Chemtcal Phjstcs 58 (1984) 229-245 North-Holland. Amsterdam
A. DESPRkS. Laborarowe
de Phoroph>srque
C. MIJOULE Laborarorrede Ph_wque
G MARCONI IsrrruroFRA E del
des Parrrcules.
de Purrs -Sod
UmLersrre de PIcurdle,
9I-fO5 Orsu~.
80039 Amrens.
dell Unrversrta
o/ Chemrag,
Councri 01 Canada
’ Ocra~~a. Canadu
Recrlvrd 17 Jnnumy 19S4
An attempt IS reported to evplam the mam mtenslty patterns m the phosphorescence spectra of 2.4-. 25 and 3.+dlmethylbenzaldehyde-lh, and -Id,. observed previously The analysis IS based on CNDO and MIND0 calculatrons of (transItIon) dipole moments, spm-orbtt couphngs, vlbromc couplmgs, state energtes, normal coordmates and vIbratIonal frequencies Where possible these quantltles are empnically checked and correctted. Adchtlonal InformatIon. especclally about the separation of the closely spaced T,(3~*) and T?(‘nn*) states, IS obtamed from phosphorescence excltatlon spectra reported here for all SIX Isomers The phosphorescence spectra consist of two components, an “alloucd” component of 3m* and a “forbidden” component of ‘na* symmetry It IS concluded that the allowed component IS partly Induced by the crystal field The forbidden component IS vlbromcally Induced by out-of-plane vrbrattons among which the aldehydtc CH(CD)-wag mode is the most active The observed mtenslty patterns for this componenr are ascribed to Interference between two mechamsms, one mvolvmg vlbroruc couphng between S, and S,(‘nn*) and spm-orbit couphng between S, and T, the other mvohlng vlbroruc couphng between T, and Tz and spm-orblt couphng between S,, and T2 Wlthm the groups of either Ih, or Id, Isomers.. the mam changes m the spectrum are shown to be due to the change III T, -T? energy separauon The changes observed upon deutenum substltutlon In the aldehyde group Involve. m addlhon to changes m the T,-T2 gap, changes m vlbroruc couphng due to normal-coordmate rmxmg All these spectral changes are reproduced by calculations based on a mixture of theorettcal and emptncal mput parameters denved from. or at least conststent wth. other observations. mcludmg excltatton spectra. dtpole moments and zero-field sphttrngs It IS concluded that the mechamsms underlymg these calculattons offer a satisfactory explanatton of the observed mtenstty patterns tn the phosphorescence spectra of dtmethylbenzaldehydes
’ Issued as NRCC No 23383
0301-0104/84/$03.00 Q Elsevier Science Pubhshers B.V. (North-Holland Physxs Publishmg Divrslon)
-1 Despres er al / Phosphorescence
1. Introduction
of DMB
separation between the coupled states. The treatment rlssumes that thts ratto. to be called the HT ratio. IS small, then the only observable effect of the
clectromc band systems However. the nature of thus transfer IS governed not only by the HT ratto. but also by the ratto of vtbrattonal and electronic energy separattons. If thts second r,.ttro. to be called the BO ratro. is also small. as usually assumed m HT theory. the transfer can be understood as an electromc phenomenon. formulated wtthm the BO approxtmatton. Hoiieever. tf thts second ratro IS not small. the BO approxtmatron break down. although first-order perturbatton theory may still be appropnate. namely wtth the expanston carned out on a vtbromc - rather than an electrontc - basrs If. on the other hand, the HT ratio IS not small. the perturbatron exp,mston does not converge. so that a matnx dtagonahzatton. as for perturbattons mvolvmg degenerate states. IS requu-cd [2 31 In thts paper we are concerned wth systems m vvhlch the BO ratlo IS not small. I e . systems In N htch the coupled electromc states dre sepdr‘tted by gyps of the order of a quantum of the tnductng mode or less This nnphes that the two electromc mnmfolds w11l overlap strongly If these mamfolds ‘ire coupled. the tndrvrdual levels wll show varytng ,tmounts of mtxtng. dependtng on the proxtmtty of appropriate levels of the other mamfold. If the couphng IS very weah (I e _ tf the HT ratto IS very small). this WIII give nse to an anomalous mtenstty dtstrtbutron and perhaps an occasional resonance interactton when two levels belongmg to different mamfolds ,.tre acctdentally very close and at least one of them carries mtenslty. If the couphng IS not iieak. level shifts wll accompany the mtensq redlstrlbutlon The resultmg spectrum wtll exhtbtt anomalous spacmgs as well as mtenstttes and hence WIII no longer show the chardctensttc regular spacings that permtt asstgnment by mspectton [3] The best way to Interpret such scrambled spectra is to unscramble them. I e.. to deternune how the spectra would have looked wthout the couplrng Such a procedure reduces two anomalous mamfolds to two “normal” mamfolds plus a couplmg. These normal mamfolds perrmt the usual analysts which gwes mformatton on the vibrattonal force fteld of the uncoupled states and, after the coupling IS rntroduced, on its dependence on thts coupling Such mformatton cannot be dtrectly
extracted from the scrambled mantfolds m which
Our general understandmg of the electromc spectra of polyatomtc molecules IS based on a number of approximattons that give rrse to recogntzable spectral patterns Foremost amongst these IS the Born-Oppcnhetmer (BO) approwmatton vvhlch permits separation of electromc and wbrattonal mottons. thereby reducing the spectra to elcctrontc bands vvtth wbrattonal structure The Intensity dtstnbutton among the elcctromc bands IS governed by selectton rules which ccln be derived from the orbital symmett-v and spin multtphctt~ of the electronrc vvavefuncttons. In the stmplest porn--Ï ble case the bands clre classlfwl .IS either .rllo~ed. I e.. wrth tntenstty or forbtdden. I e. vvtthout Intensrty In thus sample case the vrbratronal rntensrty dtstnbutton vvrtthtn an allo\\cd band IS governed by the Fran&-Condon prlnclplc. I e. b> the change m vibrational force ftrld bctiveen the st,ttes
