An Ordinance

An Ordinance

Proceedlnffs of the ~'ranklln Institut¢. 18T When an extr~ train is following, which will keep away from alI regular trains, two blue lights shall b...

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Proceedlnffs of the ~'ranklln Institut¢.


When an extr~ train is following, which will keep away from alI regular trains, two blue lights shall be carried on the front of the engine of the preceding train. Two red lights shall be placed on the rear end of the last ear of every night train, to enable the engineer to see that all the cars are securely coupled.

Rules concerning J~Totion Signals. To start the train, one arm held at right angles to the body. To stop the train, both arms held at right angles to the body. Generally, all violent Jnotions made by any person to a moving train, shall be interpreted as signals to stop. Detonating signals, or torpedoes placed upon the track, shall be interpreted to indicate danger. The Committee appointed to consider the subject of the proper proportions of safety-valves for steam-boilers, and the best regulations concerning steam pressure gauges, reported as follows : [This report not being received from the committee, its publication must be defcrred.---ED.] The Committee appointed to draft an Ordinance providing for the Inspection of Steam Engines and Boilers in the City of Philadelphia, reported the following draf~ of ordinance, which they recommended to the Institute for adoption, and requested to be discharged from furtiler consideration of the subject. J. V. MERRICK, Chairman. W~. B. LE VA~, ~OB ER'£ BRIGGS, ,]AMES MOORE, "~¥ILLIAM SELLERS, COLEMAN ~ELLERS,



2'o carry into effect an Act of Assembly to authorize the appointmen~ of an Inspector of Stationary Steam Engines and Steam .Boilers i~ and for the Cit~j of Philadelplda, approved the 7th day of May, 1864, and to establish rules and regulations as empowered by said Act. SECTION I.

Tl~e Select and Common Council, of the Gity of Philadelphia, do Order : There shall be an Inspector for steam-engines and steam-boilers in and for the City of Philadelphia. ¥0L. LIV. 18


~ranklin Institute.

The Mayor shall appoint an Advisory Commlsslou, consisting of five persons, either practically engaged in the manufacture of steamengines and boilers or scientific experts familar with their managernent, who shall give their written consent to serve on such commission without eompensatlon, and perform the duties as hereinafter provided. Whenever the Mayor shall have appointed all the meinbers of the Commission as aforesaid, he shall call them together at such time and place as he may select for the purpose of organization, and tile adoption of such :By-laws as to them may seem useful. Tile 3Iayor is hereby authorized to have suitable accommodations provided for the use of said Commission, and to furnish them ~ith the requisite stationery. To this Commission the Mayor shall refer for examination such person or persons as he may consider suitable candidates for the office of Inspector of steam-engines and boilers, and the said Commission shall inquire into the qualifications of such candidate or candidates without unnecessary delay, and report the result thereof to the Mayor. In e~se the Commission shall not report upon said candidate or candidates within thirty days fl'om the time when they have received notice of reference, or shall not have reported satisfactory reasons for longer delay, the Mayor may discharge said. Commission and appoint another in its place. No appointment of Inspector shall be confirmed by Select Councils until the nominee shall have been reported by the aforesaid. Commission as qualified for the position. Whenever an appointment of Inspector shall have been confirmed by Select Councils, tile duties of the Advisory Commission shall cease and determine; and all books, papers and records shall be deposited in the Mayor's office for the use of any subsequent Commission. Sse'r~o~ II.

Qual{,fieations of the Inspector. The Inspector shall be a person who has had practice in the construction of steam-englnes and boilers, ~nd possesses such knowledge of bracing and of thickness of iron to safely withstand giwm pressures, and of the general designing of steam-boilers, together with experience in their management, as will enable him to fulfill the duties of the position. SECTXO~ III.

1)uration in O~ce of the Inspector. The Inspector shall enter upon the duties hereinafter directed to

Proeeedinc/s of the Franklin Institute.


to be performed by him, on tile first Mon&~y of July, annually, and shall hold until his successor shall be duly qualified. Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall give bonds in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), with security to be approved by the Mayor. SECTIO~ IV.

