concerned "movement ~actions", where the skill involves coordinated responses, or smooth responses, or precisely controlled movements, or continuously adjustive reactions. Thus far, we have investigated more than 200 different tasks administered to thousands of subjects in a series of interlocking studies. From the patterns of correlations obtained, we have been able to account for performance on this wide range of tasks in trams of a relatively small number of abilities. In subsequent studies, our definitions of these abilities and their distinctions from one another are becoming more clearly delineated. This paper describes the twelve most important abilities identified and the procedures tc be used in measuring them.
The problem of perception of the body-as-an-object (body-image) is approacbed vAthin a develolSmental framework. According to this theory one aspect of the maturing organism is an increasing differentiation between self and outside world. This view has led to and continues to suggest a variety of hypotheses for exploring the problem of body image. The general question of how events outside the body but impinging on it, and how events within the organism affect body-image, leads to a number of problems which have been explored experimentally: (1)
What changes are there in body image during the course of ontogenesis?
What differences are there in body image for psychopathological groups presumed to manifest regression, e.g., schizophrenics, as compared with normais?
What is the effect on body image of drugs presumed to induce primitivity, such as Lysergic Acid Diethylamide?
What is the effect of articulating body boundary on the body !mage?
What is the effect on body image of changing the visually perceived spatial flume of reference?
P~RSONLtCI~Evr vno wAnaNm~trNO
(6) What is the effect of changing the function of a body part on perception of that body part? Experimental results of studies exploring these and other problems will be presented. The findings will be examined in terms of the developmental ordering principle of increasing differentiation and hierarchic integration and accounted for in terms of mechanisms derived from sensory-tonic theory.
UNTERSUCHUNG UBER DAS SELBSTWERTGEF/dHL w. WORLITZKY5" Mannheim (Deutschland) Fragestellung PersSnliche ,,Zufriedenheit", ,,Einschi4tzung im Vergleich zum Durchschnitt des pers6nlicheu Bekanntenkreises" und ,,Wichtigkeit fiir die Selbsteinschatzung" werden durch Durchstreichen yon Skalen in durch Vorversuchen ermittetten Gebieten erfragt. Soziologiscbe, psyehologische und biologisehe Variable shad als Wahlantworten vorgegeben. Ca. 1200 Vpn in Gruppen zu etwa I00, getrennt naeh Alter (Jgg. 40-M-5), Gesehiecht und Schultypus, gezogen aus den betr. Teilen der Mannheimer BevSlket'ung. Zu~'tzlich einige Erwachsenengruppen. Kontrollen Durch den VI (bet Sitzorduaung, Alter, Geschlecht), dutch Vergleich mit dem Lehrerurteil (bei Schulleistungen), dutch Vergleich yon UrteileL~ fiir die eigene Person und die Gruppe (bet ,,Wichtigkeit fiir die Selbsteinschiitzung" in: ,,Charakter", ,,Erfolg beim anderen Geschlecht" uJad ,geldlicher /...age"). Einige Ergebnisse der ersten Rohausziihlung Die fiir die persSnliche Selbsteinschiitzung als wichtig bezeichneten Gebiete gelten racist auch fiir die Gruppe, bzw. fiir alle untersuchten Gruppen als in diesem Sinne yon Wichtigkeit. Ausnahmeu: Hobbies, Spezi',dbegabung, Krankhek u.ii. ALlgemein als wichtig fiir die Selbsteinsch5tmmg gelten einige Gebiete des Sozialkontaktes, sowie Charakter