An epidemiological study of headache in an urban and a rural population in northern Finland
for haematocrit, sedimentation rate, resting blood pressure, or the results from tests of visual acuity, colour vision or hearing capacity. It ca...
for haematocrit, sedimentation rate, resting blood pressure, or the results from tests of visual acuity, colour vision or hearing capacity. It can be concluded that unselected young men with migraine and NMH are significantly shorter and have lower muscle strength and physical working capacity than controls, although the differences are small. The small group of subjects with cluster headache tended to be taller and heavier and to have higher physical wor "k~ngcapacity and lower blood pressure than subjects with migraine and NMH. Allergy to food was more frequently reported by migraineurs than by subjects with non-migrainous headache (P < 0.01) or without headache (P < 0.01). Allergy to pollens as well as asthma was present in about the same proportions in all grGups (P < 0.80). Headache in a hospitalized military p o p u l a t i o n . - - R . C . Packard and W. Brannon, Jr., Headache, 18 {1978) 87--90 The problem of headache is ubiquitous in the medical profession and is a very frequent complaint at military sick calls. In 1969 a retrospective study of 196 patients hospitalized at the Philadelphia Naval Hospital offered the opinion that "all patients had symptoms and signs of vascular headaches of the migraine t y p e . " A study was done in a prospective manner to analyze the headache syndromes of 100 patients requiring admission to the Neurology Service at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md. Only 33% of cases could be classified as vascular headache of the migraine type in this study, utilizing the criteria proposed by the Ad Hoc Committee on Classification of Headache. The other types varied considerably. Findings related to age, sex, circumstances of admission, expectations of hospitalization, history of headache in a primary relative, head trauma, neurologic examination and laboratory studies are discussed.
An epidemiological study of headache in an urban and a rural population in northern F i n l a n d . - R. Nikiforow and E. Hokkanen, Headache, 18 (1978) 137--145 Information on the prevalence of headache and its characteristic features and the factor provoking it was collected using a questionnaire similar to that introduced by Waters. The questionnaire wag posted to every inhabitant over 15 years of age in a defined urban and a defined rural area in northern Finland. The reliability of the questionnaire was tested by neurological examination of a random sample of 200 persons. The response rate was 74.0% in the urban and 79.5% in the rural area, a total of 3667 questionnaires being returned. The prevalence of headache in the year preceding the survey was 73.1% in women and 57.6% in men. This difference was significant. At the same time the prevalence was slightly higher {P < 0.05) in the urban than in the rural area, The percentage with headache was highest between 15 a n d 64 years of age in both the urban and the rural men and women, and declined sharply after 65 years of age. Only in men aged 15--