Study of Tumours of the Domestic Fowl.
being three involving the pericardium at the base of the heart, and two of the same membrane near the apex, as shown by NO.5. The balance of the organs are apparently in a normal state. Sections were studied from various of the tumours. The tumour consists of various types of cells. It is cor~posed largely of cells; most areas show nothing else. Here and there throughout the tumour may be seen very small groups of adult connective tissue, cells with very long, slender nuclei, but the major part of the tumours are made up of large spindle cells lying in bundles, and areas cut crosswise appear on transverse section, with large nuclei, with a small amount of cytoplasm surrounding the nuclei. Another type cell is observed, one that is often observed in sarcomas. This is a very large cell, with sometimes one, and at other times two large, irregular-shaped nuclei. In fact, these cells are giant in size. In some areas there appears myxoid degeneration. Fig. 4 brings out the appearance of one of the myxomatous areas. In this picture can be seen the spindle and the stellate cells, with only a moderate amount of basement substance. The basement substance is of a homogeneous nature. These areas represent typical mucous tissue.
THE subject was a seven-year-old bull-dog, which had been ailing for t~elve months. H e was very emaciated, abdomen distended, and showed no inclination to move or take any interest in life. The owner stated that he would improve tremendously for a few weeks, and would eat well, only to relapse into his usual lethargic state . . The post pharangeal glands were enlarged, and a large spleen could be felt quite easily. I - diagnosed tuberculosis and advised destruction. Autopsy revealed a very much enlarged spleen, measuring r6 inches long and 5 inches wide at its greatest width. The weight was 3 lbs. z ! ozs., and contained numerous tubercular foci in the different stages of casention, etc. The intestines, liver and kidneys were normal. Lungs normal, but the post-pharangeal glands were infected and very much enlarged.