Alcohol consumption and lung cancer in white males

Alcohol consumption and lung cancer in white males

Abstracts/Lung Cancer 10 (1993) death were evehwed from the Koreandemographic dote. The lifetime exrisk of lung cancer mortality ettributeble to ind...

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Cancer 10 (1993)

death were evehwed from the Koreandemographic dote. The lifetime exrisk of lung cancer mortality ettributeble to indoor mdon dDugbtersexposurs\mssstirmtedbbe~t2.3nlO~pcrWLMete con&et erwel exposue to r&m deughters. When considering tbe rameel meae indoor CquiveImtcoeceatntioo of redoe deughters to be 20Bq.~‘iaKo~,thcrnauplfrsgueacyofexcssslung~cermortality attriboteble to exposum to this coeceetmtioo for occupancy of 7500 h.y-’would rest& in &out 2300 caws per toteI Koran population in 1989.

Neuberger JS. Drpartmenf School


of Medicine,Rainbow



Medicine, Kansas University

Blvd. at 31kh. Kamm

Cily, KS 66103.

He&h Phys 1992;63:503-9. This review paper summetizes the ongoing case/colrtrol .&dies of residential mdoo exposure end lung center. Discussion is offeredintbeereesofltmgcancerriskfectors, semplesizereqoirements, radon exposure essessment, nod meta-enelysis. Tbis is en importmt topic tbet deserves P ‘best effort’study design. Avim exposure and bmacbogmic can+eme Gerdioer AJS, Forey BA. Lee PN. General Hospiral Medical Unit, Br Med I 1992;305:989-92. Objecfiw _ To inveetigete the eswxietioe behveea bird keepiog cod risk of lung cancer. Design - Case control stiy asking detailed questions OD exposure to domestic birds aad other petr, smdring,sndvarious&mognphic~py~o~vnripbles. Serf@ - District genend hospit.eI;current edmissioos interviewed in hospital or recent dmissicms interviewed et home. Pa&-m - 143 petients with lung center, 143 petit&s with long cancer, 143 controls with heart disease, end 143 controls with ortbop&ic conditions individuelly m&bed forege, sex, deteofedmiseion, eod currentor pst admission. Main owlcumc meawres - Gdds reties for lung ceocer in relationto verious espects of bird keeping, after edjostmentfor smoking and other relevrmtconfooediig variebles. Results -Risk of lung culcer wes not significantlyessociated with household exposure to pet birds et my time or et verioos specific periods ie life, or to keeping time or et verioosspecificperiodsio life.orto~ingl~geooumbersofbirds. For specific types of birds no essocietion wes sea for living in hoosebolds witb bodgerigem or canariesbut risk was significantly associated with keeping pigeons (odds mtio 3.53, 95% cootidmce interval 1.56 to 7.98). This remeinedsignificantafter regression eeelysis to eccouot for coofoundiig veriebles (3.9, 1.2 to 12.62) in both sexes cod all ege groups. Conclvrion - Bird Lee&g mey confer some risk of lung caocer but the reletioo is not es strung es previously reported. Airdric, Lanarkshire ML6 (US.

PetbirdsssmiaQpendentrislrfPetorforluagenneer:CPFe-eonhol study Kobheier L, ArmirtuerG, Bextolomewik S. BeIlecb B. Tbemm M. 33 a0 13. D-lGtWB&

33. Br tied J 1992;305:986-9 teat tbe hypotb&s tbet exposure to pet birds incrisk of developing lung cancer. Deeign - Caee-amtml study. Computerisedhtewiewewemwedto-previowexposemtopets end other risk t&tore for lww cancer. Setthn - Three mmiorbornit& Objective -To

heving primarymeIignent0eopIesm of tbe tmcbea, broachi.aluDpwhowsn65~youngcrmdeoatrolsubj~Mtched for ege and eex from the gmeml pc+tica of fomw Wart Berlin. 279 curss~635coacrOlsqurlifi~fortbsahdy;239usss~429~t~ls participated. Meie outcome mcamme - Odds retio of devehping long -eccmdiegto~oreot~birds~~eedtbedore~ of ke+ii pa birda. ReeuIts - In eddition to the risk of lung cance,impozed by snmkieg, pee&e smoking. end oaapetio~I expoeors to cucinogeoe, an incrarscdmIetivcriskof2.14(95% confideaceintewal 1.35 to 3.40) ms found emong people exposed to pet birds. The edjueted odda ratio for exposutea longer thee 10 years wee 3.19 (1.48 to 8.21). Gx~~lusioas - Aviee e.xpoewe seems to carry e risk of lung

