Alphabetic species index

Alphabetic species index

ALPHABETIC SPECIES I N D E X Abarenicola pacifica Abarenicola vagabunda Acantharaoeba sp. Acanthocottus scorpius Acanthodoris pilosa Acartia clausi Ac...

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ALPHABETIC SPECIES I N D E X Abarenicola pacifica Abarenicola vagabunda Acantharaoeba sp. Acanthocottus scorpius Acanthodoris pilosa Acartia clausi Acartia tonsa Accipiter nisus Acetabularia sp. Acetobacter Achatina sp. Achatinella lorata Acheta domesticus Acmaea sp. Acraaea pustulata Acodontaster hodgsoni Acridium peregrinum Acris crepitans Actias selene Actinopyga agassizi Acyrthosiphum pisura Adinia xenica Aechmophous occidentalis Aedes aegypti Aegolius funereus Aeolidia papillosa Aequidens portalegrensis Aequipecten irradians

Aeridotheres ginginianus Aeridotheres tristis

Aeschna cyanea Aeschna grandis Aeschna juncea Agalichnis dracincolor Agaricus bisporus Agkistrodon acutus Agkistrodon cortortrlx contortrix

effect of compounds on muscle of, 15, 125 pigments in skin of, 8, 99 active cation transport and A T P hydrolysis in, 17, 39 lipids of, 6, 249 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 role of 5 - H T in embryo, 3, 20 osmotic behaviour in undiluted sea water, 14, 155 respiration and osmotic behaviour of, 14, 155 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 RNA synthesis in enucleated, 4, 334 hexosemonophosphate pathway in, 4, 367 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 nutrition in, 2, 100 phosphagen in, 20, 607 arginase activity in, 17, 259 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 organic constitution of, 18, 47 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 potassium ions on muscle, 18, 131 vanadium in, 7, 127 glycosidases in, 12, 95 cholinesterase activity of gill of, 6, 205 egg-white proteins of, 18, 121 antimetabolites in the nutrition of, 9, 61 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 properties of proteinases in midgut of, 17, 115 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 property of neurones from, 18, 957 role of 5 - H T in embryo, 3, 20 UDPG-glycogen transglycosylase in, 9, 263 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 effect of temperature and salinity on ciliary activity of gill, 8, 271 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 activity in the abdominal nervous system of, 8, 83 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 chemical composition of haemolyrnph, 9, 121 activity in the abdominal nervous system of, 8, 83 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 proteolytic activities of venom of, 17, 191 transferrins of, 5, 21 237


Agkistrodon Agkistrodon Agkistrodon Agkistrodon


eortortrix contortrix contortrix laticinctus contortrix Mokasen piscivorus

Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma Agistrodon piscivorus piscivorus Aglypha thamnophis Agriolimax retlculatus Agrion virgo Aiptasia tagetes Ajaia ajaja Akera soluta Akodon berlepschii Akodon boliviensis Akodon #lskii Alaus oculatus Alees canademis

Alectoris graeca Alligator caimen Alligator mississippiensis

Allolobophora Allolobophora Allolobophora Allolobophora Allolobophora

caliginosa chlorotica dubiosa leoni longa

Allolobophora rosea Alosa alosa Alouatta palliata Alutera schoepfii Alytes obstetricans Amaroucium constellatum Amaroucium pellueidum

1 To 20

peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 amylase in tissues of, 13, 473 transferrins of, 5, 21 proteolytic activities of venom of, 17, 191 peptidase activities of venom, 15, 517 proteolytic activities of venom of, 17, 191 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 composition of the layers of the egg of, 19, 317 chemical composition of haemolymph, 9, 121 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 blood carotenoids of, 14, 641 carotenoids of, 6, 305 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 261 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobin of, 6, 261 electropheretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobin of, 6, 261 phosphatides in, 5, 217 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 52 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 acetate metabolism in, 8, 299 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 cardiac responses during diving, 1, 164 glucose metabolism in, 8, 299 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 nutrition in, 2, 100 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 identity of porphyrin from, 1, 259 sensitivity to pH, 2, 22 tactile and chemical perception, 1, 155 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 haemoglobin in, 17, 1141 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 vanadium content of, 8, 139


Amaroucium stellatum Amaurornis phoenicurus Ambloplites rupestris Amblycorylpha oblongifolia Amblyrhynchus cristatus Ambystoma gracile Ambystoma jeffersonianum Ambystoma laterale Ambystoma mabeii Ambystoma macrodactylum Ambystoma maculatum Ambystoma mexicanum

Ambystoma opacum

Ambystoma talpoideum Ambystoma tigrinum

Ambystoma tigrinum mavortium Amelurus nebulosus

Amia calva Ammotragus lervia Amoeba proteus Amoeba (proteus type) Ampharete acutifrom Amphibolurus ornatus Amphich'nium carteri Amphioxus sp. Amphioxus lanceolatus Amphitrite edwardsii Amphitrite gracills Amphitrite ornata


absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 phosphatides in, 5, 217 heating and cooling rates, heart rate and simulated diving in, 16, 573 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 water economy of, 20, 767 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 effects of arginine vasotocin and oxytocin on sodium and water balance in, 16, 531 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 osmotic and ionic regulation in, 10, 55 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 serum protein in larva, 7, 55 erythrocytes and metamorphosis, 7, 55 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 effect of increased blood volume on the heart-beat, 4, 75 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 threonine and serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 red cell life span in, 19, 471 RNA synthesis in enucleated, 4, 334 colloidal properties of protoplasm, 3, 73 products on haem synthesis in, 15, 237 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 water and electrolyte metabolism in, 20, 855 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 sialic acid in, 10, 161 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 sterol biosynthesis in, 5, 260

240 Amphiuma means

Amphiuma tridactylum Anabaena sp. Anadara sp. Andara transversa Anas sp. Anas boscas Anas platyrhynchos

Anas platyrh3mchos domestica Anax junius Ancistrodon piscivorus

Aneides aeneus Anelosimus studiosus Ammonia sulcata Anguilla anguilla


adenosine diaminase in, 19, 799 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 oxygen consumption and cytochrome oxidase-succinic dehydrogenase in, 20, 343 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 cardiovascular dynamics of, 13, 47 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 nitrogen fixation, 4, 354 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 cardiovascular responses to vagal stimulation in, 12, 479 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 effect of carbon dioxide on respiration of, 12, 451 egg-white proteins of, 18, 121 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 metal composition of erythrocytes in, 15, 347 nutrition in, 2, 100 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 phospherine phosphatase from, 18, 169 proteins in feathers of, 20, 449 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 phosphatides in, 5, 217 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 excreta of, 17, 973 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 adaptation to sea water, 11, 19 adrenocortical steroid production by the interrenal tissue of, 16, 583 N H + J N a + exchange mechanism in gill of, 17, 1201 cardiac frequency during salinity changes, 3, 218 effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline and other drugs on blood vessels of perfused gills, 5, 307 effect of hypophysectomy on osmoregulation in, 18, 773 movement of ions in isolated gills, 3, 125 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 synthesis of corticosteroids in, 19, 63 threonine and serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413


AnguilIa rostrata

Anguilla vulgaris

2qniculus aniculus Anisodoris nobilis AnMstrodesmus braunii Ankistrodon piscovorus Anodonta sp. 2qnodonta cataracta ~qnoclonta cygnea

Anodonta cygnea cellensis Anodonta grandis Anolls bimaculatus Anolis carolinensis

Anolis chrysolepsis Anolis cuvieri Anolis equestris Anolis evermanni Anolis fienatus Anolis grahami Anolis leachi Anolis lineatopus Anolis lineatus Anolis marmoratus Anolis oculatus Anolis pulchellus Anolis wattsi Anosia plexippus Anser sp. 2qnser albifrom frontalis Anser anser


fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 glutamate dehydrogenase and ammonia production in, 18, 909 sialic acid in, 10, 166 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 physiological mechanisms for aerial respiration in, 15, 469 regulation of ventilation in, 18, 511 relationship of heart beat to breathing movements, 7, 238 respiratory function in gill of, 12, 127 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 recordings from giant neuron of, 14, 707 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 arginase activity in, 17, 259 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 effect of compounds on opening and closing of glochidia of, 11, 161 effect of compounds on photosensitized contraction by xanthene-dyes in glochidia of, 17, 1057 effect of monoamines on nervous activity, 8, 163 photosensitization by xanthene dyes of embryonic muscle from, 17, 353 temperature acclimation of the ciliary activity in the gills of, 17, 665 ' Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 effect of nikethamide on pentobarbitol sleeping time in, 14, 239 nutrition in, 2, 100 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 transferrins of, 5, 20 water loss in, 20, 115 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 blood proteins of, 19, 845 identification of skin pteridines in, 10, 181 blood proteins of, 19, 845 phosphatides in, 5, 217 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435

242 A n s e r anscr

Anser anser domesticus Anser anser rubrirostris Anser canagicus Anser eoerulescens coerulescens Amer cygnoides Anser domesticus Anser erythropus Anser fabalis brachyrhynchus Anser indicus Antheraea pernyi Anthobothrium variable Anthocidaris crassispina Anthonomus grandis

Antilocapra americana

Aphrodite aculeata Apis mellifica

Aplodontia rufa Aplysia sp. Aplysia californica Aplysia punctata Aplysia willcoxi Apodemus sylvaticus Apodichthys flavidus Aporrhais sp. Aptenodytes forsteri Apteryx mantelli Aquipecten irradians Anabolia nervosa Anabrus simplex Ara ararauna Arabella opalina Arabella semimaculata

INDEXTO VOLUMES1 TO 20 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 evolutionary implications of blood proteins in, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 proteins in feathers of, 20, 449 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 abdominal stretch receptor, 1, 56 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 amino acids in tissues of, 19, 35 biosynthesis of fatty acids in aseptically reared, 14, 419 lipid biosynthesis in, 19, 417 lipids and fatty acid content of eggs of, 18, 975 storage and excretion of steroids in, 16, 277 synthesis and metabolic conversion of fatty acids in, 16, 289 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 51 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 chemistry and biological activity of secretion of queen and worker, 6, 233 metabolism of ascorbic acid in, 5, 241 sterol extraction from, 11, 257 the course of light and dark adaptation in the compound eye, 10, 227 water balance and maximum concentrating capacity in, 14, 289 arginase activity in, 17, 259 effect of temperature on neurones of, 18, 291 effect of temperature on neurones of, 18, 291 presence of sulphatide in eggs of, 10, 331 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 serum esterases of, 19, 53 serum esterases in, 20, 647 occurrence of a dihydroxy e-carotene, 18, 801 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 egg-white proteins of, 18, 121 arginase activity in, 17, 259 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 distribution of guinadines and phosphagens in, 12, 347


Aranea sp. Araneus sericatus

ttraneus soKtarius Arbacia punctulata Arca decussata Arca noae Arca ventricosa Arca zebra Arcatnoe pulchra .4rchaeomysis maculata Archidoris britannica Archidoris montereyensis Architectonica nobilis Archosargus probatocephalus .4rctica islandica Arenicola marina

Arenicola vagabunda Arenivago sp. Argiodia nobilis Argiopi sp. Argonauta hians Argya quadrata Arhynchite pugettensis Arion sp. Arion ater Aristolochia Armadillidium vulgare Armina (PleurophyUidia) californica Artemia salina


phosphatides in, 5, 217 effect of cholinerg/c compounds on synthesis of silk fibroins in, 12, 465 protein production in silk glands of, 19, 253 regulation of synthesis of silk fibroins in, 15, 509 excreta of, 17, 973 conduction velocity in intestines of, 14, 53 malate dehydrogenase in, 9, 81 sialic acid in, 10, 161 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 guanidine derivatives in, 1, 50 phosphagen in, 1, 52 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 34-7 response to pressure changes in, 7, 143 presence of sulphatide in eggs of, 10, 331 recordings from giant neurones of, 14, 707 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 biogenesis of taurocyanine and hypo-taurocyanine, 10, 209 pigments in skin of, 8, 99 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 sterol biosynthesis from injected mevalonic acid, $, 259 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 studies on haemoglobin in, 8, 65 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 absorption of water vapour by, 19, 387 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 phosphatides in, 5, 217 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 haemoglobins in, 1, 267 phosphatides in, 5, 217 carbohydrases in alimentary tract of, 5, 149 optimum pH of glycosidase activity from 17, 129 proteinase activity in alimentary tract of, 5, 223 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 electrical potentials in, 1, 294 nutrition in, 2, 100 recordings from giant neurones of, 14, 707 amino acid metabolism in embryos of, 20, 245 blood pigments of, 7, 117 carotenoids of, 16, 181 chitin synthetase from, 16, 155 cryptobiosis in, 20, 801

244 Artemia salina Asaphis rugosa Ascaphus truei Ascaris lumbricoides

Ascidia callosa Ascidia corelloides Ascidia mentula Ascidia nigra

Ascidiella aspersa Asellus meridian Asio otus Aspidistra elatior Asplanchna brightwelli Asplanchna priodonta Astacus astacus Astacus cambarus Astacus fluviatilis Astacus leptodactylus Astacus pallipes Astasia klebsii Asterias amurensis Asterias forbesi Asterias rubens Asterias vulgaris Asterina gibbosa Asterina pectinifera Astraea caelata Astrangia danae Atelecyclus septemdendtatus Ateles ater

INDEXTO VOLUMES1 TO 20 trehalose in formation of embryos of, 14, 135 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in, 18, 845 changes on hydrostatic skeleton of, 13, 71 iron content of, 6, 165 metabolism of, 4, 346 organic acid synthesis in, 4, 349 phosphatides in, 5, 217 respiration and terminal oxidation during embryonation in, 18, 217 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 suceinoxidase and cytochrome oxidase in eggs of, 9, 115 synthesis of fatty acids from acetate by, 20, 509 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 237 vanadium content of, 8, 140 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 vanadium content of, 8, 140 extract causing avoidance response in fish, 20, 755 histamine content and histidine deearboxylase activity in, 16, 547 vanadium content of, 8, 140 vanadium content of, 8, 140 electrical potentials in, 1, 294 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 photosynthesis, 4, 159 osmoregulation in, 17, 1111 osmoregulation in, 17, 1111 increase in intracellular amino acid concentration during exposure and increased salinity of environment, 3, 245 UDPG-glycogen transglucosylase in, 9, 263 eholinoceptive receptors of stretch receptor neurones of, 17, 327 sulphatides and cerebrosides in CNS of, 19, 581 chloride transport and water intake into isolated gills of, 13, 423 a comparative study of certain limb reflexes, 10, 273 actomyosin-like ATPase from nerve cord of, 20, 543. non-protein nitrogenous constituents of tissues of, 2, 173 presence of ubiquinone in, 8, 331 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 malate dehydrogenase in, 9, 81 sialic acid in, 10, 161 camitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 sialic acid in, 10, 161 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 effect of hypothermia on heart of, 11, 323


Ateles geoffroyi Atrina sp. Atrina aequilatera Atrina rigida Atypus abboti Aurelia aurita Australorbis glabratus

Austrocochlea obtusa Automeris io Avicularia avicularia Axiothella rubrocincta Aysha gracilis Aythya forina Azotobacter sp. Babylonia japonica Bacterium cadaveris Bagre marinus Balaenoptera musculus Balaenoptera physalus Balanoglossus sp. Balanus nubilis

Balistes carolinensis Barnea truncata Basiliscus americanus Basiliscus vittatus Bathystoma rimator Batrachoseps attenuatus Bdelloura candida Bimastus eisenff Biomphalaria sudanica Bipalium sp. Bipalium kewense


phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 arginase activity in, 17, 259 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 excreta of, 17, 973 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 amino acids in extracellular fluids of, 15, 259 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 amylase in, 14, 281 arginase activity in, 17, 259 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 phosphatides in, 5, 217 metabolism of digestive gland of, 14, 223 phosphatides in, 5, 217 lipid synthesis in, 20, 811 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 excreta of, 17, 973 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 nitrogen fixation, 4, 353 D N A content, 4, 354 ceUulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 source of lysine decarboxylase, 9, 13 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 high-sulphur proteins from s-keratin from baleen of, 15, 175 fatty acids of lipids from, 15, 445 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 cyclohydrolase in, 1, 242 formate-activating enzymes in, 1, 236 Nl°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, 1, 242 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolie acid dehydrogenase in, 1, 242 neuromuscular physiology of giant muscle fibres, 10, 291 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1, 242 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 arginase activity in, 17, 259 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 blood proteins of, 19, 845 chemical factors inducing exploratory feeding in, 20, 755 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 sensitivity to pH, 2, 23 respiratory gas exchange in, 12, 297 phosphatides in, 5, 217 arginase activity in, 8, 29 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29

246 Bison bison

Bitis arietans Blaberus craniifer Blatta orientalis Blattella germanica Bohadschia cousteaui Bohadschia drachi Bohadschia graeffi Bohadschia kollikeri Bombina bombina Bombus sp. Bombyx mori

Bos sp.