tn transttton The resultmg structure IS usually dominated b> progresstons of totall> symmetnc modes In practrcc. most polyatomrc molecules show 3prctrrt that dre not so stmplc Most forbtddcn transIttons cart-y mtenstty. although less than allowed ones. and m,my of them shon wbrattonJ structure In vvhtch non-totally symmetnc vtbrattons parttctpate promtnently. For multtphctty-allowed tr~nsrttons. these observattons rare rattomtlrzcd by Herrberg-Teller (HT) theory [I] m terms of vrbrontc mrwng betlveen electromc states Induced by a non-totally symmetrtc vtbratton of the proper symmetry As a result of this mtwtg. the forbidden transttton can borrow Intensity from an Alovved one: typrcallv. the borrowed rntensttv shows up m vtbromc bands rnvolvtng .t smglequantum wbratronal transttron of the non-totAly symmetnc “mducmg“ mode In Its traditlonal form. HT theory IS based on a first-order perturbatton treatment in vvhtch the e\panston parameter IS the ratto of two electromc energy terms. namely a couphng term. medIated lnductng mode. dnd the electromc energy
IS a transfer of mtenstty
A. Despres er al / Phmphorescence spectra of DMB
electronic and vtbrational character IS thoroughly mtxed. This analysis obtains added slgmfzance m a senes of closely related molecules, where it may happen that the zeroth-order states remain essentrally the same, and only the coupling changes. The present paper deals wrth such a series of molecules, namely three lsomenc dlmethylbenzaldehydes. A pnon it appears tmprobable that the electromc structure of these molecules in their ground states or lower exctted states wrll strongly depend on the positton of the methyl groups. Nevertheless, tt has been observed [4] that there are large dtfferences between the phosphorescence spectra of the 2.4-. 2.5 and 3.4-rsomers. These spectra show strong activity of out-of-plane bending modes. IX., the type expected to mLx nn* and 7r7r* states If we label the tnplet states as T,, T,, etc. m order of Increasing energy, and use thts notation to mdlcate pure-spin electromc states. then T, IS a 3‘OTT*and Tz a 3n,* state [4]. Hence the actrvrty of out-of-plane bendmg modes in the phosphorescence spectrum indicates vrbromc mrxmg of these closely spaced states Labellmg the correspondmg smglet states as S,. S,, etc. S, bemg the ground state. we note that the spur-o,stt mtxmg of S and T states. whrch IS responstble for the phosphorescence intensrty. WI!! be mamly between WIT* and nrr* states [5], so that T,(%r*) will mrx predomrnantly with S,(‘nT*) and T,(“nq*) mainly with S,. S,, etc. Thus TX + S,, which can borrow intensity from strong S,,(n=*) --, &(717f*) transrtions, ~111 be a much stronger transttton than T, + S, whrch denves rntensrty from very weak S,( 71~~) + S,(mr*) transttions Hence it IS not surpnsmg that T, + S, borrows vtbrontc mtenstty from T1 + S,, vta out-of-plane modes, especrally smce T, and T, closer indeed than the are close m energy, frequency of some of the out-of-plane modes. It follows that the BO ratio IS not small for these couplmgs, so that the BO approxlmatron breaks down. Moreover, the presence of Irn*-nT* coupltng m the tnplet manifold tmphes that the same couphng will be present in the smglet mamfold. In other words S,(‘na*), from whrch T,(3~n*) denves tts Intensity via spin-orbit coupling, is itself coupled vrbrorucally to ‘no* states from whrch it derives
vrbromc mtenstty. plmg scheme
m addmon
to the cou-
we have the scheme sptn-orb11 T,
These two “mechantsms” of transferrmg mtensity from S,. n = 2. 3, etc., to T, may show Interference
Addtttonal schemes can be wntten down mvolvmg the ground state. e g.,
smce the phosphorescence acqwres intensity also If the ground state has a &T* component. As argued before [4], such mechamsms may show interference with the mechanisms that give a ‘TIT* component to T, In thts paper, we report detatled calculattons armed at analyzmg these mechamsms. so as to account for the “anomalous” phosphorescence spectra of the three drmethylbenzaldehydes (DMBs) reported earlrer (41 These calculatrons constst of (I) a CND0/2 calculatton of electromc eigenstates and ergenvalues; (II) a CNDO/S calculation of spur-orbit Integrals; (III) a MIND0/3 calculation of out-of-plane normal coordinates and normal-mode frequencies; (IV) a calculatron of vibromc couplmg Integrals, and (v) a (parttal) reconstructton of the observed phosphorescence spectra. At low temperatures these spectra consist of a great number of sharp bands representing transttrons startmg from the lowest level of the coupled tnplet mamfolds At higher temperatures a more Intense transttion from a thermally populated level takes over. The former level has 3~~*, the latter 3nT* character; thetr separation of the order of 100 cm - ’ vanes sharply among the three rsomers and among theta mono-deuterated counterparts All spectra show strong acttvtty of outof-plane modes, especially the aldehydic CH(CD)wag mode. Upon deuteratton of the aldehyde group
the activity
of thus mode
er al
m two of the
ihree isomers. in terms of HT theory [I]. thus would be an anomalous
Isotope effect. To account for this anomalous effect and the strong vanattons in CH-wag acttvtty. tt has prevtously been assumed [4.6] that there are at least two pathways of rntensrty borrowmg which exhtbrt Interference Although an anomalous Isotope effect IS not tncompattble \\tth a smgle mechamsm [7]. the magnltudc of the anomaly cannot be explaIned In this way The exact nature of the mterfenng mecharusms has not been established unambtguously (-1.61 It IS \ery dlfflcult to extract such rnformatron from phosphorescence spectra which ortgtnate from one or at most two levels of the e\cttcd-state manrfold In thts paper me therefore report phosphorescence e\cttatton spectra covermg many states of the T,-T2 coupled mdrufolds together ~tth d thorough quantum-chemrcal study of the molecules under mvesttgatton
2. E\perimentAl
The phosphorescence
spectra of 2.4- 2.5 and
3.4-DMB and then CHO-deuterated ,.malogs hJ\e been reported and Jsstgned m an earher paper [4]. To the extent that the xwgnments affect the present \vorh. they stand. but correcttons hdve been made to the lntensltles reported sarhcr. ‘IS a result of the replacement of peah hetghts by peah areas A corrected hst. contatnmg the bands to be consrdcred m detail. IS given m table 1. In general the spectra correspond to a superposrtton of spectra from two different sites tn the durcne crystal In alI spectra. the orrgm (O-O). several members of the totally symmetrtc COstretch progressron. d strong aldehydtc CH-wag O-1 band and a Lveaker O-2 band. along wtth a CO-stretch/CH-wag combmatton band. can be unambtguously asstgned It follows that the spectra constst of two components. one wtth the symmetry properties of a TT* transttton. and the other vvrth that of an nc* transttton. The first. “allowed“ component conststs of the O-O band. a CO-stretch progresston and many other bands whrch we shall not consider exphcttly. The second component consrsts of a number of O-l (and perhaps O-3)
