with more information to permit more efficient use of available feeds and feeding practices." "Attesting to the quality of Dr. Baker's research is the respect of his colleagues, students and other staff. His advice and counsel are frequently sought and always profitably received." "In addition to his research, it seems equally important to point out that he has been rated an excellent teacher by undergraduate students in his class and by co-workers as well. Further, his direction of five completed Ph.D. programs and current advising of three Ph.D. candidates has
resulted in excellent theses and research projects. He challenges his students—whether undergraduate or graduate—to pursue those areas of study that demand their best efforts and productivity. In addition, he is currently a co-advisor to the Hoof and Horn Club." "Dr. Baker has served, and is serving, on many university, college and departmental committees. Recently he was elected by his colleagues to a 2-year term as one of the three representatives of the Department of Animal Science to the University Senate."
At the annual meeting of the Agricultural Institute of Canada, held in Victoria, British Columbia, Professor Beryl E. March, Department of Poultry Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, was made a Fellow. The citation pointed out that Professor March has made valuable additions to the knowledge of the nutritive value of fish meals, protein-energy requirements, the role of fatty acids in poultry metabolism, amino acid requirements of laying birds, and other areas of poultry nutrition. Mrs. March was born in Port Hammond, British Columbia, August 30, 1920. She received a B.A. degree at the University of British Columbia in 1942, and a M.S. A. degree in 1962, majoring in poultry nutrition,
with a minor in physiology. From 1942 to 1947 she was employed as Chemist by the Canadian Fishing Company, Vancouver, and in 1947 she was appointed Research Assistant in the Department of Poultry Science, University of British Columbia, where she now holds the rank of Professor. In 1961 Professor March was the recipient of a Royal Society and Nuffield Foundation Commonwealth Bursary, and studied at the University of Cambridge, England, In 1969 she was awarded the American Feed Manufacturers Association Award of the Poultry Science Association. It is given for original distinctive work demonstrating sound research in poultry nutrition.
Association Notes GUEST ATTENDANCE AT ANNUAL MEETING Attention is directed to the Constitution and ByLaws of the Association that guest attendance at the annual meeting (to be held at West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, August 5 to 8) shall be limited to guests invited by the Executive upon written request by a member of the Association. Except, as indicated below, members are limited to two guests each. Except under unusual circumstances, guests should be engaged in some phase of work within the poultry industry, or an industry related to it. Graduate students who are not members of the
Poultry Science Association, Inc., may be invited to the annual meeting upon a written request to the Executive Committee by the Department Head of the institution in which they are enrolled. Individuals in special training programs may be invited to the annual meeting upon written request to the Executive Committee by the director of the program, who must be a member of the Poultry Science Association, Inc. Members of the World's Poultry Science Association will be eligible to register for the 1974 annual meeting upon written request to the Executive Committee. Provided the host institution has accommodation, guests may bring their families to the meeting.
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Agricultural Institute of Canada Fellow