Bos bovis Bos bovus Bos grunniens Bosindicus Bos taurus


electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 51 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 peptidase activies of venom of, 15, 517 phosphagen in, 20, 607 glycosidases in, 12, 95 glycosidases in, 12, 95 nutrition in, 2, 100 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, of, 16, 393 phosphatides in, 5, 217 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 biosynthesis of trehalose and glycogen from glucose-lphosphate in, 16, 333 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 potassium ions on muscle of, 18, 131 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 cardiotonic factor from spleen of, 17, 1089 effect of volatile fatty acids on plasma glucose levels, 18, 527 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 high-sulphur proteins from ~-keratins from horns of, 15, 175 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 ribonuclease from pancreatic tissue of, 4, 232 inhibition of t3-glucuronidase from liver of, 20, 535 electrophoresis of thymus histones of, 19, 305 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 immunoelectrophoresis studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 arginase activity in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 51 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 ionic effects on glutamate dehydrogenase activity from liver of, 16, 49 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 phospholipid composition of organs from, 9, 257 presence of E-lysine acylase in, 9, 13


Bothrops jararaca Brachidontes sp. Brachidontes demissus Brachidontes demissus plicatulus Brachidontes recurvus Brachinus Brachionus sp. Bradypus griseus Branchioasychis americana Branchiomma vesiculosum Branchiostoma Branta canadensis fulva Branta canadensis hutchinsii Branta canadensis interior Branta canadensis maxima Branta canadensis minima Branta canadensis occidentalis Branta canadensis parvipes Branta leucopsis Brettanomyces anomalus Brettanomyces bruxellensis Brissus latecarinatus Brontotherium sp. Bubalus bubalus Bubalus bubalus Bubalus bubalus Bubulcus ibis Bubulcus ibis coromandus Bubulcus ibis coromandus Buccinum undatum Bucephala clangula Bufo alvarius Bufo americanus

Bufo bu/o


properties of serum albumins, 9, 301 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 arginase activity in, 17, 259 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 ecology of, 7, 99 respiration in, 7, 89 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 phosphatides in, 5, 217 succinic dehydrogenase in, 20, 653 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 lack of activity pattern in, 11, 239 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 phosphatides in, 5, 217 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 evolutionary implications of blood proteins of, 17, 997 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 ceUulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 51 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 adenosine deminase in, 19, 799 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 movement receptors in, 8, 289 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 effect of extirpation of median eminence on function of pars distalis of the hypophysis, 1, 38 effect of thyroxine on swelling of mitochondria of, 15, 263


Bufo bufo

Bufo calamita Buf o cognatus

Bufo debilis Bufo fowleri Bufo hemiophrys Buf o marinus

Buf o melanostictus Bufo punctatus Bufo retiformis Bufo spinulosus Bufo terrestris

Bufo valliceps

Bufo vulgaris Bufo vulgaris formosus

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 oxygen consumption and heart-rate of submerged, 20, 691 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 solvent drag across small intestine and urinary bladder in, 19, 179 adaptation of nitrogen excretion to dehydration, 3, 236 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 osmotic tolerance of muscles of, 12, 501 transferrins of, 5, 20 water-balance response in, 15, 81 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 haemoglobins and transferrins, 3, 52 water permeability and lipid content of skin of, 15, 423 cardiac phosphorylase activity in, 18, 931 electrolyte levels in dehydrated, 13, 261 histochemicaI studies on kidney of, 20, 55 hypothermia on radiocalcium movement in cardiac muscle of, 20, 657 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 presence in blood of substance with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 seasonal variation in ATPase activity of, 16, 175 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 subcellular localization of catecholamines in heart of, 15, 313 UDPG-glycogen transglucoslyase in, 9, 263 water-balance response in, 15, 81 O 2 and CO2 content of blood during hibernation, 18, 653 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 transferrins of, 5, 20 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 subcellular localization of catecholamines in heart of, 15, 313 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 haemoglobins and transferrins, 3, 52 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 water-balance response in, 15, 81 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435


Bugula neritina Bugula turrita Bulimulus alternatus Bulla ocddentalis Bulla striata Bunodactis sp. Bunodosoma cavernata Bursa californica Busycon sp. Busycon canaliculatum

Buthus tamulus typicus Cadlina laevis Cadlina marginata Caenorhabditis briggsae

Caiman crocodilus

Caiman latirostris

Caiman sclerops Cairina moschata Calappa lophos Calliactis parasitica Callianassa gigas Callinectes sp. Callinectes ornatus Callinectes sapidus

Calliobothrium verticillatum


iodine fixation and utilization by, 11, 215 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 arginase activity in, 17, 259 arginase activity in, 17, 259 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 fatty acids in, 6, 78 glucose degradation in, 18, 537 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 arginase activity in, 17, 259 arginase activity in, 17, 259 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 acetylcholine on muscle, 7, 68 conduction velocity in intestines of, 14, 53 radular muscle myoglobins from, 17, 375 nitrogen excretion in, 7, 175 role of 5 - H T in embryo, 3, 20 recordings from giant neurones of, 14, 707 axenic culture of, 17, 683 form of nitrogenous excretion in, 9, 51 malate synthetase in, 17, 1181 metabolism and amino acid interconversions in, 14, 541 analysis of urinary deposits of, 11, 155 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 amino acid equilibria in, 20, 291 effect of nikethamide on pentobarbitol sleeping time in, 14, 239 free amino acids in, 17, 583 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 transferrins of, 5, 20 electrophoretic analysis of serum from, 20, 1005 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 muscle receptor organs in, 1,248 blood glucose levels in, 14, 29 oxygen consumption of hepatopancreas of, 20, 333 amino acid composition of, 17, 1065 aymmetry potentials, metabolism and sodium fluxes in, 20, 743 chitin synthetase from, 16, 155 glucuronic acid pathway in, 20, 499 oxidative activity of gill mitochondria from, 17, 245 respiratory rate in dilute sea water, 15, 93 starch-gel electrophoresis of sera of, 8, 193 arginase activity in, 8, 29 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29


Calliphora sp. Calliphora erythrocephala

Calotermes flavicollis Calvatia gigantea Camarotoechia sp. Cambarellus shufeldti Cambarus sclotensis Cambarus virilis Camelops hesternus Camelus bactrianus CameIus dromedarius

Campanularia sp. Cancer irroratus Cancer magister

Cancer pagurus Candida sp. Candida albicans Candida parapsilosis Candida pulcherrima Canada tropicalis Candida utilis Canls sp. Canis dirus Canis domesticus Canis sp. Canis familiaris


association between chitin and protein in tissues of, 20, 993 changes in basic proteins during metamorphosis of, 19, 691 electrical activity of retinula cells in eye of, 12, 369 isoenzyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 pupa glycogen, 20, 209 sterol extraction from, 11,257 lipid components of, l l , 263 protein in shell of, 20, 601 phosphatides in, 5, 217 spectral sensitivities of caudal photoreceptors of, 19, 409 lack of specific humoral antibody production by, 12, 471 amino acid composition of bone collagen from, 18, 353 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 free amino acids in serum of, 3, 310 high level of taurine, 3, 311 characteristics of fibres in extensor muscle of, 14, 205 cyclohydrolase in, 1,242 formate-activating enzyme in, 1,234 Nl°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, 1,242 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic acid dehydrogenase in, 1, 242 metabolism of glucose in, 3, 30 muscle receptor organs in, 1,248 myochordotonal organ of, 8, 223 non-identity of transmitter substance, 3, 92 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1,242 UDPG-glycogen transglucosylase in, 9, 263 absence of cholesterol synthesis in, 13,461 biosynthesis of the emulsifiers of, 17, 715 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 carbohydrate metabolism in, 4, 368 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 amino acid composition of bone collagen from, 18, 353 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 metal composition of erythrocytes in, 15, 347 plasmogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 adenosine deaminase activity in, 14, 101


Capra hircus

Capra hircus hircus

Caraharias littoralis Caranx hippos Carassius auratus

Carassius vulgaris Carausius morosus


electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 54 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 glucose utilization by fiver of, 14, 437 lipid composition of testes of, 15, 275 lysine incorporation into protein of testis slices, 17, 151 nutrition in, 2, 100 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 presence in blood of substances with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 properties of serum albumins, 9, 301 renal distribution of free amino acids in, 19, 187 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 serum esterases in breeds of, 111,359 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 51 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 nutrition in, 2, 100 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 renal distribution of free amino acids in, 19, 187 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase in, 17, 953 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 acoustic threshold in, 18, 859 brain fatty acids and temperature acclimation, 11, 303 cardiac phosphorylase activity in, 18, 931 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 changes in activity of cytochrome oxidase, 14, 651 control of glycogen utilization in liver of, 15, 187 effects of cortisol in, 20, 939 energy relations of, 12, 67; 17, 983 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 nutrition in, 2, 100 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle, 16, 311 presence in blood of substance with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 thyroxine and nitrogen metabolism, 8, 1 anaerobic and aerobic metabolism in gills adapted to high and low temperatures, 5, 123 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 chemical composition of haemolymph, 9, 121 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 muscle resting potential in relation to sodium and potassium, 9, 151

252 Carcharhinus falciformis Carcharhinus limbatus Carcinoplax longimanus Carcinus maenas

Carcinus mediterraneus Cardisoma carnifex Cardisoma guanhumi

Cardita floridana Cardium tuberculatum Caretta caretta caretta

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase, 17, 953 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13,323 L-~-aminotransferases in, 20, 195 a-amylase from hepatopancreas of, 13, 97 cardio-accelerators from heart extracts of, 11, 45 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 chemoreceptors in, 8, 141 dopamine level in nervous system of, 18, 921 effect of osmotic pressure on the activity of the mitochondria of, 6, 277 effect of temperature on muscle resting potential, 3, 64 electron transfer system of hepatopancreatic mitochondria from, 12, 245 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 histamine content of tissues from, 3, 315 intermediary metabolism in, 18, 283 ionic effects on glutamate dehydrogenase activity from muscle of, 16, 49 ionic regulation and moulting cycle in, 1,183 leg reflexes from chordotonal organs in, 15, 567 muscle fibre properties in "fast" and "slow" contractions, 10, 17 potential difference between blood and medium in, 20, 743 presence of glutamate in nerve-muscle perfusates of, 15, 485 proprioception by chordotonal organs in legs of, 14, 185 role of Y-organ in proecdysis and limb regeneration in, 9, 195 sensitivity to cooling of isolated motor nerves from legs of, 5, 311 spectrophotometric studies on respiring particles from hepatopancreas of, 3, 161 subcellular respiring particles from hepatopancreas of, 5, 95 ubiquinone in mitochondria of, 19, 745 oxidative activity of gill mitochondria from, 17, 245 respiratory rate in dilute sea water, 15, 93 salt and water balance in, 17, 641 distribution of calcium in, during shell wound recalcification, 7, 227 ionic regulation and Na+-K+-stimulated ATPase activity in, 19, 533 0 , consumption of hepatopancreas of, 20, 333 acetylcholine effect on heart, 14, 513 oxygen equilibrium curve for haemoglobin of, 8, 209 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal c~-hemolysin, 15, 73


Caretta caretta caretta Caritharus cantharus Carpodacus mexicanus Carpoides thompson Carunculina parva Cassiopea sp. Cassiopeia xaymachana Cassis madagascarensis Castianeira cingulata Castorfiber Catoptrophorus semipalmatus Catostomus catostomus Catostomus insignis Catostomus latipinnis Catreus wallichii Cavia sp.

Cavia cobaya

Cavia porceUus


osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 cardiac frequency and salinity variations, 3, 218 temperature and circadian rhythm in, 18, 463 electron transport in microsomes of, 8, 367 arginase activity in, 17, 259 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 excreta of, 17, 973 thermoregulatory importance of tail of, 15, 267 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 haptoglobins in, 17, 349 haptoglobins in, 17, 349 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 effect of thyroxine on swelling of mitochondria of, 15, 263 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 263 glycolysis and oxidation in small intestinal mucosa, 20, 223 high-sulphur proteins from s-keratin from hair of, 15, 175 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 grouped discharges in ureter muscle, 19, 713 nutrition in, 2, 100 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 response of amino acid transport to ouabain and sodiumfree medium across gut of, 18, 83 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 acid mucopolysaccharides in skin of, 14, 21 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 adenosine deaminase activity in, 14, 101 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 effect of nikethamide on pentobarbitol sleeping time in, 14, 239 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 lipid composition of testes of, 15, 275 lysine incorporation into protein of testis slices, 17, 151 pentose phosphate cycle in mucosa of small intestine, 20, 319 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49


Carla porcellus

Carolina tridentata Cebus apella Cebus capucinus Centropages hamatus Centropomus undecimalis Centropristes striatus

Centropus sinensis

Centruroides limpidus limpidus Cepaea hortensis Cepaea nemoralis Ceratomia catalpae Cercopithecus babouin Cerebratulus sp. Cerebratus occidentalis Cervus canadensis nelsoni Cervus nippon nippon Cetorhinus maximus Chaenocephalus aceratus Chaenobryttus gulosus Chaetodipterus faber Chaetopleura apiculata Chaetopterus pergamentaceus Chalcides ocellatus

Chama sp. Chamaeleo dilepsis Champsocephalus esox Chaoborus sp. Charybdis miles Chelodina Iongicollis

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 presence in blood of substances with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sodium and potassium correlation in cochlea endolymph of, 9, 335 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 effect of hypothermia on heart of, 11,323 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 osmotic hehaviour in undiluted sea water, 14, 155 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 lysosomal enzymes in excretory organs of, 12, 429 lysozymes in brains of, 15, 77 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sialic acid in, 10, 166 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 free amino acids and pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes in central nervous system of, 16, 523 glucose, succinate and acetate metabolism in, 11, 147 composition of haemolymph and tissue extract of, 14, 399 glucose, succinate and acetate metabolism in, 11, 147 oxygen equilbrium curves of blood of, 12, 215 phosphatides in, 5, 217 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 red cell life span in, 19, 471 red cell life span in, 19, 471 ionic composition of cranial and labyrinthine fluids in, 11, 131 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 hybrids, haemoglobin patterns of, 10, 109 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 lipid content of, 6, 171 nitrogen content of tissues of, 9, 75 water content of tissues compared with that of other reptiles, in relation to environment, 5, 327 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 transferrins of, 5, 21 anatomy of.gills of, 18, 517 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 cardiac phosphorylase activity in, 18, 931 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 nitrogen excretion in, 18, 249


Chelodina longicollis Chelonia mydas agassizii Chelonia mydas mydas Chelydra serpentina Chelydra serpentina osceola Chelydra serpentina serpentina

Chilomonas paramecium Chinchilla chinchilla ChinchiUula sp. Chionactis occipitalis Chione cancellata Chionecetes tanneri Chirocephalus diaphanus Chironomus plumosus Chiton sp. Chlamydomonas moewusii Chlamydomonas reinhardi Chlamydomonas sphagnophila Chlamys hericius Chlamys opercularis Chlorella sp. Chlorellapyrenoides

Chloris chloris Chlorobium sp. Chlorohydra viridissima Choloepus didactylus Chondrus crispus Chorthippus parallelus Chortophaga viridifasciata Chromatium sp. Chrysemys elegans Chrysemys picta


presence in blood of substance with positive inotropie activity, 15, 503 physiological adjustments to diving in, 18, 101 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 serum ceruloplasmin and sialie acid in, 13, 143 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 263 transferrins of, 5, 21 arginase activity in, 17, 259 excitation and inhibition in muscle fibres of, 16, 409 bile pigment in, 7, 117 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 sodium transport in anal papillae, 7, 81 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 absence of sialic acids in, 10, 158 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 lipids of, 6, 249 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 difference spectrum, 4, 169 nutrition in, 2, 100 photosynthesis, 4, 160 CO2 and photosynthesis in, 4, 189 incubation with HC1403, 16, 77 lipids of, 6, 249 circadian rhythms in, 16, 507 nitrogen fixation, 4, 354 photosynthetic phosphorylation in, 4, 256 carotenoid pigments in, 16, 189 symbiosis with algae, 16, 77 soluble extracellular products of algae from, 20, 1 hematological studies on, 8, 187 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 nitrogen fixation, 4, 354 coronary circulation in, 13, 119 absorption of fatty acids by intestinal sac preparations, 14, 553


Chrysemys picta

Chrysemys picta beli Chrysolophus amherstiae Chrysolophus pictus Chrysomma sinensis Ciona intestinalis

Cirratulus cirratus Cirratulus grandis Cirriformica luxuriosa Cirriformica spirabrancha Cirriformia tentaculata Cistenides gouldii Citellus beecheyi Citellus lateralis

Citellus mohavensis Citellus tereticaudus Citellus tridecemlineatus

Citellus variegatus

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 endolymphatic potentials in, 10, 83 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 influence of oestrogens on serum concentration of, 20, 823 polymorphism of haemoglobin of, 18, 627 seasonal oxidative phosphorylation by heart mitochondria of, 17, 1045 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum protein concentration changes in, 16, 215 sodium and potassium concentration in cochlea of, 9, 335 transport of monosaccharides by intestinal segments of, 3, 285 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 egg-white proteins of, 16, 93 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 egg-white proteins of, 16, 93 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemolgobin of, 16, 341 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 acetylcholine levels in, 8, 327 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 cholinergic drugs on muscle of, 17, 559 cholinesterases in, 17, 553 effect of drugs on electrocardiogram of, 9, 307 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 vanadium content of, 8, 139 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 circannian rhythm in hibernating, 19, 603 circannian rhythm in hibernating, 19, 603 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 plasma magnesium concentration during hibernation in, 17, 673 plasma potassium and sodium concentrations, in, 20, 299 circannian rhythm in hibernating, 19, 603 circannian rhythm in hibernating, 19, 603 active absorption of D-glucose from gut of, 9, 37 anaerobic glycolysis in cerebral tissue of, 14, 201 effect of hibernation on liver regeneration, 5, 297 gluconeogenesis in, 20, 275 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 rate of anaerobic glycolysis in cardiac tissue from hypoxic, 17, 183 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 circannian rhythm in hibernating, 19, 603


Citharichtys sp. Cladonia sp. Clavelina picta Clemmys caspica leprosa Clemmys insculpta C lemmys japonica Clemmys marmorata marmorata Clemmys marmorata pallida Clinocardium nuttallii Cliona celata Clitocybe aurantiaca Clitocybe illudens Clostridium kluyveri Clostridium pasteurianum Clupea harengus harengus Clupea pallasii Clupea pilchardus Clymenella mucosa Clymenella torquata

ClymeneUa zonalis Clypeaster japonicus Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Coendu viollosus Coenobita cavipes Coenobita clypeatus Coleonyx variegatus Coleus monedula Colinus virginianus Coluber constrictor flaviventris

Coluber florulentus


fatty acids in, 6, 78 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 vanadium content of, 8, 139 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal c~-hemolysin, 15, 73 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 formate-activating enzyme in, 1,233 reactions to applied stimuli, 18, 805 presence of sulpholipid in, 10, 332 lipid components of, 11,263 fatty acid synthesis, 4, 124 hydrogenase system of, 4, 357 nitrogen fixation, 4, 353 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 fatty acids of lipids from, 15, 445 haemoglobin polymorphism and ontogeny in, 17, 1141 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 haemoglobin in, 17, 1141 activity pattern in, 11, 239 evidence for genetic divergence, based on oxygen consumption, 10, 335 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 activity pattern in, 11,239 evidence for genetic divergence based on oxygen consumption, 10, 335 uptake by body wall of amino acids from environment, 10, 191 activity pattern in, 11,239 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 transferrins of, 5, 20 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 salt and water balance in, 17, 641 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 locomotor activity rhythms of, 19, 91 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 evaporative water loss in, 19, 445 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 transferrins of, 5, 21 lipid content of, 6, 171 water content of tissues compared with that of other reptiles, in relation to environment, 5, 327


Columba sp.

Columba Columba livia

Columba livia domestica Colus trophius Compsomyax subdiaphana Condylactis gigantica Conger conger Constrictor constrictor Conus sp. Corprinus atramentarius Copsychus saularis Coptotermes lacteus Coracias benghalensis Coracina novaehollandiae Corbicula consobrina Corcyra cephalonica Cordylus cataphractus Corixa punctata Corvus brachyrhyncos Corvus splendens splendens Corynebacteria sp.

