A short de~cription of the extended vaginal nperatio11, Hlid tlw i•omhination with mtroduction of radium at the end of the Olleration (\ll.Il be foun...
A short de~cription of the extended vaginal nperatio11, Hlid tlw i•omhination with mtroduction of radium at the end of the Olleration (\ll.Il be foun;a, M.P.
Re-ply by Dr. .A:nspa.oh
To the Editor: I am sorry that Dr. Adler's work was overlooked. It wa~ quite certain that t!ome one would be forgotten at the moment. I was impressed with his reports. Unfortunately, in preparing the review my attention waR focused on the abdominal operation, !).nd tlw vaginal one completely slipped my mind. l am glad that Dr•. Adler has made this very valuable adclition to my paper. BROOKE
Items American Boa.rd of Obltetrics a.nd
Examinations The general oral and pathology examinations (Part II) for all candidates will be conducted at Chicago, Illinois, by the entire Board from Monday, May 6, thr.ough ~turday, May 11, 1946. The Palmer House in Chh:ago will be the headquarters for the Board. _l''or~l notice of the exact time of each candidate's examination will be sent hi!n several weeks- in advance of the examination dates. Hotel re~ervations roay be made by writing dit'lletly to tht• Palmer House. Candidatef< for rl'-eNttnination in Part II must make written application to the Secretary's Office not later than Apri115, 1946. Candidates in Military or Naval S!!rYi.(•t: are n•quested to keep the Sooretary's Office informed of any change in address. Deferment without time penalty, under a waiver of our published regulations applying to civilian candidates, will be granted if a camli
The following diplomates have !,>!len certified and are added to the previously published list: Dr. Frederick W. Bald, 1217 Union Industrial Building, Flint, Mi