Analytical chemistry and its instrumentation in developing countries

Analytical chemistry and its instrumentation in developing countries

trends in anaijlical III chemistry, uol. I, no. 1, 1981 About TrAC The principal function of TrAC is to promote an awareness of the latest trends a...

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trends in anaijlical


chemistry, uol. I, no. 1, 1981

About TrAC The principal function of TrAC is to promote an awareness of the latest trends and developments in analytical chemistry, not only amongst analytical chemists themselves, but amongst all those who use or must be familiar with analytical methods. The format and editorial content of the magazine reflect this aim. TrAC will contain short critical reviews on all aspects of analytical chemistry. These will be written in such a manner as to be readable to the specialist and nonspecialist alike. and Diagrams illustrations will be used widely. The shortness of the reviews precludes their being either exhaustive or comprehensive treatments of the topics with which they deal. However, short lists of key references will be given for

in the

those readers interested in pursuing a particular subject further. Apart from the reviews, TrAC will also have news items of general and scientific interest to the readership, book reviews and previews, and a Noticeboard, which will include a calendar of forthcoming events. In general, each issue of the magazine will cover a range of topics, reflecting the broad readership at which it is aimed; this inaugural issue includes articles on subjects as diverse as the chromatographic profiling of body fluids and enthalpimetry. However, there may be instances in the future when a particularly exciting development merits being dealt with in the form of several articles in an issue, rather than one.

As well as being a source of information, we hope that TrAC will stimulate discussion and debate, and we encourage the readers to put forward their views. Letters, short items of news or other information should be sent to me; those interested in writing longer articles are most welcome to do so, but should first send me a proposed title and synopsis. The language of the magazine is English, but its spirit is international and contributions are sought from all parts of the world. It is with the active interest and participation of the readership that TrAC will best achieve the goal we have in mind - to be an informative and useful addition to the literature which will stimulate debate and which, above all, will be a pleasure to read. PETER T. SHEPHERD,

Staff Ed&r



chemistry and its instrumentation

Analytical chemistry plays an important role in the daily life of highly developed countries. This fact often goes unrecognized and analytical chemistry rarely makes the headlines. It takes a trip to the countries of the third world to realize how essential analytical chemistry is to the infrastructure of a technological society. Only then is the importance of monitoring the quality of the water supply, food sources, health of the population, and goods imported and exported, appreciated. There is no difficulty in persuading the government of a third world country of the importance of analytical chemistry as an essential part of progress. Problems arise, however, in obtaining adequate funding for analytical development and in the way in which these funds are distributed. Choices have to be made which recognize not only the needs, but also the limitations of each locality. To exemplify, flameless atomic absorption, a technique for trace analysis useful to many developing countries, requires a constant supply of argon. Such countries have no internal supplies of compressed gases; the argon, therefore has to be imported, not by air, but by ship or land. Consequently adequate transport and port facilities are needed. These are not always available in third world countries. 0 165.9936/81/0000-woO/$O2.50

in developing countries

The development of instrumentation, impressive as it has been, is totally directed towards the industrialized countries. This is understandable, in view of the fact that they form by far the bulk of the market. But sophisticated equipment is extremely difficult to operate successfully in a developing country. There is no immediate source of spare parts, ancillary goods, or, perhaps most importantly, skilled personnel. When selling modern instrumentation it is desirable for the manufacturer to train potential users. This immediately raises problems for customers in developing countries. Not only is there a language barrier in many cases, but the level of knowledge and practical experience of third -world personnel is often inadequate. Furthermore there is the added expense of a long trip and stay in a foreign country for the trainee. Then, having been trained, he has to return home and operate his instrument alone (he is now the expert) without the advice of skilled colleagues. The more sophisticated the instrument, the more _potential problems there are. This is particularly so when the instrument in question is operated in relatively unsophisticated surroundings. The cost of running such equipment in places distant from the industrial countries is inevitably

higher, a fact not always allowed for by the aid-awarding organizations of the wealthier nations. Improved communication between such organizations and their clients would go a long way to solving this problem. Since most apparatus has been developed in the world’s temperate zones and is not designed to withstand the rigours of a more tropical climate, an air-conditioned environment is essential for optimum operation of equipment in hotter countries. This is an added expense, and even when it is installed does not ensure success. Air-conditioning is at the mercy of the local electricity supply, which is often inadequate and undependable, with variations in the voltage and frequent power cuts (particularly during the harvest season when gathering of crops takes priority). Thus apparatus which operates best at 220V f 5%, or takes several hours or days to stabilize after switching on, is not going to fare well in a country with an unpredictable electricity supply. Safeguards against this, such as dieselpowered generators, can be supplied, again at extra cost, but even these are at the mercy of increasingly undependable oil supplies. The weakness of third world scientists for expensive equipment, such as gas chromatography/mass spectrometry systems or cyclotrons, Q1981 Elsevier Scientilic PublishingCompany