INDEXTO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 biosynthesis of carbamyl aspartate by liver, 5, 1 effects of hormones on lipolysis and glycolysis in adipose tissue of, 16, 367 effect of stress on haematology of, 7, 211 glycolysis and oxidation in small intestinal mucosa, 20, 223 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 tissue respiration after exposure of animal to 48°C, 4, 72 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 carbon dioxide levels in, 15, 17 cold stress in, 2, 8 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 endolymphatic potentials in, 10, 83 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 presence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sodium and potassium concentrations in cochlea of, 9, 335 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 Ach effect of heart, 14, 513 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 adrenocortical steroid production by the interrenal tissue of, 16, 583 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 presence of sulpholipid in, 10, 332 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 in feeding experiments with Tachyglossus, 14, 357 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 mineral requirements of larva, 7, 47 transferrins of, 5, 21 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 synthesis of corynnemycolic acid in, 4, 350


Coryphella rufibranchialis Coscinasterias acutespina Cottus scorpius Coturnix coturnix

Coturnix coturnix japonica Crago franciscorum Crangon sp. Crania anomala Crassostrea gigas Crassostrea nippona Crassostrea rhizophorae Crassostrea virginica

Crenilabrus melops Crepidula fornicata Crepidula plana

Cricetus auratus Cricetus cricetus Crinia signifera


presence of sulphatide in eggs of, 10, 331 role of 5 - H T in embryo, 3, 20 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 ionic composition of cranial and labrynthine fluids in, 11, 131 saccular D.C. potentials in, 11, 131 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 haemoglobin pattern from hybrid ( x Gallus gallus) genetics of, 10, 107 microsomal transport in liver from, 20, 731 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 trypsin inhibitors in egg white proteins of, 18, 937 muscle receptor organs in, 1,248 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 effects of adenosine on heart of, 18, 797 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 effects of salinity on amino acids of, 19, 783 effect of temperature and salinity on ciliary activity of gill, 8, 271 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 glucose degradation in, 18, 537 incorporation of carbon dioxide into amino acids in, 11, 231 nitrogen excretion in, 17, 1199 organic matrix in shell of, 16, 427 oxidative metabolism of, compared with Lingula, 5, 186 phosphatides in, 5, 217 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 rate and pathway of carbon dioxide fixation in, 17, 289 stimulation by crustacean eyestalk extract of respiratory enzyme activity from, 20, 351 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 phosphatides in, 5, 217 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 nutrition in, 2, 100 phospholipid composition of organs from, 9, 257 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393

260 Crinia signifera Crisea sp. Crithidia fasciculata Crithidia luciliae Crocodilus acutus Crocodylus morleti Crocodihts niloticus

Crotalus adamanteus

Crotalus atrox Crotalus cerastes Crotalus viridis oreganus

Crotaphytus collaris Crotaphytus wislezeni Crypsirina vagabunda Cryptobranchus alleganiensis Cryptochiton stelleri Cryptoplax japonics Cryptotermes havilandi Ctenomys sp. Ctenosaura acanthura Ctenosaura pectinata Cuculus micropterus Cuculus varius Cuculus varius vahl Cucumaria planci Culcita schimideliana Culex fatigans Culex pipiens Cunninghamella blakesleeana


thermal and water balance of, 20, 27 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 lipids of, 6, 249 presence of ubiquinone in, 8, 331 lipids of, 6, 249 electrophoretic analysis of serum from, 20, 1005 transferrins of, 5, 20 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 analysis of urinary deposits of, I I , 155 lipid content of, 6, 171 nitrogen content of tissues of, 9, 75 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 water content of tissues compared with that of other reptiles, in relation to environment, 5, 327 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 peptidase activities of venom, 15, 517 proteolytic activities of venom of, 17, 191 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 21 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 20 blood proteins of, 19, 845 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 transferrins of, 5, 20 body fluid nitrogenous constituents of, 19, 737 formate-activating enzyme in, l, 235 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 chemical composition of haemolymph, 9, 121 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 263 transferrins of, 5, 20 nasal salt excretion in, l l , 223 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 vanadium in, 7, 128 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 free amino acids and peptides during development, 14, 463 properties of proteinases in midgut of, 17, 115 free amino acids and peptides during embryonic development, 14, 463 fatty acids in, 18, 325


Cuora amboinensis Curtisia foremanii Cutelia sedilotti Cuthona sp. Cyanea capillata Cyclaspis sp. Cyclorana sp. Cyclotella nana Cygnopsis cygnoid domesticus Cymatium parthenopeum Cynops pyrrhogaster Cynthia karasboya Cynthia mirabilis Cypraea spadicea Cypraea zebra Cyprinodon macularius Cyprinus carpio

Cyrtopleura (Barnea) costata Dama dama Damiriana hawaiiana Daphnia sp. Dardanus crassimanus Dasyatus americana Dasyatis centrura Dasyatis sabina Dasybranchus lumbricoides Dasycolletes hirtipes


lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal s-hemolysin, 15, 73 arginase activity in, 8, 29 omithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 metabolism of ascorbic acid in, 5, 241 role of 5 - H T in embryo, 3, 30 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 response to pressure changes in, 7, 143 thermal and water balance of, 20, 27 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 233 ceUulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 arginase activity in, 17, 259 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 non-genetic, irreversible adaptation of young when reared in spawning salinity, 5, 265 activity of 4 ammonia-producing enzymes in gills of, 6, 272 ammonia excretion in, 10, 315 cardiac frequency and salinity variations, 3, 218 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 characterization of neurohypophysial hormones of, 14, 245 effect of L-glutamate on ammonia excretion in, 18, 141 effect of increased blood volume on the heart-beat, 4, 75 effect of thyroxine on swelling of mitochondria of, 15, 263 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 ribonucleoproteins from mature ovarian eggs of, 9, 41 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 threonine and serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 52 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase, 17, 953 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 34-7 metabolism of ascorbic acid in, 5, 241


Dasyprocta punctata Dasypus novemcinctus

Debariomyces hansenei Dierochelys reticularia chrysea

Deirochelys reticularia reticularia Delephis virginiana Delphinus delphis Demospongiae sp. Dendraster excentricus Dendroaspis angusticeps Dendrobaena octahedra Dendrobaena platyura depressa Dendrocoelum lacteum Dendrodoris rubra nigromaculata Dendronotus frondosus Dendrostomum dyscritum Dendrostomum signifer Dendrostomum zostericolum Dentalium sp. Dermasterias imbricata Dermochelys coriacea Deroceras laeve Desmognathus fuscus

Desmognathus monticolus Desmognathus phoca Diadema sp. Diadema antiUarum Diadumene luciae Dialula sandiegensis Diaparopsis sp. Diapatra sp. Diaptomus castor Diataraxia oleracea Diazona violacea Dicamptodon ensatus Diceratherium sp.



serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 coagulation, protein and cellular studies on blood of, 12, 61 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 56 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal or-hemolysin, 15, 73 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 nutrition in, 2, 100 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 phosphatides of, 5, 217 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 sensitivity to pH, 2, 23 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 properties of neurons from, 18, 957 role of 5 - H T in embryo, 3, 20 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 chloride concentrations in coelomic and nephridial fluid of, 13, 477 oxygen equilibria in, 1,279 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 calcium for embryo ossification, 7, 71 arginase activity in, 17, 259 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 integumentat pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 transferrins of, 5, 20 water economy of, 20, 767 water economy of, 20, 767 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 nematocyst responses in, 1, 123 recordings from giant neurons of, 14, 707 oxaloacetic carboxylase from thorax of, 16, 259 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 carotenoids in, 17, 523 glycosidases in, 12, 95 vanadium content of, 8, 139 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 transferrins of, 5, 20 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253


Diceros bicornis

Dicrurus macrocercus Didelphis marsupialis Didelphis virginiana Diemictylus viridescens Dinocardium robustum Dinocras cephalotes Dinopis spinosus Dinopium benghalensis Diomedea immutabilis Diopatra splendidissima Diplasterias brucei Dipsosaurus dorsalis

Dirofilaria immitis Dirona albolineata Disdna striata Discoglossus pictus Disculiceps pileatum Dodecaceria concharum Dodecaceria fewkesl Dolabella auricula Dolabella scapula Dolichoglossus kowalevskii Dolomedes albineus Donax denticulatus Donax variabilis Dreissensia polymorpha Dromiceius novae-hollandiae Drosera sp. Drosophila hydei Drosophila raelanogaster


high-sulphur proteins from s-keratin from horn of, 15, 175 irnmunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 electrophoretic study of milk proteins 4, 57 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 355 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 transferrins of, 5, 20 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 excreta of, 17, 973 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 egg-white proteins of, 18, 121 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 organic constitution of, 18, 47 blood proteins of, 19, 845 growth response to photoperiodic stimulation in, 14, 209 nasal salt gland and chronic hypersalemia in, 18, 563 thermal relations in muscles of, 13, 27 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 phosphatides in, 5, 217 recordings from giant neurons of, 14, 707 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 pigments in skin of, 8, 99 pigments in skin of, 8, 99 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 sialic acid in, 10, 161 excreta of, 17, 973 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 arginase activity in, 17, 259 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 influence of salinity of external medium on respiration in isolated gills, 3, 250 proteins in feathers of, 20, 449 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 effect of temperature on respiration of, 19, 171 analysis of lipids in, 17, 1127 effects of temperature on, 11, 411


Drosophila melanogaster Drosophila pseudoobscura Drosophila viracochi Drosophila willistoni Drymarchon corals Dugesia sp. Dugesia dorotocephela Dugesia tigrina Dusicyon culpaeus Dysdercus fasciatus Dysidea etheria Dystylia rugosa Dytiscus marginalis Echinarachnius mirabilis Echinarachnius parma Echinaster echinophorus Echinaster spinulosus Echinococcus granulosus

Echinometra sp. Echinus esculentus Ecteinascidia conklini Ecteinascidia turbinata Egernia carinata Egregia laevigata Eisenia sp. Eisenia balatonica Eisenia foetida Elaphe obsoleta Elaphe obsoleta confinis Elaphe obsoleta quadrivittata Electra sp. Electrophorus electricus Eledone moschata Eleutherodactylus portoricensis Eleutherodactylus rhodopis Eliomys quercinus Elminius modestus



ontogenesis of proteins in, 10, 351 effects of temperature on growth of, 16, 7 effects of temperature on growth of, 16, 7 effect of temperature on respiration of, 19, 171 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 21 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 arginase activity in, 8, 29 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 electrical response of the photoreceptor, 5, 129 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 1 | 3 dipeptidase activity in, 6, 170 glycosidases in, 12, 95 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 breeding cycles in, 20, 327 sialic acid in, 10, 161 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 mechanical responses of digestive glands of, 19, 259 acetylcholinesterase in, 2, 163 host-parasite relationships in, 2, 161 passage of reducing substance through cyst wall, 2, 163 succinate production in, 14, 299 tricarboxylic acid cycle in, 8, 245 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 ribonucleic acid metabolism during development of, 17, 501 vanadium content of, 8, 140 vanadium content of, 8, 140 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 digestion by Strongylocentrotus, 11,273 distribution of arginase activity along the body, 5, 69 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 connexions between the lateral giant fibres, 3, 274 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 21 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 sialic acid in, 10, 166 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 thiol groups in haemocyanins from, 16, 249 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 toxicity of aliphatic amines to larvae of, 18, 59


Eloactis groducta Emerita sp. Emerita analoga Emerita asiatica Emerita talpoida Emydoidea blandingi Emys blandingi Enallagma cyathigerum Engraulis sp. Engraulis mordax Enoplus brevis Enoplus communis Ensatina eschscholtzi platensis Ensis directus Ensis ensis Ensis minor Entobdella bunpusi Entodesma saxicola Entosphenus japonicus Entosphenus tridentatus Ephemera danica Ephestia kuehniella Epinelephus itajara Epithyris oxonica Epitonium angulatum Eptatretus stoutff

Eptesicus fuscus fuscus Equisetum arvense Equus (horse) Equus (mule) Equus asinus Equus caballus


absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 fatty acids in, 6, 78 response to pressure changes in, 7, 143 biochemical relations of calcium metabolism in, 20, 629 starch-gel electroploresis of sera of, 8, 193 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal s-hemolysin, 15, 73 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 fatty acids in, 6, 78 phosphorylated glyceryl ether in, 19, 363 haemoglobin in, 19, 871 haemoglobin in, 19, 871 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 arginase activity in, 17, 259 arginase activity in, 8, 29 omithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 ceUulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 chemical composition of haemolymph, 9, 121 chemical composition of haemolymph, of, 9, 121 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 protein in shell of, 20, 601 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 a potent cardioactive agent from branchial heart of, 10, 129 cardioregulation in, 2, 181 lipids in gut of, 19, 139 metabolic rate of, 16, 1 regulation of body weight and serum composition by, 14, 383 regulatory function of kidney of, 13, 381 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 biochemical taxonomy using haemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase and esterases, 17, 741 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 high-sulphur proteins from s-keratin from hair of, 15,175 properties of serum albumins, 9, 301 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 53 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 amino acid composition of bone collagen from, 18, 353 arginase activity in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 53 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581


Equus occidentalis Equus quagga

Erethizon dorsatum Erinaceus europaeus

Eriocheir sinensis Eriphia spinifrons Erpobbella octoculata Erpobdella testacea Escherichia coli Esox lucius Estrilda amandara flavidiventris Eudistoma olivaceum Eudistylia polymorpha Eudocimus albus Eudynamys scolopacea Euglena sp. Euglena gracilis Euhadra peliomphala Eumeces laticeps Eumeces obsoletus Eumops perotis Eunectes murinus Eunice sp. Eunice aphroditois Eunicella vernicosa Eupagurus bernhardus Eupelor fraasi fraasi Euplotes eurystomus Euproctus montanus Eurycea bislineata Eurycea longicauda Eurycea lucifuga

INDEXTO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 amino acid composition of bone collagen from, 18, 353 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 53 immunoeleetrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sodium transport in gill, 7, 81 thiol groups in haemocyanins from 16, 249 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 preparation to give aspartate transcarbamy!ase, 5, 2 nutrition in, 2, 100 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 threonine and serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 vanadium content of, 8, 139 distributed synapses between giant axons in, 13, 453 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 lipids of, 6, 249 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 transferrins of, 5, 20 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 thermal relations in muscles of, 13, 27 temperature, oxygen consumption, heart rate and shivering in, 19, 431 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 biochemical studies on, 17, 535 guanidine derivatives in, 1, 46 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 fixation of iodine by, 1,286 a comparative study of certain limb reflexes, 10, 273 carotenoprotein in eggs and ovaries of, 17, 929 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 ciliary activity and co-ordination in, 19, 115 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 integumental pteridins in, 15, 33



Eurycotis floridana Eurypelma hentzi Eurytium limosum Eustala anastera Evastenas troschelii Excalfactoria chinensis Excirolana chiltoni Exocycloida sp. Eylais extendens

intestinal absorption of cholesterol in, 11,333 neuromuscular transmission in, 14, 673 0 s consumption of hepatopancreas of, 20, 333 excreta of, 17, 973 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 evaporative water loss in, 19, 445, 459 response to pressure changes in, 7, 143 phosphatides in, 5, 217 pigments of, 13, 469

Falco tinnunculus Farancia abacura

lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 21 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 amino acid pool in, 19, 525 arginase activity in, 8, 29 effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on, 4, 346 metabolism in, 4, 346 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 546 intermediary metabolism in, 9, 189 lipid composition of egg-shell of, 18, 573 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 osmotic behaviour in modified Hedon-Fleig media of, 18, 609 protonephridial system in miracidium of, 20, 337 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 arginase activity in, 8, 29 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 sialic acid in, 10, 159 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 adenosine deaminase activity in, 14, 101 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 acid mucopolysaccharides in skin of, 14, 21 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 cardiotonic factor from spleen of, 17, 1089 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 54 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 nutrition in, 2, 100 pentose phosphate cycle in mucosa of small intestine, 20, 319 phospholipids composition of organs from, 9, 257 presence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339

Fasciola hepatica

Fasdolaria trapezium Fascioloides magna Felis sp. Felis catus

Fells domesticus

268 Felis ocreata domestica FissureUa barbadensis Florida thula Florinda coccinea Fomes igniarius Forficula auricularia Forreria belcheri Francolinus erckeli Francolinus pondicerianus Fregata magnificens Fringilla coelebs FrontineUa pyramitela Fucus sp. Fulica atra Fundulus catenatus

Fundulus grandis Fundulus heteroclitus

Fundulus kansae

Fundulus notatus Fundulus pulvereus Fundulus similis Fundulus zebrinus Fusitriton oregonense Gadus callarias

Gadus morhua


1 wo 20

activity of 4 ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 excreta of, 17, 973 fatty materials of, 18, 225 chemical composition of haemotymph of, 9, 121 arginase activity in, 17, 259 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 circadian period and phase-angle difference in, 18, 397 excreta of, 17, 973 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 effect of mammalian parathyroid extract on serum calcium level, 3, 27 serum calcium in, 2, 1 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 calcium and fresh-water survival in, 18, 503 sialic acid in, 10, 166 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 calcium and fresh-water survival in, i 8, 503 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 effect of mammalian parathyroid extract on serum calcium level, 3, 27 effect of pitocin and pitressin on water and sodium movements in, 6, 215 effects of prolactin and A C T H on, 20, 199 hypophysectomy and osmoregulation in, 20, 489 serum calcium in, 2, 1 sodium outflux from gill of, 8, 263 sodium transport in gill, 7, 81 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline and other drugs on blood vessels of perfused isolated gills, 5, 307 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 cardiac output and pulsatile aortic flow in, 7, 169 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 fatty acids of lipids from, 15, 445 ionic composition of cranial and labyrinthine fluids in, l l , 131 metabolism of pyruvate, acetate and glyoxylate by sperm of, 20, 987


Gadus morhua Gadus virem Gaetice depressus Galago senegalensis nuhali Galeichthys fees Galeodes indicus GaUeria sp. Galleria mellonella Gallus bankira Gallus domesticus


structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 nitrogen excretion in, 7, 175 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 mucopolysaccharides in, 13, 443 activity of 4 ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 activity of testis and kidney cortex of, 17, 455 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 amino acid composition of insoluble mitochondrial proteins from, 18, 231 citric acid content of blood plasma and other tissues, l l , 173 effect of a 17-spirolactone on circadian rhythm in, 16, 497 effect of feeding 50/o L-phenylalanine to young, 17, 609 effect of L-phenylalanine on day-old, 17, 1159 effect of nikethamide on pentobarbital sleeping time in, 14, 239 electron transport in microsomes of, 8, 367 erythrocyte and haemoglobin levels in laying, 13, 83 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 formate-activating enzyme in gonads of, 1,234 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 glycogen in the hatching fowl, 14, 217 homeothermy in, 13, 413 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic acid dehydrogenase in, l, 243 iron-binding proteins in blood sera of, 8, 115 latissimus dorsi muscle as source for glycerinated fibres and relaxing substance, 14, 405 light effect on embryonic development of eggs of, 20, 793 lipid composition of testes of, 15, 275 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 4-35 liver lipids in, 14, 445 metabolic response to cold during hatching in, 20, 179 monosaccharides in urine of, 20, 523 nutrition in, 2, 100 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in liver of, 12, 457 plasma acid phosphatase and bone dystrophy in, 12, 417 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 pre-albumins of embryonic plasma of, 12, 439 presence in blood of substances with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 presence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 presence of sulphatide in lipovitellin of egg, 10, 331 proteins in feathers of, 20, 449

270 Gallus domesticus

GaUus ferrugineus Gallus gallus

Gallus sonnerati Gari californicus Gasterosteus aculeatus Gastrophilus intestinalis Gastrophryne carolinensis Gattyana cirrosa Gavia stellata Gecarcinus lateralis Geoemyda trijuga edeniena Geolycosa ornatipes Geophilus sp. Gerrhonotus coeruleus Gerrhonotus multicarcinatus Gibbula cineraria C.ibbula umbilicalis

INDEXTO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 rate of flow of pancreatic secretion in, 16, 29 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1, 243 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 thermoregutation by young, 18, 369 tissue specific differences in adenosine deaminase from, 16, 199 water-soluble oviduct proteins of, 14, 475 xylose transport in intestine of, 20, 461 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 brain mitochondria of, protein content and oxidative capacity, 3, 199 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 effect of thyroxine on swelling of mitochondria of, 15, 263 egg proteins of, 12, 389 egg-white proteins of, 18, 121 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 haemoglobin pattern from hybrid (× Coturnix coturnix) genetics of, 10, 107 molecular genetics of proteins from, 17, 467 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 serum copper and ceruloplasmin activity in, 15, 429 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 total plasma calcium in, 19, 133 trypsin inhibitors in egg white proteins of, 18, 937 urea a volatile base in caeca and colon of, 18, 735 urinary excretion of citric acid in, 19, 161 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 973 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 carotenoid pigments in, 14, 121 osmotic adjustment in, 15, 283 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 productivity of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 free amino acids and pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes in central nervous system of, 16, 523 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 excreta of, 17, 973 connective tissue pigment in, 1, 90 transferrins of, 5, 20 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 thermal relations in muscles of, 13, 27 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 osmotic balance in, 16, 121