Appointment of Assistant Inspectors, their duration iv offce, removal, ~oe. '.l?here shall be four persons, skillful and competent, appointed by the Inspector, wi~h the approval of the M~yor, to ac~ as Assistant Inspectors; and the said Assistant Inspectors shall cuter upon the performance of their duties immediately upon such approval, and hold m~til the termination of the time of holding of the Inspector appointing them, or until their successors be appointed; unless suspended by s:dd Inspector, and, with the approval of the Mayor, removed; and no suspension or removal shall be made except for c~use. SECTION V.

Providing S~bordinate Ofieers, The Inspector shall employ one competent workman to aid each Assistant, and sh,~ll employ one clerk, who shall also be a draughtsman, and one person to act ~s messenger to his office. SECTION V[.

_Providin[¢ Offee Rooms. There shall be provhled and allotted to the Inspector, by the Committee of Councils on City Property, one or more suitable rooms, w be occupied as an office. SEc~:Io~ VII.

_Providiny Offeial Seal. The Inspector shall cause to he prepared, and, with the approval of the Mayor, shall adopt an emblematic seal, to be used ia the performance of his duties. S~c~Io~ ¥ I I I .

7~eZatinff to ~rovinff Instruments, Tile Inspector shall procure five sets of accurate gauges, pumps, and other testing apparatus, and cause proper arrangements to be made for their preservation in his office.


FranUin Institute. S~c~IoN IX.

Relating to Stationery, ~e. The Inspector stlall procure suitable record books, certificate blanks, and other stationery needed for tile archives and business of his office. SECTIO~ X.

.Providin9 I'ransportation. The Inspector, or any of his Assistants, under his order, is empow. ercd to incur the necessary expenses of transportation. SECTIO~ XI.

l~egistration of Steam-Engines a~d Boilers. The user or users of every stationary steam-engine and steamboiler, within the limits of the city of Philadelphia, shall, within thirty days after notice, published in the newspapers by the Inspector, report in writing, to the office of tim Inspector, the location of every such engine or boiler in use by him or the'n, and the business or purpose for which the engine and boiler are used. The user or users shall in like manner notify the Inspector of any new steam-engines or steam-boilers proposed to be erected or operated~ so that the same may be inspected before using. SEc'rIO~ XII.

1)~tties of Inspection. The Inspector shall by himself or his assistants, at least once in every year, examine personally each stationary steam-engine and its pipe connections, and shall determine upon the safety and competency of the same, at the pressure and speed specified in his certificate. Ite shall in like manner examine each stationary steam-boiler with reference to the following particulars :--1. The setting. 2. The form and construction. 3. Thickness and kind of plates employed. 4. Their apparent condition as regards imperfections, we,~r or injury. 5. In all new boilers he shall require that each sheet shall bc stamped with its maker's name and the quality of material, in accordance with the inspection laws of the United States for steamboats. He shall also inspect the feeding apparatus, together with the various attachments required to be placed on the boilers, and their pipe connections. He shall also test each boiler by hydrostatic test, to

Proceedings of tl~e ~rankli,n Institute.


a pressure one-third (3") greater than that at which the boiler is to be used, as specified in his certificate. In ease the inspection prove satisfactory, the Inspector shall furnish a certificate to that effect, which certificate shall state the maximum pressure at which the boiler shall be worked, and sucti other conditions as he shall deem essenti:d to the safety and competency of the' engine and boiler. This certificate shall be signed by the Assistant Inspector by whom the ex,~mination has been made, and countersigned and sealed by the Inspector. If at any time the Inspector shall deem the engine-driver incompetent or unreliable, he may withhold or withdraw his certificate. Whensoever, upon inspection, any engine or boiler is found to be deficient in any regard, so that a certificate for competency or safety cannot be given, a written report of the condition of the engine or boiler shall be furnished to the user or users, specif2ing the repairs or changes necessary, which shall be signed in like manner to a cerficate. ,J The Inspector shall report to a magistrate, and have bound over for trial, any person or persons who may have rendered themselves liable by infraction of any provision of this Ordinance, as provided in' Section IV. of the Act of Nay 7th, 1864. The Inspector shall notify in writing the user or users of any engine or boiler, that he will, within ten days of the date of such notice, inspect the same, and the nser or users may select such day for the inspection as may be most convenient, within the time so designated. He shall, besides the annual inspection hereinbefore provided, inspect the boilers or engines of any person or persons using the same, upon their written application at any time, ten days notice being given. The Inspector shall report quarterly to the Mayor for communication to Councils, the number of engines and boilers examined and the receipts and expenditures of the office, and annually the operations-of his once during the past year. lie shall examine into the cause of all disasters and explosions occurring to engines and boilers, within the limits of the city of Philadclphia, and shall promptly report the same to the Mayor and Councils. SECTION XIII.

