An Interesting Tracheotomy
in D cce mb ~ r 1919. A n :triever , which had had symptoms of violent thirst and sickness for a week, was treat ed for gastriti s. The symptoms were gradually alleviated, and on the second day the dog passed two copper pennies in the fceces. These were firmly adherent (almost corroded) to one another and very darkly coloured. They had evidently bee n in the intestine for some time. The dog eventually made a good recovery. The owner stated th at th e dog used to be given pennies which he took to a confectioner's shop in the neighbourhood and obtained buns in exchange. Another interesting patient had a silver florin in the stomach on post-mortem examination. It had been swallowed two years before, and had made a sac for itself.- F. HOBDAY, Editor VETERINARY JO URNAL.] AN INTERESTING TRACHEOTOMY. By FEEDERICK HOBDAY, AND HAH.OLD STAINTON, l'.RC.V.S., . Kensington, L ondon.
THE patient , a Bedlington terrier, male, about two years old, was sent to hospital by Mr. W. S. King, M.B.E., M.R.C.V.S. , about 9.30 p.m. on the 13th of October, suffering from a swelling about the size of a tangerine ora.nge in the upper region of the throat, a nd dyspncea in consequence. The slightest exertion caused great distress, but when quiet the dog was quite cheerful. About midnight, however, the distress increased, and . as it "vas not safe to leave him for the night tracheotomy was performed, a small human pattern of tube being inserted. R elief was immediate. The tnbe was worn in situ for three days and then removed, the wound healing without any complications and the patient making a good recovery. The swelling had in the meantime proved to be an abscess, which was lanced and ultimately disa ppeared completely , without leaving any thickening or bad seq uel.