difficult, the extremities become cold, skin livid, the eyes glassy, there is pain in
me head, and either delii-itim or omes on: after which the disease soon! proves fatal. This is an extreme case, uncommon in old and If the patient survives the attack, he seldom escapes a recurrence of the disease, upon every change
no means
feeble subjects.
Sitting of the 23d of May.—Specimens of
C’arecer. M. Chomel presented a fine specimen of This affection is strictly inflammatory in cancer whichhe had found in a woman 64 it’ nature; but it commonly occurs under years. He had taken from the same percircumstances that are very unfavonrable son several tumours of that description in A different parts of the body ; 1st, in the to an active antiphlogistic treatment. limited of abstraction howlungs, which were filled internally with blood, tery eser, is admissible in many cases, and is small roundish uninfiltrated tumours, at often productive of great advantage. least 100 in number. They were of a Bistering, and occasioual nausea, may white colour, although internally somealso he employed with benefit. When what red, spread over with greyish points the inflammation has yielded a little, and red stnae, formed of a homogeneous (which) may be ascertained by the tongue substance, without distinct structure, becoming somewhat moict) the medicines pretty soft, and could be raised up withtrrmed expectorant, such as the squill, out difficulty in the form of a pulp. The , the balsam of capivi, and others bronchia were sound. 2d. The Imer prewhich you will find under this head in the sented similar tumours on its surface, and materia medica, may be administered. in its interior two very large encysted Thele is much reason liowever to qttes- tumours, about the size of’ a hen’s egg, tion their possessing the power ascribed arising from the deposition of a substance tn them, that of promoting expectoration, more firm, shining, brittte, and having no at least in a ditect way. You will do pulp. 3dly. The left kidney and npper better to consider them in the light of part of the uterus were for the greater stimulants; and upon this ground to in- part changed into a substance of a deep red colour, nearly liquid in the uterus, (jnne how far they are adapted to the I do not hesi- more pulpy in the kidney, and even in circumstances of the case. The tate to tell yon, that they are very seldom some points dry, hard, and brittle. wanted, and that they do not in general woman had been ill for nine months; she irritation of the stoaccomplish what they are supposed to do. had laboured inunder the kidneys, and three take them, for the most part, upon mach, pains trust, and continne them from habit, different attacks of menorrhagia. without any adequate proof of their etnof the practice of cacy. While so PHYSIOLOGY. medicine consists in the exhibition of drugs, we shall advance but littte, I fear, Experiment with Hydrocyanic Acid.* in our knowledge and treatment of dis. BI. Dopuy lately communicated to the cases. ! Academy of Medicine at Paris, the folexperiment which he had tried:— Bronchitis sometimes recurs periodi lowing He introduced into the mouth ofa horse cally, soas to constitute one of the that had been destined to be killed, a of asthma. This subject, howmorsel of sponge, which had imbibed a tier, I shall reserve for a future lecture. iiiixtitre composed of seven drops of pure acid, and twenty four of water. In a few seconds the posterior extremities of the animal began to faulter, and lie fell ; the respiration became noisy and accelerated, the nostrils were dilated, the mouth open, the tongue, as well as eye and eyelids, affected with conviiisive movements. The fore extremi’ ties were in a state of flexion : when nux vomica has been given, they are always
ei season, or exposure
* Archives
June 1826.