Publications ANALYTIC MODELS FOR MANAGERIAL AND ENGINEERING ECONOMICS, by H. E. Schweyer. 505 pages, diagrams, 6 X 9 in. New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1964. Price, $11.50. The objective of this book is to demonstrate, by elementary mathematics, how problems encountered in business and production can be translated into mathematical models which may in turn be employed by management to support its decisions and policies. A model used in thii text is a mathematical expression, and its function is twofold: to disclose as precisely as possible the significance of the several variables in an economic context and to provide a mathematical expression that can be manipulated by computers or otherwise to supply management with desired information in making decisions. This text has been written for both technical and non technical students. It may also be of interest to managers and engineers seeking easier decision making who will find actual examples to reinforce concepts, principles and procedures. THE CHEMICAL ELEMENTS IN NATURE, by F. H. Day. 372 pages, diagrams, 5% X 62 in. New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1964. Price, $9.50. The author deals comprehensively with distribution and movement of naturally
the oc-
curring chemical elements in this book primarily intended for chemists, though it may be of interest to a wide range of scientisti, economists and geographers. A great amount of practical information on the industrial output of various mineral products is included together with the scientific processes involved in their preparation. A considerable amount of statistical data is introduced and the bibliography and index will be of assistance to the reader- The result is a text that brings together in an easily manageable form a large quantity of information that is normally scattered. INFORMATION THEORY, by G. Raisbeck. 105 pages, diagrams, 5% X 8 in. Cambridge, Mass., The M. I. T. Press, 1964. Price, $4.00. Here is an introductory essay on information theory for scientists and engineers who have no specialized knowledge of communications or information theory. The first chapter introduces the fundamental idea and a de&ition of information. The following chapters present applications to discrete channels and channel capacity, detection as a communication process, and Anally coherent and incoherent integration. Some of the ideas in modern information theory are explained in simple terms, and application of these ideas to certain problems in signal transmission and signal detection are presented and defined.
Ptiblica tiom Received THE NATURAL PHILOSOPHER, 3, edited by D. Gershenson and D. Greenberg. 111 pages, 53 X 9 in. New York, Blaisdell Publishing Co., 1964. Price, $1.95 (paper). A MODERN ALQEB~ FOR BIOLOGISTS, by H_ M. Nahikian. 236 pages, diagrams, 63 X 9+ in. Chicago, Ill., The University of Chicago Press, 1964. Price, $10.00. MANAGEMENT IN INDUSTRY, by C. S. George, Jr. Second Edition, 618 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 6 X 9 in. Englewood Cliffs, N. J., Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. Price, $8.75. STATIBTICAL QUALITY CONTROL, by E. L. Grant. Third Edition, 610 pages, diagrams, 6 X 9 in. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1964. Price, $9.95. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY, by E. A. MoelwynHughes. Second Revised Edition, 1334 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 6 X 94 in.
Vol. 278, No. 2. August 1964
New York, Pergamon Press-The Mac Millan Co., 1964. Price, $12.50. GENERAL ZOOLOGY, by C. J. Goodnight, M. L. Goodnight and P. Gray. 564 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 8 X 104 in. New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp., 1964. Price, $8.95. NUCLEAR RADIATION DETECTION, by W. J. Price. Second Edition, 430 pages, diagrams, illustrations, 6 X 9 in. New York, McGrawHill Book Co., Inc., 1964. Price, $12.75. FUNDAMENTALS OF HEAT TRANSFER, by S. S. Kutateladze. Second Edition, 485 pages, diagrams, 6 X 9 in. New York, Academic Press, Inc., 1964. Price, $14.50. THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, by Isaac Newton. 447 pages, diagrams, 53 X 8% in. New York, Philosophical Library, Inc., 1964. Price, $10.00.