Clinical Article
An Improved Technique for Patched Eye Cornea1 Swelling Studies Paul Erickson,
and Timothy
The purpose of this study was to develop a patching technique that avoids the artifacts of physical damage to the cornea1 epithelium and reduction in intraocular pressure and to validate the application of the patching technique to the study of closed eye corneal swelling. Fifteen men between the ages of 20 and 40 years who were adapted to daily soft contuct lens wear participated. Uniform-thickness lenses (Dk/L = 17.5) were worn under the patched eye for 2, 4, and 6 hours during separate sessions and under the closed eye overnight. Epithelial integrity, effectiveness of lid closure, and comeal swelling were monitored during the patched eye sessions. Comeal swelling was measured during the owemight session. In a separate 4-hour session with a 200~pm uniform-thicknesslens (DWL = 8.75), intraocular pressureand cornea1swellingwere measured.The fellow eye servedas a control. Techniquesinvolving gauzepatchescaused signij?cantepithelialdistortionand were abandoned.The useof surgicaltapealonefailed to maintain eyeclosurefor the required time period. The bestresults were obtainedwith the Natural Eyepatch(Keekr Instruments). Swellingfolloweda cubicpolynomial time courseand stabilizedby 4 hoursfor all five sites evaluatedover a 7-mm chord of the vertical cornea1meridian. Patchedeye cornealswellingwas not a goodpredictor of individual overnight comeal swelling.No si&icant differences in epithekalintegrity or intraocularpressure betweenrestand control eyes were found. The Natural Eyepatch is a reliableand valid devicefor maintainingeyeclosurein cornea1swellingstudies.The resultsindicatethat the4-hour comealswellingresponse Address reprint requests to Paul Erickson, Bausch 6. Lomb Optics Center, 1400 North Goodman Street, Rochester, NY 14692. Accepted for publication
July 10, 1995.
1995 ICLC, Vol. 22, September/October, 0 Elsevier Science Inc. 1995 655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010
L. Comstock,
generatedwith this techniqueprovidesa reliablemeansfor assessing the closedeye effectsof contact lenseson ropographical cornealthickness. Keywords: Contact lenses; topographical patch; intraocular
comeal swelling;
Introduction Eye patching is commonly usedfor amblyopia therapy, to reduce discomfort after intraocular surgery, and for the treatment of cornea1and conjunctival surface abnormalities. Patching has also been adopted as a tool for cornea1 and contact lens research to ensure eyelid closure during sleeple5and to simulate those conditions during waking hours.5-11 Light patching, typically a strip of tape holding the upper lid closed, doesnot appear to affect the magnitude of corneal swelling during sleep.334Cornea1 swelling, however, tends to be greater as patching pressureis increased.“” Levy et al. l1 attributed this effect to patch-induced intraocular hypotony, although Fatt12 has suggestedthat the increasedswelling responsemay be simply a manifestation of restricted blood flow into the palpebral conjunctiva. Frucht-Pery et a1.13reported that patching can produce a variety of cornea1 signsand symptoms such as distortion and epithelial defects and that such effects increase with patch tightness. The purposeof this study was to develop and validate a patching technique for usein the assessment of closed eye cornea1 swelling that maintained effective closurewithout inducing potentially confounding effects on epithelial integrity, optical surface regularity, and intraocular pressure.
0892-8967/95/$10.00 SSDI 0892-8987(95)00061-X
and Materials
Table 1. Study Lens Thickness and 0, Transmissibility
Subjects Fifteen male subjects were recruited from among employees at the Bausch & Lomb Optics Center. All subjects were between the ages of 20 and 40 years and were adapted daily wearers of soft contact lenses. Subjects read and signed a statement of informed consent before enrollment and participation in the study.
Study A
B C l
Procedures Several patching techniques were screenedfor potential use in the patch validation experiments. The patch was worn over the nondominant sighting eye and was covered with a black occluder patch to prevent tampering. The techniques screenedwere the use of surgical tape only, the combination of gauzepadsand surgical tape, and the DonaldsonNatural Eyepatch (Keeler Instruments). The criteria on which the techniques were evaluated were effectiveness of lid closure, epithelial integrity, and surfacedistortion. For each technique evaluated, the eyelid and the cheek were wiped to remove excessoils and debris. A single strip of surgical tape was apphed to the eyelid and cheek for the tape-only technique. A gauze pad was fastened beneath a minimum of three strips of surgical tape for the combination patch. For the final technique, the adhesivesurfaceof the Natural was applied to the upper eyelid as close as possibleto the eyelasheswithout touching them. Two adhesive-backed velcro dots were applied to the cheek below the lower eyelid in alignment with the Natural tab. The tab was then fastened to the velcro to hold the eyelid tightly shut (Figure I). For each technique, the patching assembly was covered loosely by a headband-securedblack occluder eyepatch. The selected technique was validated with the use of hydrogel lensesworn under the patched eyelid. The lenses usedfor each of the validation experiments were processed in the Bausch & Lomb Research and Development pilot laboratory. All lenseswere fabricated from hefilcon C, a
Power (D)
Center Thickness (id
DWL Central and Average *
-0.50 -0.50 -0.75
100 100
17.5 17.5
Lenses had uniform thickness over a-mm optical zone.