Ginglymostoma cirratum

Giraffa camelopardalis Girella punctata Glaucomys volans Glis glis Globicephala malaena Globirhynchi subobsoleta Glossina morsitans Glossiphonia complanata Glossoscolex giganteus Glossosiphonia complanata Glottida pyramidata Glycera americana Glycera chirori Glycera convoluta Glycera dibranchiata Glycera robusta Glycera tesselata Glycinde armigera Glycymeris nummaria Glycymeris subobsoleta Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Glyptonotus antarcticus Gnathobdellida sp. Gnathophausia ingeus Gobius niger jozo Golfingia gouldii Goniaulax monilata Gonionemus murbachii Gopherus polyphemus

Gracula religiosa Grantia canadensis Graphidostreptus tumuliporus Graptemys oculifera Griffithsia gloln'fera Grus canadensis Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa


physiology and pharmacology of ventricular fluid of, 17, 857 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 ventricular fluid production rates in, 12, 171 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 intestinal transport of p-amino benzoic acid in, 17, 883 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 lipids in atheromata and arterial tissues of, 20, 975 protein in shell of, 20, 601 flight metabolism of, 19, 809 oxaloacetic carboxylase in flight musculature of, 16, 259 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 biochemical studies on, 16, 491 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 organic constitution of, 18, 47 phosphatides in, 5, 217 fatty acids in, 6, 84 deamination of L-amino acid in, 16, 303 amino acids and reduced salinity in, 18, 617 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 lipid synthesis in, 20, 811 transferrins of, 5, 20 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121

272 GryUus domesticus Guara rubra Gymnodactylus milii Gyrinophilus porphyriticus Hadrurus hirsutus naemonchus contortus Haemopsis sanguisuga Halcyon smyrnensis Haliaetus leucoryphas Halichoerus grypus Halichondria sp. Halichondria panicea Haliclona sp. Halidrys dioica Haliotis cracherodii Haliotis crachfordi Haliotis japonicus Halla parthenopeia Halocynthia igaboja Halodeima atra Halodeima edulis Halosydna brevisetosa Halosydna johnsoni Hansenula anomala Hapalogaster dentata Haploscoloplos elongata Harmothoe imbricata Hartmannela rhysodes Helicina orbiculata Heliothis zea Helisoma sp. Helisoma companulata Helisoma trivalvis Helix aperta Helix aspersa



sterol extraction from, 11, 257 carotenoid fractionation, 19, 267 carotenoids of, 5, 31 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 proprioceptors in leg of, 19, 241 leucine aminopeptidase in exsheathing fluid of, 14, 311 reversible inhibition of exsheathment in, 17, 1103 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 fatty acids of lipids from, 15, 445 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 digestion by Strongylocentrotus, 11,273 arginase activity in, 17, 259 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 guanidine derivatives in, 1, 46 pigments in skin of, 8, 99 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 237 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 arginase activity in, 17, 259 insecticide metabolism in, 16, 321 arginase activity in, 17, 259 nutrition in, 2, 100 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 ionic regulation in, 17, 1007 a cardioaccelerator in, 1, 62 actylcholine in brain of, 8, 53 acetylcholine, effect on neurones of, 8, 39 amine oxidase in kidney of, 8, 53 amino acids in blood and nervous system of, 5, 227 anatomy of nervous system, 7, 279 antidromic and orthodromic stimulation in, 7, 280 arginase activity in, 17, 259 chemosensitivity of neurones, 7, 277 chloride concentration of neurones of, 19, 819 decarboxylase in brain of, 8, 53


Helix aspersa

Helix pomatia

Helobdella stagnalis Heloderma suspectum Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus Hemiclepsis marginata Hemidactylium scutatum Hemidactylus turcicus Hemidiaptomus amblyodon Hemigrapsus nudus

Hemigrapsus oregonensis Hemipodus borealis Hemithiris psittacea Hernitripterus americanus Henricia sanguinolenta


effect of albumen gland homogenate on blood sugar of, 11, 351 effect of anion injection on acetylcholine and i.p.s.p. reversal potential, 11,199 effect of brain extract on nervous activity, 7, 284 effect of dopa, ~t-methyldopa and reserpine on dopamine level in brain of, 18, 921 effect of drugs on alimentary system of, 18, 951 effect of drugs on neurones of, 3, 143 effect of drugs on pharyngeal retractor muscle of, 17, 623 effect of ions on neurones of, 20, 411 effect of temperature changes on the spontaneous activity of the neurones of, 5, 283 electrogenic sodium pump in neurones of, 14, 167 5-hydroxytryptamine in brain of, 8, 53 nerve-muscle junction in, 19, 309 presence of glutamate in nerve-muscle perfusates of, 15, 485 resting potential and potassium levels in neurones of, 2, 76 role of calcium ions in action potentials of, 20, 147 spontaneous activity in isolated nerves of, 3, 42 arginase activity in, 17, 259 enzymes of urea cycle in, 12, 55 glycosidases in, 12, 95 glucose, succinate and acetate metabolism in, 11, 147 haemocyanin-oxygen equilibrium of the blood of, 12, 209 identification of excitatory substances in heart of, 19, 105 optimum pH of glycosidase activity from, 17, 129 relationship between cation contents of slime and blood of, 15, 339 spontaneous activity in isolated nerves of, 3, 42 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal o~-hemolysin, 15, 73 transferrins of, 5, 20 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 transferrins of, 5, 20 carotenoids in, 17, 523 gill tissue respiration in, 13, 233 ion regulation in, 15, 377 metabolism of glucose in, 3, 30 oxidation of glucose by, 2, 218 UDPG-glycogen transglucosylase in, 9, 263 exposure to high salinity, 9, 181 gill tissue respiration in, 13, 233 ion regulation in, 15, 377 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 sialic acid in, 10, 161


Hepates epheliticus Hermissenda crassicornis Hermodice carunculata Herpetomonas culicis Herpobdella octoculata Hesione pantherina Hesperonoe adventor Hesperomys sp. Hespestes sp. Heterocryptus sp. Heterodon platyrhinos Heterodontus francisci Heterometrus fulvipes Himasthla quissetensis Hinnites giganteus Hippocampus erectus Hippoglossus hippoglossus Hippoglossus sterolepis Hipposideros speoris Hirudo medicinalis

Holocentrus ascensionis Holocentrus rufus Holothuria sp. Holothuria floridana Holothuria forskali Holothuria grisea Holothuria mexicana Holothuria monacaria Holothuria tubulosa Holotrichous sp. Homarus americanus

~NDF.XTO VOLUMRS1 TO 20 blood glucose levels in, 14, 29 starch-gel electrophoresis of sera of, 8, 193 intracellular recording from photoreceptor neurones in eyes of, l l , 311 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 lipids of, 6, 249 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins in, 6, 263 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 fatty acids in, 6, 78 transferrins of, 5, 21 blood flow in, 19, 151 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 ionic composition of blood and blood volume of, 17, 157 nitrogen excretion in, 7, 175 properties of blood and haemocyanin of, 17, 167 metabolic adaptation in thermal acclimation, 14, 557 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 carotenoids in, 12, 341 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 biogenesis of hirudonine, 7, 221 chemical specificity of feeding response in, 17, 69 electrical properties of dorsal muscle from, 20, 641 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 534 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 properties of sound-producing muscle of, 14, 661 properties of sound-producing muscle of, 14, 661 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 vanadium in, 7, 128 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 acetylcholine on muscle, 7, 67 vanadium in, 7, 127 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 vanadium in, 7, 128 succinic dehydrogenase in, 20, 653 augmentation of postsynaptic potentials by cesium, 20, 877 conduction velocity in intestines of, 14, 53 electron transport in microsomes, 8, 367 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 free amino acids in serum of, 3, 310 inhibitors of calcium uptake by muscle of, 17, 75 lysosomal enzymes in excretory organs of, 12, 429 non-identity of transmitter substance, 3, 92 sialic acid in digestive gland of, 10, 160


Homarus americanus Homarus gammarus Homarus vulgaris

Homoiodoris japonica Homo sapiens

Humilaria kennerleyi Huro salmoides Hyalinoecia tubicola Hyalophora cecropia Hydra littoralis Hydra oligactis Hydra pirardi Hydrobia ulvae Hydrochoerus hydrochoerus Hydroides sp. Hydrophilus sp. Hydrophilus piceus Hyla arborea


uptake of calcium and strontium by fraction from muscle of, 15, 547 lipid synthesis in, 20, 811 a comparative study of certain limb reflexes, 10, 273 activity invoked in sense organs of the carapace, 10, 261 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 chemoreceptors in, 8, 141 cutieular sense organs, 6, 137 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 ionic effects on glutamate dehydrogenase activity from muscle of, 16, 49 thiol groups in haemocyanins from, 16, 249 water current receptors in, 5, 319 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 acid mucopolysaccharides in skin of, 14, 21 arginase activity in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 cardiotonic factor from spleen of, 17, 1089 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 56 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 high-sulphur proteins from c~-keratin from hair of, 15, 175 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 lipid composition of testes of, 15, 275 metal composition of erythrocytes in, 15, 347 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 properties of serum albumins, 9, 301 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16/327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 studies on serum y-globulin from, 16, 21 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 glutamate-aspartate transamination in, 2, 291 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 nervous control of spiracular muscle of pupae of, 9, 317 carotenoids in, 16, 189 nutrition in, 2, 100 carotenoids in, 16, 189 osmotic balance in, 16, 143 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 14-3 phosphatides in, 5, 217 phosphatides in, 5, 217 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227



Hyla Hyla Hyla Hyla Hyla

arborea japonica arenicolor caerulea cinerea crucifer

Hyla Hyla Hyla Hyla Hyla

eximia regilla rubella septentralis squirella

Hyla versicolor Hylobates agilis Hymeniacidon chloris Hymenochirus sp. Hymenochirus boettgeri Hymenochirus curtipes Hymenodora frontalis Hymenodora glacalis Hymenolepis citeUi Hymenolepis diminuta

Hymenolepis gaUinae Hynobius nigrescens Hynobius retardatus Hynobius tokyoensis Hypera postica Hyperolius sp. Hyperprosopon Hypotrichous sp. Hystrix cristata Ichthyodectes sp. lctalurus melas Ictalurus natalis Ictalurus nebulosis

integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 thermal and water balance of, 20, 27 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 thermal and water balance of, 20, 27 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 transferrins of, 5, 20 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 water permeability and lipid content of skin of, 15, 423 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 fatty acids in, 6, 84 fatty acids in, 6, 82 absorption of methionine by, 12, 259 arginase activity in, 8, 29 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 amino acids and nucleotides in, 8, 181 anaerobic carbohydrate dissimilation in, 18, 151 arginase activity in, 8, 29 carbon dioxide fixation in, 4, 349 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity and glycogenesis in, 14, 491 sedimentation and glycogen in, 18, 657 uptake and distribution of glucose-X4C by, 17, 705 urea formation in, 8, 13 carbon dioxide fixation in, 4, 349 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 succinate oxidase system during aestivation in, 18, 725 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 fatty acids in, 6, 78 succinic dehydrogenase in, 20, 653 high-sulphur proteins from c~-keratin from quills of, 15, 175 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 brain mitochondria of, protein content and oxidative capacity, 3, 199 sialic acid in, 10, 166 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49


Ictalurus punctata Idothea sp. Idothea granulosa ldothea montereyensis Iguana iguana Illex illecebrosus lnermiphyllidium pulvinatum Ircinia fasciculata Iridomyrmex sp. Isia isabella lsognomon alatus Isoodon macrourus Iulus scandinavious ~abiru mycteria ~anthina janthina yassid sp. yunco hyemalis hyemalis ffunco oreganus montanus Kalotermes flavicollis Katharina tunicata Kelletia kelletia Kinosternon bauri Kinosternon flavescens flavescens Kinosternon odoratum Kinosternon sonoriense Kinosternon subrubrum steindachneri Kloeckera apiculata Labrus berggylta Labrus ossifagus Lacerta viridis Lacistorhynchus tenuis


sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 tissue carbon dioxide in, 15, 17 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 electrical potentials in, 1, 294 pigmentation of, 19, 13 pigmentation of, 18, 17 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 fatty acids of lipids from, 15, 445 arginase activity in, 8, 29 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 oscular contractions in, 6, 70. water and electrolyte content of, 20, 855 phosphatides in, 5, 217 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 rate of passage of food in, 14, 357 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 effect of insulin, glucagon and prolactin in lipid synthesis in, 13, 1 effect of photoperiod on energy storage, 2, 125 phosphagen in, 20, 607 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 arginase activity in, 17, 259 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal s-hemolysin, 15, 73 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal 0~-hemolysin, 15, 73 nutrition in, 2, 100 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal s-hemolysin, 15, 73 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal s-hemolysin, 15, 73 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 transferrins of, 5, 20 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline an other drugs on blood vessels of perfused isolated gills, 5, 307 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 effect of amines on chromatophores of, 9, 215 transferrins of, 5, 20 arginase activity in, 8, 29 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29


LactobaciUus sp. Lactobacillus acidophilus (ATCC 11506) Lactobacillus arabinosis Lactobacillus bifidus pennsylvanicus Lactophrys quadracornis Lacuna divaricata Laeonereis culveri Laevicardium mortoni Lama glama

Lama guanicol Lama pacos Lambis (Millepes) scorpius scorpius Lampanychtys leucopsaurus Lampanychtys mexicanus Lampetra fluviatilis Lampropeltis doliata Lampropeltis getulus

Lampropeltis triangulum Lampsilis siliquoidea Lampsilis teres Lanice conchilega Laqueus californianus Larus argentatus Larus atriciUa Larus delawarensis Larus fuscus Larus novae-hollandiae Larus ridibundus Latrodectus mactans Leander xiphias Lebistes sp. Leiopelma hochstetteri Leishmania donovani Lemintina imbricata Lemna minor Lepas sp. Lepidonotus squamatus

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 hexosemonophosphate pathway, 4, 367 use in method for D N A determination, 16, 13 nutrition in, 2, 100 growth on milk, 13, 339 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 role of 5 - H T on embryo, 3, 20 steady-state parameters of water and chloride regulation in, 14, 621 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 52 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 red cell life span in, 19, 471 electrophoretic mobility and alkalidenaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 263 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 fatty acids in, 6, 84 fatty acids in, 6, 84 permeability of skin to water and electrolytes, 6, 95 transferrins of, 5, 21 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 21 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 25 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 arginase activity in, 17, 259 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 cardiovascular responses to vagal stimulation in, 12, 479 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 proteins in feathers of, 20, 449 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 excreta of, 17, 973 aspects of intermoult cycle in, 1, 3 nutrition in, 2, 100 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lipids of, 6, 249 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 nutrition in, 2, 100 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 phosphatides in, 5, 217


Lepidopsetta bilineata Lepidosiren paradoxa Lepisosteus osseus Lepisosteus platyrhincus Lepomis cyanellus Lepomis gibbosus Lepomis macrochirus Lepomis microlophus Leptinotarsa decemlineata Leptomithrax edwardsl Leptonychotes weddelli Leptophis ahaetulla Leptosynapta sp. Leptotyphlops humilis Lepus cuniculus

Lepus timidus Lethocerus angustipes Leucage venusta Leuconostoc mesenteroides Leucophea maderae Leuresthes tenuis Leuroglossus stilbus Libinia emarginata

Lichanura roseofusca Ligia oceanica Ligustrum sp. Lima hians Lima scabra Limanda ferruginea Limatula hodgsoni Limax sp. Limax flavus Limax valentianus Limnephilus stigma Limnodrilus sp. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri Limnod3mastes dorsalis Limopsis compressus


formate-activating enzyme in spleen of, 1,234 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 hybrids, haemoglobin patterns of, 10, 109 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 hybrids, haemoglobin patterns of, 10, 111 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 hybrids, haemoglobin patterns of, 10, 111 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 transferrins of, 5, 21 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 transferrins of, 5, 21 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal s-hemolysin, 15, 73 nutrition in, 2, 100 psoas muscle as source for glycerinated fibres and relaxing substance, 14, 405 free amino acids and pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes in central nervous system of, 16, 523 excreta of, 17, 973 hexosemonophosphate pathway, 4, 366 phosphagen in, 20, 607 lactic acid levels in, 6, 201 fatty acids in, 6, 84 blood glucose levels in, 14, 29 electrical activity and release of neurosecretory material from pericardial organs of, 13, 353 oxidative activity of gill mitochondria from, 17, 245 potential difference between blood and medium in, 20, 743 respiratory rate in dilute sea water, 15, 93 transferrins of, 5, 21 electrical potentials in, 1, 294 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 digestive tract enzymes in, 17, 417 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 organic constitution of, 18, 47 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 arglnase activity in, 17, 259 arginase activity in, 17, 259 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 chemical composition of, 17, 1205 thermal and water balance of, 20, 27 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553



Limulus sp. Limulus polyphemus

Lineus corrugatus Lineus pictifrons Lingula sp. Lingula anatina Lingula lingula Lingula reevi

Liobunum vittatum Liolophura japonica Lithobius sp. Lithobius forficatus Lithophaga lithophaga Littorina irrorata Littorina littoralis Littorina littorea Littorina planaxis Littorina nebulosa Littorina neritoides Littoria saxatilis Littorina ziczac Locusta migratoria

Locusta migratoria migratorioides

Loimia medusa

striated muscle, 6, 161 composition of blood and muscle in, 19, 729 low level of free amino acids in serum of, 3, 331 probable absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 properties of myosin B ATPase from, 12, 143 starch-gel electrophoresis of sera of, 8, 193 tendon receptor organ in trochanter of leg of, 11,193 organic constitution of, 18, 47 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 ammonia excretion in, 12, 185 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 oxidative metabolism of, 5, 185 nutrition in, 2, 100 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 connective tissue pigment of, 1, 72-100 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 arginase activity in, 17, 259 glucose degradation in, 18, 537 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 physiological effects of starvation in, 20, 45 arginase activity in, 17, 259 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 arginase activity in, 17, 259 muscle resting potential in relation to sodium and potassium, 9, 151 occurrence of relaxing granules in the muscle of, 17, 569 optimum pH of glycosidase activity from 17, 129 phosphagen in, 20, 607 proteolytic enzymes in crop fluid of, 20, 1013 the measurement of resting and action potentials of skeletal muscle fibres in salines of varying sodium concentrations, 4, 42 water reserves of hatchlings, 3, 99 cathepsin-type activity in eggs of, 18, 783 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 chloride ions and muscle resting potential of, 15, 303 dipeptidase activity in, 6, 169 effect of drugs on the alimentary canal of, 17, 755 food reserves of hatchlings, 3, 108 glycosidases in, 12, 95 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 lymph protein patterns in development of, 17, 661 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323


Loligo sp.

