American Dairy Science Association Announcements NOTE FROM T H E ASSOCIATION P R E S I D E N T Milk and dairy products are now being recognized by governments, as well as nutritionists, as munitions that can help win the struggle for freedom. In bringing this about, the members of the American Dairy Science Association, whatever their particular duties may be, have a vitally important role in doing their utmost to insure that the largest possible quantities of clean milk are produced and that processing of that product shall be the most efficient possible. Past research has enabled us to meet the challenge well, but our efforts must not be slackened for there are still numberless problems awaiting solution. Dairy teaching whether in the class room or to farm audiences has accomplished much, yet still there is a great deal to be done. Dairy farmers of today are much more efficient and produce a much better quality of product, but our milk production could be raised at least 25 per cent by a more universal adoption of the most approved methods. The processing of the many types of dairy products has evolved from the simple home making of butter to large industrial manufacture of many diverse products. Yet there are many problems in this field remaining unsolved. While sanitarians have made the milk supply of the United States safe for public consumption, there still remains a need for more effort to insure a healthful product. In other words while the achievements have been legion, the present emergency imposes a great rsponsibility upon all those who are connected with the dairy industry. We, of the American Dairy Science Association, in our forthcoming meeting next June at Columbia, Missouri, have much to consider in the various impacts of war on the dairy industry for that will be the general theme. Chairman Judkins and his committee are formulating the program and every member is urged to submit suggestions as to how the meetings may be made more effective. Because the time is short, please send in titles and abstracts promptly. Signed, H. P. DAws, President T H I R T Y - E I G H T H ANNUAL MEETING, U N IV E RSIT Y OF MISSOURI, COLUMBIA, MISSOURI. JUNE, 1943 CALL FOR TITLES
Titles of papers to be presented should be in the hands of the program committee not later than April ], 1943. Program Chairmen are as follows: General Chairman, H. F. JUDKINS, 230 Park Ave., New York, N. Y. 217
Extension Section Chairman, E. C. SCHEIDENHELM, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Manufacturing Section Chairman, P. F. SHARP, 317 Ramona Ave., Piedmont, Cal. Production Section Chairman, K. L. TURK,Univ. of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Titles should be sent to the section chairman concerned.