of D UB
Obsened mtegrated Intenswes’), relatwe to the O-O ongm band ( = 100). of selected bands In the phosphorescence spectra of three d~methylbenAdeh~des In durene crys~sls Isomer
25-M, 2 j-Id, 2.1-l/r, 7-I-16,
CH(D)-uag 180 130 90 80 55 290 105 410 50
40 30
70 7.5
50 45 SO IO5 SO
50 20 25 110 4.5
35 5
(50) 05
(120) 55
(20) 75
40 15
” The r~1lal1~e err~)r IS titlmaled
IO be 20% for strong band>
Jnd Luger for ur&. and okerlappmg bands Numbers I” parsnthrsrb are conwdrred uncerwn Oml:rcd mtenbllws corwpond IO bands that could nor be measured rehably
out-of-plane transtttons and then combmattons \vrth totally symmetnc progresstons. we shall mJmly focus on the CH(CD)-wag mode and Its combmdtton wtth the CO-stretch progresston. Since these trtplet transtttons borrow then mtenstty from smglet transtttons, the energtes of the Sl(nz* )and S,,(nrr*).rr = 2.3 ,..., statesof DMBs. as well ds the frequenctes of the CO-stretchmg and the CH(CD)-waggmg modes in the S,(nn*) state are also relevant to the mvesttgatton These datd were obtarned from the phosphorescence excrtatton spectra of DMBs m durene at lo-20 K detected m spectral regtons correspondmg to the S, - Sl(nv*)O (3800-3300 A) and S, --, S(~T*) (2900-2500 A) transtttons. The spectra were recorded by scanrung the UV contmuum of a 150 W Osram-Xenon lamp through a THR 1500 Jobm-Yvon (1.5 m. i/12) spectrometer having an Inverse disperston of 2.6 A/mm For excttatton spectra corresponding to the !S,,+ Sl(nT*) transthon. the whole phosphorescence of the sample was detected through a GG 420 Schott falter, whrle for the S, + S_(TP*) transitton. it was necessary to morutor the most Intense phosphorescence bands (the ongm band or the vtbrontc bands correspondmg to the CH(CD)-waggtng or CO-stretching modes) through a Huet M25 monochromator (j/3)
with a Ah = 60-100
A bandwidth
er al
o/ DMB
The Integrated H3C
Intensity of the !3,,+ S, band system is estimated to be = 3% of that of the S, --, S, band system. The phosphorescence excitation spectra corresponding to the S, + S,(nn*) transitron of DMBs constst of sharp bands. They have been assigned by comparison with the analysis made by Goodman and Koyanagr [S] for benzaldehyde in polycrystallme methylcyclohexane at 4.2 K. Although the spectra corresponding to S, - S,(mr*) transrtions are broader than those correspondmg to S, --) S,(nT*) transitions. the ongin bands are sufficiently well resolved to determine the energies of the S2( VIT*) electronic states wrthm f 20 cm-‘. The sharp S, + S,(nn*) excitation spectra of DMBs present Important activrty of the CO stretclung mode around 1300 cm-’ in the S,(nn*) state. the correspondmg band showing the same polartzatron characteristics as the origin band In contrast, the vtbroruc bands correspondmg to the CH(CD)-waggrng modes have different polanzatron charactenstrcs Furthermore, these modes show a drastic decrease m frequency m going from the ground to the S,(nT*) state, as was already menttoned for the CH-wagging mode In benzaldehyde by Goodman and Koyanagi [8] and m the vapour absorptron of propynal by Lm and Moule [9]. The phosphorescence excitatron spectra correspondmg to the S, - T translttons of DMBs IR durene at lo-20 K were obtained by morutoring the most intense phosphorescence bands, while scannmg the emissron of a home-made dye laser pumped by a Lambda-Physik nitrogen laser. According to the wavelength region of interest, solutrons of PBBO (Exciton) were used for 2,4and 2,5-DMB-lh, and -Id,, and of BIBUQ (Lambda-Phystk) for 3,4-DMB-lh, and -Id, Stray light dunng the excrtatron pulse was excluded by means of a Boxcar integrator (PAR model 160). For 2.4 and 2,5-DMB-lh, and -Id,, where the phosphorescence spectra of guests m sttes I and II of durene crystal are well separated (24 and 32 cm-‘, respectrvely), it was possible to record single-site excitatron spectra from powdered samples by narrow-band observation (AX,, = 3 A) through the THR spectrometer. For 3,4-DMB-111, and -Id,, where the site separation is only 4-6
LO3 cm-l7
YC 3,‘-OMB-lh,
/ I
1 3900
I 3950
FIN 1 Phosphorescence excltntlon spectrum of 3 4DMB-lh, in SIWS 1 and 11 of durene-/I,, observed by momtonng the phosphorescence bands at 994 and 1000 cm-’ (CH wag) from the ongln
cm-‘. the excttatton spectra correspond to both sites. The laser-Induced S,-T phosphorescence evcnation spectra of 2,4- 2,5- and 3,4-DMB drs-
persed m durene-h,,
are shown m figs. 1-6, suni-
lar spectra were obtamed in durene-d,, crystals. The excitatron spectra of 2,4- and 2,5-DMB-lh, and 2,4.5- trrmethylbenzaldehyde-lh, (TMB) have been reported very recently by Wmkler and Hanson [lo]. These phosphorescence excrtatron spectra do not show nurror Image symmetry with respect to the correspondmg phosphorescence spectra For 2,4- and 2,5-DMB-l/z, and -Id,, the first excrta-
H3C H;C r28cm
1 3.4 - DME
- Id,
I 3900
f 3950
I vial
Fig 2 Phosphorescence excltallon spectrum of 3.4-DMB-Id, m sites I and II of durene-h,, observed by momronng the phosphorescence bands at 863 and 868 cm-’ (CD wag) from the ongm
CHO CH3 1 ’ 2 S-DMW-Ih, IN
2 .4-OMW -1 h, IN
T=5 K /
F:g 5 Phosphorescence exc1tatlon spectrum In SII~ I of durens-h,, obsened bj momtonng cence band at 1693 cm- ’ (CO srrerch) from 7
Fig 3 Phosphorescence ewwlon spectra (I. bottom and II rop) of 2.5DXlB-l/r, m sites I and II of durene-h,, obsened b> momronng the phosphorescence band\ at 990 cm-’ (CH wag) from the ongmz
H3C xx 1: 2 5-DMW-Id,
226 CH3 IN T-6-7
of 24DMB-lh, the phosphorathe ongm
tton band comctdes III wavelength to wtthm 1 A or less wtth the correspondtng phosphorescence ongm and IS therefore attrtbuted to the T,(%r71’;1*) state. For 3.4-DMB-I/I, and -ICI, where the T,-T, energy gap 1s larger. this band is nussmg To determme the T,-T, sap accurately, we must locate the T7 orrgm. In earher papers [4,10,11] this ongm was equated wtth the ftrst strong band in the T, regron that can be thermally populated and shows ‘nc* character. However, the phosphorescence ex-