Loligo opalescens Loligo pealeii Lolliguncula brevis Lonchura malabarica Lonchura malacca Lonchura punctulata Lophius americanus Lophius piscatorius Lophopsetta maculata Lophortyx californicus Lophortyx gambelli Lophura nycthemera Lottia gigantea Loxodonta africana Lucania parva Lucilia cuprina Lucina floridana Lucinoma annulaturn Ludwigothuria gHfea Lumbriconereis erecta Lumbriconereis impatiens Lumbriconereis zonata Lumbricus sp. Lumbricus rubellus Lumbricus terrestris


amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 association between chitin and protein in tissues of, 20, 993 phosphorylated glyceryl ether in, 19, 363 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 nervous control and spontaneous activity of chromatophores of, 18, 305 conduction velocity in intestines of, 14, 53 sialic acid in digestive gland of, 10, 160 arginase activity in, 17, 259 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 sialic acid in, 10, 166 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 cardiac and metabolic performance of, 12, 157 energetics, temperature regulation and circulation in, 15, 399 evaporative water loss in, 19, 445 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 arginase activity in, 17, 259 serum and adrenal lipids of, 20, 779 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 cholinesterase activity of gill, 6, 205 amino acid activation during pupal development, 5, 59 biochemical changes during metamorphosis in, 11, 61 arginase activity in, 17, 259 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of arginase activity along the body, 5, 69 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 sensitivity to pH, 2, 22 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 arginine and urea biosynthesis in, 15, 51 chloragogenous tissue of, 1, 218 connexions between the lateral giant fibres, 3, 274 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 effect of temperature on spontaneous nervous activity, 3, 136 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 glycosidases in gut and muscle of, 14, 275 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 identity of porphyrin from, 1, 259


Lumbricus terrestris

Lunatia trisseriata Lutjanus griseus Lycas tricarinatus Lycoperdon perlatum Lycopersicon esculentum Lycosa hentzi Lycosa lenta Lygia sp. Lymnaea stagnalis

Lymnaea stagnalis jugularis Lymnodynastes tasmaniensis Lynx rufus Lyonsia hyalina Lytechlnus variegatus Macaca irus

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 lipids and pigments of the chloragosomes of, 17, 285 phosphatides in, 5, 217 sensitivity to pH, 2, 22 sterol synthesis in, 5, 260 tactile and chemical perception in, 1, 155 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 nitrogen excretion in, 7, 175 [~-acetylglucosaminidase in, 12, 405 [~-glucosidase in, 7, 103 nutrition in, 2, 100 excreta of, 17, 973 excreta of, 17, 973 starch-gel electrophoresis of sera of, 8, 193 haemocyanin in, 4, 21 nervous system of, 3, 43 respiration and diving behaviour, 4, 1 size and metabolic rate in, 20, 391 spontaneous activity in isolated nerves of, 3, 42 ureogenesis in, 17, 1167 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 54-7

high-sulphur proteins from s-keratin from hair of, 15, 175 presence in blood of substance with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 56 Macaca mulatta histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 metal composition of erythrocytes in, 15, 347 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 presence in blood of substance with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 nutrition in, 2, 100 Macaca rhesus sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 Macandrevia cranium Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 Macoma secta amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 Macoma tenta Macracanthorynchus hirudinaceus histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 neutral lipids and phospholipids in, 13,401 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 Macroclemys temmincki digestion by Strongyloeentrotus, 11,273 Macrocystis pyrifera high-sulphur proteins from s-keratin from hair of, 15, Macropus canguru 175 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 Macropus gigantus electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 57 Macropus rufus sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 Macrozoarces americanus


Maia squinado

Maja verrucosa Malademys terrapin Malacosoma americanum Malayemys subtrijuga Malletia sp. Malleus malleus Mammuthus columbi Marmosa microtarsus Marmota monax Marphysa sanguina Martesia fragilis Masticophis flagellum Mastigocladium Megalaima asiatica Megalaima lineata Megaligia exotica Megalomma vesiculosum Megaluropus sp. Megaptera nodosa Megathura crenulata Megoura vicia Melampsalata cingulata Melampus coffeus Melanella martini Melanerita melano tragus Melanoplus differentialis Meleagris gallopavo

Melinna palmata Melopsittacus undulatus Membranipora sp. Mephitis mephitis

Mercenaira campechiensis Mercenaria mercenaria


comparative study of certain limb reflexes, 10, 273 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 sensitivity to cooling of isolated motor nerves from legs, 5, 311 oxidative activity of gill mitochondria from 17, 245 respiratory rate in dilute sea water, 15, 93 transferrins of, 5, 20 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 daily torpor in, 6, 57 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 respiratory functions of blood of, 19, 145 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 guanidine derivatives in, 1, 46 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 total nitrogen content of, 9, 31 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 transferrins of, 5, 21 nitrogen fixation, 4, 354 studies in haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 ; 16, 341 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 response to pressure changes in, 7, 143 composition of urine during fasting, 10, 257 arginase activity in, 17, 259 glycosidases in, 12, 95 metabolism of ascorbic acid in, 5, 241 arginase activity in, 17, 259 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 metabolism of digestive gland of, 14, 223 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 nutrition in, 2, 100 proteins in feathers of, 20, 449 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 absence of sialic acid, 10, 159 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 54 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 arginase activity in, 17, 259 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 dopamine level in nervous system of, 18, 921

284 Mercenaria mercenaria

Mercierellaenigmatica Meretrixmeretrix lusoria Merluccius bilinearis Mermis subnigrescens Mesocoelium monodi Mesocricetus auratus

Mesodon thyroidus Metridiumsp. Metridium dianthus Metridiumsenile Micrathena comstocki Micrathena gracilis Microciona prolifera Microhyla carolinensis Micropterus salmoides Microstomus kitt Microtus pennsylvanicus Micrura sp. Milanogrammus aeglefinus



effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine on heart of, 9, 95 effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine on rectum of, 9, 275 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 oxygen equilibrium curve for myoglobin of, 8, 209 separation and properties of subcellular particles from, 17, 891 subcellular localization of 5 - H T and substance X in ganglia of, 20, 901 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 adenosine aminohydrolase from, 17, 271 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 ribonucleotide phosphohydrolase in, 20, 635 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 haemoglobin in, 19, 871 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, I, 21 circadian patterns in respiration and steroid secretion in cultured adrenal glands of, 11,393 effect of light and temperature on the endocrine system of, 15, 525 electropboresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 gluconeogenesis in kidney cortex slices from coldexposed, 17, 1049 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 intestinal transport of p-aminobenzoic acid in, 17, 883 lipid composition of testes of, 15, 275 lysine incorporation into protein of testis slices, 17, 151 response of amino acid transport to ouabain and sodiumfree medium across gut of, 18, 83 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 arginase activity in, 17, 259 phosphatides in, 5, 217 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 camitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 formate-activating enzyme in, 1,235 excreta of, 17, 973 excreta of, 17, 973 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 transferrins of, 5, 20 biosynthesis of squalene and sterols in, 17, 391 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567

ALPHABETICSPECIESINDEX Milvus migrans govinda Milvus migrans lineatus Mimetus dissimulatus Mirounga angustirostris Misumenops delphinus Mitella mitella Mitella polymerus Mnemiopsis sp. Modiolus demissus

Modiolus modiolus

Moeritherium sp. Molgula sp. Molgula manhattensis MonieMa expansa Moniliformis dubius Monodonta llneata Mopalia rauscosa Mordacia sp. Mugil auratus Mugil capito Mugil cephalus Mulina lateralis Munida quadrispina Murex brandaHs Murex brevifrons Murex trunculus Mus molossinus molossinus Mus sp. Mus musculus


studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 excreta of, 17, 973 cardiovascular adaptations to diving in, 16, 267 excreta of, 17, 973 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 analysis of fatty acids from, 11, 53 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 phospbatides in, 5, 217 ATP-ase in muscles of, 2, 81 effect of temperature and salinity on ciliary activity of gill, 8, 271 excretion in, 12, 185 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 oxidative metabolism of, compared with oyster, 5, 186 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 transamination in certain tissue homogenates of, 7, 15 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 guanidine kinases and ATP-ases in, 13, 161 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 electron transport system of, 19, 197 intermediary metabolism in, 15, 103 neutral lipids and phospholipids in, 13, 401 oxidative metabolism of, 17, 825 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 arginase activity in, 17, 259 cardiac phosphorylase activity in, 18, 931 presence in blood of substance with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 cardiac frequency and salinity variation, 3, 218 cardiac frequency and variations in salinity, 3, 218 deamination of L-amino acid in, 16, 303 lipochromes in skin of, 17, 1137 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 muscle receptor organs in, 1, 248 thiol groups in haemocyanins from, 16, 249 amino acids in sheU of, 20, 553 thiol groups in haemocyanins from, 16, 249 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobin of, 6, 263 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 adenosine deaminase activity in, 14, 101

286 Mus musculus

Mus musculus domesticus Mus norvegicus albinus Mus rattus Musca domestica

Mustela nigripes Mustela putorius Mustela vison Mustelus canis


adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 development of biceps brachii in, 7, 157 effect of exercise on skeletal muscle fibres of, 19, 791 effect of nikethamide on pentobarbitol sleeping time in, 14, 239 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 lysine incorporation into protein of testis slices, 17, 151 nutrition in, 2, 100 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 phospholipid composition of organs from, 9, 257 presence of sulphatide in tissues, 10, 331 response of amino acid transport to ouabain and sodiumfree medium across gut of, 18, 83 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 serum esterases of, 19, 53 ; 20, 647 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 intestinal transport of p-amino benzoic acid in, 17, 883 lipid composition of testis of, 15, 275 brain mitochondria of, protein content and oxidative capacity, 3, 199 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 amino acid composition of insoluble mitochondrial proteins from, 18, 231 detoxication mechanisms in, 11,269 D N A in heart of flies at different ages, 16, 13 glucose and glycine incorporation in DDT-resistant, 19, 339 glutamate-aspartate transamination in, 2, 291 glycosidases in, 12, 95 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 metabolism of ascorbic acid in, 5, 241 microsomal transport in liver from, 20, 731 phosphagen in, 20, 607 properties of uricase from, 12, 37 R N A in heart of, 19, 29 sterol esters of eggs of, 9, 251 transhydrogenase in tissues of, 17, 1 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 54 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 events of the cardiac cycle in, 14, 689 lysosomal enzymes in excretory organs of, 12, 429 pressure in heart chambers and pericardial cavity of, 15, 199


Mustelus canis


sodium-potessium-activated adenosine triphosphat~e, 17, 953 threonine and serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 Mustelus mustelus phosphatides in, 5, 217 Mutilla occidentalis phosphatides in, 5, 217 Mya sp. absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 Mya arenaria Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 digestive t r a c t enzymes in, 17, 417 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity Mycale lae~is in, 16, 547 sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase, Myliobatus freminvillei 17, 953 respiratory functions of blood of, 19, 145 Myocastor coypu serum proteins of foetal and adult, 19, 479 biochemical taxonomy using haemoglobin, lactate Myotis keenii septentrionalis dehydrogenase and esterases, 17, 741 biochemical taxonomy using haemoglobin, lactate deMyotis lucifugus lucifugus hydrogenase and esterases, 17, 741 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 Myoxocephalus octodecimspinosus uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 gill blood flow and ammonia excretion in, 12, 489 Myoxocephalus scorpius glutamate dehydrogenase in, 18, 909 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 Myrmecophaga tridactyla effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 Mysidium columbiae histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, Mytillopsis sp. 457 Mytilopsis leucophaeta arginase activity in, 17, 259 fatty acids in, 6, 78 Mytilus sp. Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 Mytilus californianus analysis of fatty acids from, 11, 53 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 phosphagen in, 12, 1 UDPG-glycogen transglucosylase in, 9, 263 Mytilus edulis absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 ATP-ase in muscles of, 2, 81 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 ecology of, 7, 99 fate of serotonin in, 14, 71 osmotic function of amino acids and taurine in, 10, 173 respiration in, 7, 89 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 transamination in certain tissue homogenates of, 7, 15 Mytilus galloprovincialis concentration of latI by, 9, 291 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 10


Myxicola infundibulum Myxine glutinosa

Naesa bidentata Nagaprion brevirostris Naja haje Naja hannah Naja melanoleuca Naja naja Naja naja atra Naja naja samarensis Nassa sp. Nassarius fossatus Nassarius obsoleta Nassarius trivittatus Nasua narica Nasutitermes exitiosus Natica sp. Natrix sp. Natrix cyclopion Natrix erythrogaster Natrix grahami Natrix gramhi Natrix natrix Natrix rhombifera Natrix rigida Natrix septemvittata Natrix sipidon Nauphoeta cinerea Nautilus pompilius Naxioides hystrix Neanthes sp. Necturus sp. Necturus maculosus



TO 2 0

guanidine kinases and ATP-ases in, 13, 161 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 chemical composition of the tissues, 3, 175 regulation of body weight and serum composition by, 14, 383 relations between blood, sinus fluid and lymph in, 7, 23 electrical potential in, 1, 294 physiology and pharmacology of ventricular fluid of, 17, 857 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 21 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 arginase activity in, 17, 259 metabolic adaptation in thermal acclimation, 14, 557 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 as food for Tachyglossus, 14, 357 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum proteins of, 9, 137 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 phosphagen in, 20, 607 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 phosphatides in, 5, 217 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 ammonia excretion in, 13, 193 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567


Negaprion brevirostris Nemaster sp. Nemertea sp. Neoamphitrite figulus Neobuccinum eatoni Neoceratodus forsteri Neodiprion sertifer Neofiber alleni Neoscona sacra Neothunnus macropterus Neothyris sp. Neotoma albigula Neotrigonia margaritacea Nephila clavipes Nephrops norvegicus Nephthys californien~s Nephthys coecoides Nere~sp. Nereisbrandti

Nerds diversicolor Nerds fucata Nereis lirabata Nereis limnicola

Nereis succinea

Nereis vexillosa

Nereis virens Nerita plexa Neritina ( Theodoxus) virginea Neurospora sp. Neurospora crassa Nitzschia sp.


ventricular fluid production rates in, 12, 171 sialic acid in, 10, 161 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 organic constitution of, 18, 47 respiratory control in, 20, 835 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 excreta of, 17, 973 aldolase in muscle of, 15, 7 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 excreta of, 17, 973 phosphatides in, 5, 217 "fast" and "slow" response in, 10, 77 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 cyclohydrolase in, 1, 242 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 227 Nl°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, 1, 242 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic acid dehydrogenase in, 1, 242 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1, 242 biosynthesis of sterol from injected mevalonic acid, 5, 256 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 guanidine kinases and ATP-ases in, 13, 161 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 steady-state parameters of water and chloride regulation in, 14, 621 water and chloride fluxes in, 16, 437 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 steady-state parameters of water and chloride regulation in, 14, 621 water and chloride fluxes in, 16, 437 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 steady-state parameters of water and chloride regulation in, 14, 621 water and chloride fluxes in, 16, 437 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 responses to alcohols, 6, 53 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 thio-low gene in, 4, 243 metabolism of dehydroshikimic acid in, 4, 244absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 photosynthesis in, 4, 164


Noetia ponderosa Nomadacris septemfasciata Nostoc sp. Notomastus tenuis Notophthalmus viridescens Notosaria nigricans Notonecta obliqua Nucella lapillus Nucula proxima Nucula truncula Numida galeata Numida meleagris Nymphula nymphaeta Obelia sp. Oceanodroma leucorhoa Ochromonas malhamensis Octochaetona serrata Octolasium lacteum Octolasium transpadanum Octopus sp. Octopus bimaculatus Octopus dofleini

Octopus hongkongensis Octopus macropus Octopus vulgaris Odocoileus virginianus

Oedipomidas oedipus Okapia johnstoni Oliva sayana OnceUus sp. Onchidium verrucalatum Onchidoris muricata


arginase activity in, 17, 259 oxygen equilibrium curve for haemoglobin of, 8, 209 food reserves of hatchlings, 3, 108 water reserves of hatchlings, 3, 99 nitrogen fixation, 4, 354 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 studies on haemoglobin from 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 glyceryl ether of stomach oil, 19, 363 lipids of, 6, 249 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 oxygen consumption as a function of size and temperature in, 12, 47 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 arginase activity in, 17, 259 acetylcholine and cholinesterase in, 17, 509 ammonia excretion in, 14, 339 circulation in, 5, 161 circulation in arm of, 7, 269 continuous recording of respiratory exchange in, 14, 377 effect of drugs on the circulatory system, S, 177 kidney function in, 16, 479 formate-activating enzyme in, 1,235 thiol groups in haemocyanins from, 16, 249 thiol groups in haemocyanins from, 16, 249 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 52 immunoelectophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 red cell life span in, 19, 471 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 arginase activity in, 17, 259 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 role of 5-HT in embryo, 3, 20


Onchobothrium pseudouncinatum Oncopdtus fasciatus

Oncorhynchus kisutch Onchorhynchus nerka

Onchorhynchus tshawytscha Oniscus asellus Onoclea sensibilis Oochoristica ameiva Ophelia bicornis Ophelia limacina Opheodrys aestivus Opheodrys vernalis Ophiocomina nigra Oplu'oderma brevispinura Ophioplocus sp. Ophiurea Opisthopatus costed Opsanus tau

O r ~ n u $ orca

Orconectespellucldus Orconectes propinquus Orconectes rusticus

Orconectes virilis



arginase activity in, 8, 29 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 electrophoresis and immunodiffusion of proteins in, 20, 431 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 lipid patterns during life cycle of, 17, 1209 phosphagen in, 20, 607 protein concentration in haemolymph of, 18, 163 effects of ionizing radiation on osmoregulation in, 15, 293 osmotic and ionic regulation in juvenile, 18, 1 cyclohydrolase in, 1, 243 formate-activating enzymes in gonads of, 1, 234 formate-activating enzymes in spleen of, 1,234 N x° formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, l, 243 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic acid dehydrogemme in, 1, 243 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1, 243 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 electrical potentials in, l, 294 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 transferrins of, 5, 21 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 sialic acid in, 10, 161 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 phosphatides in, 5, 217 cholinergic neurones in, 15, 125 absorption of fluid from isolated gut of, 17, 867 lysosomal enzymes in excretory organs of, 12, 429 neuromuscular junctions in the fast-contracting muscle of, 15, 159 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sialic acid in, 10, 166 lipids in atheromata and arterial tissues of, 20, 975 spectral sensitivities of caudal photoreceptors of, 19, 409 action of compounds on stretch receptors of, 8, 219 changes in the pattern of nitrogenous excretion of, 19, 681 composition and tissue distribution of carotenoids in, 16, 2O5 blood sugars in, 1, 110 blood volume in, 1, 302 cholinesterase and possible role in active sodium transport by kidney, 3, 297


Orconectes virilis

Oriolus xanthornus Ornithorhynchus anatinus Orycteropus afer Oryctolagus cuniculus

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 cholinesterase in kidney, 7, 81 cholinoceptive receptors of stretch receptor neurones of, 17, 327 exchange of cations by somatic and cardiac muscles of, 17, 1019 gastrolith growth and calcium shifts in, 7, 1 hexosemonophosphate pathway and variation in intermoult cycle in, 12, 81 metabolism of hepatopancreas and the intermoult cycle, 6, 117 proteolytic digestive enzymes from gastric juice of, 14, 577 spectral sensitivities of caudal photoreceptors, of, 19, 409 temperature acclimation in, 20, 131 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 respiratory properties of blood and responses to diving of, 18, 597 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 acid mucopolysaccharides in skin of, 14, 21 activity of four a~monia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 activity of testis and kidney cortex of, 17, 455 adenosine deaminase activity in, 14, 101 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 cardiac phosphorylase activity in, 18, 931 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 cyclohydrolase in, 1,243 diurnal rhythm in faecal nitrogen excretion, 8, 321 effect of nikethamide on pentobarbital sleeping time in, 14, 239 electron transport in microsomes of, 8, 367 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 56 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 for in vivo approach for comparative serological studies, 16, 21 formate-activating enzyme in gonads of, 1,234 Nl°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, 1,243 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 glycolysis and oxidation in small intestinal mucosa, 20, 223 high-sulphur proteins from a-keratin from hair of, 15, 175 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic acid dehydrogenase in, 1, 243 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 iron content of blood of, 11,139 lipid composition of testes of, 15, 275


