Amputation of a Septic Uterus and Recovery

Amputation of a Septic Uterus and Recovery

Amputation of a Septic Uterus ~nd R ecovery. 441 was then noticed that the animal was unable to walk. I was sent for, and upon examining the off s...

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Amputation of a Septic Uterus


R ecovery.


was then noticed that the animal was unable to walk. I was sent for, and upon examining the off shoulder, I found a large and painful swelling in this region. The limb was swinging and. turned outwards, a nd on mani pulation distin ct crepitations could be heard. I ordered the patien t to be destroyed. On post-mortem examination I found a complete (longitudinal) fracture of the humerus. There were no wounds, &c ., about the camel to indicate violent contact with anything. I therefore believe this to be a case of fracture due to muscular contraction. * MELANOTIC SARCOMA IN THE C A P U T MUSCLES . B Y FRED E RICK HOBDAY, F.R. C. Y. S., KEN S IN GTON.

TH E subject was an aged grey cab gelding, which had been in the owner's pos session for seven years and had b ee n very lame for abou t a month. Upon exa mination a ha rd and defined tumou ~ -Iike ~,~elling ~bout the size of a duck ' s egg was perceptible in the caput muscl es.· Accordin g to the owner's account he had noticed .this for about a month, but it had recently got rapidly larger. Hot fomentation s and an opiate lotion we re applied for a vveek, b ut as there was no alteration it was decid ed th at surg ical measures should be resorted to. On February 7, under the local anmsthetic influence of a mixture of cocaine and eucain e, the growth was di ssected out. The wound healed without any trouble and the animal recovered sufficiently to do a little work, but in April it became suddenly lame again and the tumour could be di stinctly felt to be reforming. As the horse was aged the owner decided to have it destroyed. The tumour weighed 21- ounces, and proved upon exa mination to be a melanotic sarcoma. AMPU TATION OF A SEPTIC UTERUS A ND RECOVERY. BY WM. ),AUER, M.R. C. V.S. , BLACKWATER.

T HE subject, a wire-haired fox terrier, about five years old, had had several litters of puppies and had always been healthy. The owner told me that three days ago the bitch had given birth to three pups, but that she had been in her present condition since then . I found that the complete uterus was prolapsed and in a highly gangrenous condition. The bitch appeared to be suffering from septicpoisoning, and vomition was frequent. I considered that her chances of recovery after replacement would be very slight, and advised the owner to allow amputation. T he neck of the uterus was tied with catgut by multiple ligation, and the .organ was then cut off close to the ligature. After thorough disi nfection in a solution of chinosol the vagina was replaced. In four days' lime she was able to retain a little milk, and from that time there was a gradual improvement in her condition. A month afterwards she was apparently in perfect health. * A photograph of the fractured humerus accompenied this article, but it was not clear enough for satisfacto ry reproduction .