Food and Drug Administration-approved Group II contact lensmaterial having a 57% water content and a Dk of 17.5 barrers at 35°C. Table 1 describesthe geometry and the Dk/L of the specific lensesused in each of the validation experiments. Study A was conducted to determine the timedependent stabilization of cornea1thickness increase associated with patched eye lens wear. Uniform thickness lenses(100 pm) were worn for periodsof 2, 4, and 6 hours under the patched lid during three separatesessions.Corneal thicknesswasmeasuredwith a Holden-Payor pachometer” adapted to a Rodenstock 2000 biomicroscope. Corneal thickness was measuredat five points in the vertical meridian of the test eye. The proper position of the pachometer beam and split image wasachieved for each corneal position by having subjects fixate one of five light emitting diode (LED) targets vertically arranged on a display panel, as illustrated in Figure 2. Peripheral cornea1positionshave been describedboth by the angle of ocular rotation (a) required to fixate the target and by the linear distance (Y,) of the point from the corneal apex. These variables are related by the equation15 Y, = R,sin a( 1 + Qsin2 a) -l/z where R, is the central cornea1radiusof curvature and Q is the cornea1asphericity. LED1
Figure 1. Natural eyepatch in place on test eye.
ICLC, Vol. 22, September/October 1995
Figure 2. Schematic of pachometry fixation apparatus. ai, version angle;Yi, distancefrom LED 3 to LED i (LED separation= 15 mm); d,, distance from COR to cornea1apex = 12.3 mm; dz, distance from cornea1 apex to LED 3 = 48 mm.
Patched Eye Cornea1 Swelling: Erickson and Comstock Table 2. Cornea1Positionsof PachometryMeasurements Fixation Light
Light Position Cornea1Position (mmfrom Angle a (mmfrom center) Chord for site “i”’ center) (“) (mm)
1 s
30 15 0
26.5 14.0 0
“1” “3” “2”
4 5
- 15 -30
- 14.0
- 26.5
-3.53 - 01.86
7.05 0 3.72
1.86 3.53
3.72 7.05
cornea1 swelling response, necessary for testing the IOP hypothesis. Cornea1 thickness was measured as in Experiment A. IOP was determined before and after patching by the average of three readings with an American Optical Non-Contact II Tonometer, Model 12415. Contact applanation tonometry was avoided because increased cornea1 thickness produces an artifactual apparent increase in IOP with contact applanation tonometry’9-2* and topical corneal anesthetics have been implicated as a cause of shortterm cornea1swelling.22
’ “1” is the most inferior site; “5” is the mostsuperiorsite.