Orygmatobothrium dohrnii Oryzaephilus surinamensis Oryzomys sp. Oscillatoria woronichinii Osmylus fulvicephalus Ostrea edulis Ostrea gryphea Ostrea virginica Otala lactea

Otus bakkamoena Otus bakkamoenapennant Ovibos moschatus

Ovis aries


lysine incorporation into protein of testis slices, 17, 151 metal composition of erythrocytes in, 15, 347 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 pentose phosphate cycle in mucosa of small intestine, 20, 319 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 presence in blood of substances with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 properties of serum albumins, 9, 301 reticulocytosis and iron incorporation in, 16, 63 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1,243 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 tissue respiration after exposure of animal to 450C, 4, 72 arginase activity in, 8, 29 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 growth-promoting substances of, 19, 619 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 263 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 sterol biosynthesis in, 19, 45 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 arginase activity in, 17, 259 arginase from, 18, 179 incorporation of carbon dioxide into amino acids in, 11, 231 ionic regulation in, 17, 1007 uric acid synthesis in, 15, 457 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 51 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 arginase activity in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 cardiotonic factor from spleen of, 17, 1089 dipeptidase activity in small intestine of, 18, 71 effect of volatile fatty acids in plasma glucose levels, 18, 527 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 51 fatty acid incorporation into lipids in, 15, 27 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335


Ovis aries

Ovis aries crassicundus Oxybelis aeneus Oxycarenus hyalinipennis Oxynoe viridis Oxyopus slaticus Oxyrachis tarandus Oxyuranus scutellatus canni Oxyuranus scutellatus scutellatus Pachycerianthus torreyi Pachygrapsus sp. Pachygrapsus crassipes

Pachymerinus miUepunctatus Pacifastacus leniusculus

Paederus fuscipes Pagophilus groenlandicus Pagurus alaskemis Pagurus aleuticus Pagurus kennerlyi Pagurus pollicarus Palaemon elegans Palaemon serratus Palaemonetes pugio Palaemonetes vulgaris Palamnaeus bengalensis

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 high sulphur proteins from or-keratin from wool of, 15, 175 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 influence of pregnancy on blood, plasma and ceruloplasmin copper levels of, 9, 1 nutrition in, 2, 100 pentose phosphate cycle in muscosa of small intestine, 20, 319 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 presence in blood of substances with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 red cell life span in, 19, 471 renal distribution of free amino acids, 19, 187 ribonuclease from pancreatic tissue of, 4, 232 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 serum copper and ceruloplasmin activity in, 15, 429 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 oxidative pathways in fat tail adipose tissue of, 13, 225 transferrins of, 5, 21 glycosidases of gut of, 17, 765 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 excreta of, 17, 973 glycosidases of gut of, 17, 765 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 contractile properties of the column of, 14, 323 fatty acids in, 6, 78 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 glucose absorption from urinary bladder of, 20, 313 inhibition in phasic neuromuscular systems of, 20, 163 sodium balance in, 18, 881 effect of compounds on muscle of, 15, 125 action of compounds on stretch receptors of, 8, 219 catabolic pathways of carbohydrate in intermoult, 14, 145 cholinoceptive receptors of stretch receptor neurones of, 17, 327 osmotic regulation in, 20, 101 phosphagen in, 20, 607 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 muscle receptor organs in, 1,248 muscle receptor organs in, 1, 248 muscle receptor organs in, 1,248 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 stimulation of respiratory enzyme activity by eyestalks from, 20, 351 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 metabolism of liver of, 19, 629


Palinurus vulgaris Panaeus aztecus Panagrellus redivivus

Panomya ampla Panopea generosa Panopeus herbstii Panorpa communis Panthera leo Pantosteus clarki Pantosteus plebeius Panulirus argus Panulirus interruptus Panulirus japonicus Paracentrotus lividus Paracrangon echinata Paralichthys sp. Paralichtys alblgutta Paralichthys dentatus Paralichthys lethostigmus Paramecium bursaria Parascaris equorum Parasilurus asotus Paratelphusa sp. Paratelphusa hydrodromous Pareurythoe californica Pasiphrea sp. Passer domesticus

Passer domesticus domesticus

Pastor roseu$


thiol groups in haemocyanins from, 16, 249 phosphatides in, 5, 217 axenic culture of, 17, 683 excretory system in, 15, 89 isocitrate lyase in, 16, 361 malate synthetase in, 17, 1181 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 blood glucose levels in, 14, 29 O~ consumption of hepatopancreas of, 20, 333 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 54 sugar content of milk, 13, 399 haptoglobins in, 17, 349 haptoglobins in, 17, 34-9 antennular sense organs of, 13, 301 chemoreceptors in antennules and dactyls of, 16, 159 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 inhibition in phasic neuromuscular systems of, 20, 163 phasic and tonic muscles of, 18, 701 stretch receptors in thorax of, 2, 51 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 ribonucleic acid metabolism during development of, 17, 501 sterol biosynthesis in, 19, 45 muscle receptor organs in, 1, 248 lysosomes in brain of, 15, 77 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 sialic acid in, 10, 166 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 soluble extracellular products of algae from, 20, 1 iron content of, 6, 165 taste responses from isolated barbel of, 11, 367 compensation to high temperature in the loss and active absorption of chloride, 5, 65 succinic dehydrogenase activity in relation to salinity stress in, 19, 645 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 34-7 fatty acids in, 6, 84absence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 effect of insulin, glucagon and prolactin on lipid synthesis in, 13, 1 effect of photoperiod on energy storage, 2, 125 evaporative water loss in, 19, 459 persistent activity rhythms in, 12, 273 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 temperature regulation and metabolic rhythms in, 17, 203 rise in succinic dehydrogenase with seasonal rise in body weight just prior to migration, 3, 270

296 Pastor roseus Patella vulgata Pavo cristatus Pavo muticus Pecten caurinus

Pecten irradians Pecten jacobaeus Pecten magellanicus Pecten maximus Pectinaria californiensis Pelecanus occidentalis Pelmatohydra oligactis Pelobates fuscus Pelodytes punctatus Penaeus japonicus Penaeus setiferus Penicillium chrysogenum Penicillium expansum Pennaria tiarella Pentatoma rufipes Perca flavescens Perca fluviatilis

Perdix perdix Perinereis sp. Perinereis cultrifera Periplaneta americana

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 optimum pH of glycosidase activity from, 17, 129 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 cyclohydrolase in, 1, 242 formate-activating enzyme in, l, 235 NX°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, l, 242 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic acid dehydrogenase in, l, 242 serine hydroxymethylase in, l, 242 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 phosphatides in, 5, 217 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 starch-gel electrophoresis of sera of, 8, 193 carbohydrate metabolism in, 4, 368 nutrition in, 2, 100 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 phosphagen in, 20, 607 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 effect of increased blood volume on the heart-beat, 4, 75 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 guanidine derivatives in, 1, 46 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 fl-acetylglucosaminidase in, 12, 405 adenosinetriphosphatases from thoracic muscle of, 20, 919 catabolism of pyrimidine compounds by enzymes from, 15, 113 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 chloride ions and muscle resting potential of, 15, 303 effect of acetylcholine, glutamic acid and GABA on contractions of perfused leg of, 16, 37 effect of compounds on m.e.p.p.s from muscle of, 20, 999 effect of D N P on resting potential and ionic content of muscle of, 18, 681 effect of drugs on gut of, 17, 755 effect of glutamate and GABA on m.e.p.p.s from muscle of, 17, 435


Periplaneta americana

Periplaneta australasiae Periploma leanum Perknaster fuscus antarctieus Perla bipunctata Peromyscus eremicus Peromyscus gossypinus Peromyscus maniculatus Peronella leseueri Perophora viridis Petalonia fascia Petaloproctus socialis Petricola pholadiformis Petrochirus californiensls Petrolisthes cinctipes Petromyzon marinus


effect of magnesium on ATPase activity of actomyosin from, 18, 481 effect of ryanodine on muscle of, 6, 181 effect of temperature on muscle resting potential, 3, 64 excitability of giant axons of, 19, 759 fatty acid composition in fat body and haemolymph of, 20, 907 free amino acids in haemolymph of, 3, 304 fl-glucosidase in, 7, 103 glutamate-aspartate transamination in, 2, 291 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 lipid metabolism during embryogenesis in, 17, 237 mechanism of formation of O-aminophenyl glucoside in, 7, 39 muscle resting potential in relation to sodium and potassium, 9, 151 myominase from thoracic muscle mitochondria of, 18, 37 optimum p H of glycosidase activity from, 17, 129 oxaloacetic carboxylase from thorax of, 16, 259 phospholipid patterns during embryogenesis in, 17, 635 phosphagen in, 20, 607 phosphatides in, 5, 217 presence of glutamate in nerve-muscle perfusates of, 15, 485 sulphatides and cerebrosides in nervous system of, 19, 581 the measurement of resting and action potentials of skeletal muscle fibres in salines of varying sodium concentrations, 4, 42 transaminases and glutamic dehydrogenase in, 3, 1 transfer function of mechanoreceptor, 20, 13 transhydrogenase in tissues of, 17, 1 phosphagen in, 20, 607 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 organic constitution of, 18, 47 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 aestivation in, 16, 227 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 vanadium content of, 8, 140 digestion by Strongylocentrotus, 11, 273 lack of activity pattern in, 11, 239 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 chordotonal organ in the antennae of, 20, 709 flagellar chordotonal organ of, 20, 719 control of protein synthesis in, 18, 971 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sialic acid in, 10, 166


Petromyzon marinus Petromyuon marinus closatus Petromyzon planeri Phacoides pectinatus Phaedon cochleariae Phaenicia sericata Phagocata gracilis Phalacrocorax niger Phalangium opilio Phallusia mamillata Phascolosoma agassizii Phascolosoma gouldii Phascolosoma vulgare Phasianus colchicus Phasianus torquatus Phasianus versicolor Phasianus versicolor tohkaidi Pheodactylum tricornutum Pheretina sp. Pheucticus ludovicianus Phidippus audax Phidippus otiosus Philander laniger Phoca vitulina Phoenicoparrus andinus Phoenicoparrus jamesi Phoenicopterus chilensis Phoenicopterus ruber Phormia regina

Phoronopsis viridis Photinus lryralis Phoxinus phoxinus Phryganea sp.

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 threonine and serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 plasma proteins in, 7, 55 thyroid hormone in, 2, 90 haemoglobins of the ctenidia of, 15, 137 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 glycosidases in, 12, 95 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 visual reflex control of indirect flight muscles in, 17, 1175 succinate oxidation in, 20, 323 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 vanadium content of, 8, 140 biochemical changes in, 19, 667 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 biogenesis of taurocyamine and hypotaurocyamine, 10, 209 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 molecular genetics of proteins from, 17, 467 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 molecular genetics of proteins from, 17, 467 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 persistent activity rhythms in, 12, 273 excreta of, 17, 973 excreta of, 17, 973 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 metabolic fractionation of carotenoids of, 17, 841 metabolic fractionation of carotenoids of, 17, 841 metabolic fractionation, storage and display of carotenoid pigments by flamingoes, 6, 1 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in 13, 143 metabolic fractionation of carotenoids of, 17, 841 metabolic fractionation, storage and display of carotenoid pigments by flamingoes, 6, 1 formate oxidation by larvae of, 8, 153 haemolymph amino acid and peptides during larval growth of, 18, 341 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 microsomal transport in liver from, 20, 731 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 adrenergic transmission in the light organ of, 16, 467 effect of drugs on background colour response of, 19, 545 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121


Phrynichus phipsoni Phrynosoma cornutum

Phrynosoma ra'calli Phyllobothrium foliatum

Phyllomedusa dacnicolor Phyllophaga sp. Phyllotis darwini Phyllotis darreini chilends Phyllotis darwini limatus Phyllotis darwlni rupestris Phyllotis osilae Phyllotis pictus Physa sp. Physa halei Physalia physalia Physcosoma sp. Physeter catodon Physeter macrocephalus Pieris brassicae Pila globosa Pila ovata Pila virens Pinna bicolor Pinna carnea Pinna muricata Pinna nobilis Pinnotheres maculatum Pipa pipa Pipilo erythrophthaluraus Pipistrellus sp. Pipistrellus subflavus subflavus Pirata insularis Pisaster ochraceus


nitrogen excretion in, 7, 175 blood proteins of, 19, 845 endolymphatic potentials in, 10, 83 sodium and potassium concentrations in cochlea of, 9, 335 transferrins of, 5, 20 hibernation in, 16, 103 arginase activity in, 8, 29 carbohydrate absorption in, 4, 63 ornithine transcarbamylase in, 8, 29 rapid absorption of maltose, 4, 65 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 phosphatides in, 5, 217 electrophoretie mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 260 electrophoretic mobility and alkali denaturation resistance of haemoglobins of, 6, 260 electrophoretic mobility and alkall-denaturation resistance of haemoglobins of, 6, 260 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance of haemoglobins of, 6, 260 electrophoretic mobility and alkall-denaturation resistance of haemoglobins of, 6, 260 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance of haemoglobins of, 6, 260 arginaae activity in, 17, 259 spontaneous activity in isolated nerves of, 3, 42 glycolytic enzymes in, 8, 109 amino acids in extracellular fluids of, 15, 259 carbon monoxide concentrations in gas bladder of, 18, 201 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 lipids in atheromata and arterial tissues of, 20, 975 glycosidases in, 12, 95 aestivation in, 11, 379 fl-glucuronidase in, 15, 361 aestivation in, 11, 379 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 thermal inactivation of aspartic/glutamic transaminase from, 9, 161 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 persistent activity rhythms in, 12, 273 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 biochemical taxonomy using haemoglobln~ lactate dehydrogenase and sterases, 17, 741 excreta of, 17, 973 analysis of fatty acids from, 11, 53 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236

300 Pisaster ochraceus Piscicola geometra Pista elongata Pitar cordata Pitar morrhuana Pitaria chione Pithecus rhesus Pituophis catenifer PlacobdeUa sp. Placobdella parasitica Plagasia dentipes Planaria sp. Planaria torva Planorbarius corneus Planorbis sp. Planorbis corneus Plasmodium lophurae Platichtys flesus Platopecten magellanicus Platynereis agassizii Plethodon cinereus Plethodon glutinosus Plethodon jordani Pleurodeles waltlii Pleurodema bibroni Pleurodonta sp. Pleuronectes flesus Pleuronectes platessa Plexippus paykulli Plodia interpunctella Podiceps auritus Podocnemis expansa Podocnemius unifilia Pododesmus macroschisma Podophthalmus vigil Polinices draconis Polinices duplicata Polinices lewisii Pollachius virens Polycelis cornuta Polycelis nigra Polychoerus carmelensis

INDEXTO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 lipogenesis in, 17, 23 nitrogen in body fluid of, 19, 351 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 absence of arginase in erythrocytes of, 6, 113 transferrins of, 5, 21 phosphatides in, 5, 217 nutrition in, 2, 100 ceUulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 nutrition in, 2, 100 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 spontaneous activity in isolated nerves of, 3, 42 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 respiration and diving behaviour, 4, 1 role of haemoglobin in, 12, 283 kinetic studies in, 19, 855 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 renal excretion in, 20, 925 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 water economy of, 20, 767 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 osmotic adjustment in, 15, 283 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 excreta of, 17, 973 toxicity of elements for, 18, 869 lipids of uropygial gland of, 12, 435 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 significance of chromium during moult cycle of, 19, 379 arginase activity in, 17, 259 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 arginase activity in, 17, 259 glutamate dehydrogenase in, 18, 909 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 intermediary metabolism in, 9, 189 sialic acid in, 10, 159


Polycirrus eximius Polygyra sp. Polymastia sp. Polymnia nebulosa Polyodon spathula Polysiphonia nigrescens Polytoma uvella Polytrichum sp. Pomacea (Ampullaris) flagellata Pomatius elegans Pomolobus pseudoharengus Pomoxis ammlaris Pomoxis nigromaculatus Popillia japonica Porcellio sp. Porcellio scaber Poronotus triacanthus Porphyra atropu~purea Porphyridium cruentum Porphyridium marinum Portheus sp. Portunas depurator Portunus puber Poteriochromas stipitata PracticoUela sp. Prionace glauca Prionotus carolinus Procambarus alleni Procambarus blandingi Procambarus clarkii

Procambarus simulans


absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 arginase activity in, 17, 259 presence of sulphatide in eggs of, 10, 331 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 arginase activity in, 17, 259 glucose, succinate and acetate metabolism in, 11, 147 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 UDPG-glycogen transglycosylase in, 9, 263 haemoglobin pattern of, 10, 108 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 haemoglobin pattern of, 10, 108 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 phosphatides in, 5, 217 electrical potentials in, 1, 294 sialic acid in, I0, 166 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 photosynthesis in, 4, 160 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 a comparative study of certain limb reflexes, 10, 273 chemoreceptors in, 8, 141 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 arginase activity in, 17, 259 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sialic acid in, 10, 166 grouped discharges of stretch receptor neurone, 15, 535 action of compounds on stretch receptors of, 8, 219 action of compounds on stretch receptors of, 8, 219 activity of single units in abdominal cord of, 12, 311 blood volume in, 1, 302 cholinesterase in kidney, 7, 81 control of swimmeret movements in, 12, 107 grouped discharges of stretch receptor neurone, 15, 535 inhibition in phasic neuromuscular systems of, 20, 163 interneurones commanding swimmeret movements in, 12, 509 phasic and tonic muscles of, 18, 701 spectral sensitivities of caudal photoreceptors of, 19, 409 spectral sensitivity of photoreceptor neurones in sixth abdominal ganglion, 6, 43 stretch receptors in thorax of, 2, 51 synaptic activation in interneurones of, 13, 275 calcium ions and oxygen equilibrium of haemocyanin of, 13, 35 factors influencing ventilation and heart of, 12, 25


Procambarus simulans Processa acutirostris Processa edulis edulis Proctoeces subtenuis


spectral sensitivies of caudal photoreceptors of, 19, 409 aspects of intermoult cycle in, 1, 3 aspects of intermoult cycle in, 1, 3 haemoglobin in, 10, 253 volumetric respirometer measurements of the oxygen consumption of, 7, 199 Procyon lotor adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 54 high-sulphur proteins from a-keratin from hair of, 15, 175 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 Prodenia eridania chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 Proderia lltura amylase secretion in, 13, 107 Protoeaster lincki acid deoxyribonucleases and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 Protopterus sp. phosphorylase and glucose-6-phosphatase in, 16, 317 Protopterus annectens metabolism of aestivating, 11, 105 Protothaca staminea Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 heart as bio-assay for Ach, 20, 365 Protothaca tenerrima Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 guanidine derivates in, 1, 46 Protula intestinum Prunus communis optimum p H of glycosidase activity from, 17, 129 Psalliota campestris presence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 presence of sulpholipids in, 10, 332 Psammechinus miliaris carnitine palymityltransferase in, 19, 483 Pseudacris nigrita integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 Pseudemys sp. lipids in kidney of, 20, 65 Pseudemys concinna suraanniemis blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 total body water in neonatal, 12, 527 Pseudemys elegans blood coagulation and anticoagulant mechanisms in, 9, 241 brain mitochondria of, protein content and oxidative capacity, 3, 199 electron transport in microsomes of, 8, 367 iron binding by serum of, 2, 233 iron-binding proteins in blood sera of, 8, 115 iron content of blood of, 11,139 nutrition in, 2, 100 polymorphism of haemoglobin of, 18, 627 reticulocytosis and iron incorporation in, 16, 63 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 Pseudemys floridana lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, Pseudemys floridana peninsularis 73 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, Pseudemys rubiventris nelsoni 73 Pseudemys rubriventris rubriventris lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 Pseudemys scripta amino acid equilibria in, 20, 291 transferrins of, 5, 20