120 cm-’
T=6 K
Fig 4 Phosphorescence ercltauon spectra (I bottom and II, top) of 2 5-DMB-lcl, m sws I .md II ol durcne-h,, observed by momroring the phosphorescence bands at S55 cm-’ (CD \bag) from the onglns
Fig 6 Phosphorescence excltatlon spectrum m SIW I of durene-h,., obsened by momtonng cence band at 1688 cm-’ (CO stretch) from
at61 of t.rlDMB-Id, the phosphoresthe ongm
Desprk er al / Phasphocescencespectra of DMB
a larger relative uncertainty in the location of the T2. origin, especially since the bands in the excitation spectrum have different width. In 2,5-DMBlir,. the gap and level density are so small that the spectrum reduces to one strong peak w!uch therefore may be tdenttfled with the Tz ongin._ In table 2 we have collected the singlet and tnplet state energtes derived from the observed phosphorescence excttatton spectra. Also ltsted m t!us table are the CO-stretch and CH(D)-wag frequencies associated with these states. as they appear m the spectra. These results will be used as input parameters m our attempt to analyze the mtensltles of these modes m the phosphorescence spectra
citation spectra reported here indicate that this assignment should be modified. The- structure observed in the T, region of these spectra has no counterpart m the corresponding spectrum of benzaldehyde Itself [8.12], where the lowest triplet state is ‘nc* and not %r*. This spectrum has no strong bands between the O-O and 0-l(CO-stretch) peaks. The prominent structure observed in the T,-origin region of the DMBs must therefore be due to mixing of the T,-ongin level with resonant or near-resonant vtbrationa! levels of T, which. through this mixmg. acquire intensity originally belonging to the T, origin. To ftnd the unperturbed posItIon of this origin, we would have to decouple the two triplet states: however. this IS not an easy task smce the couplmg will be different for each mode. As an alternative, we can use the fact that virtually a!! intenstty in the unperturbed system ortgmates from the T,-ongm band. thts mlplies that this unperturbed or&n must be situated near the “centre of gravity” of the band system, since the couplmgs WI!! redlstrtbute the transItIon moment in a symmetric fashion. It follows that in 3.4-DMB as we!! as in TMB [IO], where the T,-T,
3. Mechanisms The structure of the phosphorescence spectrum cdn be expressed in terms of the transttlon dipole moment (GIMIP). where fLf IS the electnc dipole operator, IP) the “exact” phosphorescent state and IG) the mamfold of exact ground state levels populated m the emission process. These states WI!! be expressed m a basts set of pure-sptn Born-Oppenheimer states. labelled S,, S,. S,. . for the singlet and trlplet compoand T,, T,,... nents. respectively. Each state S, or T, represents a product of an electromc and vIbratIona! wavefunctlon. the latter being treated as a product of
gap IS large enough to give rise to an appreciable density of T, states near the unperturbed Tz origin,
this ongm can be located with good accuracy m the centre of a relatively broad-band system. Note that m general It will coincide with a valley and not with a peak m this structure In 2.4-DMB. where the T,-T, gap IS narrower and hence the density of near-resonant T, levels sparser. there IS
Table 2 Obsentd Qunntlty
stnglet and 1r1p1r1s131e enrrgws atd vtbrattonal State
Sl S2 T l-2
frequencies (m cm-‘)
of DMBs
m durene
Isomer 34-/I,
2 5-,f,
2 4-/i,
26990 33350 24972 b’ 25500
26068 31240 24283 24360
26109 31240 24280 24410
26288 32670 24464 24570
26330 325SO 24455 24575
33380 24974 h’ 25450
s, h’
994 510
863 422
988 510
853 416
993 510
873 425
s, h’ S,
a’ Energy of thz O-O tmnsmor. relntwe to S,, h’ From the phosphorescence spectrum [4]
harmomc s, = rd-Il%l
T, = jl’;n,U” n
U”IS d vlbrdtionai
trdnsparcnt IS lnrdnt
to trlplets
WC do IO he dcveioped, v~br~r~on~i part cxphcitiy
I ur I’
t tz (1)
In the formahsm
to keep
a summation
d summation
these st‘~tes. IX
differing by one quantum of an out-of-plane bendrng mode. and (Ii) a crystal-field mteraction term D wiuch mixes wbronic Ie\els of Tao rlectromc states differing by an eken number (including zero) of such quanta: Mg!=C
C, should
+CC[(,~~KL),,+(K‘~IL),,] ’ J +CC[(LK12f),;,+(LnlAr),,~]- d5 &!?I. _
’ H
= (W
x (~,lwL>&3,&,~.
( AIL./\’),,* = (s”lwv(w.JJ . ( I-M 1, = !~,,l~~,,~,,(~,I~~~~lj~O,~. (IlIt),
= :~,,I~~~lg,~s,I~~,‘,lr,}~l
x U,P + i\‘QlT,)G,&, ,.
( MKL. I,, = (S,lMIs,>(W
)I,‘,‘,! clcnotcs
the spin-orhtt
energy of st.1~ IS,) This vlbronlr elcp‘ukon method I\ v.~ld of the coupling\ are small comparal
cup.mwn much
the (vlbromc) sp.rclngs Cdlt bC reduced to the
if the clectromc
th.ln the wbr~tton.ll
the coupled
level spacing-
I.IIIY VIKC they Ic.I~ to closure
in the systcmb
I< not
\.~lttl XIIICC vwt’
of the elccironlc
tion\ .krc 41n.ill th~~~cvtx-. wnit’ WIICC III pratlw
I’ .uitl 1 111(2)
I he tcrnix I\,$’ ,~li~wcd
truln III\OI~C
nlT* .\I.I~c\ of the
reduction to nq*
srpar,iof eq
that S.~IIIC
~t.~tes [5] to the orbltJiy
of the phosphorescence
The nc\l-ll@rr-order prrturh.ltlons
the surnmdtlons
ht’ hnuted 111 (7)
nT* Two
.md such
1Lrnis \\11l hc considcrcd(i) d ~ibronic couplmg taxi rcprcscntd hy an operdlor KQ = r,, KmQ,, \vhtch IIII\C\
= (Sol0 -t-KQIS,)(S,/MIS,)
of NV
($1H,,JT,)Zo,G, -
( LA-M),;* = C%lfLl-WTl~ + /\‘QIT)
= (~,t~.,~TXT,I~~~T,)
each trw
14 pnwhlc.
,Z, ,.
level sp,lclng
OLL’T IIIC vthrcltwn.rl \t~tes of III.IINIO~J c.!n then be performed
+ KQIS,)
x (s,lKlT,P,
C, IS the (vlhromc)
x (T,iD +
KQI’I, >-G/z,,
these. the terms (KLM), IP, (MLK )03~. (MKL),,. (KML),,. (LKAI), I . and (LMK), 1 refer to static dipole contnbutlons The terms proportIonal to D contribute to the orbltaiiy allowed component. those proportlonal to KQ to the forbidden component. In the foiiowmg sectlons. we consider each of these Integrals m d&ad, using both empirical and Of
to estimate
separate into an electromc and d vlbratlonai factor. In prmclple, the electronlo Integrals can be evaluated by quantumchemxal calculations: the wbrational factor USU.dly assumes the form of an overlap integral general.