As shown in Figure 2, the calculation of angle a requires knowledge of the distance from the cornea1 apex to the center of rotation (COR) of the eye. Becauseno one point defines the COR,16 a rough approximation must be used. Fry and Hill17 found that for vertical rotations within 30 elevation and 40” depression,the average COR is approximately 12.3 mm posterior to the cornea1 apex. From Figure 2,
Qualitative Screeningof PatchingTechniques
tan ai = YJ(d, + d,) = Yj60.3 mm. Then, ai = arctan (YJ60.3). Using the samplemean vertical cornea1meridian R, of 7.7 mm and a population mean estimate for Q of - 0.26,” cornea1positions for these studieswere estimated to be as shown in Tabk 2. The sequenceof cornea1loci measuredon test eyes was determined by random preslection to avoid bias. The central cornea1thickness of the control, nonlens-wearing, and nonpatched eye was measuredafter the completion of all thickness measurementson the test eye. Central cornea1swelling accompanying overnight wear of the lens used in Experiment A was measuredin Experiment B. Contact lens wear was suspendedfor 24 hours before the overnight study. Baselinecentral cornea1thicknesswas measuredimmediately after lens insertion. Subjects were then instructed to go to bed for 8 hours of sleep. At awakening, subjects’ eyes remained closed until positioned before the pachometer for final central cornea1 thickness measurements.The purpose of this experiment was to provide data against which patched eye swelling resultscould be compared. Using the patching duration establishedduring Experiment A, Experiment C was conducted to ascertain the effects of the patch on intraocular pressure(IOP) and the relation of IOP changes on cornea1 swelling. Lenseswith double the uniform thickness of those usedin experiments A and B (200 pm) were worn under the patched eyelid. The lens thickness was increased to ensure a substantial
The useof surgicaltape only, similar to the “light” patch of Levy et al. , ’ ’ maintained incomplete lid closure in some subjectsover the required time. The addition of a gauze pad, resemblingthe “tight” patch of Levy et al., I1 produced discomfort accompanied by significant cornea1 distortion (seeFigure 3) in most subjects. On the basisof our initial experienceswith these techniques, we concluded that further assessment of them in cornea1swelling studieswasnot justified. The selectedtechnique, which avoided the problemsof the methodsdescribedabove, involved the application of a DonaldsonNatural Eyepatch. It wasthe general consensus of the subjectsthat the addition of the headband occluder provided a more acceptablecosmetic appearancecompared with the Natural alone. An added benefit of the occluder eyepatch was that it prevented the subjectsfrom inadvertently tampering with the Natural during the study. Validation Experiments Topographical patched eye swelling profiles are illustrated in Figure 4. Swelling was clearly most rapid for all sitesduring the first 2 hours of wear. Central swelling increasedslightly between 4 and 6 hours, whereasswelling at the 7-mm chord appears to have stabilized by 4 hours. Swelling peaked at 4 hours for the 3.75mm chord. The
Figure 3. Fluoresceinphotographillustratingsevereepithelialdistortion secondaryto wearingthe “tight” eyepatch.
ICLC, Vol. 22, September/October
20 2 .--------------------------~-------~--
0 6
Figure 4. Mean topographicalcornea1swellingprofiles(%) for 2
(squares),4 (crosses) and 6 (asterisks)hoursunderuniform lens thicknessconditions.
Figure 6. Mean cornea1swellingOS.time for superior(asterisks) and inferior (squares) sites at the 3.74-mm chord diameter under uniform-thickness conditions. Error bars indicate standard error.
k, = (D - d)/(D - k,d) shapeof the swelling time functions is illustrated in Figures 5, 6, and 7. To test the hypothesis that swelling had essentially stabilized by 4 hours, Tukey’s least significant difference test was run on the swelling data with time as the main effect. The results are shown in T&k 3. Swelling at 2 hours differed significantly from swelling at both 4 and 6 hours. Swelling at 4 and 6 hours did not differ significantly, supporting the hypothesis that swelling stabilized by 4 hours. Time-dependent swelling data for these studieswere fitted to a polynomial model of the general form S = (k,t + k,t* + k,t3)k, where S is swelling for a given cornea1site, t is time, and ki are constants determined by curve fitting. The constant k4 was added here to reflect the chord diameter of the site of interest and was determined by the function
Figure 5. Mean central cornea1swellingvs. time underuniformthickness conditions. Error bars indicate standard error.
ICLC, Vol. 22, September/October 1995
where D is the total cornea1diameter, d is the chord diameter of interest, and k5 is a constant determined iteratively. This expressionrangesin value from 1 (cornea1center, d = 0) to 0 at the limbus (d = D). For this study, the values of the constants were found by nonlinear parameter estimation23to be k, = 23.2, k2 = -3.98, k3 = 0.225, and k, = 0.75 for time in hours. Time-dependent swelling for this lens predicted by this function for various chord diameters is shown in Figure 8. The averageovernight central cornea1swelling measured in experiment B was 67.8 + 15.3 p,rn (13.2 ? 3.2%). Central cornea1swelling data for all subjectswere tested for correlation
and swelling
each of the patching durations. These results are shown in Table 4. These results show that none of the patching durations were good predictors of individualovernight cornea1 swelling.
Figure 7. Mean cornea1swellingvs. time for superior(squares) and inferior (crosses) sitesat the 7.0-mmchord diameterunder uniform-thickness
Error bars indicate standard error.
