May 1987
Medicine Little rcfugces. + 0.97) of LbiS t”“diti”“s
ADOLESCENT PREGNANCY IN INDOCIIINESE REFUCI:I:S: NEU,CAI. ISSUES. Marianne Felice. M.D.. G. Paul Shragg. X.A.. Michelle James. M.D. and Dorothy R. Hollin~swor~h. M.D., Departments of PediaLrics, Clinical Rcnvnrch and Reproductive Medicine. l,rSD School nl Center. and Medical CenLe?. Sa” DieRot CA is know” about adolesce”~ pregnancy In_lndoch!nrsr Ten pregnant Indochinese adolescents (X ogr 16.6 years were followed at a lln~ve~s~ty Teen OD Clonic: .Ihe purpose descriptive report is LO alert clinicians LO mcdzcal which may be peculiar 1” this proup of. preg”a”t tee”5.
‘rhe “ge “f menarche ranged from 12 to 15 years (X 13.8 years + L.03) wit,, a law Sy”eC”lOgiC”1 “ge (X-2.8 years + 0.79). The te” girls bad low pre-pregnancy weigbrs (X 98.4 lbs + 5.42): low pregnancy heights (X 58.4 in. + 0.72), and low weight gain during prpgnanry (K 19.3 ~bs. + 4.Ib). Seven of Lhe LO girls were anemic (“cc ~34) at registratlo” for prenatal care (X 22.4 uks + 8.241 Althnugh “ll singlet”” infants were delivered and 6 had a
Adolescent Su,cide Attem ~nrs I” a Pediatric ~mer~e”cY Room. Charles J. Crehan, X.0.. P Cra,P Flcv~rs. M.D.,’ H. Susan .,a,., M.D..’ Robert H. Dunant. M.A.? “n‘wrsltv of Arkansas far Medical Sciences.’ Little Rotk, Arkansas and Nedlc.4, Cn,,eCe of Ceorg1a.Z AURUSLB, CeorRia. The i”creasl”8 ,“c,dence of adalrscent suidde has heightened awareness of t,l,s ,woblea. I” a” effort t” desian specific services for adolescents u,l” attempt suicide, this study profiles the characteristics of th,s kr”uP and the tre=C”~e”t they received “hen cared for in a pediatric emergency rnnm (ER) * A retrospective chart review of 4.072 adolescents see” in the ER at a s”uthwesrern chlldren’e h”sp