Acute renal failure. Multivariate analysis of causes and risk factors

Acute renal failure. Multivariate analysis of causes and risk factors

~RIEFSUMMARI MIYIPRESS~ (pmwln ~~~I~laido CAPSULES FaDnlUru INDlC~ONSz MINIPRES? Q (prazosin bydrochloride) is indicated in the treatment ot hypertens...

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~RIEFSUMMARI MIYIPRESS~ (pmwln ~~~I~laido CAPSULES FaDnlUru INDlC~ONSz MINIPRES? Q (prazosin bydrochloride) is indicated in the treatment ot hypertension As an antihypertensive drug, it is mrld to moderate in actwily It can be used as the inilial agent or it may be employed in a oeneral treatment orooram in coniunction with a diuretic andlor other

subsequenl dose titration. Patients should always be started on the 1 mQ capsules al MINIPRESS (p!azosin hydrochloride). The 2 and 5 mg capsules are nol indicated lor inrfial iheraov &;k~&irmon than loss 01 consciousness are the symptoms otten associated with lewerinp 01 the blood pressure, namely. druiness and Ii htheadedness The patient should be cautioned about these possible a %verse ellects and advrsed what measures to take should they develop The patient should also be cautioned lo avoid situations where inju could result should syncope occur during the initiation of MINIPRE ? S (prarosin hydrochloride) Iherapy llss#~ In Prr rsnay: Although no teratogenic eflects were seen in animal testing, t c e salety ot MINIPRESS prazosin hydrochloride) in pregnancyhas not been established. MlNtPRE .&S (prazosin hydrochloride) is not recommended in preQnantwomen unless the potential benelii OutweiQhS potential risk to mother and letus. &a UI cllllrm: No clinical experience IS available wilh the use 01 MtNIP&S razosin h drochloride) in children. ADVERSE6pEAClIO%: The most common reactions associated with MINIPRESS (prazosin hydrochloride) therapy are: drzzl”eSS 10 3%. headache 76%. drowsiness 7.6%. lack of enerQy 6.9%. weakness 6 5%. palpilations 5.3%. and nausea 4 9%. In most instances side eflacts have disappearedwith continued therapy or have been lolerated wlh no decrease in dose of drug. The fotlowin reactions have bee” associated with MtNtPAESS (prazosin hydrochloride P some of them rare1 (In some instances exact Causal relationships have not been establishd .) Gastrointestinal. vomiting. diarrhea constipation, abdominal discomlort and/or pain Cardiovascular: edema, dyspnea. syncope. tachycardia. stem: nervousness. vertigo. depression. paresthesia.

SinQte reports of pipmentary mottlinp and wous retinopathy and a lew reports 01 cataract development or disappearance have been reported. In these instances, the exact causal relationship has not been established becausethebaseline observations wwe frequently inadequate In more specitic slit-lamp and lunduscopic studies, which included adequate baseline examinations. no drug-related abnormal ophlhalmological lindin shave been re rted. DOS&E AND AD&STR~O11: The dose ot MINIPRESS (prazosin

D: MtNtPRESS (prazosin hydrochlori,de)isavailablein 1 m9 (white #431). 2 mg (pink and white #437) ca&sules.m botites ot 250. xK)O. and unrt dose inshtuhonal packages 01 NO ( x XI s). and 5 p?Q(blue and white #436) capsules ,in bottles of 250, 500 and unit dose mst~tutronal packagesofBlFj10xX?s) I

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Ralarancra: 1. O’Conner DJ. Preston RA. Sass0 EH. Renal Perfusion chanpesduring treatment otessential hy rtension: Prazosinversus ropran0101.JCardiovasc pharmacoll(suppl): 6 36-S42: 1979. 2. Falase A , Salako LA: The eftect 01prazosin combined wdh a diuretrc. potythiazide. in h pertensive Atri~ns. Curf,Jher R&25.10-15. 1979. 3. Okun A. Marwelt :. Longwith p razosin [ Ius a diuretic. .I Cardiovasc term snhhyperte”~ ‘yg Pharrnacol i(sup I):S217. 19 9 4 Kir endall WM. Hammond JJ. Thomas JC. et al razosm and clonidine formoderatetysevere hy JAMA 240 (23): 2553-2556. December 1, 1976. 5. Eltects ot razosrn in the control of blood pressure oatients. P Csrdfovasc Phammco~ llswpI):S43-S55. PO, Helgeland A. &al: Elloct of protiraridtdl andpruosin on blood lipids: The 6 Kokubu T, tloh I, Kurita H, et al: El&t 01 prazosin on serum Ii ids. JCardiovesc Pnannscol4 [suppI 2):S228-s232. 1962. 9. Velasco M. f dva It. Morillo J. etal: Effect ol prazosin on blood lipids and on th roid function in hypertensive patients J Cardiovascpharmacol4 Isu~ol2): 4 225.S227.1962

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