4. Eigenmhes
DesprCs et al
and eigenfunctions
The electronic eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the DMB molecules have been calculated in the CNDO approximation. The carbonyl and CHOphenyl bond lengths were optimtzed for the SCF ground state (S,,) by a method, described elsewhere [ 131. whtch ytelds both the equrhbrmm bond length and the corresponding stretching frequencies. The parameters chosen for these computatrons were the origmal CND0/2 parameters 1241 which are adequate for changes of geometry. Such a conformatlonal analysis is necessary because some of the properties of the ground and excncd St&es depend on the geometry [15.16]. The verttcal transttton energies S, + S, and T, c T, were computed on the basts of the CNDO/S VO CI method of Del Bene and Jaffe [17]. extended to double excitations. The lowest 100 singly and doubly excited conflguratlons were Included m the CI calculations. the basis set used being the set of SCF ground state MOs. This descrlptlon also leads to a stralghtforward formulation of the spin-orbit couphng Integrals as matrix elements of the spm-orbit operator. The resultmg spm-orbit couphngs and their effect on the observed zerofield sphttmgs have been dlscussed elsewhere [ 18,293. The same formulauon was used to evaluate the static eiectnc dipole moments of S,. S,, T, and TZ. as well as the trdnsttlon dipole moments between S, and S,. T, and T,(TT*) and TZ and T,(na*) All these computations, based on symmetry-adapted pure-spin wavefunctions. were perfern-red with programs adapted for CDC and IBM computers In table 3 we list the calculated energies relative to S, for states relevant to the phosphorescence spectrum These calculations are carned out for a CO distance of I.24 A. the calculated ground-state equrhbnum distance. The calculated vertical en-
ergy differences agree reasonably well with the adiabatic energy differences listed in table 2 The latter values will be used m our calculations, eycept for higher excited states for which only calculated energres are avarlable The calculated spur-orbit Integrals are listed in table 4. Smce they yield an accurate reproductron of the zero-held splrttrngs 1161, they are expected to be suffrcrently
of DMB
Table 3 Calculated and observed (m pdrenlheses) energies (m cm-‘) electromc states relevant to thr phosphorescence spars
of of
_ DMBs State
S, s3
Isomer 3.4-DMB
2703q26952) 40040 50360 52260
2675q26068) 4.0130 51240 =’ 51700
269Sq262SS) 39890 50400 52160
25230(24974) 27500(25450) 33440 33780
2495o(Z4253) 2495q24360) 32070 33640
25lSq24464) 25200(24570) 33370 33980
.I’ s, Slrllr
accurate for our purpose. In addition, second-order spin-orblt contnbutlons to the allowed T, + S, component were calculated. They gave nse to a transnlon dipole moment of the order of lo-” debye which IS too small to contrlbute slgmflcantly. The calculated permanent and transmon dipole moments for the states relevant to the phosphorescence spectrum are hsted m table 5. Recently Wmkler and Hanson [lo] have reported dlpoie differences for triplet levels of 2,5DMB, 2,4-DMB and TMB m durene crystals; the last molecule IS very smular to 3,4-DMB m Its spectroscopic properttes. In table 6, these differences Ap of T, and TZ relattve to S, are compared wtth calculated “zeroth-order” drfference drpole moments, denved
Table 4 Cd~hted
(m cm-‘)
for DMBs
Isomer 3 4-DMB
S,, .T,
So T,
-1698 8 76
-5469 - 17 41 s 47
-5430 - 16 29 945
3 85 -939 -749 1302 - 12 32
3 85 -939 -678 1332” - 10 95
3 85 -9 39 -742 12 55
%.TI S,.T, S, .Td S3
S.,.T, S, -T,
.’ S,.T?
er al
of DMff
dlpolc moments
(III dshyc) for Ihe DhiB molecuk
AI, = 0 by symmrrry
Isomer 3 5-DhlB
so5, S, S, = T; T2 T, -T, S,, S S, S.. S, S, T, J-1 T, T, Tz TX
Z 4-DAlB
2 5-DMB
I 75 056 2 3s -025 0 94 -035 -0 I5 007 0 33
3 30
1 30 -369 0 33 -010 011 002 -005 -0 I’ -
0 s9 -023
-330 - I 31 - 3 31 0 29 -007=1 011 006 -009 0 II
-0 17 1 09 -026 0 92 -035 -0 13 -007 0 34
1 06 -005
109”’ -035 -0 I6 0 20 -035
from the data of table 5 by means of the formula
-373 -172 -367 0 35 -001 011 0 10 -0 I7 -0 I3
The calculations
the sign tahen for Ap IS postttve for the T’;;* and negative for the na* state. ewept for the observed values of TMB \vhtch are equal rn stgn and magmtude for the two states. In agreement wtth Wmkler and Hanson [lo]. we ascrtbe thts to the mtxmg of the T, ortgm wtth a number of near-resonant T, levels. the high denstty of such levels rn TMB (and X4-DklB). N here the T,-T2 gap is relattvely large. wll reduce the LIP v~lus m the T,-ortgtn regton to v Aues close to that of T,. In 2.4- and 2.5DMB. vvhhere the T,-Tz separation. and thus the T, level denstty near the T, ortgm. IS much smaller, $.I tn thts rzgton is close to the value expected for nq* states The 1~ v,.tlues for the T, origm show some evtdence of crystal-fteld ml\lng (vtde tnfra).
5. Vibrational
m sectlon
4 lead to
CO equtltbrtum distances oco = I 24 A tn S,. 1.31 i\ tn T, and 1 35 A m T?. wtth correspondmg frequencies wco = 1700 cm-’ in S, and T,. and 1530 cm- i In T, The values cakulated for Tz should also apply to S,. compartson with table 2 shows that tic0 n-t S, IS somewhat overesttmated. The vtbrational dtsplacements @co(S,)-~co(T,) and @co(S,)-~co(T,) can be compared wtth the tntenstty dtstrrbutron In the CO-stretch progresstons observed n-r T, ---, S, and T, + S, (or S, + S,) spectra. To thts end we elpress these displacements and the correspondtng frequency shifts m terms of dtmensionless parameters [20] BII
58,,, = ( a,,, -
W,r, )A
% + %, )
The tntenstty ratto of the 1-O and O-O bands of a progression IS then given by
Tahlc 6
Cnlcularrd and ohse:ned [lOI (In parenthats) .i\rrJge prrmJnrnt dlpols moment\ Ap (In dsb>e) III T, and T2 relatl\e to S, for the DUB nrolc~uirs studwd .md L-l S-TRlB
I,, ,,(l-0)
I,, (0-O) r,
2 4DMB 2 5-DXIB 3 I-DXlB
0 I-1(07?) 0 I7 (0 S5) 071
-251 -117(-20)“’ -132
2 I 5-ThlB
(1 3
” ”
1 - l,;, ,, 1 + I,, ,,
Ill =
&, values. one derives and Bc, 3o = B,, ,‘,, = 1.6. but the observed CO progresstons [4.12,21] yteld B co 10 = B CO20 = 1.2 and B,, ,so = 0.8. We accept these emptrtcJ values tn our calculattons; since B co
1so = 2.2
et al
they are only rough estimates, we shall use them together with the simplifying assumption that frequency differences can be neglected The overlap integrals can then be written in the form [20] (u,, JO,, ,) = exp( - fB,‘,,)B,:
The resulting values for the states relevant to the present study are listed m table 7. For the aldehydic CH-wag mode, the calculatlons of section 4 yield w,-~(&,) = o,--(T,) = 1000 cm-’ and tiCH(T7)= 490 cm-‘. The latter value should also apply to S,. These values are m excellent agreement with the experimental values Wed m table 2. Theory and expenment both Indicate that the molecules remain planar m the states consldered here. so BCH ,,= 0 for all of them. The two relevant overlap integrals are then [20]
&H NCH,) = (1- l&t
Their values are hsted m table 7 In addition. be integrals of the form [20]
,) = 2-1”&, ,,(l -&I
,,)“‘. (11)
arising from the KQ vlbromc coupling term. In the calculations to follow the factor (1 - la)‘/’ will be taken equal to unity, and the factor (2~~~ ,)-“’ WIII be absorbed in the expression for the vibromc coupling Integral Y, ,, = (4,
,I(~l~,,QnI/)l% ,)
= K, ,,/wJ,, ,Y = (1, ,IOl~W~Q,I/)Q,l~,, which will be expressed Table 7 VIbratIonal States
in cm-’
over1.1~ mtegrals
for DMBs calculated
oj DAfB
6. Vibronic coupling
To evaluate the vibronic couphng between the states contnbutmg to the phosphorescence spectra, a precise description of the normal coordmates and their effect on the state mixing is required. These more elaborate calculations, based on the MIND0/3 method. have been camed out only for benzaldehyde itself and its mono-deutero-lsomer. They are based on a program developed by Dewar and Ford [22] which follows the method introduced by Mclver and Kormomcki [23] First dertvattves of the energy with respect to carteslan coordmates were determmed by analytlcal methods and second denvatives by finite differences after the apphcatlon of small displacements ( = 0 005 A) The matnx of second denvatlves was used first to optimize the geometry and then to obtain the frequencies and normal modes by the standard GF method [24]. In these calculations. the SIX vibrational frequencies correspondmg lo translation and rotation, although different from zero, were always smaller than 30 cm-‘. The calculated and observed frequencies 1251 are compared m table 8: although the calculated frequencies show the well-known systematic devlatlons from the expenmental values such as the over-
estlmatlon agreement
of stretchmg IS satisfactory.