trends in analytical


chemistry, vol: F, no. 1, 1981

Thus, it is important to have good communication between the technological societies and the third world. The universities and inter-university agencies are good vehicles for achieving this. It is imperative that the limited resources of money and trained personnel available to developing countries are used as elhciently as possible. Only then will the maximum benefit be derived from modern analytical chemistry by the third world. Progress in this essential part of their industrial infra-structure will facilitate development in other areas and eventually lead to increased self-reliance and a higher standard of living. J. KRAGTEN

Now all we need is the water to analyse.

is just as great as that of their rich counterparts in the West. The temptation, on receiving a grant, to spend it on a piece of ‘prestige’ equipment should, however, be resisted since, for reasons already stated above, such apparatus usually requires expensive back-up facilities and is, in consequence, in danger of becoming a white elephant. If this is seen to happen too often, it can only have an adverse effect on the willingness of western governments to increase aid to and scientific co-operation with developing countries. There is, therefore, a great need for cheap, reliable and easy to maintain analytical equipment which can function satisfactorily in non-ideal conditions with only occasional servicing by a travelling technician. No doubt western scientists echo this sentiment, but can appreciate how much more vital it is to their colleagues in the third world. Who can best act as intermediaries between the technological societies and third world science? Trade agencies and multinational companies can fulfil a useful role, but the universities are more satisfactory. Their approach is experienced and confidential; in general they are non-profit making and many of their members are young, enthusiastic, well-educated and willing to spend a few years abroad. The only thing they lack is experience. In The Netherlands, however, this has, to a great degree, been remedied by The Netherlands University Foundation for International Cooperation (NUFFIC), an interuniversity agency which acts as a ‘think-tank’ and has successfully conducted projects and promoted coo165-9996~1M0a)-0.50

operation with third world countries in areas such as agriculture, physics, medicine, biology and chemistry. Analytical equipment has been involved in almost every situation, performing analyses of soil, blood, alloys, marine ecology and chemicals.

Dr J. Kragten is Head of the Analytical Chemish-y Department of the Physics Laboratory in the University ofAmsterdam, The Netherlands. He holds degrees in Physics and Chemistry (1953), Physical Chemistry (1957) and Analytical Chcmist7y (1971). He is a Member of the Council of the Faculty of Science at the University and is on the Board of the Section of Analytical Chemistry of the Royal Nethcrlandc Chrmical Society.

Catching them young The difficulties’ of interesting school children in the analytical sciences, indeed of making them aware of their existence, is a constant problem. Yet it is one that must be solved if the number and quality of entrants to the profession is to be improved. In most cases their teachers will have had little exposure to the subject, and probably regard it solely in terms of classical analysis. Thus they cannot convey to their pupils the excitement and importance of modern instrumental techniques of analysis, and their relevance to so many aspects of life and work. The solution to the problem must come, therefore, from outside the school. It must involve those working in the analytical sciences in industry, in public service and research laboratories, and in the Universities. In the U.K. a number of initiatives have been taken. One of the most promising has been the meetings arranged by the North-East Region of the Analytical Division of the Royal Society of Chemistry. At various centres in the North-East of England, meetings have been arranged for sixth-form schoolchildren, at which local analytical scientists give a short account of their work. This is followed by working demonstrations of the most modern instruments and applications, pro-

vided by a number of industrial organizations in the area. Such meetings give first-hand information on the current analytical scene, and provide direct information to the students on how to enter such a career in analysis, at various levels. They also provide the teachers with an insight into modern analytical technology. Such innovations deserve to succeed. If they do, the next step is to ensure that more institutes of higher education provide suitable courses to sustain the interest that has been stimulated. A. TOWNSHEND Dr Townshend is senior lecturer in analytical chemistry at the University of Hull. From 1964 to 1980 he was a lecturer in chemistry at the University of Birmingham. His scientijc interests are in analytical chemistry and erwironmental chemistry.

This approach to informing schoolanalytical modern children of applications has great potential. It should prove mutually beneficial to industry, as a public relations exercise, and to those in education, both teachers and pupils, who can be made aware of the latest developments in analytical chemistry in a manner which is impossible in the schools themselves. Such interaction between