleaning processes (eg, for containers and equipment in the food and chemical industries and for laundering in the textile industry) and subsequent drying processes often require temperatures in the range attainable with solar heating. Furthermore, it is often possible and cost-effective to retrofit solar heating technology because SWH equipment can be installed on existing water storage tanks. Other processes that can make use of solar heating include evaporation, sterilization, pasteurization (which needs temperatures below 105 C), and preheating of boilers. The cost of the industrial SWHS varies depending on the thermal capacity, storage convenience, and pressure requirement for the system. These systems require comprehensive design to be installed for optimal performance.

Case study

If properly designed, an SWHS could be utilized not only to serve the domestic hot water supply but could also provide space-heating in winter and provide spacecooling during summer by energizing a liquid desiccant air-conditioning system or other type of cooling system. A case study on such multipurposed SWHS was implemented in a kindergarten building in Beijing (cold climate) [48]. An SWHS was designed to serve three applicationsdspace-heating, space-cooling, and domestic hot waterdthroughout the year. Evacuated tubular collectors were utilized to heat the water in the storage tank. On the basis of the law of diminishing marginal utility, the collector area and storage volume were optimized. The optimal values of the

Active solar water heating systems

Table 9.4


Information about the solar water heating system


Beijing (East 112 230 , North 39 540 )

Hot water load

Load profiles of space-heating, space cooling and domestic hot water are shown in Fig. 9.7


Evacuated tubular collectors, the area to be optimized FR(sa): 0.80 and FRUL: 0.99 W/m2  C

Storage tank

Cylindrical with (h/d) ¼ 1, well mixed, the volume to be optimized Initial water temperature: 15 C Minimal working temperature: 65 C Maximal working temperature: 95 C Tank loss coefficient: 0.30 W/m2  C

collector area and storage tank volume were determined to be 194 m2 and 89 m3, respectively. Salient details about the system design are listed in Table 9.4, and Fig. 9.7 shows the hourly load profiles of these three heating applications. The performance of this multipurpose system is summarized in Table 9.5. The system could effectively harvest solar energy and could attain an SF of approximately 73%. However, the effectiveness of solar heat gain was only marginal (59.3%), which indicates that only approximately 60% of the harvested solar heat gain is effectively utilized and the rest is wasted as heat loss or heat discharge caused by the energy mismatch between the heating load demands and solar energy supply. The energy consumption of the additional solar circulation pump is also taken into account while evaluating the actual energy saving of the system. The energy payback time of this multipurpose SWH system was predicted to be approximately 7 years. On the basis 60 Space heating Space cooling

Building heating load (kW)


Domestic hot water 40




0 J






J Time



Figure 9.7 Hourly load profile of three heating applications [48].





Table 9.5

Energy performance of the optimized system System energy saving (Qsaving)

Annualized embodied energy of the system (QEE)

Annual performance data

210,933 kWh

170,529 kWh

114,622 kWh

37,153 kWh

Solar fraction

F ¼ Qtank/Qload ¼ 73.4%

Effectiveness of solar system

Esolar ¼ Qtank/Qsolar ¼ 59.3%

Energy payback time (EPT)

EPT ¼ EEsystem/Qsaving ¼ 6.5 years

Annualized net energy saving

Qnet ¼ Qsaving  QEE ¼ 77,469 kWh

Life-cycle net energy saving

Qlife-cycle ¼ 20  Qnet ¼ 1,549,378 kWh

Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

Harvested solar heat gain (Qsolar)

Building heating load (Qload)

Active solar water heating systems


of the 20-year life span of the system, it is predicted that the annualized net energy saving and life cycle net energy saving would be approximately 77,469 kWh and 1.55 million kWh, respectively.


Conclusions and future trends

Active SWH is a mature technology and has been successfully deployed in several countries for more than 30 years. Governments in these countries have been instrumental in mandating their deployment, especially into new construction sites to eliminate the entry barriers. In addition, considerable advances in the absorber coating, HXs, and absorber plate design have increased the reliability of SWHS. However, key challenges exist, including high upfront installation costs, complex integration process, and competition with heat pumps and PV panels. To address the challenges, innovations aim to make SWHS thinner, cheaper, and more durable and to better integrate them to rooftops. One possibility for enhanced penetration of active solar heating systems is through district heating. In these systems the heat gathered by the solar collectors is fed into a district heating network either directly (without heat storage) or via large heat storage facilities, which are charged with solar heat during the summer season and discharged in late autumn and winter. Likewise, these large-scale systems could be used to support district cooling. At present, only approximately 1% of the market consists of large systems connected to district heating (>350 kWth), and the rest are small systems (3e10 kWth) such as domestic hot water preparation in single and small multifamily homes [1]. As a complement to solar heating, solar cooling can provide an effective solution to reduce the peak electricity consumption as it operates when the cooling demand is highest. Such systems have to be integrated into the construction process at the earliest stages of building planning. The walls can function as a component of the active heating and cooling systems, supporting thermal energy storage through the application of advanced materials (eg, phase-change materials). Although solar cooling has been growing rapidly in recent years, the market is still in a nascent stage. Future residential heating demand is highly dependent on technical factors and demographic development. In general, space-heating demand is expected to remain stable and decline in developed countries because of improved home insulation and energy efficiency whereas the water/space-heating and cooling demand is expected to increase in developing countries because SWHS are often the most economical option. Solar combi-systems that combine water and space-heating have been developed to provide hot water and space-heating and consequently require significantly larger solar collector areas. Such systems for residential applications operate at temperature ranging between 20 C and 90 C and reduce fuel consumption by 50e70% for hot water and by 30e60% for space-heating. For industrial applications, solar heating is mainly used for low-temperature processes, ranging from 20 C to 100 C. Although most combi-systems are experimental and relatively small scale, great potential exists for market and technological developments.


Advances in Solar Heating and Cooling

Tapping into this potential would provide a significant solar contribution to future industrial energy requirements. The use of active SWHS can certainly have a great effect on the economic, environmental, and energy conservation perspectives.

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