15 Environment (pollution, health protection, safety) 96/03123 Yearly simulation of a solar·a lded R22·DEGDME absorption heat pump system Ileri, A. Solar Energy, Nov. 1995, 55, (4), 255-265. The performance of a solar-aided R22-DEGDME absorption heat pump system designed for 100 kW cooling capacity is invested by a computer simulation using hourly data for Ankara.
15 ENVIRONMENT Pollution, Health Protection, Safety 96/03124 Acid drainage from coal mines In artificial lakes Gomez, F. E. et al., Inf. Teenol ., 1995, 6, (1), 27-31. (In Spanish) Describes the acid drainage from an abandoned coal mine in the northern coalfield of Leon in Spain. The progressive degradation of waters, pools and lakes around the mine are discussed. 96/03125 Acidification Interacting with global changes: Research to manage drifting systems Van Rompaey, R. S. Stud . Env iron. Sci., 1995, 64, 381-184. The paper makes a comparison between acidification and climate change problems. The common cause and variety of effects with an impact on many different ecosystems and aspects of society are discussed. 96/03126 Adsorption of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitric oxide on molecu lar sieves Triebe, R. W. and Tezel, F. H. Gas Sep . Purif., 1995, 9, (4), 223-230. Describes a study of adsorption of N2, CO, CO2 and NO on various molecular sieves using the gas chromatographic method to determine the potential for separation of these common atmospheric contaminants from air. The molecular sieves studied include H·Mordenite. 4A and 5A zeolite, a natural clinoptilolite and an activated carbon. 96/03127 Advanced flue gas treatment system using LILAC absorbent prepared from fly ash Nakamura, H. et al., EPA-600/R-95 ·015d, US. Environ. PrOI. Agency, Res. Dev., (Proc . 1993501 Control Symp .) Paper No. 76, 1995, 9 pp . Presents the outline of the processes and the results of the demonstration tests for the FGD processes called LILAC (Lively Intensified Lime-Ash Compound). 96/03128 Air pollution, the sick bUilding syndrome and social behavior Rotten, J. and White, S. M. En vironment Int. , 1996, 22, (1), 53-60. Research on air pollution and behaviour has shifted from studies that examined the relationship between outdoor contaminants and behaviour to studies on malodor and indoor air pollution. This shift increases the relevance of laboratory experiments that examined the effects of malodor on social behaviour. A review of results from laboratory and field studies on the social consequences of air pollution suggests several opportunities for those doing research on the sick building syndrome. It is proposed that the social consequences of the sick building syndrome may be as important and costly as physical symptoms. 96/03129 Ammonia removal process upgrade to the Acme Steel Coke Plant Harris, 1. L. Proc. Ironm aking Conf., 1995, 54, 375-379. Describes how an open cooling tower type final cooler of a coke plant was replaced by a closed loop direct spray tar/water final cooler. 96/03130 Analysis of opt ions to deposit wastes and productlon residues In areas left by lign ite mining in Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany) Bauer, S. Z. Geol. Wiss., 1995, 23, (2), 163·168. (In German) Discusses the criteria for the assessment of abandoned lignite mining sites in Sachsen-Anhalt for deposition of wastes and industrial residues with regard to mining technology, deposits underground, groundwater dynamics, deformation, breaking behaviour, and mining damage. 96/03131 Apparatus for treatment of fly ashes from munlclpal Incinerators Umemura, S. et al., (Assigned to) Hitachi Shipbuilding Eng. Co., lA P. Pat. l P.07,204,60 4, Aug. 1995.
96/03132 Assessment of ln-furnace dry sorbent Injection experimental results burning low-sulfur coals Collado, F. J. Proc. 30th Inters oc. Energy Conve rso Eng. Con]; 1995, 2, 363·368. In an effort to adjust the Sa l emissions of coal power stations to the current air pollutant standards, established by the EC, flue gas desulfurization tests with in-furnace dry sorbent injection technology in the Spanish coal power station 'Li toral' were performed. The measured retentions were lower than predicted through a one-dimensional model. A CFD 3D sirnulation of the injection would help to understand the complex relationships of the process.
