International abstracts of research in marketing
and empirical studies. The model, which is empirically tested on a sample of relationships between auditing companies and their clients, suggests that joint action and mutual adaptation are important underlying characteristics of relational contracts. Hayden, Vibeke, Pettersen, Stine E and Sandvik, K&re, 1996, "Relasjonelle kontrakter: Innhold og dimensjoner", Beta-Tidsskrift for bedriftsckonomi (Norway), Vol. 10 (2), pp.23-26. 46 See also 3.4
Innovation in the Spanish Pharmaceutical Market The authors present an empirical study on pharmaceutical laboratories operating in Spain analyzing the introduction and reduction of products in such a market. Results show that, during the last decade, companies have restructured their portfolios, reducing the number of products. Furthermore, this reduction has mostly affected the products with the lower prices, promoting high price portfolios. Luque, Teodoro, Srnchez, Gonzalo, and Fr~as, M Dolores, 1995, "La innovacirn en el mercado farmacefttico espa~ol", Revista Europea de Direccirn y Economla de la Empresa (Spain), Vol. 4 (1), pp.47-58. 47 See also 2.7
3.3 International and Comparative Relative Influence of Country-of-Origin of Product Design and Assembly on the Perception of Consumer Products The authors describe a survey which was conducted in Belgium involving 222 consumers who provided an assessment of 13 industrialized and less industrialized countries in terms of their overall competence in designing and assembling consumer products. Respondents were also asked to evaluate several product groups including automobiles, video cassette recorders, and shoes, by systematically varying the country of design, the country of assembly, brand name, price, and warranty. Findings indicate that Belgian consumers distinguish products on the basis of origin of design and of assembly. The negative effects of country of origin of a less developed country is significantly reduced when additional
product information is provided. Based on these findings, the authors offer insights for researchers and for managers involved in the intemational marketing of consumer goods. Ahmed, Sadrudin, d'Astous, Alain and Mathieu, Anne, 1995, "Influences relatives des lieux de conception et d'assemblage sur Ia perception des produits de consommation", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (Canada), Vol. 12 (3), pp. 210-223. 48 See also 2.7
Adaption to Foreign Consumers and Selection of Export Channels The author presents a theoretical framework to assist companies with little experience in foreign markets in their evaluation of export decisions. Specifically, the paper offers a discussion about the main criteria for evaluation such as company-, market- and product-related variables but also specific country conditions or situations. Calderrn-Garda, Haydee, 1995, "La adaptacirn al consumidor exterior y la seleceirn de los canales de exportacirn", Estudios sobre Consumo (Spain), No. 33, pp.51-58. 49 Strategic Trade Policy and Exchange Rates in Europe: The Case of Spanish Tomato Exports International market problems for Spanish agricultural products are analysed using fresh tomato exports. The author provides a better understanding on how European Community institutions, market and agricultural exchange rates, and marketing strategies of principal competitors affect these Spanish exports. Based on the empirical results, several commercial and marketing strategies are recommended to improve the competitive position of Spanish agricultural exports. Solana, Juan B and Martin, Miguel A, 1995, "Estrategias comerciales y tipos de cambio en Europa: el caso de las exportaciones de tomates espafioles", Investigaciones Agrarias: Economia (Spain), Vol. 10 (2), pp.283-294. 50 Internationalization for International Expansion or Home Market Defense? This study explores the relationship between firm and market internationalization. A longitudinal case