cancer. Until the pathogeneeisis understood, long temt exposure to pet birds in living areas should be evoided, eepe&Ily emoog people et high risk of developing lung cancer. Lung cancer and occupation: Results of P multicmtre caseantrol study Morebin A. Mukowitz S, Guibeldi K, Wyeder EL. Americae Health Foundadon.32OE43Sr. NouYork,NYIMlZ BrJIodMed 1992:49:721I Tbe objective of the currentstudy wee to estimete tbe risk of long cancer ettributebleto occopationeIfectors and not due to tobeca. At 24 hospit& in nine metmpolitee weas in tbe United St&e, 1793 maIe lung cancer cases were met&d for mce, ege. hospite& year of interview, eedcigerette smoking(never smoker, ex-smoker, smoker (I19 sod 20 cigwettea per day)) to hvo types of controls (canca eed noncancer hospitnlpetieats). Informationon osoaI occepetion, exposure to specific potential carcinogens, end cigerstte smoking wes obtained by ~~rview.~ofluagcPncsrwssi~si~fi~tlyforekctricinap; sbeetmetrd workers cod tinsmiths; bookbii and related printing trede workers; crenemen, derrickmen. eed hoistmeo; moulders, beat treeters, etmealetx end otbsr heated metel workers; end constmction laboluws. All of tbeee occupetioos em powielly exposed to knowo carcinogens. Oddsntios(ORs)wae~c~f~e~~~~~d~t (edjustedOR= 1.5;95%~fi~~io~w~(9S%CI)1.1-2.1).Aftcr stretificatioe, tbis eswcietioe was etetisticallysignificantonly efter 10 or more years of exposure. Lueg CeIlcarwee else releted to exposure to &eetos(edjwtedOR = 1.8;95%CI1.5-2.2).ThsORsincreeeedwitb increasieg durationof exposure to esbcstos for dl smoking categories except for current smokers of l-19 cigeretteaper dey. The stetistical power to detect OR6 among owupetions thet were previously repoti to be et iocreased risk of lung cancer bet that hiled to show en OR of et least 1.5 in tbe current etedy wes smeI1.The cumuletive populetioo ettributeblerisk (PAR) of long canw doe to occopetiw w 9.2%. It is cooclcludedtbet owupetionel *to18 play ee important pert in the developmotoflung~irdspsodeatlyofcikrottesmolriag. Because oczupetioos et high risk of lung cancer were under-represented, the cumuletivePAR of tbe preseat stody is liiely to be PI)onder-eatimeteof the true cootribhttioo of occupetiw to risk of lung cawer. Alcohol conwmption and lung cancer in white males Beodere EV, Freode&eim JL, GrahamS. Me&l JR. Heugbey BP, Swae.wn M. Dept. of Social/Prewntiw Medicine. State Univrsity of New York, Bt@ii.

NY 14214. Cancer Causes Control 1992;3:361-9.

ExperimataI and epidemiologic inveetigetioas ie elcobolic nod aoordcoholic populations heve suggested e mle of alcohol in lung wrcbogenesis. The essocietioo betweeo elcohol casumptioo end lung ceecer wes iovestigeted emong 280 white meI= with histologically coofinaed,primprylungcpnccrlad564whilermlecoa~ls,~ci~ts io tbe Western New York Diet Shady (United Stems). Among heavy smokers (over 40 pack-years),totel elcobol consumptioe wee eesocieted with en iacreased risk of lung canca with edjusbmnt for ege, years of edwetioe. peck-yeas of ciguette smokiig, cod intake of camtenoids cod fat. Io this group, tbe odds ntio for drinken of more tbae 24 drinks per mooth was 1.6 compered with those who drank lees. Drirdcen of morethee 12beersper~eth~ere1.6timsmonl~elytodevel~l~g ceocer thee eoodrinkem of beer efter cootmlliig for ege. years of edocetioo, eodcigerettesmoking (95percatcontidenceinteweI = 1.0. 2.4, P for tread = 0.003). Gccopeticaal end die&y fat&redid not seem to explein these fmdiigs. Altbougb ciguette smoking is the mejor cause of long catwar, tbe role of elcohol. independentor in inter&ion with cigerette smokiig, deserves furtherinveetigetion. Re3i&ntiaI radon OIpeSWeUldluql-illSWediSbWtWO~ Peabegee G, Lieeg Z-H, limbec Z, Sveeeson C, Boice ID, Jr. Drpomncnt of Epiahiolqy. lnninrrrof EnHmnmental Medicine. Karolinska Inrtitwa, IO4 01 Smckholm. Ii& Phys 1992;63: 179-86. A~~lshdywur~~toinvssti~theroleof reeideatieI r&m expoewe for lung cawer. llte ehady included 210 mmm with lung diegwxd from 1983-1986 in tbe county of Stockholm end 191 hospital end 209 poptdatioo controls. lntezviews