Psaudemys scripta elegans

Pseudemys scripta scripta Pseudemys scripta troostii Pseudobranchus striatus Pseudocentrotus depressus Pseudoeurycea belli Pseudophryne bibroni Pseudopleuronectes americanus Pseudotriton tuber Psittacula cyanocephala Psittacula krameri Psittacula krameri borealis Pteridium aquilinum Pternohyla sp. Pteroplatea altavela Puffinus creatopus Purpura sp. Pycnodonta sp. Pycnonotus cafer Pycnonotus jocosus Pygoscells adeliae Pyrrhula pyrrhula Pyxicephalus adspersus


carbon dioxide levels in, 15, 17 effects of temperature on blood of, 19, 279 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 5 - H T in brain of, 20, 217 influence of oestrogens on serum concentrations of, 20, 823 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal o~-hemolysln, 15, 73 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 plasmalogens of cardiac muscle of, 16, 311 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 calcium content of yolk, 7, 78 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 thermal and water balance of, 20, 27 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 succinic dehydrogenase activity in pectoral muscles of, 3, 269 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase, 17, 953 egg-white proteins of, 18, 121 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 acid DNAses of molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 egg-white proteins of, 18, 121 circadian rhythms in, 16, 507 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393

Quadrula quadrula

arginase activity in, 17, 259

Rachycentron canadus Radianthus ritteri Rala circularis Raja sp. Raja binoculata Raja clavata

adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 acetyl phosphate synthesis in liver of, 17, 799 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 blood flow in, 19, 151 composition of body fluids in, 2, 65 ionic composition of cranial and labyrinthine fluids in, 11,131


304 Raja eglanteria Raja erinacea Raja laevis Raja ocellata

Rana Rana Rana Rana Rana

albolabris arvalis aurora cascadae catesbeiana

Rana clamltans

Rana dalmatina Rana esculenta

osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase, 17, 953 the alkaline gland and its secretion, 10, 1 alkaline gland and its secretion, 10, 2 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 glutamate dehydrogenase in, 18, 909 sialic acid in, 10, 166 the alkaline gland and chief characteristics of its secretion, 10, 1 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 electrical properties and enzyme activities in skin of, 16, 561 electron transport in microsomes of, 8, 367 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 glutamate deaminating enzymes in liver of, 13, 200 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 iron binding by serum of, 2, 233 iron-binding proteins in blood sera of, 8, 115 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 metamorphosis and gene action in, 17, 805 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 plasma proteins and metamorphosis, 7, 55 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sialic acid in, 10, 166 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 subceUular localization of catecholamines in heart of, 15, 313 sugar transport by intestine of, 9, 69 transferrins of, 5, 20 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 visual pigments and metamorphosis, 7, 55 water and sodium balance in, 18, 549 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 bradykinin in skin of, 14, 43 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 bradykinin in skin of, 14, 43 effects of hyperosmotic solutions in bladder of, 12, 233 gastric secretion in, 7, 251 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 02 consumption and heart rate of submerged, 20, 691 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 regulation of pepsin secretion in, 13, 129


Rana esculenta Rana fu$ca Rana grylio

Rana hecksheri Rana japonica Rana latastei Rana nigromaculata Rana nigromaculata nigromaculata Rana occipitalis Rana oxyrhyncha Rana palustris Rana pipiens

Rana pipiens pipiens Rana pipiens sphenocephala Rana pretiosa


relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 ~-giucosomidase activity of tail extracts, 10, 245 liver fatty acids in, 15, 167 tissue specific differences in adenosine deaminase from, 16, 199 serum proteins and metamorphosis, 7, 55 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 bradykinin in skin of, 14, 43 integurnental pteridines in, 15, 33 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 integurnental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 absence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 adenosine triphosphatase activity in muscle of, 6, 147 adenosine triphosphatase activity in rnyofibrils of, 13, 87 blood and urine urea in, 7, 289 brain rnitochondria of, protein content and oxidative capacity, 3, 199 carbon dioxide levels in, 15, 17 comparison with hagfish aneural heart, 2, 181 effect of niketharnide on pentobarbital sleeping time in, 14, 239 effect on various tissues of eptatretin, a cardiac stimulant found in Pacific hagfish, 10, 130 histochernical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 integurnental pteridines in, 15, 33 lysornes in brain of, 15, 77 metabolism of acid-soluble nucleotides in developing embryo of, 5, 233 nutrition in, 2, 100 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 osmotic properties of frog nerve, 19, 225 osmotic tolerance of muscles of, 12, 501 oxygen consumption and heart rate of submerged, 20, 691 serum ceruloplasrnin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sodium and potassium concentrations in pars basilaris of, 9, 335 subcellular localization of catecholamines in heart of, 15, 313 sugar penetration in skeletal muscle of, 1,168 UDPG-giycogen transglycosylase in, 9, 263 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393


Rana septentrionalis Rana sylvatica Rana tarhumarae Rana temporaria

Rana virgatipes Rangia cuneata

Rangia flexuosa Rangifer arcticus Rangifer tarandus Rattus sp.

Rattus norvegicus


water permeability and lipid content of skin of, 15, 423 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 pteridine biosynthesis in, 17, 219 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 bradykinin in skin of, 14, 43 chromatophores and permeability characteristics of skin of, 17, 937 effects of electrical stimulation of brachial plexus of, 14, 587 effect of substances on isolated heart, 1, 65 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 monoamine oxidase in, 1,305 Oz consumption and heart rate of submerged, 20, 691 purification of carbamoyl phosphate-L-ornithine carbamoyl transferase from, 11, 119 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 arginase activity in, 17, 259 biosynthesis of glucose from pyruvate-2-C 14 and aspartate-3-C x4, 15, 1 glucose degradation in, 18, 537 incorporation of carbon dioxide into amino acids in, 11, 231 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 arginase activity in, 17, 259 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 biogenesis of taurocyanine and hypotaurocyanine, 10, 209 biosynthesis of carbamyl aspartate by liver, 5, 1 effect of stress in haematology of, 7, 211 presence of sulphatide in tissues of, 10, 331 acid mucopolysaccharides in skin of, 14, 21 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 adenosine deaminase activity in, 14, 101 amino acid composition of insoluble mitochondrial proteins from, 18, 231 an electron transfer particle from liver of, 19, 75 anaerobic glycolysis in cerebral tissue of hypoxic infant and adult, 14, 201 arginase from, 18, 179 brain lipids and reproduction in, 18, 673 carbon dioxide levels in, 15, 17


Rattus norvegicus

Rattus norve&,/cus a/b/nus


carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 carnitine palmityltransfertme in, 19, 483 circadian rhythm in isolated heart of, 14, 255 cold stress in, 2, 8 comparative study of enzymes in foetal, young and adult rat, 6, 129 comparison with a marsupial of non-binding proteins of blood plasma and milk whey, 10, 69 control of glycogen utilization in liver of, 15, 187 effect of thyroxine on swelling of mitochondria of, 15, 263 electron transport in microsomes of, 8, 367 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 fatty acid incorporation into lipids in, 15, 27 free amino acids in, 17, 583 gluconeogenesis in, 20, 275 gluconeogenesis in kidney cortex slices from coldexposed, 17, 1049 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 glycolysis and oxidations in small intestinal mucosa, 20, 223 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 intestinal transport of p-amino benzoic acid in, 17, 883 iron binding by serum of, 2, 233 iron-binding proteins in blood sera of, 8, 115 iron content of blood of, 11, 139 lysine incorporation into protein of testis slices, 17, 151 microsomal transport in liver from, 20, 731 nutrition in, 2, 100 pentose phosphate cycle in mucosa of small intestine, 20, 319 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in liver of, 12, 457 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 plasma protein pattern during development, 9, 23 presence in blood of substances with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 presence of ~-lysine acylasein, 9, 13 production of GABA in reactive and non-reactive, 20, 1009 response of testis to interstitial cell-stimulating hormone, 19, 833 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 tissue variation in protein labelling in, 17, 697 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 lipid composition of testes of, 15, 275

308 Rattus rattus Rattus rattus norvegicus Rhabditis anomala Rhacophorus schlegeli Rhea rhea Rhinobastus productus Rhinophrynus dorsalis Rhizodrilus sp. Rhizopus arrhizus Rhodactus sanctithomae Rhodnius prolixus Rhodobryum roseum Rhodospirillum sp. RhodospiriUum rubrum Rhopalea neapolitana Rhyacotriton olympicus Roccus chrysops Roccus saxtilis Rosa briareum Rumina decollata Rutilus rutilus Rynchops nigra Sabella pavonia SabeUa penicillus Sabellaria alveolata Sabellaria cemetarium Sabellastarte indica Sabellastarte magnifica Saccharomyces carlsbergensis Saccharomyces cervisiae

Saccharomyces delbruckei Saccharomyces marxianus Saccharomyces oxidans Saccharomyces uvarum Sagitta sp. Sagitta setosa Saimiri sp. Saimiri sciureus Salamandra atra Salamandra salamandra

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 metal composition of erythrocytes in, 15, 347 effect of nikethamide on pentobarbitol sleeping time in, 14, 239 axenic culture of, 17, 683 isocitrate lyase in, 16, 361 malate synthetase in, 17, 1181 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 fatty acids in, 18, 325 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 nitrogen fixation, 4, 354 photosynthetic phosphorylation in, 4, 256 vanadium content of, 8, 139 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 biosynthesis of squalene and sterols in, 17, 391 origin of vitamin-D from 7-dehydrocholesterol in, 20, 379 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 arginase activity in, 17, 259 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 relationship of heart-beat to breathing movements, 7, 238 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 products of haem synthesis in, 15, 237 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 absence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 nutrition in, 2, 100 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 pressure sensitivity of, 19, 475 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227


Salmo fontinalis Salmo gairdneri

Salmo irideus

Salmo namaycush Salmo salar

Salmo trutta

Salmonella gallinarura Salpa sp. Salvelinus alpinus willughbii Salvelinus fontinalis Salvelinus namaycush Samia cecropia

Samia walkeri Sarcophaga sp. Sarcophaga bullata Sardinops sagax Saturnia pyri Sauromalus obesus


isozymes of lactic dehydrogenase in, 18, 261 cardiac phosphorylase activity in, 18, 931 glucose absorption and metabolism by gut of, 13, 53 intraocular pressure of, 17, 111 isozyrnes of lactic dehydrogenase in, 18, 261 rnicrosomal transport in liver from, 20, 731 osmotic and ionic regulation in, 14, 603 presence in blood of substance with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 renal and extra-renal excretion in, 10, 121 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 temperature acclimation in the central nervous system of, 13, 433 UDPG-giycogen transglycosylase in, 9, 263 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 ionic composition of cranial and labyrinthine fluids in, 11, 131 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 isozymes of lactic dehydrogenase in, 18, 261 amino acids in, free or as components of protein, during spawning migration, 7, 29 metabolism of pyruvate, acetate and glyoxylate by sperm of, 20, 987 non-protein nitrogen in muscle of, 8, 47 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 evidence for absence of endogenous growth-rate rhythm in, 6, 91 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 relationship of heart beat to breathing movements, 7, 238 thyroxine and nitrogen metabolism, 8, 1 effect on chicken ceruloplasmin levels, 15, 429 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 effect of temperature and oxygen on growth rate of, 12, 179 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 carbonic anhydrase in, I7, 107; 18, 333 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 anions on bioelectric potentials in heart of, 13, 179 conduction in myocardium of, 12, 117 effect of intracellular current pulses on potentials in heart of, 17, 599 effect of metabolic inhibitors on heart of, 20, 399 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 oxaloacetic carboxylase from thorax of, 16, 259 amino-acid-activating enzymes in, 17, 309 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 blood proteins of, 19, 845 cardiovascular responses during buccal and thoracic respiration in, 11, 31 nasal salt excretion in, 11,223


Sauromalus obesus Saxicola insignis Saxidomus giganteus Saxidomus nuttali Scalopus aquaticus Scaphiopus bombifrons Scaphiopus couchi Scaphiopus hammondi Scaphiopus holbroohii ScardafeUa inca Sceloporus cyanogenys Sceloporus occidentalis Sceloporus undulatus Sceloporus undulatus fasciatus Scenedesmus D3 Scenedesmus obliquus Schistocephalus solidus Schistocerca sp. Schistocerca gregaria

Schistosoma mansoni

Schistosoma rodhaini Schizobranchia insignis

Schizoporella errata Schigosaccharomyces pombe



responses to temperature and hypoxia in, 20, 437 transferrins of, 5, 20 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 Ach effect on heart of, 14, 513 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 14-3 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 adaptations to desert environment in, 20, 73 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 osmotic tolerance of muscles of, 12, 501 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 transferrins of, 5, 20 thermoregulation and water loss in, 20, 263 nasal salt gland and chronic hypersalemia, 18, 563 blood proteins of, 19, 845 temperature effect on brain of 5-hydroxytryptamine and related indoles in, 15, 325 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 transferrins of, 5, 20 thermal relations in muscles of, 13, 27 unsaturated fatty acid synthesis in, 12, 191 4, 208 effect of body size and temperature on oxygen consumption of, 18, 415 oxaloacetic carboxylase from thorax of, 16, 259 effect of acetylcholine on isotonic and isometric twitches of extensor tibiae, 10, 203 effect of ryanodine on muscles of, 6, 181 food reserves of hatchlings, 3, 108 free amino acids in eggs of, 5, 83 neuropile potentials in, 17, 683 optimum p H of glycosidase activity from, 17, 129 polyphenols in cuticle of, 2, 35 studies on tryptophan pyrrolase from fat bodies of, 17, 1079 water reserves of hatchlings, 3, 99 arginine uptake and lysis by, 18, 209 carbohydrate utilization of, 4, 344 enzymes of, 4, 344 proteolytic enzyme complex of cercarial extract of, 18, 689 histochemical localization of leucine aminopeptidase in, 20, 307 cyclohydrolase in, 1, 242 formate-activating enzyme in, 1,236 Nl°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, 1, 242 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolic acid dehydrogenase in, 1,242 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1,242 iodine fixation and utilization by, 11, 215 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231


Sdurus carolinensis

Sclero crangon Scolioplanes acuminatus Scolioplanes maritimus Scolopendra sp. Scoloplos acmeceps Scoloplos armiger Scomber scombrus Scrobicularia plana Scyllaea pelagica Scyllarldes sieboldi Scylliorhinus canicula

Scylliorhinus stellaris Scyllium canicula Scytodes thoradca Sebastodes caurinus

Selene vomer Semele rubropicta ,S'ep/a sp. 3ergestes phomus 3ergestes similus Serinus canarius Seriola dorsalis Serpula vermicularis Serranus scriba Serripes groenlandicus Sesarma meinerti Sesarma reticulatum Setonix brachyrus

Sialis lutaria Siganus fuscescem Silurus glanis Siphonaria alternata Siphonaria lineolata Siphonaria pectinata


adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 55 incorporation of thymidine into DNA of, 12, 223 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 fatty acids in, 6, 78 connective tissue pigment in, 1, 90 connective tissue pigment in, 1, 91 connective tissue pigment in, 1, 91 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 anatomy of gills of, 18, 517 host of Proetoeces, 7, 199 arginase activity in, 17, 259 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 acetyl phosphate synthesis in fiver of, 17, 799 osmoregulatory function and carbamoyl phosphate synthetase in, 17, 785 purification of carbamoyl phosphate-L-omithine earbamoyltransferase from, 11, 119 threonine and serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 acetyl phosphate synthesis in fiver of, 17, 799 deamination of L-amino acids in, 16, 303 excreta of, 17, 973 cyclohydrolase in, 1, 242 formate-activating enzyme in gonads of, 1,234 NX°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylaae in, 1, 242 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofofic acid dehydrogenase in, 1, 242 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1,242 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 fatty acids in, 6, 84 fatty acids in, 6, 84 absence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 iron binding by serum of, 2, 233 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 fipochromes in skin of, 17, 1137 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 salt and water balance in, 17, 641 role of Y-organ in proecdysis and limb regeneration in, 9, 195 electrophoretic study of milk proteins, 4, 57 glucose utilization by fiver of, 14, 437 iron-binding proteins of blood plasma and milk whey, comparison with rat, 10, 69 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 vascular anatomy of, 12, 127 amino acids in shell 20, of, 553 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 arginase activity in, 17, 259


Siphonochalina fascigera Siphonosoma ingens Siren intermedia Siren lacertina

Sheletonema costatum Smilodon californicus Solea vulgaris Solemya velum Solen sicarius Sonora semiannulata Sosippus floridanus Sosippus mimus Spermophilus beldingi Spermophilus columbianus Spermophilus tridecemlineatus Spermophilus undulatus Sphagnum sp. Sphenicus humboldti Spheroides maculatus Sphinx ligustri

Sphyranena barracuda Sphyrna tiburo Spirobolus sp. Spirographis spallanzanii Spirula spirula Spisula solidissima

Spongilla sp. Spongilla fragilis Spongilla lacustris Sprattus sprattus Squalus acanthias

INDEX TO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 oxygen equilibria in, 1,281 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 transferrins of, 5, 20 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 lactic dehydrogenase in heart, 16, 393 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 fatty acids of lipids from, 15, 445 amino acid composition of bone collagen from, 18, 353 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 lipochromes in skin of, 17, 1137 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 transferrins of, 5, 21 excreta of, 17, 973 excreta of, 17, 973 serum protein patterns of, 18, 639 serum protein patterns of, 18, 639 seasonal changes in serum lipids and proteins in, 18, 489 serum protein patterns of, 18, 639 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 active transport of D-glucose by intestinal sac of, 17, 93 effect of chloride ions on skeletal muscle fibres, 20, 355 effect of D N P on resting potential and ionic content of muscle of, 18, 681 potassium ions on muscle of, 18, 131 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and si~ilic acid in, 13, 143 phosphatides in, 5, 217 guanidine derivatives and phosphagen in, 1, 46 natural photosensitivity of muscle of, 17, 319 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 arginase activity in, 17, 259 conduction velocity in intestines of, 14, 53 incorporation of sulphate into mactin A in, 20, 581 soluble extracellular products of algae from, 20, 1 nutrition in, 2, 100 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 haemoglobin polymorphism and ontogeny in, 17, 1141 carbonic anhydrase activity in, 5, 201 glutamate dehydrogenase in, 18, 909 ionic composition of cerebrospinal fluid and aqueous burnout, 5, 193


Squalus acanthias

Squalus suckleyi Squatina squatlna Squilla empusa Staphylococcus aureus Staurotypus salvini Steganura paradisaea Stenotomus chrysops Stenotomus versicolor Stepanurus dentatus Sternothaerus minor minor Sternothaerus odoratus

Sthenelais boa Sthenelais fusca Stichopus badionotus Stichopus californicus Stichopus chloronotus Stichopus japonicus Stichopus mollis Stichopus parvimensis Stichopus regalis Stichopus tremulus Stichopus variegatus Stomias atriventer Stomopneustes variolaris Streptopelia chinensis suratensis Streptopelia decaocto Streptopelia orientalis Streptopelia risoria Strigomonas oncopelti Strix uralensis hodoensls


negative effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline and other drugs on blood vessels of perfused isolated gills, 5, 307 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 physiology and pharmacology of ventricular fluid of, 17, 857 sailic acid in, 10, 166 sodium influx and effltLXin, 19, 649 sodium-potassium-activated adenosinetriphosphatase, 17, 953 urea synthesis in, 18, 271 ventricular fluid production rates in, 12, 171 blood flow in, 19, 151 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 237 sodium-potassium-activated adenosinetriphosphatase, 17, 953 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 preparation of hemolytic s-toxin from, 15, 73 transferrins of, 5, 20 tyrosinase activity and plumage colour in, 18, 91 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sialic acid in, 10, 166 active transport of D-glucose by intestinal sac of, 17, 93 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 bone density in, 1, 213 density changes in bones, 7, 77 seasonal changes in bone density of, 1, 213 ~ransferrins of, 5, 20 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 vanadium in, 7, 127 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 236 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 vanadium in, 7, 128 oxygen uptake of muscle of, 11, 183 intestinal absorption in, 20, 619 vanadium in, 7, 128 carnitine palmityltransferase in, 19, 483 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 fatty acids in, 6, 84 reproductive and biochemical studies on, 13, 367 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 pentose phosphate cycle in mucosa of small intestine, 20, 319 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 presence of ubiquinone in, 8, 331 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937


Strombus gigas Strongylocentrotus sp. Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis Strongylocentrotus purpuratus

Strophocheilos oblongus

Strophocheilus oblongus musculus Struthio camelus Sturnus pagodarum Styela mammiculata Styela partita Styela plicata Stylochus megalops Styloplanocera faciata Succinea ovalis Sus sp.