teal energy surfaces. To calculate the required vibromc couplmg integrals, CNDO/S calculations were carned out for geometnes dlffenng by a small drsplacement along a calculated normal coordinate. The calculated energes and transitron dipole strengths to the
on the basis of spectral observations
0 70
= S,.T, = S,.T,
-059 -048
0 36 0 19
097 1
0 23 -
0 27
the overall
In particular. the normal coordinates Illustrated m fig. 7 are expected to be reliable smce they do not ongmate from a flttmg procedure but from a realistic electromc hanultoman that should yield reasonably accurate poten-
A Desprex et (11 / Phosphorescence spectra of DMB
Table 8 Calculated and obsenrcd [15] (III parentheses) frequenaes cm-‘) of out-of-plane bendmg modes m benzaldehyde-l/z, -Id,
Table 9 Calculated smglct ad tnplet energla (In cm-‘) translIlon moments relauve 10 S, for bcnzllldehyde used m the \qbroruc couplmg ckulatlons
(in and
Mode =’
Symmetry a)
16 [ o(CH)] 77 I1731 78 [S] 79 [17b] 3O[lOJ] 31 [:I]
ald H(D) wag CH bend CH bend CH bend CH bend CH bend Arletal bend sheletal bend
919 (1010)
SIO (860)
2x 10-J
871 h’
A”(n7’) A’(&)
SSI 861 s15 708 598 a7
(978) (925) (514)
881 S67 h’ s14
s, S,
A’(L) A’(&)
38230 41050 52830
0046 103 104
(688) (449)
594 438
(410) (145) (133)
3s’ 168 (215) 45 (105)
33 [16b] 31[16aJ 35 [ w(CHO)]
CH(D)O NJg CH( D)O torsion
361~1 A’ in brsAxs
the nomuon
h’ Modes 17 and 29 m B-Id, [I731 and [17b]
table were
3Y1 179
50 m ref
of modes
18390 30165
4”(n-*) A’( B, 1
334-10 35875
C,H,CHO -2
l-26 32
- 16
-3 -4
Q36 Fig 7 CAulared
‘24 Q 26
Q35 artrsmn
of om-of-plmr
belong; the MO coeffments \\ecre kept fmed and only the Cl coefficients were varted [26.27] The resulting couplings are expected to represent
state for the states Involved are Ilsted III 9 In these calculations. the atorruc orbltals kept centred at the nuclet to which they
A’(k) A’( l-, )
,’ The notallons A’ ond A” denote the IUO represenratlons Ihe group C,. Ihe noldllon K-Ip.xcnlheses IS that of Pl~tt
xc hncar comhmaon
of benuldeh>de-lh,
et al. / Phasphorescence spectra of DMB
Table 10 Calculated vlbromc couplmgs (In cm- ‘) for singlet and tnplet states of benzaldrhyde-lh, and -Id, Induced by out-of-plane bending modes hlode
States So.%
26-d 27-h 27-d
28-h 28-d 29-h 29-d 30-h 30-d
31-h 314 32-h 32-d 33-h 33-d 34-h 34-d
35-h 35-d 36-h 36-d
1737 776 -224 27 146 45
-5 70 -54 38 -24 25
656 35 -52 - 10s
-56 -97
-194 915 - 1034 1016 1967 - 1773 - 105 -112 - 2898 - 2579 3037 2915
215 - 207 -39 -42 18 -10 33 22 -122 127 -37 -38 138 143
- 173 - 495 -19 3 38 -2s
16 -51 1 -217 122 169 -66 -11 57 58 348 316
-130 -217 29 -21 30 ‘2 120 -63 -76 -38 201 - 238 -77 136 -135 -59 130 -133 528 478
-154 -169 - 14 6 33 28 94 -21 14 45 128 168 -93 145 -98 -44 57 -60 392 360
- 285 - 278
- 524 - 534
- 357 -340
109 - 14
couphngs m a dtabattc basrs. the atomic orbttal followmg IS requtred tf the perturbation expanston 1s terminated after the ftrst term [26]
The calculated couphngs are reduced to thetr hnear components, the coupling parameter thus bemg the ftrst denvattve of the calculated couplings wtth respect to the normal-coordtnate amphtude.
The results for the integral (~]i!lH/aQ,,~) obtained in eV/A. are expressed tn terms of vibrontc matnx elements tn table 10. 7. Crystal-field
v, ,,. gtven by eq (12). and hsted
In thts sectton we consider evtdence for the mixing of T, and T, by the crystal fteld. Such mtxing ~111 affect the allowed component of the phosphorescence spectrum. No attempt has been made to calculate crystal field effects quantumchemtcally, smce the structure of the trappmg sttes is not known wtth sufftctent accuracy. However, it
-I-, .T,
52 100 -88 -56 -35 -32 -52
97 216 -206 -96 111 21 -41 42 I6 -146 - 148 -116 -113 215 219
the molecular
-56 -8’ -51 -4 40 33 23
52 83 9s 110 152 -146 177 30 -8 -17 - 19 214 194 -129 - 121
hence it ~111 induce mtxmg of nn* and np* states. This mtxmg w1l1 tend to be stronger, the smaller the T,-T2 gap; on this basts. one would expect the 2,4- and 2,5-isomers to show stronger mixrng than the 3&isomer. Tills is Indeed the case as mdtcated by the followmg observattons. (i) The phosphorescence excttatton spectra of the 2.4 and 2,5-isomers, tllustrated tn ftgs 3-6, show a T,(~‘rr*) ongm but the correspondmg 3.4 Isomer spectrum, illustrated tn ftgs. 1 and 2, does not. (II) The phosphorescence hfettme of the 2,4and 2.5-isomers IS about half that of the 3&isomer [4,11,2S].
