Alfa laval launches new products at Achema

Alfa laval launches new products at Achema

Alfa Lava1 launches new products at Achema Cryptosporidium parasite eliminated by new water filters Last year, following a 1993 outbreak of Cryptospo...

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Alfa Lava1 launches new products at Achema

Cryptosporidium parasite eliminated by new water filters Last year, following a 1993 outbreak of Cryptosporidium contamination in Milwaukee which reportedly infected over 400,000 people and resulted in a number of deaths. the US Congress approved legislation for the expenditure of $7.6 billion over seven years to improve deteriorating municipal water supplies. Part of the research programme has led to the development of Poly-Pleat filter cartridges, which meet or exceed the 99.9% removal requirements of the US National Sanitation Foundation Standard 53 for the control of Cryptosporidium, Giardfa cysts and other harmful micro-organisms

to help ensure cyst-free drinking water. These filter cartridges are now available in the UK through Plenty Filters. Designed to fit their own filter housings, but capable of being used in any single housing filter, they will provide an immediate solution for hospitals and residential homes, hotels, restaurants, households etc. where an immediate and cost-effective solution is required. Poly-Pleat filters use absolute-rated 1 micron filter media, and qualify as an FDA-listed material. Plenty Filters, Hambridge Road, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5TR, UK. Tel: + 44 7635 42363, Fax: + 44 1635 49758.

At the recent Achema show in Frankfurt, Germany, Alfa Lava1 showed the first machine in a new range of high-speed disc-stack separators. The machine in question is a nozzle machine that has been specifically designed for the starch industry and intended for use in mediumsized plants. As with the other starch machrnes in the Alfa Lava1 range, the new separator is available in three versions, and can be quickly and easily converted from one configuration to another. This makes the machine extremely versatile, since it can be used for a wide range of applications including pre-concentration, fractionation, dewatering and protein concentration. The machine has an entirely new robust frame that simplifies access for control and maintenance. With its external oil lubrication system, and a 160 kW motor, the drive system can easily transmit the power necessary to generate high g forces at the bowl periphery. The bowl is somewhat different from previous bowls for starch processing, in that it has an improved inlet section and more generous internal dimensions in order to cope with the large volumetric toads of up to 160 m’/h. A nozzle monitoring system provides on-line information of nozzle performance, allowing the starch processor to maximise machine operation and avoid wasteful downtime for unnecessary nozzle changes. Also launched at Achema was the new Alfa Lava1 Centrifuge Status System,

which means that operators of high-speed centrifuges will no longer need to stop the machine at fixed intervals for service. They will be able to save time, money and resources because they will know when the centrifuge needs service, and can plan for minimum disturbance to production. This will lead to much higher machine utilisation levels and longer operational life. Based on vibration analysis, and using the latest computer techniques, the system uses a sensor to check vibration levels and relates these to the var!ous rotating components within the machine. The computer then compares these data with base information for the machine type, and displays the condition of the component in a two-field target that is colour-coded. When a colour code changes, the condition of the machine is checked and a report printed out. In this way, the status of the machine can be followed and decisions made regarding what action shculd be taken, and when. All data from a machine are stored in a historical data bank, providing a very useiui tool for advanced trouble-shooting. Qperators can choose a basic system where readings, taken at regular intervals by an Alfa Lava1 service engineer using a portable unit, de?ermine when service should be carried out. The alternative is an on-line unit, which takes readings continuously and service is carrred out only when the system indicates the need for action. The system can be coupled up via a modem to the nearest Alfa Lava1 Service Centre for on-line condition monitoring, and a number of machines at the same site can be monitored by a single unit. Alfa Lava/ Separation A3, Indusfrfai Drvision, Si4780 Tumba, Sweden. Tel: +48 8 5306 5000, Fax: -i-46 8 5303 3589, WWW: