Alcoholism as a risk factor in methadone maintenance. A randomized controlled trial

Alcoholism as a risk factor in methadone maintenance. A randomized controlled trial

6lndacrllle adanomatosis Endocrine tumors Gastrln typeI HCG-subunits Peptldehormones Diabetes Hernoglobln Alo Diabetes control Non-insuiindepende...

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Endocrine tumors Gastrln typeI HCG-subunits Peptldehormones

Diabetes Hernoglobln Alo

Diabetes control

Non-insuiindependent diabetes can be treated using two criteria, the fasting blood glucose conc&ratkm and body weigh. Tne feasibility of this means of control, aiming for a fasting blocd glucose -iOn of less than 6 mrnol/llter (108 mg/dl) has been investigated in 10 general practices. Eight practices now use the method routinely. A one-year follow-up in six practices is reported. The number of patients with a fasting blood glucose concentration of less then 108 mgldl increased from 39 (26 percent) to 65 (59 percent). The mean fasting blood glucose concentration of all 112 patients was signlflcently (p
Muir A, Howe-Davies SA, Turner RC: General practice care of non-insulIndependent diabetes with fasting blood glucose measurements. Am J Mad 1982; 73: 637-640.


Fastlna blood glucose


foud,78percentand67percent,~~,andwe~t~senmElasbinandpancreatic polypeptide levels sre the most useful screening markers at present for pancreatic lesions in

In three families with the multiple endouine adenomatosis type I (MEA I) trait, 51 members were investigated by measurement of circulating peptide hormones as tumor markers. Twenty-five of 5 1 membars (49 percent) were considered to be affected by MEA I disorders. The incidenoe rose with age (75 percent In generation II). Eioth sexes were affected equally. ~waspresentin20of25aff&ed members (80 percent), and pituitary tumors (prolactlnomas) were found in four of 25 (16 percent). Enckrcrine pancreatic tumors were found in nine of 25 affect& members (36 percent), but when “probabb” tumors (seven) are inckKied the frequency rises to 72 percent. Hyperparathyroidism was found in all except one member with proved lesions in other organs. Among patients with proved and possible endocrine partcreetic tuners, elevated serum levels of gastrin and pancreatic polypeptii were frequently

hormone markers in K, Walinder 0, Bostrom H, Lundqvist 0, Wide L: Peptll soreerring for endocrine tumors in multiple endocrine adenomatosis type I. Am J Med 1982; 73: 619-630.


Pancreatic polypeptlae

Multlpla Methadone



control trial



Neoplastlc meningttls lntratheoal

Cerebrospinal fluid flow dynamics were evaluated by ” ‘Indiumdiethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (11lln-DTPA) ventricul6gaphy in 27 patients with neoplastic meningitis. Nineteen patients (70 percent) had evidence of cerebrcepinal fluid flow disturbances These occured as ventricular outlet o&&uotiis. abnormaltIes of fiow in the spinal canal. or flow di&rbanoes over the oortical convexities. Tumor histology, physical examination, cerebrospinal fluid analysis, myelograms, and computerized axial tomographic scans were not sufficient to predict cerebraspinal fluid flow patterns. These data Indicate that cerebrospinal fluid flow abnormalities are common in patients with neoplasttc meningitis snd that l’lln-DTPA cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging is usetul in characterizing these abnormalities. This technique provides insight into the distribution of intraventricularty administered chemotherapy and may provide exptanations for treatment failure and drug-induced neurotoxicity in patients with neoplastic meningitis.

Grossm%n SA, Trump Dt, Chen DGP, Thompson G, Gamargo EE: Cerebrospinal fluid flow abnormalities in patients with neoplastic meningitis. An evaluation using “‘indium-DTPA ventriculography. Am J Mod 1982; 73: 641-647.


Cerebrosplnal fluid flow abnormalltles

A randomized controlled trial of 625 addicts on methadone maintenance identified 105 (17 percent) as active alcaholics, 47 (8 percent) as inactive alcoholics, and 473 (75 percent) as nonalcoholics. Subjects were followed for up to 30 months (mean 53.7 weeks) to assess the influence of alcoholism on the rehabilitative process. During the study, alcohol consumption significantly decreased (p CO.001) in active alcoholics. Indexes of productive activity on entry or during follow-up revealed no significant differences between active alcoholics and other patients with the exception of alcohol-related hospitalizations (p
Stimmel B, Hanbury R, Sturiano V. Korts D, Jackson G, Cohen M: Alcoholism as a risk factor in methadone maintenance. A randomized controlled trial. Am J Msd 1982; 73: 631-636.
