Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia With a PLZF-RARcuFusion Protein Joop iFI. Jansea and Bob LtieBbeq In most cases of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), a fusion of the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) and the retinoic acid receptor-a (RARo) genes occurs, resulting in the expression of a PML-RARa chimeric protein. In approximately 1% of the cases of APL, variant chromosomal aberrations may be found fusing RARcu with other genes. Four variant mutations have been described, and the t(lql7)(q2l;q23) translocation generating a promyelocyte leukemia zinc finger (PLZF)-RARa fusion gene is the most common. PLZF-RARa-positive APL forms a clinically distinct group because unlike PML-RARa-positive leukemia, it does not respond to retinoic acid with terminal granulocytic differentiation of the cells, and remissions cannot be achieved with retinoids alone. At the molecular level, this has been explained by the retinoic acid-insensitive binding of corepressor proteins to the PLZF part of the fusion protein, leading to sustained repression of target genes that are important for cellular differentiation. Targeting of the PLZF-RARa-bound corepressor complexes using a combination of all-frans retinoic acid (ATRA) and deacetylase inhibitors has shown that the repression of target genes can be relieved, allowing differentiation of the cells. In addition, when a combination of retinoic acid and the hematopoietic growth factor granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is applied, the cells may be forced to undergo terminal differentiation, both in vitro and in vivo. This suggests that signals from the activated G-CSF receptor may induce the release of corepressor proteins from PLZF. Together, these findings indicate that PLZF-RARa+positive leukemia is not completely resistant to differentiation induction if the proper costimuli are given. Semin Hematol38:37-41. Copyright @ 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company.
CUTI! PROMYELOCYTIC leukemia (APL) is characterized by mutations that &ect the retinoic acid receptor-4 @AR@, a ligand-inducible transcription factor. 29,34 In most cases, a t(l5; 17)(q2l;q22) translocation occurs, fusing the RARa! and the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) genes.26a7a9s19 Th’ is results in a PML-RARa and a reciprocal RARct-PML chimeric gene. In approximately 1% of cases of APL, variant chromosomal aberrations are found that fuse the same part of RARQ! to genes other than PML. So far, four additional partner genes have been described. The most common variant is a fusion of RARa! with the promyelocyte leukemia zinc finger (PLZF) gene.* Rare cases have been described in which the nucleophosmin (NPM),z7a2a the nuclearmitotic apparatus (NuMa),3> and the signal transducer and activator of transcription 5b (Stat5b)l serve as fusion partners. The consistent involvement of the same part of RARa! in these fusions suggests that abnormal regulation of retinoic acid receptor target genes plays an important role in the transformation of APL cells. It has been shown that the fusion proteins exhibit abnormal DNA-binding and Seminars
in Hematology,
transactivational properties.4~‘,17,19,20~26 In the case of PML-RARa, the differentiation block can be reversed by the application of nonphysiologic high concentrations of ligand, which has translated into a much better clinical outcome.3,152*,31,33
PLZF-RARcx-Positive Leukemia In a large survey of APL patients lacking the classical t( 15;17)(q22;q21) translocation,11~30 11 PLZF-RARa-positive cases were identified and compared with PML-RARa-positive cases. Morphologic review showed that PLZF-RARa
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the institute of Hematology, The Netbevlands.