Sus domesticus

SI/$ $crofa


carbohydrase activity in, 17, 1189 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 breeding cycles in, 20, 327 osmotic adjustment in, 13, 205 sialic acid in, 10, 161 cyclohydrolase in, l, 242 digestion of brown algae by, and distribution of nutrients in, 11,273 formate-activating enzyme in, l, 236 Nl°-formyl tetrahydrofolic acid deacylase in, l, 242 hydroxymethyl tetrahydrofolie acid dehydrogenase in, l, 242 serine hydroxymethylase in, 1,242 action of acetylcholine and acetylcholine antagonists and potentiators on the isolated ventricle, 4, 30 effect of tissue extract of nervous ring, 4, 31 action of serotonin and other amines on heart of, 6, 243 cardiac activity in, 17, 409 retractor muscle and acetylcholine, 7, 63 sensitivity of penis tractor muscle to serotonin, 8, 131 biochemical studies on, 14, 35 trypsin inhibitors in egg-white proteins of, 18, 937 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 guanidine kinases and ATPases in, 13, 161 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 161 cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 carbonic anhydrase in blood of, 1, 21 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 arginase activity in erythrocytes of, 6, 1 | 3 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 presence of e-lysine acylase in, 9, 13 properties of serum albumins, 9, 301 structure of glycogen of, 8, 353 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 catabolism of purines by eye ciliary process, 19, 655 deamination of adenosine phosphoramidate, 17, 139 electron transport in microsomes of, 8, 367 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 52 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 nutrition in, 2, 100 optimum p H of glucosidase activity from, 17, 129


Su$ $crofa

Sylvilagus floridanus Sylvilagus palustris Symbranchus marmoratus Synapta inhaerem Synchelidium sp. Syndesmus franciscanus Synechococcus sp. Synechococcus cedrorum Syngnathus fuscus Syrmaticus reevesii Tachyglossus aculeatus

Tachyglossus aculeatus aculeatus Taenia hydatigena Taenia taeniformis Taeniolabis sp. Taeniopygia castanotis Tagelus divisus Tagelus gibbus Tagdus plebius Tamlas striatus Tamiasdurus hudsonicus Tanytarsus sp. Tapes sp. Tapes decussata Tapes philippinarum Tapes watlingi Tapirus terrestris Taraxacura officinale Taricha granulosa Taricha rivularis


phenylalanine hydroxylase content of liver of, 17, 49 phospholipid composition of organs from, 9, 257 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 serum copper and ceruloplasmin activity in, 15, 429 specific reaction of concanavalin-A with serum of, 15, 435 studies on serum ),-globulin from, 16, 21 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 sulphatides and cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 air breathing in, 18, 383 sialic acid in, 10, 161 response to pressure changes in, 7, 131 histamine content and histidine decarboxylase activity in, 16, 547 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 photosynthesis in, 4, 160 sicilic acid in, 10, 166 conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 digestion, growth and nitrogen balance in, 14, 357 rate of growth and intake of milk in suckling, 16, 383 role of kidney in water balance of, 20, 285 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 high-sulphur proteins from a-keratin from quills of, 15, 175 succinate oxidase system of, 20, 867 incorporation of phosphate in, 14, 11 relations between size and metabolism, 5, 141 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253 evaporative water loss in, 19, 445 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 arginase activity in, 17, 259 fumarate reductase and succinate dehydrogenase activity in, 19, 775 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 incorporation of thymidine into D N A of, 12, 223 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 heart as biossay for Ach, 20, 365 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 innervation and control of heart of, 17, 719 regulation of rectal movements in, 17, 909 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 53 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 39'3 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393


Taricha torosa

Taurotragus oryx Tautoga onitus Tautogolabrus adspersus Tayassu angulatus

Tedania ignis Tegula funebralis Tegula pfeifferi Telea polyphemus

Temora longicornis Tenebrio sp. Tenebrio molitor

Terebella californica Terebella lapidaria TerebeUides stroemi Terebratalia transversa Terebratella sp. Terebratulina sp. Terrapene carolina

Terrapene carolina carolina Terrapene carolina major

Terrapene carolina triunguis Testudo sp.

INDEXTO VOLUMES 1 TO 20 blood glucose and pancreatic islets of, I, 101 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 periodicity in liver glycogen of larvae of, 17, 87 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589 sialic acid in, 10, 166 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 immunoelectrophoretic studies on milk proteins of, 17, 967 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 52 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 UDPG-glycogen transglycosylase in, 9, 263 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 nervous control of spiracular muscle of pupae of, 9, 317 potassium ions on muscle of, 18, 131 osmotic behaviour in undiluted sea water, 14, 155 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 oxaloacetic carboxylase from thorax of, 16, 259 antigenic changes during life cycle of, 19, 699 fatty acid distribution in depot fats in, 19, 1 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 lipid catabolism in eggs of, 19, 291 phosphatides in, 5, 217 proteolytic enzymes in, 11, 85 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 distribution of phosphagens in, 12, 347 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 amino acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 ami~o acid composition of shell of, 20, 593 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 adenosine deaminase in, 19, 799 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal s-hemolysin, 15, 73 blood serum cholesterol levels in, 20, 311 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal or-hemolysin, 15, 73 nitrogen analysis in bones of, 16, 253


Testudo angulata Testudo graeca Testudo hermanni

Testudo leithff

Tetrahymena corlissi Tetrahymena geleii Tetrahymena pyriformis

Tetranychus telarius Thais sp. Thais haemastoma Thais haemastoma haysae Thalassiosira fluviatilis Thalassochelys corticata Thamnophis elegans Thamnophis ordinoides Thamnophis radix Thamnophis sauritus Thamnophis sauritus proxlmus Thamnophis sirtalis Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis Thelenota ananas Thelepus crispus Thelyphonus sepiaris Theridium rufipes Thermobia sp. Theromyzon tessulatum Thiobacillus denitrificans Thomomys bottae occipitalis Thoracophelia mucronata Thunnus germo Thymallus arcticus


lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 lysis of erythroc~es by staphylococcal ~-hemolysin, 15, 73 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 serine ethanolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 solvent drag across small intestine and urinary bladder in, 19, 179 lipid content of, 6, 171 nitrogen content of tissues of, 9, 75 water content of tissues compared with that of other reptiles--relation to environment, 5, 327 metabolism of tritiated lophenol by, 2, 213 sterol requirements of, 2, 202 formate-activating enzyme in, 1, 235 nutrition in, 2, 100 arginine phosphotransferase in, 18, 405 flavin mononucleotide acid phosphatase in, 5, 115 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 isozyme pattern of dehydrogenase in, 16, 515 lipids of, 6, 249 phosphagen in, 14, 1 presence of subiquinone in, 8, 331 hexose monophosphate cycle, 3, 184 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 glucose degradation in, 18, 537 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 arginase activity in, 17, 259 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 ash content of egg, 7, 78 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 transferrins of, 5, 21 histochemical studies on kidney of, 20, 55 endolymphatic potential in, 10, 83 glutamine synthetase in, 8, 335 transferrins of, 5, 21 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 nitrogen excretion in, 7, 175 excreta of, 17, 973 lactic dehydrogenase activity in, 18, 983 tissue-pigments of, 18, 427 carbon assimilation in, 4, 253 amino acid composition of bone collagen from, 18, 353 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 aldolase in muscle of, 15, 7 osmotic fragility of erythrocytes, 18, 589


Thyone briareus Thyonella gemmata Tiarinea cornigera Tidarren sisyphoides Tilapia mossambica Tiliqua scinoides Tinca tinca

Tipula montium Torulopsis apsis Torulopsis candida Torulopsis cylindrica Trachelas tranquillus Trachelomonas volvocina Trachysaurus rugosus Travisia forbesii Travisia gigas Travisia pupa Treron phoenicoptera Tresus (Schizothaerus) capax Tresus (Schizothaerus) nuttallii Triatoma infestans

Tribolium castaneum Tribolium confusum Tribonema minus Trichechus senegalensis Trichosporon capitatum Trichostrongylus colubriformis Trichosurus vulpecula Trichuris vulpis Tridacna squamosa Trimeresurus mucrosquamatus Trimeresurus okinavensis Trimorphodon vandenburghi


conduction velocity in intestines of, 14, 53 sialic acid in, 10, 151 vanadium in, 7, 128 observation of a sibling species, 10, 39 cellulase activity, in digestive gland of, 13, 323 excreta of, 17, 973 studies on the caudal neurosecretory system of, 6, 289 presence in blood of substance with positive intropic activity, 15, 503 cardiac phosphorylase activity in, 18, 931 effect of increased blood volume on the heart-beat, 4, 75 environmental gas concentrations on breathing in, 9, 229 phosphoserine phosphatase from, 18, 169 presence in blood of substance with positive inotropic activity, 15, 503 relationship of heart beat to breathing movements, 7, 237 serine synthesis in liver of, 19, 589 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reduction of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 oscillatory reduction of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 excreta of, 17, 973 occurrence of astaxanthin in, 9, 313 catecholamine localization in bladder of, 20, 667 physiology and pharmacology of bladder of, 20, 675 presence of phosphagens in muscles of, 11,387 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 haemoglobins in, 1, 267 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513 carbohydrate metabolism enzymes in, 2, 143 effect of D D T on concentration of NAD-kinase in nymphs of, 11,291 effect of D D T on glucose metabolism, 8, 311 effect of insecticides on glycolysis, 2, 153 glucose metabolism in, 8, 311 glycosidases in, 12, 95 immunochemical studies on soluble proteins in, 13, 113 phosphorus metabolism during growth in, 9, 343 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 158 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231 leucine aminopeptidase in exsheathing fluid of, 14, 311 reversible inhibition of exsheathment in, 17, 1103 glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437 carbon dioxide fixation and, 4, 349 succinate production in, 15, 271 acid DNAses and molecular taxonomy in, 18, 961 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 phosphatase activity in venom of, 17, 297 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 transferrins of, 5, 21


Trionyx ferox

Trionyx spinifer Trionyx spinifer emoryi Trionyx spinifer spinferus Trionyx trunguis Triopha carpenteri Triops longicaudatus Tripneustes esculentis Triton cristatus Tritonalia sp. Tritonia diomedia Tritonia exsulans Tritonia festiva Tritonia tetracluetra Tristurus cristatus Triturus pyrrhogaster Tropidonotus natrix Tropidonotus tessellatus

Trygon sp. Trypanosoma cruzi Trypanosoma leudsi Tubifex sp. Tubif ex tubifex Tubularia sp. Tubularia crocea Tupinosus nigropontatus Tupinambis nigrapunctatus Turbatrix aceti

Turbo cornutus Turdoides somervillei Turitella terebra Turritella communis Tursiops truncatus Tylorrhynchus heterochaetus Tylosaurus dyspelor


adenosine dearninase in, |9, 799 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal ~-hemoly~in, 15, 73 transferrins of, 5, 20 hydroid movement end body weight in, 19, 597 serum ceruloplesmln and siallc acid in, 13, 143 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal a-hemolysin, 15, 73 lysis of erythrocytes by staphylococcal c~-hemolysin, 15, 73 aquatic respiration in, 3, 206 recordings from giant neurones of, 14, 707 ionic regulation in, 19, 313 effect of extract on exploratory feeding in fish, 20, 755 serine ethenolamine phosphate in, 14, 413 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 properties of neurones from, 18, 957 recordings from giant neurones of, 14, 707 recordings from giant neurones of, 14, 707 recordings from ~ a n t neurones of, 14, 707 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 inte~mental pteridines in, 15, 33 cold stress in, 2, 9 sulphatides end cerebrosides in brain of, 19, 581 lipid content of, 6, 171 nitrogen content of tissues of, 9, 75 water content of tissues compared with that of other reptiles, in relation to environment, 5, 327 serum ceruloplasmin end sialic acid in, 13, 143 carbon dioxide fixation in, 9, 105 incorporation of leucine-C x4 in, 18, 241 lipids of, 6, 249 oxygen uptake by, 14, 425. oxygen uptake by C cells of, 17, 871 oxygen uptake of L and R isolates of, 17, 59 guanidine derivatives in, 14, 453 chemical composition of, 17, 1205 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 159 spontaneous electrical activity in hydranth of, 5, 45 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 transferrins of, 5, 20 axenic culture of, 17, 683 isocitrate lyase in, 16, 361 malate synthetase in, 17, 1181 nutrition in, 2, 100 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 studies on haemoglobin from, 15, 217 studies on haemoglobin of, 16, 341 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 osmotic balance in, 16, 121 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 nitrogen analysis of bones of, 16, 253




Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus Typhlops sp.

conalbumin heterogeneity in, 20, 949 transferrins of, 5, 20

Uca mordax

02 consumption of hepatopancreas of, 20, 333 blood glucose levels in, 14, 29 effect of temperature on tissue respiration in, 17, 363 hypothermia and blood of, 17, 19 oxygen consumption of hepatopancreas of, 20, 333 starch-gel electrophoresis of sera of 8, 193 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 effect of temperature on tissue respiration in, 17, 363 effect of temperature on tissue respiration in, 17, 363 oxygen consumption of hepatopancreas of, 20, 333 physiological variation between tropical and temperate zone, 19, 489 physiological variation between tropical and temperate zone, 19, 489 excreta of, 17, 973 absence of sialic acids in, 10, 158 blood proteins of, 19, 845 thermal relations of enzymes in, 12, 331 thermal relations in muscles of, 13, 27 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 excreta of, 17, 973 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 muscle receptor organs in, 1,248 distribution of guanidines and phosphagens in, 12, 347 cellulase activity in digestive gland of, 13, 323 adenosine deminase in, 19, 799 transferrins of, 5, 21 uricolysis in urea production by, 14, 567 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 analysis of the blood of, 19, 285 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 electrophoresis of milk proteins, 4, 54 sugar content of milk, 13, 339 blood proteins of, 19, 845 locomotor activity rhythms of, 19, 91 water loss in, 20, 115

Uca pugilator

Uca pugnax Uca rapax

Uca uruguayensis Uloborus glomosus Ulva lactuca Urea notata Uma notata notata Umbraculum indicum Ummidia audouini Upogebia major Upogebia pugettensis Urechis caupo Urechis unicinctus Urocyon cinereoargenteus Uromastix sp. Urophycis tenuis Urosalpinx cinera Ursus americanus Ursus horribilis Uta stansburiana Uta stansburiana hesperis Varanus greseus

Varanus salvator Varuna litterata Venericardia sulcata

changes in blood electrolytes in hibernation, 16, 457 glycogen and phosphate compounds during hibernation in, 17, 341 hibernation in, 17, 335 lipid content of, 6, 171 nitrogen content of tissues of, 9, 75 water content of tissues of, in relation to environment, 5, 327 transferrins of, 5, 21 salt and water balance in, 17, 641 regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829



Volsella (Modiolus) demissus Volvox aureus Vulpes fulva

cellulase activity in digestive glands of, 13, 323 absence of sialic acid in, 10, 160 mytolon and heart of, 7, 68 see also Mer cenaria mercenaria regulation of periodic activity in, 18, 829 haemoglobin in, 20, 361 chemical composition of haemolymph of, 9, 121 electrophoretic mobility and alkali-denaturation resistance in haemoglobins of, 6, 263 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 peptidase activities of venom of, 15, 517 amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 glucose degradation in, 18, 537 phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activity in, 12, 457 arginase activity in, 17, 259 absence of sialic acids in, 10, 158 serum ceruloplasmin and sialic acid in, 13, 143

Wallabia eugenff

glucose utilization by liver of, 14, 437

Xenopus laevis

Xenopus mulleri Xenopus tropicalis Xytopseus griseus

activity of four ammonia-producing enzymes in kidney of, 6, 272 adaptation of nitrogen excretion to dehydration, 3, 236 bone ossification, 7, 71 immune response in, 7, 255 integumental pteridines in, 15, 33 lactic dehydrogenase in heart of, 16, 393 oxygen consumption and heart rate of submerged, 20, 691 protein metabolism in, 8, 123 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 sedimentation analysis of serum proteins of, 16, 327 uptake of CI~-5HT and C14-5 methylmethionine by epiphysis of, 17, 777 urea production and transaminase activity in, 13, 217 Og consumption and heart rate of submerged, 20, 691 relation of nitrogen excretion to habitat, 3, 227 oscular contractions in, 6, 70

Yoldia limatula Yoldia thraciaeformis

amino acids in shell of, 20, 553 acetylcholine effect on heart, 14, 513

Zalophus californianus

enhancement by myoglobin of oxygen transport in, 10, 239 and photosynthesis, 4, 160 cardiac and metabolic performance of, 12, 157 phosphatides in, 5, 217 Ach effect on heart, 14, 513

Venerupis philippinarum Venus mercenaria

V e m ~ ~)errucosa

Vermetus sp. Ves/yula germanica Vicugna vicugna Vipera ammodytes Viper a russeUiif ormosensis Viviparus georgianus Volsella demissus

Zea mais Zenaidura macroura Zeuzera pyrina Zirfaea pilsbryi


Zoarces viviparis Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii

Zoochlorella sp. Zoogonus rubellus Zygomycale parishi Zygosaccharomyces sake


effect of adrenaline, noradrenaline and other drugs on blood vessels of perfused isolated gills, 5, 307 effect of insulin, glucagon and prolactin on lipid synthesis in, 13, 1 effect of photoperiod on energy storage, 2, 125 oxygen consumption and body temperature in, 12, 13 symbiosis with hydra, 16, 77 metabolic adaptation in thermal acclimation, 1.4, 557 oscular contractions in, 6, 70 oscillatory reductions of pyridine nucleotides in, 14, 231