EXCAVATIONS:MINES & QUARRIES 964315 Masonry sewer rchab M. A. Collins & C. T. Stude, Civil Engineering - ASCE, 65(9), 1995, pp 65-67. The city of St. Louis is rehabilitating some of the oldest masonry sewers in the country. The ongoing project includes all major types of sewer rehabilitation, including shotere~e, cast-in-place-pipe, total replacement, etc. The article describes the existing sewer situation and gives an overview of the problems and benefits of each of the rehabilitation methods. (Authors) 964316 TBM and drill + blast at Calumet M. Page, Tunnels & Tunnelling, 27(9), 1995, pp 17-19. Chicago's tunnel and reservoir plan (TARP) is planned to cure pollution and flooding problems in Chicago's 375 sq miles of 51 suburbs. TARP will divert combined sewer overflow by dumping it into drop shafts, which will convey overflow to a deep tunnel system some 150 to 370 ft below ground level within the rock strata. This article reviews the Calumet phase of the project which involved 3 TBMs and numerous drill + blast tunnels. The geology of the site, machinery used and problems encountered are all reviewed. (C.Paice) 964317 Soft fotind L. Russell, New Civil Engineer (NCE), 1145, 1995, pp 24-26. The successful tunnelling of a 2km section of a new metro line in Santiago, Chile, is described. The tunnelling was carried out through difficult uncobesive gravel which is prone to collapse and in extremely limited working spaces. The tunnel was lined with two layers of rein~oreed shotcrete, with lattice reinforcement being a key part o~ the shotcrete support. A conventional grid was used for the inner layer. The tunnelling was finished on schedule in August. However, shotcrete losses were 100% instead of the expected 50%. (P.M.Taylor) 964318 More tunnel projects to rely less on state funds M. Page, Tunnels & Tunnelling, 27(10), 1995, pp 18-22. This article discusses the planned tunnelling work which will take place into the next century throughout the German speaking countries of Europe. These works focus on transport, water and sanitation. The main projects include a new Berlin railway network, the Swiss Federal Railways, Alp Transit Project to build new railway tunnels under the Alps, a fourth road tunnel under the river Eibe and major tunnelling projects from the Austrian Federal Railways. The article discusses how the majority of these projects will rely on private funds rather than state backing. (C.Paiee) 964319 Round table backs Stonehenge tunnel ANON, New Civil Engineer (NCE), 1151, 1995, p 6. Consensus has been established for construction of a road tunnel under the World Heritage site at Stonehenge. Three routes for the bypass were considered: a 'purple' route to the north of the site, a 'grey' route that went south of Stonehenge, and a 'green' route that ran between the two and included a 4km long tunnel. After construction of the chosen option, the existing A303 would be closed to allow the area around the ancient monument to be returned to nature. (from Author) 964320 Building the Vereina railway tunnel through the Alps U. Streuli & S. Klahr, Tunnels & Tunnelling, 27(10), 1995, pp 25-28. The 19km Vereina railway tunnel is the third largest transalpine tunnel scheme in Switzerland. The authors describe this formidable project which is being undertaken using both TBM and drill + blast in mixed geology, including very hard gneisses and amphibolites, and with an overburden of up to 1500m. (from Authors)
964321 Developments in segmental concrete linings for subway tunnels in Belarns P. Yurkevich, Tunnelling & Underground Space Technology, 10(3), 1995, pp 353-365. Reviews three developments in the design and manufacture of segmental concrete linings used for subway stations in the CIS: 1) in-situ concrete linings used in constructing subway stations incorporating permanent load-bearing diaphragm walls; 2) versatile integrated sections of precast reinforced concrete linings used in construction of rectangular cut-andcover tunnels; and 3) plastic waterproofing coatings for precast reinforced concrete lining segment8 used in collstruction of bored tunnels. (Author)
Mines and quarries 964322 Narrow vein mining 1 - steep veins T. Brewis, Mining Magazine, 173(3), 1995, pp 116-130. This article presents an overview of narrow, steep vein mining methods, equipment and manufacturers. Geology, economics, and planning for mechanisatioo are considered. Mining methods, drilling, raising, and rock loading are described. An innovative mechauised drill-split mining system for steep narrow veins is described. (J.M.McLaughlin) 964323 Narrow vein mining 2 - flat-lying veins ANON, Mining Magazine, 173(3), 1995, pp 131-133. Describes techniques and equipment used for mining flatlying narrow veins. Reference is made to experience in and practices at several mines, including the Joel Gold Mine in South Africa, diamond wire sawing which is being developed for use on South African gold reefs, and breast mining methods at the Emperor Gold Mine in Fiji (J.M.McLaughlin) 964324 Advances in face productivity J. Chadwick, Mining Magazine, 173(3), 1995, pp 138-145. Loagwall and continuous mining developments and equipment from a range of manufacturers and suppliers are reviewed. Several case studies from mines around the world illustrate new equipment developments in action and the performances being achieved. Recent shearer developments include reliable guidance and steering systems, improved dust extraction, heavy duty armoured flexible conveyors for heavy duty shearers, and automated systems. Upgrading versus new equipment is also considered. (J.M.McLaughlin) 964325 Knowledge on face working conditions in mechanized sublevel caving work face (in Chinese) Song Zhenqi, Chert Liliang, Wang Chunqiu & Liu Xiangui, Journal - China Coal Society, 20(4), 1995, pp 356-360. Based on the practical theory of ground pressure in the workings, the structural mechanics of the work face, when sub-level caving method is introduced are analysed. There is an inner stress field in the abutment pressure area, which is a basis for safe mining. Correct coal drawing procedure should be allowed to ensure safe working conditions of the support of high resistance. And the key to safe and high productivity production is to drive and maintain gateway in a stable inner stress field by using correct coal drawing procedure. (from English summary) 964326 Measurement of displacement of outerwail of the frozen section of main and auxiliary shafts in Chensilon mine (in Chinese) Li Gongzhou & Chen Wenbao, Journal - China Coal Society, 20(4), 1995, pp 403-407. Measurements of displacement are made of the outerwall in the frozen section of Chensilou mine. These are the deepest