Amplification of myc -family genes in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines

Amplification of myc -family genes in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cell lines

cells of neural origin, hit amfimd to any certkin 8ub8et me foebl elcgrmsion patterns may37m.ectthetypes oftuImur8preferably p?zammd not: strictly of...

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cells of neural origin, hit amfimd to any certkin 8ub8et me foebl elcgrmsion patterns may37m.ectthetypes oftuImur8preferably p?zammd

not: strictly of cells.




the life.




s~regionW§R) ~1 chmrpscrae6 at bamlql6aswellastwoatberdmm&eristic ChraaDeares (7pl4+ d 14q32+) aavrrg rnrmerousdefinsdal-d~inears.No dok&mwutekcdies(m3)werekI&mmedin cells fran l?rimaTyt==speci== pr* cullzures, cell lines and cell strainsfranboth pIAnary lesicn and metastaticncdesharedthesamealtXz?rations, suggestingtheir origin fran a amen m=

G.M.Hr4SsatUc.Rmlatt IrrperialCancerResearchFund,Imdon,U.K. using the rat bl.adder-tmU carcinogemsismdel, attmpts are being made to establisha relaticmshipbetween changes in selectedpropertiesofbla&er urotheliwnand strum and their biologic bebavicnl?z placingparticularel@asis on ~d=iw&oplastic transformationin intmSm.Uate hat=, filams& (viz. Wokentin), and extracellularmatrix properties.JSxtra criteria for definingstructure-functicn correlations in norm1 and abnomal diffemntiation involve: (a) histcpathological and ultrastructural markers;and (b)probestargetting selected cellsurfaceantigensandglycoccnjugates, keratinproteinsand extracellularmatrix carponents. Theresults,basedonluminalsurface and vertical tissue secticxlanalysis doammtabmadspectrumofchangesinthe murse of differentiation, hyperplasia and necplasia. MapPing strdies of overt neoplasticchangesuggestassociated 'field changes'of apparentlyuWwolved bladder ml-. The data isintezpretedwithina m&l of stranal-epithelial processes in s/daregulat .


Gyi5zgyeoEwthandclaes~ Deparkmt

of cncology, Gynaecologic sectial, rAIiversity Hospital, s 221 85 LuIXI,

Ewablisbedtumurlinesofhl_lMm e&metrial tunKursarefew,becauseof lcm taker.ateandtlmuX Vty. !nkkeenspecinlenscYfhlnmneru3cmetridL IzumXlrswere transplanti lkelvevmre hiopsy=WlesafMlying~logY~ atcurettage,cnewasamtastasis,&tained fmnparaaorticlyn@ncdesat@mmtany. ms suaBssfl.ll infivecasesandtwtlmulrsgrew2 for1 pessaga. respectively TnymiaFneimXporatimintominthe sm1y kamplantedtunourswas inmewed during the firstpasmges. The take rate was 100% in the fifth ard Tmlve original subsequent +zmXrs had~Se~*~ a& eight rec@toraXken~ z me slxzessof heizmkramplantitim seenrstobsbasedinitiallyL&cntl?etmlour subtypeandwogesterakereceptorcopltent.



G.Hnrgas,M.Fmikr,J.Iuk&D.Knrdikaud S..zbauenti

A.H.v.d.Hmt(l), K.=(l), J.U(l)r L.& Leij(2)and cX.C.Ik~(l)

Department for

M. Stojanovi~" Clinical Hospital, zagreb,Yugoslavia

Departmentsof (l)Hman Gemtics and (2)clinical Imlmology,stateuniversity of Gronin5len,Themm

~studcesofthesixmelanoma patients were performed preparaticms fmn primaryarrd/~mstastatic izumourexplants.Aknormalities in ploidy demmstrat&by the additionor loss of andotherSmnlml&lmnmms r~tswerenotedinallcases.In one of ths primarylesions30% cellsshowed in directkmyoQpe analysisevidenceof geneanplificatial in formof -1y

wa Stl.diSd 18 sax! cell lines establi&&in Czmingen. Myc-familygem amplification was fand in 11 celllines:7x Gut of 8 2x ma e!!YG Plines with a m awlificaticn,7 appeared to coxltain iiiikli DMS. _In iitu hyfxidizationwa8c!arried cut to fMths 1ccatiaIof the amplificaticn. In3 cell linsswefomIau@ified cs M ms,in