Address yeprint requests to J. H. Jansen, PbD: Department of Hematology, University Medical Center St Radboud, PO Box 9101, 6SOO HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands. J.H‘J. is supported by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Copyright 0 2001 by W.B. Saunders Company 0037-1963/0113801-0000$3>.00/0 doi:10.10~3ls~em.2001.20864
Vol 38, No 1 (January),
pp 37-41
Jansenaad Ltienberg
APL could be distinguished from PML-RARa APL by the appearance of blasts with regular nuclei, an increased number of Pelger-like cells, and expression of CD56. In vitro and in viva, PLZF-RARo+positive cells do not show terminal maturation upon treatment with retinoic acid. In addition, remission cannot be achieved using retinoic acid as a single agent in these patients.lzJ1
Corepressors In recent years, the molecular mechanisms by which retinoic acid receptors mediate their biological functions have been studied extensively. Retinoid receptors are ligand-dependent transcription factors that directly regulate the expression of target genes by binding to specific enhancer sequences in the DNA. Although various retinoic acid-responsive genes have been identified, the target genes that are crucially involved in leukemogenesis are not well known. Recent studies have provided insight into the mechanisms by which the PML-RARa and PLZF-RARct! fusion proteins may deregulate the expression of target genes.5,10J3,1*T22 Unliganded retinoic acid receptors inhibit gene expression by recruiting corepressor proteins like N-CoR/ SMRT and histone deacetylases to the DNA (Fig 1). The subsequent deacetylation of histones results in transcriptional silencing of the the target genes. Upon ligand binding, corepressor complex is released and replaced by a coactivator protein complex with histone acetylation activity, allowing transcriptional activation. The release of corepressor proteins from the PML-RARa fusion protein was shown to require much higher doses of ligand than the wild-type RARct receptor. This explains why supraphysiologic doses of ligand are necessary to induce differentiation of t( 15; 17)-positive leukemia cells. However, in the case of PLZFRARa promyelocytic leukemia, high doses of retinoic acid did not induce the complete release of corepressor proteins from the PLZFRARa fusion protein. This finding appears to be attributable to a second, retinoic acidinsensitive binding site for corepressor proteins in the PLZF part of the fusion protein. Therefore, incomplete corepressor release seems to
No gene expression Histom
Figure 1. Transcriptional activation by retinoic acid receptors. (A) In the absence of ligand, DNA-bound retinoic acid receptors recruit a corepressor complex of proteins such as N-CoR, SMRT, sin3, and HDACI to the DNA. The subsequent deacetylation of histones renders the chromatin inaccessible for transcription and silences the gene. (B) Upon ligand (ATRA) binding, the corepressor proteins are released and are replaced by coactivator proteins like CBP/p300 and proteins with histone acetyltransferase activity (HAT). The subsequent acetylation of histones opens up the chromatin structure, allowing transcription of the gene.
explain the insensitivity of t( 11; 17)-positive leukemia to retinoic acid. When ATRA was applied in combination with direct inhibitors of deacetylase activity such as trichostatin and sodium phenylbutyrate, synergistic induction of transcriptional activity by PLZF-RARa was observed, suggesting that both derepression and active transactivation are necessary for the induction of the differentiation regulating genes. Based on the reported synergistic effects of retinoic acid and the hematopoietic growth factor granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) on granulocytic differentiation of APL cells,16J5 we tested whether PLZF-RARa-positive leukemia cells would respond to the combination of ATRA and In vitro studies with the leukemic cells from a PLZF-RARct patient showed that ATRA and G-CSF were strongly synergistic with respect to differentiation (Fig 2). One patient was treated with the combination of ATRA and G-CSF, resulting in a complete remission. A possible explanation would be that signals from the activated G-CSF receptor induce the release of corepressor proteins from the PLZF part of the fusion protein, allowing the transactivation of relevant target genes by activated retinoic acid receptors.
Figure 2. Granulocytic differentiation of PLZF-RARcx-positive leukemia cells in response to ATRA and G-CSF. (A) Freshly isolated PLZF-RARa-positive leukemia cells were cultured for 7 days in (6) medium, (C) 10-e mol/L ATRA, (D) 0.1 pg/mL G-CSF, or(E) a combination of ATRA and G-C.SF. Cytospin slides were stained with May-Grunwald Giemsa. Cells cultured with ATRA or G-CSF alone did not differentiate toward mature granulocytes. Cells cultured with the combination of ATRA and G-CSF showed profound granulocytic differentiation. Color reproduction supported in part by Roche Pharma AG (Schweiz).
The efficacy of the combination of ATRA with trichostatin or ATRA with G-CSF indicates that PLZF-RARa-positive leukemia may be rendered sensitive to differentiation induction if the proper stimuli are given. The abnormal recruitment of corepressor complexes and silencing of crucial genes that are involved in differentiation may be a more general phenom-
enon in leukemia. For instance, it was shown that the ET0 protein, which is fused to AMLl in t(8;2I)-positive leukemia, recruits corepressor proteins to AMLl target genes.s,23J2 Investigations aiming at the reversal of abnormal gene silencing using combinations of growth factors, deacetylase inhibitors, and differentiation-inducing agents like retinoic acid may
allow ation
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of the use of forced differentito other types of leukemia. 14.
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