159 the Diarrhoea is. CIBA Foundation Symposium 42. Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier/Excerpta MedicaNorth Holland. Spencer, H. C., Wells, J. G., Gory, Q. W.,...

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159 the Diarrhoea is. CIBA Foundation Symposium 42. Amsterdam etc. : Elsevier/Excerpta MedicaNorth Holland. Spencer, H. C., Wells, J. G., Gory, Q. W., Sandy, J., Puhr, N. D. & Feldman, R. A. (1980). Diarrhoea in a non-hospitalized rural Salvadoran population: the role of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and rotavirus. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 29, 246-253. Suzuki, H., Amano, Y., Kimebuchi, H., Gutierrez Vera, E., Davila, A., Lopez, J., Gustabo, R., Konnot, T. &

Cower Academic Journals Ltd. (34 Cleveland Street, London WIP 5FB). 6 issues per annum, &40.00 per annum AIDS (acquired immtmodeficiency syndrome) is now a medical industry of considerable momentum and publications steadily increase in number. Whilst journals such as The Lamet, New England Medical 3ourna1, and Annals of Znternal Medicine provided the means of presenting many early data, it was not long before specialist journals emerged, devoted to human immunodeficiency viruses and AIDS. There are at least five now: AIDS Bulletin; AIDS AIDS.

Research and Human Remviruses; AIDS-Forschung; Archives of AIDS Research; and AIDS. AIDS had its

first issue in May 1987, and is edited by Professor M. Adler and Dr J. Weber, with an international editorial board. AIDS covers all aspects of AIDS, from molecular biology to epidemiology, and in its first three issues

Ishida, N. (1981). Rotavirus infection in children with acute gastroenteritis in Ecuador. American Journal of

Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 30, 293-294.

Yolken, R., Kim, H. W., Thomas, C., Wyatt, R., Chanock, R., Kalica, A. R. & Kapikian, A. Z. (1977). Enxymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of human reovirus-like agent of infantile gastroenteritis. Lancet, ii, 263-267.

Accepted for publication 18 June 1987

has printed six main articles on African AIDS. In addition, it has rapid communications, letters, details of forthcoming meetings, reports from meetings, andd - very useful - tabulation of the WHOnotified AIDS cases to date and of the Centers for DiseaseControl statistics. The journal is well laid out and printed on glossy paper. All-in-all a welcome addition. Note. The monthly publication from the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical DiseasesAIDS and Retrovirus Update lists all the literature on these subjects (albeit sometimes up to six months after publication) and is essential reading for AIDS workers who need to know about every publication. From 1988, it will be published by Cower Academic Journals Ltd; however it will still be prepared in the Bureau, and the subscription remains at f80 per annum (E95 overseas). Sebastian Lucas