216 Fuel and Energy Abstracts May 1996
96/03133 An assessment of mercury emissions and health risks from a eoal-tlred power plant Fthenakis, V. M. er al., I , Hazard. Mater., 1995, 44, (2), 267-283. III of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments directed the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to evaluate the rate and effect of Hg emissions in the atmosphere and technologies to control such emissions. The US DOE sponsored a risk assessment project at Brookhaven to evaluate health risks of Hg emissions from coal combustion.MeHg is the compound predominantly responsible for human exposures to atmospheric Hg in the USA, through the fish ingestion pathway. In the Brookhaven study, health risks to adults resulting from Hg emissions from a hypothetical coal-fired power plant were estimated using probabilistic risk assessment techniques. It was found from the study that the effects of emissions of a single large power plant may double the background exposures to MeHg resulting from consuming fish from a localized area near the plant. 96/03134 Assessment of the costs of global warming on a tull fuel cycle basis Holland, M. R. et al., Energy Con verso Mgm t., Jun.-Aug. 1996, 37, (6), 819·824. The paper reports on external cost assessments of the coal and natural gas to electricity fuel cycles conducted within the ExternE Project of the European Commission. The project leads the development of the impact pathway, or damage function approach for analysis of the environmental and social impacts of energy use. 96/03135 Association of Chernobyl ·derlved 239. 240p U, wAm, DOS r and 137Cs with organIc matter In the soli solution Agapkina, G. I. et al., l . Environ. Radioactivity, 1995, 29, (3), 257-269. To investigate the extent of association of fallout radionuclides with soil organic matter, gel filtration was applied to the soil solution obtained from the three top horizons AOf, AOh and AOh+A1/A2 of a forest soil within the 20 km zone of the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl. 96/03136 The Berlin Mandate: The costs of meeting post2000 targets and timetables Manne, A. and Richels, R. Energy Policy, Mar. 1996, 24, (3), 205-210. Current commitments by developed countries have been deemed inadequate to meet the objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. As a result, international negotiators are exploring new commitments for the post-2000 time period. The authors examine the costs of meeting proposed sets of targets and timetables, and explores the potential gain from international cooperation and flexible timing. 96/03137 Biological CO2 fixation and utilization project Michiki, H. Energy Converso Mgm t., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (6), 701-705. The projects of the Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), Japan, are to develop an effective and clean method for biological fixation of carbon dioxide based on the effective integration of photosynthesis functions of microorganisms. Also, they have developed technology to convert photosynthetic products to oils, and to extract proteins, fats and carbohydrates from microorganisms. The main results of three themes of the project are summarized in this paper. 96/03138 Building regulat ion and health Raw, G. J. and Hamilton, R. M. ERE 1995, 1SEN 186081 0241,95 pp. Discusses the effects on health of building fabric and services. 96/03139 Rogers, ~1 .
Business and the environment
(ed.), Macmillian Press LId, London, and S I Martins Press lnc., New York. USA, 1995, 358 pp.
The book contains 18 papers presented at the Workshop held at the Institute fOI Prospective Technological Studies in Seville.
96/03140 Carbon dioxide recovery from Industrial processes Farla, J. C. et al., Energy Convers . Mgmt., Jun.-Sep. 1995, 36, (6), 827-830. In this paper the possible techniques of recovering Cal from large-scale industrial processes are assessed. The largest and most concentrated Ca l sources in Dutch industry are identified and the technical and economic feasibility of recovering COl from these sources is assessed. Nearly 20% of the Dutch industrial COl emissions may be avoided. The mitigation costs are calculated to be between US$8 and US$46 per tonne of COl emission avoided, for the different sectors considered. These cost figures indicate that CO2 recovery from industrial processes and from power plants are competitive options.