Uniuersity of Copenhagen, DK-1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark Received
9 August
In this paper we present a set of axioms on outcomes minimality condition, characterize the core.
of cooperative
games without
side payments
with a
1. Introduction The core of a cooperative game is a solution concept which has been intensely studied and applied to a broad variety of problems in economics, social choice and other fields. The core of a game consists of the outcomes which are feasible for the grand coalition of all players and undominated in the sense that no coalition by itself can obtain something which is better for all its members. The ideas behind this definition are rather intuitive, and probably this is the main reason for the widespread use of the core in applications. It might be argued, thus, that there is little need for an axiomatization of the core, the main function of such an approach being that it gives a better understanding of the concept. However, the axioms considered in the present paper can be said to offer a new perspective on the core, showing that antimonotonicity (powerful coalitions mean small solution sets) and independence of irrelevant alternatives are crucial properties which, together with some weak axioms of technical character, characterize the core. It should be mentioned that other axiomatizations than the present one are possible, and indeed Peleg (1985) has given a characterization of the core which relies on reduced game properties. The following notational conventions will be followed: for N a finite set, 1N 1 denotes the cardinality of N. We denote by RN the set of all functions from N to the real numbers. If N= {l,..., n}, we write elements of RN as x = (xl,..., x”), and for S c N, S f o’, we write xS for the restriction of x to S. Finally, if A and B are non-empty subsets of RN, then A + B is the set (x~R~Ix=a+b,
2. Definitions In this section we introduce the class of cooperative dences assigning final results to each game. * The author
is grateful
to Robert
games and the abstract
and Volker Bohm for valuable
0 1986, Elsevier Science Publishers
B.V. (North-Holland)
advice on various
stages of this work
H. Keiding
Thecoreof a cooperdoe
a game) is a pair (N, V), where N Definition I. A cooperative game without side payment (shorthand: is a non-empty, finite set of players and V a function assigning to each non-empty subset (coalition) S of N a subset V(S) of RS, such that for each S, V(S) is non-empty and comprehensive, i.e., if x E V(S), y E RS, and y’ 5 x’ for all i E S, then y E V(S). In applications, a game will normally satisfy some further conditions [closedness and upper boundedness of the sets V(S)]. The argument to follow could be restricted to smaller classes of games; however, this would make the formalism more tedious. Some particular games will be used in the sequel: a trivial game is a game (N, V), where V(S)={x~RS~Vi~S,x’~O}forallS~N,Sf~, N.AcornergamewithrelationtoaER”isa game(N,V”),whereV/“(S)={x~RS~3i~S,x’