Patched Eye Corneal Swelling: Erickson and Cornstock Table 4. Correlationof Overnight Cennal Cornea1Swellingto
Table 3. Significanceof SwellingChangesvs. Time
PatchedEyeCentral Cornea1Swelling
Duration (h)
Duration 6)
2 4 6
0.008 0.015
0.015 0.962
Experiment C included the measurementof IOP in conjunction with cornea1 swelling. The results are shown in Table 5. The difference in IOP change between test and control eyeswas not statistically significant. Central cornea1swelling was also examined for correlation to IOP change for the patching period. The correlation wasextremely small (T = - 0.02) and not statistically significant. The hypothesis that patched eye IOP was reduced relative to control eye IOP can be rejected. Consequently, the hypothesis that the patching technique usedin this experiment producescornea1swelling by inducing hypotony can alsobe rejected. Discussion For the purposeof conducting closedeye cornea1swelling studies,the Natural eyepatch representsan excellent compromise between simple taping, which is insufficient to maintain complete eye closure, and bulky pads, which on the basisof our qualitative screening and previous literature,11,13lead to excessive cornea1 distortion and potentially confounding effects of IOP changes. These advantagesare alsorelevant to other indications for eye patching. Our statistical analysis (Table 3) showed that cornea1 thickness changesoccurring acrossthe central 7 mm between 4 and 6 hours were insignificant. However, the polynomial model (Figure 8) implies that, on average, thickness Swelling
5o3 40
central 4mm chord
1 Omm
Correlation (4
Study Duration (h) 2 4 6
Significance (D)
0.868 0.708 0.337
0.110 -0.277
r2 0.002 0.012 0.077
stabilizesat 5 hours. Becausethe thickness differences between 4 and 6 hours were small (averaging lessthan 2 pm per site) and inconsistent in direction, we prefer the 4-hour patching duration. The time course and shapeof the central responseare similar to those reported for natural eye closure for similar periods of time.24 Coefficients for the third order polynomial are similar in magnitude but opposite in sign to those reported by O’Neal and Polse25for central cornea1deswelling over the same time course. The incorporation of a fourth coefficient, the value of which changesnonlinearly with distance from cornea1center adequately describesthe swelling response for noncentral sites. Furthermore, it readily accommodatesa condition of zero swelling at the limbus. Although differences between the superior and inferior cornea1swelling responsesin our samplewere not statistically significant, there is somesuggestionin the data that the superior cornea reachesa stable thickness more rapidly than the inferior comeal. This observation is consistent with previous findings that the superior cornea shows greater oxygen flux than doesthe inferior cornea immediately after eyelid retraction,26 but that these differences disappear26or even reverse27 after a per’0 1 d of uniform exposureto atmospheric oxygen. Larger samplesizeswill be required to assess this question. The relatively poor correlation between patched eye and overnight cornea1swelling might be the result of individual differences in the degree of eyelid closure during sleep.2 Although such differences might have been eliminated by patching the eye during sleep, the departure from normal conditions of overnight wear would have limited its value in predicting individual overnight cornea1 swelling responses.The time course and effect on swelling of the low-grade inflammatory responsehabitually occurring under the closedeye2a32might alsocontribute to intrasubject
Table 5. Changein Central Cornea1Swellingvs. Change
in IOP
Parameter 0
3 Time
Figure 8. Time-dependentswellingfor selectedchord diameters
on the basisof the derivedthird order polynomialfunction.
Central swelling(%) SE IOP (mm Hg) SE
-0.3 (0.3) -1.6 (0.4)
- 1.3 (0.3)
Clinical Article differences between patched eye and overnight cornea1 swelling. In any case, our results suggest that patched eye cornea1 swelling during waking periods is not a good quantitative predictor of natural overnight cornea1 swelling for individual subjects. Nevertheless, our results indicate that the 4-hour cornea1 swelling response generated by this technique provides a reliable means for assessing the closed eye effects of contact lenses on topographical cornea1 thickness.
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Patched Eye Comeal Swelling: Erickson and Crmstock Paul Erickson received an OD from Pacific University and a PhD (vision science) from the University of Waterloo. His professional experience before joining Bausch &. Lomb in 1984 includes 6 years in optometric practice and 2 years on the Northeastern Oklahoma State University School of Optometry faculty. He is currently Vice President for Research and Development of the Bausch &I Lomb Contact Lens division. Dr. Erickson is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry and a member of numerous professional and scientific organizations.
Dr. Tim Comstock is the Manager of the Research Clinic for the Bausch & Lomb Contact Lens Division Research Clinic, Rochester, NY. Dr. Comstock received his Doctor of Optometry degree from The Ohio State University in 1987. He completed the Cornea and Contact Lens Fellowship at Ohio State in 1989, earning a Master of Science degree in Physiological Optics. His current research activities include evaluations of developmental soft contact lens designs, materials, and methods of manufacture, with an emphasis on toric lenses. Dr. Comstock is a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry, a member of the Contact Lens Section of the AOA, and a member of ARVO.
ICLC, Vol. 22, September/October