(111) The CO-stretch progression. whtch IS usually more strongly developed for nn* than for WIT* transtttons, is longer m the phosphorescence spectra of 2,4- and 2,5-DMB than in the correspondmg 3.4DMB spectrum [4]. These observations mdtcate mixing of the T,
er al / Phosphorescence
origin (the phosphoresc:ng level) with the T2 band system and m particular wth the T, origin which iq energetically closer to T, than the other T2 bands. If the crystal-field mteractlons D,,2. = (T,IDIT,) IS much smaller than the T,-T, separation. only this Tz ongin needs to be rncluded. The observation that the T, ongm IS much weaker than the T2 ongm Indlcatrs that crystal-field ml\mg IS ,ndeed small compared to the T,-T, gap In all Isomers. e\en 2.5DMB-l/z, thrs gap equals 75&j cm-’ In the phosphorescence ewtatlon spectrum of this molecule. the T,-ongm band hds = 5% of the Intensity of the T,-origin band. mdlcatlng a cnstal-field mterxtlon D,,, = 17 cm-‘. since (17/j5)2 = 0 05.In L4-DMB-lk,. where T, has roughly the same amount of ns* character as In the 25rsomer. this argument leads to a crystalfield mterxlwn of = 50 cm-’ Flnally. In the ?.-l+omer. T, appears to have nsgliglble nT* character
( =g 59).
to an InteractIon
2 50 cm - ’
These numbers agree quJit,ltlvely \\lth the obsened ~Jurs of 1~ for T,. hstrd m table 6 The smJlrr \~lue of 2.3- and 2.5DMB rclJtl\e to 2.4.5TMB. ,md presum,lbly 3.4-DMB. might be due to a (negative) contnbutlon of T, Induced by the crystal field If the crjst.11 flrld 15 the only source of this dlfferencc. the observed Jp values lndlcnte =10% nz* character In T, of 7.4- and 2 5-DMB. In agreement \\lth the estimate gILon above. Houever. since the calculations rndlcate Jnothcr possible source for this difference. .ls mdlcated In table 6. this mtrrpret~tlon IS not umque. If similar crystal-fleld InteractIons apply to the slngkt manifold. I e. D,: ,( 50 cm-‘. most of the S,, - S, absorption wll be lntnnslc rather th,m crystaLfIeld Induced The Integrated Intcnslty of th1.s band amounts lo = 3% of the Integrated S,, --) S, nbsorptlon whrch our calculations predict to be = 20% of the S,, - S, absorption. In the calculatlons to tollo~~. \\e therefore tahr this S,, -+ S: ahsorptIon to exeed the S, - S, absorption by a 1;ILtor of 150 Thrs wll determine the lntcnslty of the lntnnslc part of the allowed component The crystaLfIeld
IS borrowed
from S,-S, and several higher-energy transltlons of comparable strength For slmphclty we replace these contributions by a smgle contnbutlon tahen equal to twice the contnbutlon of S,-S,
of DMB
8. Calculations
We now combmc these estimates m an attempt to calculate the relative Intensities of a number of prominent bands m the DMB phosphorescence spectra. The bands selected for detailed study are the members of the CO-stretch progression. represent:ng the allo\\ed component, and the CH(CD)wag fundamental and CH(CD)-wdg + CO-stretch comblnatlon band reprcsentmg the forbldden (induced) component. The Integrated mtensltles of these bands are hsted in table 1. The allowed component IS governed by the matnx elements (2) together with the crystal-fwld Induced components (D-terms) of eq. (4). its vlbratlondl structure IS governed by the CO-stretch overlap Integrals hsted In table 7. The progrrsslon wll be modlfled by non-Condon effects 1291, due to spm-orbit and crystJ-field couplmgs fo states L\hose CO-stretch overlap mdtnx with T, or S, IS not dlagondl. The overJl mtenslty of the allowed component IS dewed from the mtenslty of the lending transItIons S, - S, and S, --, S,. whose rel~tw lntenslttes are assumed to differ by J LICtor of I50 (wde supra). This Intensity depends on the strength of the crystal-field werxtlon rcprrsented by the pxameter D,,,. The values denbed In sectlon 7 for this parameter from the phosphorescence exatatlon spectra are \wy crude. To produce rhe observed mtensltles 01 the Alowed components. slight ddJustnlents are necessary. The calculated mtensltws and the adjusted parameter Lalues are !lsted m table 11. Of the many contrlbutlons to the forbldden component. wntten In eq. (5) ds permutdtlons of (KLM ),,. SIXare clearly domtndnt They fall mto two groups a group A conslstmg of A, = =(LKAI),, and AI,=(LMK),.,. ( IMLK )“? . -i, and a group B conslstmg of B, = (hfKL),,_B, = (KLM),, . and B; = (KML),,. Group A Involves T,-T, wbromc and S,-T, spin-orbit couphng. and group B. S,-S, wbromc couphng and S,-T,spm-orblt couphng Both groups are unconventlonal m that they denve from permanent rather than transItton dipole moments; in addltlon. group B rnvolves coupling wrth the ground state which is often neglected. The two groups lead to matnx elements of different sign so that the correspond-
.-t Despres
et a.! /
ing mechanisms interfere destructively. As a result, the relatively small changes in T,-T, separation between the isomers can greatly alter the balance between the mechanisms A and B. Tlus ccnfums the earlier conclusion [4] that the strong vanatlons m CH- and CD-wag intensity must be due to the present analysis Identifies the two interference: interfenng mechamsms. To test this interpretation quantltatlvely, we calculate the relative mtenslties of the induced fundamentals m units
2 (ApfBp)kfap.
where p labels the permanent dipole moment used. viz p = 1 for S,,. 2 for T, and 3 for either S, or T, taken to have the same dipole moment The parameters used m this calculation are all taken from tables 2-10. except the T,-T, vibronlc coupling parameter VCH ,.z. which 1s adjusted. This parameter, along with V,, 01, has been calculated only for benzaldehyde and hence may be expected to show some variation m the three Isomers. Since the relative intensities to be calculated depend on the ratio of these two parameters, the fact that V,,, 0, IS kept constant implies that V,, I,lP must absorb
other theoretical and empirical parameters used are of course also subJect to errors, so that VCH,,z, also has to account for these deviations. Our reason for choosing VCh ,,2, as the adjustable parameTable 11 Calcul~ed CO-stretch presented
A) Numbers
to the gap,
so that
the value
on the basis of a constant gap will be inaccurate. The present procedure allows us to Investigate this pomt. The calculated relative intensities of the forbidden component, together with the V,, 1,2, values used, are listed m table 11. They show reasonable agreement aqth experimental intensities. listed m parentheses. The anomalous deutenum effects are reproduced by the appropnate changes in vlbrational frequency. T,-T, gap and vibronic coupling Integrals.
