Adsorption, distillation and cooling towers

Adsorption, distillation and cooling towers

BOOK REVIEWS ADSORPTION,DISTILLATIONANDCOOLINGTOWERS, by W. S. Norman. 477 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 5}/2 x 8 ~ in. New York, John Wiley & Sons,...

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BOOK REVIEWS ADSORPTION,DISTILLATIONANDCOOLINGTOWERS, by W. S. Norman. 477 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 5}/2 x 8 ~ in. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1962. Price, $11.50. This excellently written treatise on mass and heat transfi:r as related to absorption, distillation and cooling towers, does a highly competent job of clearly and concisely covering practical design approaches in these areas by discussion and example, without sacrificing the underlying fundamentals and theory. The coverage on mass aDd heat transfer, adsorption and distillation theory and calculations is most satisfactory. Each section is well augmented by references, with the coverage of the European literature being apparently much more extensive than most recent publications within these areas. Chapter 12 on bubble-cap and perforated plates, and Chapter 14 on the design of absorption and distillation towers are good summaries, but this material is more adequately covered in the recent book, "Distillation-Principles and Design Procedures," hy R. J. Hengstebeck. To update one item, on page 134 he states that Hengstebeck (1946) showed that the distribution at finite reflux ratios of the non-key componenls is approximated by the empirical equation:



= (:~.~

Our studies of some ten yeats ago showed that a significantly better correlation with actual data is obtained by a log-log relation instead of this semi-log function, for example, log

E(Xc)I)/ (Xc)IJ

= Clog acB

This revised relationship is now also recommended by Hengstebeck (page 184 of his recent book). This book will be interesting and most useful as the primary or supplementary textbook for university chemical engineering design courses as well as for those practicing commercial process design engineering. A. ERIC ANDERSEN

The Atlantic Refining Company

HIC,H MAGNETIC FIELDS, edited by Henry Kolm, Benjamin Lax, Francis Bitter and Robert Mills. 751 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 6 x 9}4 in. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; Cambridge, The M.|.T. Press; 1962. Price, $t5.00. The recent progress in the development of superconducting magnets has given great impetus to research in the field of magnetism. It should, however, be remembered that devices capable of producing continuous magnetic fields, exceeding 100 kilogauss, have been developed during the last few decades. Further important developments in the technology of high magnetic fields can be expected in the near future. Thus, novel experiments will become possible in many branches of physical research. The present book contains some 88 reports presented at a conference on high magnetic fields. The subjects of the conference were generation of high magnetic fields and research in branches of physics where magnetic fields are important tools. Review papers, research programs, and short reports on experiments give evidence of the activities in laboratories of many countries. The material is presented in four different parts. Part I deals with the generation of high magnetic fields. Water cooled solenoid magnets are at present still the most widely used continuous field devices, and much research is devoted to increase field strength, stability and homogeneity. A report of F. Bitter summarizes the present situation as follows: Magnets with field strengths up to 125 kilogauss are in use, devices capable of producing 250 kilogauss are in the planning stage (power consumption about 10 megawatts!) and magnets with 500 kilogauss field strength require still much research work. A number of reports describe the use of tiquified gases, such as liquid hydrogen, for cooling, but this technique will probably soon be superseded by the development of superconducting magnets. Several homopolar generators suitable for high power magnets were described at the conlerence. For the design of superconducting magnets with fields in excess of 25 kilogauss two materials are available in quantities at present, namely niobium-zirconium alloy wire and niobium-tin 319