Attacltments and Indicators. There shall be, for each boiler or series of connected boilers, a~ least one efficient feeding apparatus, and in case there be but one


Era , klin Institute.

such apparatus, and it be worked by an engine employed for other purposes, this feeding apparatus shall be of such character and construction that it can be examined and repaired in all its parts while the engine is in motion. Each boiler shall have upon it three gauge-cocks, and in addition thereto, some visible means of indicating the water-level. Every boiler when fired separately, and every set or series of boilers when placed over one fire, shall have attached thereto, without the interposition of any other valve, two or more safety-valves, the aggregate area of which shall have such relations to the area of the grate and the pressure within the boilers as is expressed in schedule A, attached to this Ordinance; and every safety-valve shall have an arm or lever, distinctly notched and marked with five-pound or tenpound divisions, and shall have but one pea or ball for a weight ; and the arm shall not have a greater length than will allow the pea to be placed so as to produce on the boiler the maximum pressure which the certificate authorizes to be carried. There shall be for each boiler, or series of boilers connected in one range, at least one good and reliable steam pressure gauge, attached w i t h o u t the intervention of any valve except its own. Every range of boilers over one fire shall be so connected by steam and feed pipes, that an uniform level of water may be maintained therein. S~c~Io~ XIV. The Inspector or his Assistants shall not, directly or indirectly, be interested in the manufacture or sale of any of the appliances connected with steam-engines and boilers.

SEOTION XV. C[targes for Inspection. The charges for inspection, M~ich shall be paid by the user or users of engines and boilers in use by any single person, firm or company which may be inspected in one inspection, shall be as follows, viz : for all the engines, the sum of &tee dollars ($3), and for each and every boiler, the sum of three dollars ($3), with the addition of twenty cents (20c.)per square foot of grate surface; provided, that when any boiler or boilers are heated by the waste heat of furnaces, the proper grate surface shall be estimated and certified by the Inspcctor~ aacl the fees ~sscsse4 thereupon.

Proceedings of the _Franklin Institute,


SEczlo~ XVI. ~'a[aries. The salary of the Inspector shall be, for the t~me he shall hold office, at the rate of four thousand five hundred dollars ($4500) per ~rlnuin.

The salary of each Assistant Inspector shall be at the rate of twelve hundred dollars ($1200) per annum. The salary of the Mess(roger shall be seven hundred dollars ($700) per annum, and the salary of the Clerk shall be twelve hundred dollars (I~1200) per annum. SECTION XVII.

tVcerrants and Monez/s. All moneys collected for charges shall be p~icl over to the City ~reasnrer.

Warrants for payment of salaries and expenses shall be drawn by the Mayor~ after being approved by the Inspector. The Secretary's Report on Novelties in Science and the Mechanic Arts was then read. Deterred business being then in order, it was moved that the Draft of Ordinance presented by the committee should be acted upon ; this "~'as therefore read by sections and adopted with the following amendment : The second clause of section 16 was made to read, " T h e salary of each Assistant Inspector shall be, for the first year, at the rate of twelve hundred dollars ($1200) per annum; second year, $1300; ESrd year, $1400, fourth year and after, $1500 per annum." After having been thus read and adopted by sections, the Draft of Ordhlance was finally adopted as a whole ; and, on motion of Mr. Coleman Sellers, it was resolved : That the Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of the Draft of Ordinance, as adopted, to the (3omr~ittee on Law, of Select and Common Councils, with the request that it may be brought to the attention of Councils at as early a date a~ possible. This being duly adopted, the meeting was, on motion, adjourned. H~I~RY