the strong
for 2,5-DMB between sites I and II are reproduced by a change of only the crystal-field parameter D I.‘* and agam the T,-T, gap. The calculated mtensltles of the T, origin bands for the SLXISOmers are compared by means of the numbers m brackets; these indicate tnat the ongin bands of 2.4- and 2.5-DMB are more Intense than the 3.4DMB ongm, a conclusion confumed quahtatlvely by the observed excitation spectra. Quantltatlvely. these results depend strongly on the chosen value for the crystal-field parameter D,.,. of the 2,4- and 2.5-isomers. Note that the values of 58 and 23 cm -’ are m good agreement wtth the estimates of 50 and 17 cm-’ In section 7. It follows that the
14 (-)
52 (50)
14 (-) 21 (35)
8wO) 59(55) 11q105
61 (55)
VCH,e2e denved
0 CH&O
OCHh 52 wu
2 S-d,
ter, taking Into account that the data do not Justifythe mtroductlon of more than one such parameter, IS that the adJusted value ~11 serve as an indication whether the perturbation approach is valid for T,-T2 coupling. In this case. it IS not immediately obvious that the couphng will be small compared to the (vtbrontc) energy gap. If not, the coupling
III Ihe preceding secuons (in parentheses)
65 62 57 55 57
of DMB
and obsened (m parentheses) mtensltles. relatwe to the O-O ongm band ( = 100) of phosphorescence bands aitnbuted to and CH(CD)-wag modes of DMBs The last two columns compare the adjusted parameter values used wth the estimates
3.4-h, V-d,
(SO) (80) (105) (-) (95)
20 (5) 17 (-) 25 6) 17 (40)
19 (15)
276(410) 53(50) 66(65)
in square brackeis are relative to isomer 3.4-h,,
sue I ( = 1)
22(25) 99(45) 110(110) 239 (-) 19(20) 57(25)
ID,,, I
1v,, 1’2’1
87( 154)
102( 169) 54(154) 6S( 169)
58( 50) 23(17) 23(17) 10 10 5q50)
80( 169)
I2 51
1121 W61 1051
54(154) 68( 169) 71(154)
er al
theoretically and emplncally derived parameters. with some adJustmen& can account satisfactonly for the strong vanatlons m mtenslty dlstnbutlon observed for these isomenc molecules The parameter adJustments required to fit the observed mtensltles are very mmor for D,.,. but not for the \lbromc couplmg parameter Z’,, ,.2P. wbch IS reduced by as much as a factor of two m some cases Thts may mdlcate that the perturbatlon formulation used for these systems IS begmrung to break down The conclusion that the empincall! dcnvcd values of both D, 1 and 1/c- , 2 are smallest m absolute value for the 2.5Isomer. which has the narrolvrsl l-,--T, gap. points In the same
9. Discussion
This mvestlgntIon started \\ith the obsematlon that In DMBs the structure of the phosphorescence spectrum depends stronglj on the posItIon of the two methyl substltuents. A slmllar strong posItIon dependence was observed for the effect of dcutenum
These effects are anomalous m that the methyl groups produce not much change In the lower elrctromc states of the molecules It wrls recogmzed earlter [4] that these observations can be traced back to the close proxlmlty of the lo\\ecst two tnplet states- the relatively small shifts of their energy caused by the methyl substltuents give nse to large relative changes m therr spacmgs. which In turn strongly Influence the:lr couphngs. Hence It was assumed that the m&n changes m the phosphorescence spectrum associated with reposItIonmg of the methyl substltuents can be understood m terms of changes In T,-T, mterdctlon caused by changes in the T,-T, energy gap. Ho\\crcr, It was
recognized that the observed intensltles and deutenum effects do not change monotomcally as rl function of th1.s gap. from ths It was Inferred that there IS Interference between t\\o mteractlon mechamsms. one of mhlch Imolves the T,-T2 mteractlon Speclflcaily. It wds argued that an mcrease m the T,-T, gap from the value m 2,4- and 2.5DMB to that m 3.4-DMB weakens the T,-T, mteractlon to the pomt where It loses its donu-
01 DMB
nance over the second interaction. tentatively associated wth coupling mvolving the ground state [4]. This mterpretatlon IS baslcally conflrmed by the present work. but \lth some slgmflcant modlflcatlons. A key element UI the analysis IS the observatlon of phosphorescence excitation spectra which mahes It possible to estimate the T,-T, gap with much better accuracy than before. Of comparable Importance are vibromc couphng Integrals. caiculated for benzaldehyde. which show the coupling betileen S,, and S, to be strong enough to provide a second mechamsm for mducmg phosphorescence spectra. These same calculations mdlcate that deuterdtion of the aldehyde group produces a substan11dl change In the normal coordmates of outof-plane bendmg modes. thereby rearrangmg the T, -T2 couphng amon, 0 these modes Thus changes the balance betbbeen the two mterfenng mechanisms for a given mode and helps to account for the unusual
the phosphores-
cence spectra The Interplay between Interference and normal-mode mlxmg leads to a number of mterestIng effects. Thus the sign of the deutenum effect on a given band depends on which of the two mterfermg mechamsms IS the larger for tbs band. In the absence of mode nuumg. large deutenum effects of elthcr sign would be compatible only with nearly elact cancellation of the two contnbutlons. This would Imply that the modes subject to large deutenum effects would be ueah. contrary to observation. On the other hand, the mode mlxmg explams at once why different modes are SubJect to different deutenum effects both In sign and magmtude m general. the reduction m the couplmg by one mode ~111 be compensated by an Increase m coupling by other modes. Thus IS conflrmed by the caiculatlons of sectlon 6 which preduct Increased actlvlty upon deuteration for several modes, notably modes 30 and 31 ( v,,,~ and v,~) Accordrngly. a number of bands rn 3,4-DMB mcrease their mtenslty upon deuteratlon (e.g. those assigned to vJ. uioJ and Y,~, i e., modes 32, 30 and 33/34 in ref. [4]), contrary to the behavlour of the CH-wag bands. Speclflcally, the band attnbuted to l’,O.l m the three Isomers is much stronger m the deuterated compounds, a behaviour predtcted for L’,,_ While tbs suggests to reassign the bands at-
er al / Phosphorescence
tributed to uIoXas due to v,,. it should be realized that the posstbility of normal-coordinate rotatton upon electronic excitation may comphcate matters. In addition to providmg evtdence for mterference and deuterium Induced normal-mode mtxing, the spectra also conftrm that the crystal field leads to nr*--m* mixmg. This effect IS tllustrated by the difference m phosphorescence spectra observed when the same isomer IS trapped at drfferent sites in the durene
The apparent
crease m intensity of the Induced component of 2,SDMB m sue II relative to site I by a factor of about ftve should be mostly due to a correspondmg reductron In the Intensity of the O-O band used as standard. This follows from the fact that most of the induced bands undergo a substanttal mcrease relative to the O-O band It IS readily reproduced by a reductton of the crystal fteld parameter
from 23 to 10 cm-‘. Fmally. we point out that the couplmgs and level shtfts that cause these comphcattons are small n-r an absolute sense, namely of the order of 100 cm-’ or less. wtth one exception: the couphng of S, and S, which IS of the order of 1000 cm-‘. The overall picture emerging for these systems IS thus unconventtonal: the ground-state coupling whtch IS usually neglected IS as effective as the coupling between two nearly degenerate states, usually considered to dominate the spectra. In a forthconung paper, we shall return to these couphngs m an effort to unravel the phosphorescence excrtatron spectra m the triplet region. References
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